HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1985-04-16#" RES lD'- { T lA L'' APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 0regon 97477 BuiLdi,ng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELD v L ,N ED 3t tCo t.ll l-so-bGeneraL ls z 33F',rob Locaticn: Tcr lot #Aesessors Map # Subdhtision: P,/A,mer: Ph,one:-Jc?trAddtess: \-__-24J zip: ? Describe lfonk: -7( a-L.--- L/- t6 tr; *La1- * vou"ff / I 3 r/ o-oDate of L IXI ,,, 4z'(/u-Additian Pege 1 of 2 It io the rcepotto'ibility of tle permit ho1l* tp aee that aLL inspeetions ate nade at tlte p"o?e! tine, thdt each addtess 'i5 1'2nsa'r'-2 fltn the st?eet, and that the permtt*auitdi;tg Dioiciott dpp?oo*ed plan shc. the frcntLding Sr.tc of the prope?tAcatd is l,ocated at bua at aL ) state yout, City designated iob nwber' ?iou Contraetors ot' Afiers nane and plnne nwnbet'. L be nade the eane day, requests aftet,7:00 an vtLL be nade the ne*t tntking dag. job aCi.ress, type Requests recei;;ed of inspeclicn befcte 7:00 an You! CitA Desigr,ated Job Nunbez' Is ffcJ/./ Reouired fnsoeeticne SI?E INSPEC?ION: e.;"rratlon, but To be tmde after pr.tor tc set up of fonns UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH{-\|ICAL: To be mad.e before anyffi-li-iZoered. F)OffNG & FOANDATfCN: ?o be naCe ;f6'tr,;ncGs at e eicaoated and. fonns ate etected, but priot to pourtng ccncreta. UNDIRGPOUTID PLUMBINC. SEWEP.. W.4TER, DRAI\AGE: To be nade pr"Lor to fil- @-66nettes. UIIDERFLOOR PLAI,EING & MECHANTCAL : of floon insulation or decking. P)EL AND BEA\I: ?o be nade prioz, to ffiffin o7 ftoor iraulation ov decking. ROUGH PLANBIIIC. ELECARICAL & MECE: Anrcar,: No uotk is to be couez'ed .ffit:Tthose inspeetions lnoe been mad.e and approtseC. FLPEPLACE: PrLor to placirg facLng,r,at;iAT; and before f"..t"s inspel- tion. $$A!!c: Irtust be requested after @f6at of rough plwrbing, electr"t- u,L & neclwnical. ALL roofing btacing E ehinmeys, ete. rrust be . anpleted. Ilo uct k is to be eon- ' cealed until thi.s i,nspeeti,ot las'been nade anC approued. FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FTilAL ELECTRICAL rNsaLArr2N /vAPoR 8,488!EB !,!!E!EQ!!.9!:DE\fi)LITI)!t 0R i.:ov!)@ciani required oqor berie?s @e in place but before otg Lath, Wpsurn boavC or tnLL cooering is appli-ed, and before oty iwulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be made @A-AT@Afrs in place, but prior to any tapirry. IIASlNRI: Steel Location, bond 666ijgrouting or uerticals in aceotdotee TtLth U,B.C. Section 24L5. WOODS?O'IE: anrpTetea. After irrctallation is CURB & APPRCACI] APP,ON:After forns Scrtitary saser eapped ct ProPer'fui Lire Septic totk p;,tr:ped and filled rrith gza;:el Einal - h1ten abcue itens ate ccnpleted and uhen dqnalition is eonplete ot strac- ture mooed ard. prer'rises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking old. 5et-up Plurnbing eonnectiorts -- aaL)e? od. uater Eleetnieal Cowtection - Bloeking, set-uD and plwnbing conneetions tnist be apprct;ei before requesting elee*.rLeal inspection Aecessory Buildirtg ee erecteC but prior to pouring coTtcrete. SID9WALK & DRf'"EllAI: For aLL can- ctete pAfrAffi etreet rtght- of-rxA, to be nade after aLL erca- uating conplete & forn uork & sub- base neterLal in place.Final - Aftzr etc. ate eonp pcrehes,skirting, decks, &ffi'>.u.8. hhten cotrplete -- Prooide or motsable sections thtough ALL project eonditions, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landscaping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIyIG: The Final Build.ing Inspection mtt be tequested aftet the Pinal Plunbing \_r/ Electrieal, atrd tleeltanical fnspeetions h4ue been made and. approoeC.r *ALL LTANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTttEttt T0 BE I4ADE AI N0 CCST T0 CI?y Conslructton_lendg!_ ;;b--a"A*h(&tT,J 726-3769 tr tr soLAR ^-CESS REQ.-L-co cJOB NO. I-ot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooetage LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - Se # of StorLes Total Height Iopogrcphy DT House Access th t rTEM x Value l,bin Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the ecp?ess cond.ition tlnt the said. constzttctions-hall, in_all -r,espe,cts, gonform to the hdinance adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfiel_d, ineluding the Zoning C,dinance, regulating thZ ccnstruLtibnand..use o^f building-s,. otd may be_ suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at "ny tine upon uic-Latlon of otg ptcuisions of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x Building Penrit PLan State Date Paid: ?otal Clnrges Signed: NO FEE CHARGE Pi.zturee Plumbing Perrnit Reaid.ential (1 bath)No- person slnll cqnsttact, instalL, alter oz, change anA neu cr ecisting EL*\'i.rrS or dz,ainage sllte1l in u?ole or in part, unlesi such pez,son is- theLegal.possessor of a oalid qltnbetrs Licensb, ercept that a pZrsornay doplunbing uork to propertg uhich is otmed, Leased or operated ty ttn "ppti-cant. Seuer Plnrbing Pem-it FEE Nan/Eztend. Circuits Setlsice -- ENCROACEMENT -- ILL CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Eshanst HooC Ilcodstotse Vent Fan PermLt fssumtce Meehanicel Permit Searit! Deposit Storage t'bintenance Permit Clttbcut Sida,talk ?ence /g.M tlectrical I4beL Mobile Honte Bedrooms -- Fees -- Reeeipt #: Electricq I Perm it where state Lan requir.es tha.t the electtical uork be done by an Electt"icalcontraetor, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be oali.c untilthe Label lns been sig:ned Oy the Eleetr.ical- Cont?acto?. y Lan uate * I HAW CAREFULLY EXA|IINED tle eonrpleted application for pernit, and do hereby eertify tTnt aLL infonrntion hereon is trae and cbrrect, and. f furtket, eettify that any ard aLL uork pet,forned slnll be dpne in aceot- dance rt|th the lrdinances of tlte City of Spz,ingfield, ard the La,;s of theState of 1regon pertaining to the uotk Ceseribed herein, cnd ttut NO OCCU- PANCy ttll b-e rrud.e of an! st?uctule uithout pernisaion of the Buitding Di-uision. f furthen eez,tifs- that only eonty,aciors otd. enplcgees uho ar,Z incmpliance dith ORS ?0L.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet //-/L KT (/ State ?otal T7TAL AiIOUNT DUE: *t/g.o-C Date Tatal C'lnrqes