HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 Pioneer Parkway Jurisdictional TransferAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 12/6/2021 Regular Meeting Jeff Paschall/DPW 541-726-1674 Consent Calendar Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: JURISDICTIONAL SURRENDER OF OR 528 PIONEER PARKWAY STATE HIGHWAY 228 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) ACTION Approve or reject a motion to authorize and direct the City Manager to execute the REQUESTED: Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Jurisdictional Surrender of OR 528 Pioneer Parkway State Highway 228 with ODOT on behalf of the City. ISSUE Shall the City enter into the attached Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with STATEMENT: ODOT to execute a transfer of jurisdiction of OR 528 Pioneer Parkway State Highway 228 from Q Street to South A Street? ATTACHMENTS: 1. Intergovernmental Agreement with ODOT DISCUSSION/ ODOT and the City have negotiated the subject IGA regarding jurisdictional FINANCIAL transfer of Pioneer Parkway from Q Street to South A Street. Following passage of IMPACT: House Bill 2017 Keep Oregon Moving, this action is pursuant to ORS 366.483(1)(b) which directs ODOT to transfer this segment to the City. Upon an execution of this agreement, the City will have responsibility to operate and maintain this segment including sidewalks, lighting, signs and the signal at Centennial Boulevard. ODOT will continue to maintain jurisdiction of the signals at Main Street and South A Street. Regarding the pedestrian facilities within the subject segment, ODOT agrees to bring all ADA facilities into compliance with current standards no later than December 31, 2029. This includes constructing any missing facilities as well. Once this work has been completed ODOT will transfer to the City all relevant reports and orders and the City will be responsible for future maintenance and corrective work as required. ODOT will begin the process of programming and transferring to the City, funding ($12 million) for 42nd street upgrades. While not directly addressed in the proposed IGA, this will take place upon execution of this agreement. This funding allocation is dedicated for 42' Street upgrades between the International Paper entrance and Marcola Road. This funding was designated in the Keep Oregon Moving HB2017 legislation and will be used to plan, design, and construct safety improvements and other upgrades on north 42nd Street. Staff recommends Council approval of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement. Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement No. 831 A157 -G0092518 JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT OR 528 Pioneer Parkway Q Street to South A Street Section Springfield Highway, State Highway Number 228 City of Springfield THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the STATE OF OREGON, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State" or "ODOT"; and the City of Springfield, acting by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to as "Agency", herein each referred to individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." RECITALS Springfield Highway is under the jurisdiction and control of the Oregon Transportation Commission. Springfield Highway, State Highway number 228 is also designated as State Route OR528, Pioneer Parkway. 2. By the authority granted in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 190.110, 366.572 and 366.576, State may enter into cooperative agreements with counties, cities and units of local governments for the performance of work on certain types of improvement projects with the allocation of costs on terms and conditions mutually agreeable to the contracting Parties. 3. Pursuant to ORS 366.483(1)(b), ODOT is required to transfer Springfield Highway, State Highway 228, OR 528, as identified in Exhibit B (referred to hereafter as "Unit A"), to the City of Springfield. 4. Under the provisions of ORS 366.300, State and Agency may enter into agreements for the disposition of a section of any state highway that may be eliminated from the original route by reason of relocation or realignment of the highway where the section to be eliminated is needed for the service of a community served thereby. 5. The National Highway System (NHS) was adopted by Congress as part of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) administers this program and must approve all changes to the system and is subject to Title 23, Title 49 of the Federal Regulations and all applicable FHWA policies, including but not limited to 23 USC 131 and the Oregon Motorist Information Act, ORS 377.700 to 377.840 and 377.992. Unit A is not a part of the NHS, or part of the federal aid primary system in existence on June 1, 1991. 6. The Oregon Highway Plan sets forth access spacing standards that must be maintained at interchange ramps to ensure safety and proper operations of the state highways. Unit A connects to the Eugene -Springfield Hwy No 227 through an 08-07-18 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 eastbound interchange off ramp and an eastbound interchange on ramp as shown on Exhibit B. Pursuant to the Oregon Highway Plan, access control of 1,320 feet must be retained to these ramp terminals. 7. By the authority granted in ORS 366.395, State may relinquish title to any of its property not needed by it for state highway purposes to any other governmental body or political subdivision within the State of Oregon, subject to such restrictions, if any, imposed by deed or other legal instrument or otherwise imposed by State. 8. The permanent vehicle capacity of identified freight routes shall not be permanently reduced after a jurisdictional transfer, per ORS 366.215. Reduction of vehicle carrying capacity means a permanent reduction in the horizontal or vertical clearance of a highway section by a permanent obstruction to motor vehicles located on usable right of way, per Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 731-012-0010. Unit A is not a designated freight route and is not subject to these provisions. 9. Freight movements within cities will not be restricted after a highway segment is transferred per ORS 374.329. Pioneer Parkway between mile point 0 and mile point 1.4 is located within a city and is subject to this provision. Loads allowed by State prior to the transfer must be allowed by the Agency, including pilot vehicle requirements, once transferred. These allowance are identified in Mobility Attachment 001 A & B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. See Mobility Attachment 001 B for legal & oversize load dimensions allowed on OR528 as well as pilot car information. 10. By the authority granted in ORS 810.210, State is authorized to determine the character or type of traffic control devices to be used, and to place or erect them upon state highways at places where State deems necessary for the safe and expeditious control of traffic. No traffic control devices shall be erected, maintained, or operated upon any state highway by any authority other than State, except with its written approval. Traffic signal work on this Project will conform to the current standards and specifications. 11. State maintains a State Route system and a US Route System to assist the traveling public in their travels. Designated routes may be composed of both state highway and local roads. Designation and elimination of state routes are under authority of the Oregon Transportation Commission. US Route designations are administered by the Special Committee on US Route Numbering of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). NOW THEREFORE, the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing recitals, it is agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: TERMS OF AGREEMENT: 1. Transfer of Jurisdiction and Control 2 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 State and Agency agree that upon approval of a Jurisdiction Transfer Resolution by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC), jurisdiction and control of Unit A as described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof and hereafter referred to as Unit A, shall vest in Agency; and that Agency shall control, operate and maintain Unit A as a part of its city street system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or a community served thereby. 2. Transfer of Property Interests State and Agency agree that all property rights, title, interests and access rights in Unit A, including traffic signals and illumination, all slope, utility, wetland, water quality and similar easements, and access control and excluding those rights reserved below, shall be conveyed from State to Agency by recording a Jurisdictional Transfer Conveyance Document after the OTC Commission approves the Jurisdiction Transfer Resolution. The State's interest in Unit A is subject to the rights of any utilities holding a property interest within Unit A, including but not limited to the right to operate, reconstruct, and maintain those utility facilities that are located within the utility's property. a. If Unit A is no longer used for public road purposes, it shall revert to State. b. State shall retain jurisdiction over and the right to operate and maintain the signals at the following intersections: Pioneer Parkway West and Main Street; Pioneer Parkway West and South and A Street; Pioneer Parkway East and South and A Street; and Pioneer Parkway East and Main Street; as described on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. c. State shall retain access rights 1,320 feet from the following ramp terminals: i. The Eugene -Springfield Hwy No. 227 eastbound off -ramp at Unit A ii. The Eugene -Springfield Hwy No. 227 eastbound on-ramp at Unit A 3. Highway designation This section of roadway will retain the State Route OR 528 designation. 4. Consideration The Parties agree that State will construct highway curb ramp and signal improvements as outlined in State Obligations, paragraph 1. 5. Construction of Improvements State agrees to make the following improvements to Unit A as part of State's consideration for this transfer: a. Construct missing curb ramps, and upgrade non-compliant curb ramps, and pedestrian -activated signals as identified in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, by December 31, 2029 so as to make those curb ramps and pedestrian signals compliant to ODOT practices to comply with the 3 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (together, ADA). The construction of the curb ramps shall be addressed in a susequent agreement between State and Agency. 6. Management of Roadway after Transfer a. Unit A remains subject to the Oregon Motorist Information Act, ORS 377.700 to 377.840 and 377.992. b. State will retain authority to enforce federal regulations, including the regulation of outdoor advertising signs. c. All access control up to 1,320 feet from the ramp terminals shall remain and be maintained by State. d. The horizontal or vertical clearance of the portion of the right of way used by motor vehicles shall not be reduced or permanently obstructed by an obstruction. e. Freight movements will not be restricted below the levels identified in ODOT's MCTD Freight Mobility Map, located at the following link: https://www.oregon.gov/odot/PromectDel/Mobility/FreightMobilityMap.pdf, and Mobility Attachment 001 A & B for additional references, including but not limited to, over -height loads. f. Agency shall maintain traffic control devices within the boundaries of Unit A, except those expressly reserved by State as set forth in Section 2(b) above. 7. Effective Date This Agreement becomes effective on the date all required signatures are obtained. The Agreement terminates upon the adoption of the OTC Jurisdictional Transfer Resolution and recording of the Jurisdictional Transfer Conveyance Document or two (2) calendar years after the effective date of the Agreement, whichever is earlier, unless otherwise extended or renewed by a formal amendment executed between the Parties. STATE OBLIGATIONS 1. State agrees to construct missing curb ramps and upgrade non-compliant curb ramps, sidewalks, and pedestrian -activated signals identified in Exhibit C no later than December 31, 2029 so as to make all identified curb ramps and pedestrian signals compliant with ODOT ADA practices. 2. State shall prepare and present a Jurisdiction Transfer Resolution and Highway Plan Amendment to the OTC or its designee to eliminate Unit A from the state highway system. Jurisdiction, control and maintenance responsibilities of Unit A shall vest with the Agency at the time the OTC approves the Jurisdiction Transfer Resolution. All property rights, title and interest of Unit A, shall be transferred to Agency when the 4 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 Jurisdictional Transfer Conveyance Document is recorded. If Unit A or any portion of Unit A is no longer used for public road purposes, it shall revert to State. 3. State shall furnish Agency relevant copies of its curb ramp inventory, approved curb ramp design exceptions and written orders to close crosswalks closures, and any maps, records, permits, and any other related data available that may be required to administer Unit A. AGENCY OBLIGATIONS 1. Upon approval of a Jurisdictional Transfer Resolution by the OTC, Agency agrees to accept jurisdiction and control of Unit A to operate and maintain as a portion of its road system as long as needed for the service of persons living thereon or a community served thereby including all traffic signals, signs and illumination and all things and appurtenances within the transferred right of way. In maintaining Unit A, Agency shall ensure that sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian activated signals continue to meet the requirements of the ADA. 2. Agency acknowledges and agrees that State will retain access rights and the authority to control access 1,320 feet from the following ramp terminals to preserve the integrity of the intersection and ramp mobility: Eugene -Springfield Highway No. 227 eastbound off -ramp and Eugene -Springfield Highway No. 227 eastbound on-ramp. 3. Agency agrees to accept all State's property rights and interests described in Exhibit A and shown in Exhibit B upon the recording of the Jurisdictional Transfer Conveyance Document. This intent is also memorialized by the signatures in Exhibit D, Acceptance of Jurisdictional Transfer & Quitclaim of Active Right of Way, attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. If said property interests are no longer used for public road purposes, it shall revert to State. 4. Agency agrees to protect any Oregon Travel Experience, (OTE), signs that may exist on the highway being transferred from destruction or removal by any intentional act, including construction activity, performed by Agency in accordance with ORS 377.708. After the transfer of jurisdiction, the OTE will retain authority over signs on the road as though they were still a state highway, including the responsibility to contract with State to repair and maintain the signs. 5. If the OTC or its designee approves the Jurisdiction Transfer Resolution, the rights and obligations of Agency set out in this section of this Agreement shall survive Agreement expiration or termination. M40114MM0a:161TJ6*110101K 1. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual written consent of both Parties. State may terminate this Agreement effective upon delivery of written notice to Agency or at such later date as may be established by State, under any of the following conditions: 5 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 a. If State fails to receive funding, appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow State, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments for performance of this Agreement. b. If federal or state laws, regulations or guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that either the work under this Agreement is prohibited, or if State is prohibited from paying for such work from the planned funding source. c. If OTC or its designee fails to adopt a Jurisdictional Transfer Resolution to transfer Unit A from the state highway system to Agency. 2. The Parties agree that any funds used for improvements made in preparation of this Jurisdictional Transfer will be refunded to State by Agency should termination occur before the commission adopts a resolution for transfer. 3. Any termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the Parties prior to termination. 4. If any third party makes any claim or brings any action, suit or proceeding alleging a tort as now or hereafter defined in ORS 30.260 ("Third Party Claim") against State or Agency with respect to which the other Party may have liability, the notified Party must promptly notify the other Party in writing of the Third Party Claim and deliver to the other Party a copy of the claim, process, and all legal pleadings with respect to the Third Party Claim. Each Party is entitled to participate in the defense of a Third Party Claim, and to defend a Third Party Claim with counsel of its own choosing. Receipt by a Party of the notice and copies required in this paragraph and meaningful opportunity for the Party to participate in the investigation, defense and settlement of the Third Party Claim with counsel of its own choosing are conditions precedent to that Party's liability with respect to the Third Party Claim. 5. With respect to a Third Party Claim for which State is jointly liable with Agency (or would be if joined in the Third Party Claim), State shall contribute to the amount of expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred and paid or payable by Agency in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of State on the one hand and of County on the other hand in connection with the events which resulted in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of State on the one hand and of Agency on the other hand shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the Parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent the circumstances resulting in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts. State's contribution amount in any instance is capped to the same extent it would have been capped under Oregon law, including the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 to 30.300, if State had sole liability in the proceeding. 6 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 6. With respect to a Third Party Claim for which Agency is jointly liable with State (or would be if joined in the Third Party Claim), Agency shall contribute to the amount of expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred and paid or payable by State in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of Agency on the one hand and of State on the other hand in connection with the events which resulted in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of Agency on the one hand and of State on the other hand shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the Parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent the circumstances resulting in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts. Agency contribution amount in any instance is capped to the same extent it would have been capped under Oregon law, including the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 to 30.300, if it had sole liability in the proceeding. 7. The Parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute arising out of this Agreement. In addition, the Parties may agree to utilize a jointly selected mediator or arbitrator (for non-binding arbitration) to resolve the dispute short of litigation. 8. All employers, including State and Agency, that employ subject workers who work under this Agreement in the State of Oregon shall comply with ORS 656.017 and provide the required Workers' Compensation coverage unless such employers are exempt under ORS 656.126. Employers Liability insurance with coverage limits of not less than $500,000 must be included. State and County shall ensure that each of its subcontractors complies with these requirements. 9. Each Party hereby grants the other party authority to enter onto each other's right of way for the purpose of performing the work or maintenance services. 10. If Agency fails to maintain facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, State, at its option, may maintain the facility and seek reimbursement from Agency, seek an injunction to enforce the duties and obligations of this Agreement or take any other action allowed by law. This section of this agreement shall survive Agreement expiration or termination. 11. State and Agency acknowledge and agree that State, the Secretary of State's Office of the State of Oregon, the federal government, and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to the books, documents, papers, and records of State and Agency which are directly pertinent to the specific Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts for a period of six (6) years after final payment. Copies of applicable records shall be made available upon request. Payment for costs of copies is reimbursable by State. 12. Agency certifies and represents that the individual(s) signing this Agreement has been authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement on behalf of Agency, under the 7 Attachment 1, Page 7 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 direction or approval of its governing body, commission, board, officers, members or representatives, and to legally bind Agency. 13. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts (facsimile or otherwise) all of which when taken together shall constitute one agreement binding on all Parties, notwithstanding that all Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Each copy of this Agreement so executed shall constitute an original. 14. This Agreement and attached exhibits A, B, C, D, and Mobility Attachment 001 constitute the entire agreement between the Parties on the subject matter hereof. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this Agreement. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this Agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both Parties and all necessary approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. The failure of State to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver by State of that or any other provision. THE PARTIES, by execution of this Agreement, hereby acknowledge that their signing representatives have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Signature Page Follows 8 Attachment 1, Page 8 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, by and through its STATE OF OREGON, by and through its elected officials Department of Transportation By By Title: Delivery and Operations Division Administrator Date Date By Title: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED Date By State Right of Way Manager APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Date By City Counsel By Region 2 Manager Date Date City Contact: Kristina Kraaz By Assistant City Attorney Region 2 Right of Way Manager City of Springfield 225 5th Street Date Springfield, OR 97477 kskraaz(a)springfield-or.gov APPROVED AS TO LEGAL Cell: 541-556-8982 SUFFICIENCY By Assistant Attorney General Date State Contact Jim Gamble, District 5 Manager ODOT, Region 2 2080 Laura Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 726-2541 James.Gamble(a-)odot.state.or.us 9 Attachment 1, Page 9 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A - Page 1 of 1 Transfer to City of Springfield Jurisdictional Transfer No. 831 Drawing 86-27-18, 8B-28-2 January 4, 2019 All that portion of the active Right of Way of the existing and relocated Springfield Highway No. 228 (Pioneer Parkway) consisting of all properties contiguously attached to and in support of said active Right of Way and lying within Sections 26 and 35, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W. M., Lane County Oregon, beginning at the Northerly bridge ends of bridges #09193A and #09193B over a floodway ditch at approximately mile point 0.37,- thence .37;thence Southerly to the end of said highway and said active Right of Way at the North right of way line of the East bound McKenzie Highway No. 15 (South A Street) at approximately mile point 1.4. ALSO that portion of that property acquired by the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, in that certain Corrected Judgment dated June 19, 1987 and entered as Circuit Court Case No. 16-82-05852 of Lane County, lying Northerly of the North right of way line of `Q' Street, Springfield, Oregon. AND ALSO that portion of that property acquired by the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, in that certain Corrected Judgment dated June 19, 1987 and entered as Circuit Court Case No. 16-82-05852 of Lane County, lying Southerly of the Northerly bridge ends of said bridges #09193A and #091938. EXCEPT therefrom the Right of Way boundaries of both the Eugene — Springfield Highway No. 227 and the McKenzie Highway No. 15. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DIGITALLY SIGNED OREGON JANUARY 16, 1996 PAUL JOSEPH MORIN 2746 RENEWS: Dec. 31, 2020 10 Attachment 1, Page 10 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 EXHIBIT B SEC. 26 & 35, T. 17 S., R. 3 W., W.M. t 1 ALSO THE PORTION OF CORRECTED JUDGMENT)#7 6-82-05852 �� ZEET', '� L PING NOR THERL Y OF THE r AinaTH alrHT nF WA Y NO. 227 NOTE.- ODOT WILL RETAIN JURISDICTION FOR THE 51GNAL5'. AT THE FOLLOWING INTERSECTIONS: - PIONEER, PKWY. WEST &.MA1N 5T. - - - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -N END TRANSFER NOR Y - - - - - RIGHT OF WA Y OF EASTBOUND MCKENZIE HIGHWA Y NO. 15 - - - - - - - (SOUTH A 5T.) APPROX. MILEPOINT 1.4 DIGITALLY SIGNED T--� I RENEWS: Dec. 31, 2020 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION PIONEER PARKWAY(Q ST. TO SOUTH ST.) JUR15DICTIONAL HIGHWAY SPRINGFIELD HWY. NO. 228 (PIONEER PARKWAY) TRANSFER NO. 831 COUNTY LANE COUNTY SCALE 1 " = 800' EXHIBITS SHEET 1 OF 1 SEE DWGS. 88-27-78, 88-28-2, 7R-4-7751 DATE JAN., 2019 11 Attachment 1, Page 11 of 17 ♦ �, 1. CURB RAMP CORNER STATUS 16 GOOD FAIR i I ` NOT NEEDED POOR rr� r UNDER CONSTRUCTION Y _MISSING PUSH BUTTON CORNER STATUS GOOD FAIR 14 7- 4 POOR NOT NEEDED UNDER CONSTRUCTION wl'. -r y t 1MISSING _ ------ 6 �`� • y L40 AL 10 14 w 13 1 16 , 15 - 18 t 17 f• ` /Y+l 1 M / 1 ► .ap =til ��ti�t I•v� � _ rrs. � 3 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 Exhibit C, continued, page 2 Locations Identified 1. Highway 228AA (1) MP 0.26, Q Street — Ramps 2. Highway 228AA (1) MP 0.26, Q Street — Push Buttons 3. Highway 228 (1) MP 0.36, 228AA Connection MP 1C0.35 (228AC Conn 3C0.36) — Ramps 4. Highway 228 (1) MP 0.36, 228AA Connection MP 1C0.35 (228AC Conn 3C0.36) — Push Buttons 5. Highway 228 (1) MP 0.64, Centennial Blvd. — Ramps 6. Highway 228 (1) MP 0.64, Centennial Blvd. — Push Buttons 7. Highway 228 (D) MP 1.01, F Street — Ramps 8. Highway 228 (1) MP 1.01, F Street — Ramps 9. Highway 228 (D) MP 1.07, E Street — Ramps 10. Highway 228 (1) MP 1.07, E Street — Ramps 11. Highway 228 (D) MP 1.13, D Street — Ramps 12. Highway 228 (1) MP 1.13, D Street — Ramps 13. Highway 228 (D) MP 1.19, C Street — Ramps 14. Hwy 228 (1) MP 1. 19, C Street — Ramps 15. Hwy 228 (D) MP 1.25, B Street — Ramps 16. Hwy 228 (1) MP 1.25, B Street — Ramps 17. Hwy 228 (D) MP 1.31, A Street — Ramps 18. Hwy 228 (1) MP 1.31, A Street — Ramps (1) denotes Increasing in Mile Point (D) denotes Decreasing in Mile Point 13 Attachment 1, Page 13 of 17 MP ►IRM ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 EXHIBIT D Acceptance of Jurisdictional Transfer & Quitclaim of Active Right of Way Pioneer Parkway Section Springfield Highway Lane County The Parties agree that signing this Agreement and Acceptance page serves as an indication of approval, pursuant to ORS 93.808, of the following conveyances from the State to the City of Springfield: All that portion of the active Right of Way of the existing and relocated Springfield Highway No. 228 (Pioneer Parkway) consisting of all properties contiguously attached to and in support of said active Right of Way and lying within Sections 26 and 35, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W. M., Lane County Oregon, beginning at the Northerly bridge ends of bridges #09193A and #09193B over a floodway ditch at approximately mile point 0.37; thence Southerly to the end of said highway and said active Right of Way at the North right of way line of the East bound McKenzie Highway No. 15 (South A Street) at approximately mile point 1.4. ALSO that portion of that property acquired by the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, in that certain Corrected Judgment dated June 19, 1987 and entered as Circuit Court Case No. 16-82-05852 of Lane County, lying Northerly of the North right of way line of `Q' Street, Springfield, Oregon. AND ALSO that portion of that property acquired by the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, in that certain Corrected Judgment dated June 19, 1987 and entered as Circuit Court Case No. 16-82-05852 of Lane County, lying Southerly of the Northerly bridge ends of said bridges #09193A and #091938. EXCEPT therefrom the Right of Way boundaries of both the Eugene — Springfield Highway No. 227 and the McKenzie Highway No. 15. Accepted By: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, by and through its elected officials By Title Date By Title Date 14 Attachment 1, Page 14 of 17 Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement No. 831 Mobility Attachment 001 A & B, page 1 Mobility Attachment 001 A&B JTA 831 — OR 528 Pioneer Parkway, 0 Street to South A Street — City of Springfield Mobility Attachment -001A Route Types Reviewed for Freight/Oversize Loads OR 528 Pioneer Parkway, 0 Street to South A Street Over -Dimension (Annual & Single Trip) Permitted Routes Routes & dimensions allowed are Routes allowed shown below under the allowable oversize load section. shown below in the legal & oversize load length allowances section. The following language should be included in the agreement, and Mobility provides the dimension on via the attachment referenced. Over -Dimension Permitted Loads allowed by State prior to the transfer must be allowed by the local jurisdiction, including pilot vehicle requirements, once transferred. Allowed freight movements and the horizontal and vertical clearance requirements are identified in Mobility Attachment -001. If said route is transferred to a city. the city must comply with ORS 374.329 (3). Reduction Review Routes This section of OR 528 Pioneer • All black routes on State Reduction Review Route Map: RRR Mao Parkway is not on an ORS 366.215. • List of Reduction Review Routes RRR List The following should be included on a RRR HWY: Reduction Review Routes Unit A is on a Reduction Review Route pursuant to ORS 366.215 and OAR 731-012-0010 and will continue to be subject to state laws and polices after the transfer. Routes are identified in Mobility Attachment -001- National Network Highway This section of OR 528 Pioneer • All NN (green routes) on Route Mao 7. See back of Map 7 for lengths. Parkway is not a National Network Highway. • The following should be included on a NN HWY: National Network Highway Transfers of sections of highway that have previously been designated as part of the National Network Highway System must comply with Reasonable Access to terminals as defined in Federal regulation Title 23 Part 658.19, and LCV Freeze - Cargo- Carrying Unit Freeze as defined in Federal Regulation Title 23 Part 658.23. Routes are identified in Mobility Attachment -001. 08-07-18 Attachment 1, Page 15 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 Mobility Attachment 001 A & B, page 2 Mobility Attachment 001 A&B JTA 831 — OR 528 Pioneer Parkway, Q Street to South A Street — City of Springfield Mobility Attachment -0016 General Legal Size Freight Allowances & Oversize Load Allowances for Oregon & Insert OR 528 Pioneer Parkway. O Street to South A Street Legal Size Freight: Legal si=e freight allowances can be found at the following link under Size and Weight and Trailer Length and Overall Length https:/= oregon.goylodoL'mcVoagesJover-dm)ension.asox. • Legal width is 8'6" • Legal height is 14'00' • Length allowances vary based on the type of combination !e.g. truck/tractor semitrailer. truck & trailer, etc.) Overwidth- The Freight Mobility Map identifies allowable annual & single tnp oversize/overweight permitted loads. Generally, loads up to 12 -feet wide allowed on Magenta and Blue Routes, 14 -feet wide allowed on Orange routes. Loads over 14 feet are allowed case by case by District Blanket authorization. Summary of oversize load dimension allowed on OR 528 Pioneer Parkway, O Street to South A Street Width • 14 feet wide by annual for mobile homes and other annual non -divisible bads • 16 feet wide on 2 -lane highways and up to 18 feet wide on multi-lanvinterstate with single trip pemirt by District blanket approval_ This section of Pioneer Parkway is a multilane highway (2 lanes in each direction i. • Over 16118 feet wide by District approval case by case. Overheight Annual: Loads up to 14'06' high allowed on black routes per Route Map 3. OR528 is an approved 14'6" high route for annuals. 16 Attachment 1, Page 16 of 17 ODOT/ City of Springfield JT Agreement No. 831 Mobilitv Attachment 001 A & B. Daae 3 Mobility Attachment 001 A&B JTA 831 — OR 528 Pioneer Parkway, Q Street to South A Street — City of Springfield Additional Size & Weight: Continuous Trip Permits & Joint State/County Continuous Operation Permits can be found on the Over - Dimension Permit website. A variety of other annual permits are issued {for overiength etc.). Refer to the Over -Dimension website. Triples Annual: Allowed on all routes (except red) shown on Route Map 5 Triples May. OR528 is not an authorized Triples route. Pilot Car Requirements: Identified on Special Transportation Permit Attachment 82-A and 75-A, used in conjunction with Route Map 2. Pilot car requirements vary depending on dimensions. Refer to Permit Attachments and Route Map 2. Proposed Roundabouts: Improvements or modifications consisting of a roundabout use Highway Division Directive DES 02. The following language should be included to require this review process If said improvements or modifications consist of a roundabout on Unit A. the local junsdiction must adhere to Highway Division Directive DES 02 regarding the installation of roundabouts and impacts on freight fincluding oversize)- Allowed freight movements and Motor Carrier Mobility contact information are identified in Att-01 Route is Subject to 374.329 The JTA indicates: Freight movements within cities will not be restricted after a highway segment is transferred per ORS 374.329. Pioneer Parkway between mile point 0 and mile point 1.4 is located within a city and is subject to this provision. Add the following Loads allowed by State poor to the transfer must be allowed by the City, including pilot vehicle requirements, once transferred. See Mobility Attachment 0018 for legal 8 oversize load dimensions allowed on OR528 as well as pilot car information. For help contact the Mobility Services Team 17 Attachment 1, Page 17 of 17