HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-02-22" RESIt/cNTlAL'' Zzs ltorth stlt streeAPPLicATr,N/PERMrr Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision / 40-o / oo SPFIINGF!ET-D ?ecetcc ! Date: l21o( o lJ. YJob Loeaticn: Aesessore )!ap ll Subd,l,o.istcn: J o"...-r O ,rn-!-irrC;ner: tz ql-Acidtess: SePta.4-t t{-t-lCi.tA Descrt-be liork: ACditicn RanoCeL /(E' &zutzDate of Applicaticn Vaiue s!ilour General Plunoins Otf ln {-f ELectr.icaL AR J:CW) SUILDI;:CS Sanitary seser eap?ed:t prcpertii Li.re Septic totk p'*:r_ted etd. fiLLeC aith gra:;ei lincl - i,h,er a.bcue 'liens a:e ecnoleced. *tC ahen lencLi:ion is cqtile=e br s:rt:- xute ,iauei ari x,c::-ses cleaned ut. tlobiLe Blocking ad 1ei-up ?Lunrbing conneccicns -- saney al. aanet Electr"JcaL Ccnneciion - BLocHnX, set-ui anl, pltonbing eonnecticns m;st be ccprct;ed befor e reques t'Jng eL ec'-tical insc ecliol .\ecesso,.3- Suiliing :3/tcnes 1'^L^) sk:.rttng, Cec2aFiTtaL - .tt,ft..r -+- t--- 7 ^-' ,-1-e - v.) r rl is the resgortsibility of tla pentit holder *-o see that aL! inspecttons @e nade at the proper tlne , i?.at each ad,lness is z.eadabieflon the street, anc tlnt the-pettrit_c-cd. ie Located at the frcni of tl,e property.'9uiairy viuic'Jon ep=rot;ed plan sicll remain on the Biiti--ng sitc e't aLL't;.nes.' PpocEDUpE F1R rilspEc?IAit p.to.LttsT:CALL 726-3769 (yecorCer) state !ou" City Cesigrnted job@eiA j"n i^speexion, ciiactcis o? ar.,.""" rrr,rn Lra pLr, ,tiLL be made the sane Ccy, requests ncde aftet, T:00 on viLL be naCe tke nezt:nrkinE d.a-,1., C o ns j n,c!i c-nJgrui e!_ SM i;tsPicl:Clt: To be nnde after ezcauation, but priar to set up of UIIDERSLI.B ?LUIEIYG, ZLZC?RIC,LI. 4i,!ECi:.i;iilL: To be nacie belate cng - uo?K Ls ccueyed.. PCOTflG , FAr;ilDA?:CN: To be raCe ;fr;t'"" "-ncG;- a";Zs can at ed and. forms are erectei, but priaz. to pottz-ixg canctet€. cter,chee. UIIDEPFLCOR ?LiJ:,S IIG }, !,!!C!] A.III CAL :rot@oi floor .J,nsulaxian or Ceeking. POST AilD 3EA!,!: To be nade pr)ot to TiitilTiic7of iloor irsul)ticn or deeking. R,OI,IC;! ?INIEIJG, ILECTPICAL 21 !!ECH- A.:lI:).:: .;o ,)rZ is ,o :e eo;erei ut:t.Jl :y'.ese insceetiors 'naue been noie crd. cpprco'ed. you! CttA'Desigzated Job ltur,ber fs: iNSULArr)il /1AP1R tsAp,Rri? ]ltsplcrcl] : To be naCe after aLL insulatisn ed. requiz,ed uqot bo,t"Je?s de in place but before ory Lo.th, Wpslurl bcarC cr unLL couering is cppli-ed, cnd before @ty ,:nsuLation is concealeC, DR!ilALL illSPlC?I0N: Tc be naCeefterZfr@iZT-is,i.n olace, but priot, to any taping. lAS1!lR!: Steel Locatian, bond beoas, grouting or lserticals in accotiotce vLth U.ts.C. Section ,C)DS?O;/E: After installation "isccnoLeted. clF.E a t?PC4eH 4??.9N: Aftet forns 'z:," ;;e*Affi@A to poar"J)q con'2"ete. ;IDEWLLK & DRIIrynt:{: For aLL con- erete pauing uith:-n st"eet right- of-txg, tc be ncCe after a7.7- e*ea- uatina canolete d fozn ,,:oz,k & cub- base ncterial :.n plaee. ruti;bet,, iob aCitess, type of inszee=.Jcn nzmbez,. Pequests recei"'ed befcre 7:00 an fr T I to fu4or lo plccirq and. before frartrq facing inspee-tiot. FP,,a]|I)lC: i,lttst be rec.uested after aporou,tl of rough plw"bing, alectr.)-cal d necha.nieal. ALt roofJng btacing 3 chinmeys, ete. rntsc be . completed. llo ,;crk is to be con- 'cealed until ihis inspeeion i"a.a'been natie cni aporc,*ed. IENCE: 'r{hen conwlate -- ProuiCe gates o";nouable aectians thtough P. U. E. ALL pz.oject eonCi:ions, suck cs th'e instalLaxtcn cf Et"eet ttaes, ec:tcleticr. cf a'ne required Lattscccir.g, ctc. , naot be saxisiied bel'ore the tsUiLDflic ?fllAl ccn be req-testeC. IINAL BU|LDIIIC: Tne Eincl Eutlding b.soecticnlast be requesteC aiier the iir,al ?LutbirgElectrieal, ol. t4echar-ical insoectzons nerc been nade ard acprouec. FTilAL PLU:,IBI:IG FIIIAL !,ISC|]A:fiCAL ?IIIAL ELZC?PICA, (_) *ALL !4AIIHCL1S AIID CLEA.NOUTS IIUST BE.1CCES,itsLE, ,1DJUS7:!1:II lA 3Z:,!02.1.? lIO:'ST TC CI:Y il l ,--., JOB NO lnt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Caterage ! of Stor|es ?otat ileight ?ogography soLAR * CEss REQ.- LCT !v?! _ In-teticr _ Cormer _ Panharuile CUL-<ie-sac D-+- D-:5. n. ) j n ;-M;,^n I HAW CAREFULW YXA]IINED the conpleted aopLication for permit, cnd. do hereby ceriify tTat aLL infoz'matton hereon Ls t?ue anC ebrrect, and. f f"u,ther certify that any ard. aLL uork terfonned slnall be done in aceor- dance trith the Ordinarees of the City of Spr+ngfield, drtC the La;s of the State of aregcn pertainina to the uork CescribeC herein, crL titcc y0 CCCU- ?/.!lCI tiLL be nwCe of anA structur'e uithout permission of the SuildinE Di-ltision. f further cettifg that o:tly ccnt?actot€ otd *rplcgees ,nho d, in ccnpliance aith CRS 707.0ss uiLL be useti on this ctcject L-CO G+ tseitcons:1.:r-o:Cceucancu Crout: A.ceesa. Dl tt Dr Loi laees - 'rlooastou"e iL -- Fees -- r!i:.t F!G :(VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This oennt is gz,anted on the erD"ess conditton tlnt the said.constzaction shalL, tin aiL z,esoeccs, confctn io the 3rdirance adooted bg the Ci'.'1 cf Spr'.ngfie7.d, :.ncluiing the 3oning Crdinance, regulct{.tlg tke ccnstrtet")cn cnti use of butld.lngs, and nay ce suscerieC oz, reuckei at cr.1 tine u?cn oLc- l.a*.:.cn of .my trcuis"Jons of sa.Ji Crdirtznces. ?OIAL i,A.LL'! ,C- Euild't-ng ?enTttt ?ee: ?otal Chargea F3!Plumbing Permit Ilo ?ereon sltall constzact, install., al,ter ot clunqe 6ny ned cr e*isting pltnbitrg cr dtainage syste'n in aiole or in patt, unless such pez,son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, e.eept that a pe"son na'g do plutbing diork to p?opert:! which is ottned, Leased or agerated by the ,zp?Li- ccflt- li"rtdes Reai-dettti.a.L ( 1 bc'-h) Seuer Plunfing Penit Tatal Electricol Permit Were State Lan requiz,es that the electr-Jcal aork be done bg an lleetr.tcal Conttaeto", the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll nat be ualiC untilthe Label has beetz signed by the ElectrLcal Contraetor. ;i0.ata L t{ a,t /Eet end, C irciti {. s Semsice Tctal -- 1:,tc.2.cAc!:.!r:!! - - a:i CI!A-qCE Mechqnicol Permit blransc Haod. Tcoistoie Tent ?o1 Peoit fssuance Mecinnicsl Permit Sectitu Dzcceit Stotaoe ilainte-ncr,ee Petwtt ilecttical Lalel I :CTAL L\!OUI? DUT:I ''l : Mobi1.e !{cne zz'B