HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Franklin OR225-P21176AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 12/6/2021 Regular Meeting Amanda Clinton 541-726-7328 Consent Calendar Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) WITH LANE COUNTY AND OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) FOR THE FRANKLIN OR225: OR126-END OF CITY JURISDICTION IGA, P21176. ACTION Adopt or reject the following motion: APPROVE THE FRANKLIN OR225, REQUESTED: OR126 IGA, P21176 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN LANE COUNTY AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. ISSUE In partnership with ODOT and Lane County, the IGA includes developing a design STATEMENT: concept and completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis for the OR225 corridor from Franklin Boulevard to the southern end of Springfield. This project is funded with federal discretionary dollars through the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (CLMPO). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Intergovernmental Agreement, Exhibit A. DISCUSSION/ Franklin Blvd Highway Corridor (OR 225) is a primary north/south connection FINANCIAL between Interstate 5 and Franklin Blvd (OR 126), a primary southern entry to IMPACT: Springfield, and key route into the Glenwood redevelopment area, downtown Springfield, Eugene, and the University of Oregon. The corridor lacks bicycle, pedestrian, transit, stormwater, and intersection traffic control facilities. Start P -j— p _, 1=I _ I�f h •' i •' f r ti n e > Fra Poiea rnr oso n 3 Completing the horizontal layout and NEPA analysis will be the first step in completing the overall project. The completed project will modernize a currently unimproved corridor which serves as a major employment and trade route (including rail and freight) for the region and west coast. This project is necessary for the redevelopment of the employment lands and improved quality of life for local residents. It adds the critical and lacking transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and storm water facilities to support a safe and efficient system. Horizontal design and NEPA is estimated at $800,000.00. The City of Springfield's portion is $364,055. This project is in the 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) (Key#22406) that was adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 15', 2020. Exhibit A Misc. Contracts and Agreements No. 73000-00003387 Cross Ref. Master Certification Agreement 28148 A157 -G092418 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT AGREEMENT No. 34927 CERTIFIED AGENCY PERFORMING ON BEHALF OF A NON -CERTIFIED AGENCY PROJECT NAME OR225: OR126-end of City jurisdiction (Springfield) THIS SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made and entered into by and between THE STATE OF OREGON, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State" or "ODOT," LANE COUNTY, acting by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to as "Certified Agency," and CITY OF SPRINGFIELD acting by and through its elected officials, hereinafter referred to as "Non -certified Agency," all herein referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties." RECITALS 1. By the authority granted in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 190.110, 366.572 and 366.576, State may enter into cooperative agreements with counties, cities and units of local governments for the performance of work on certain types of improvement projects with the allocation of costs on terms and conditions mutually agreeable to the contracting parties. 2. ODOT and Certified Agency entered into Local Agency Certification Program Agreement No. 28148, executed on October 21, 2015 (Local Agency Certification Program Agreement). The Certification Program allows ODOT to certify a Local Agency's procedures and delegates authority to the certified Local Agency to administer federal -aid projects. The Local Agency Certification Program Agreement also allows a certified agency to perform work on behalf of a non -certified agency. The certified agency is a subrecipient of federal funds and will be eligible for reimbursement as the delivering agency. The non -certified agency is a third party and is not eligible for federal reimbursement. 3. Certification status information as of the date of execution of this Agreement: a. Certified Agency is conditionally certified in the following functional areas: • consultant selection (direct appoint, formal and informal processes) • design (excluding bridge design) • "advertise, bid, and award" for construction contracts • construction contract administration b. Certified Agency is not currently seeking certification in the following functional area(s): Key No. 22406 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 • bridge design c. Certified Agency has completed or is in the process of completing the number of test project(s) required by ODOT for the Certified Agency to become fully certified in the following functional areas: • consultant selection (direct appoint, formal and informal processes) • design (excluding bridge design) • "advertise, bid, and award" for construction contracts • construction contract administration The Parties are in the process of assessing the Certified Agency's test project(s) and required program documents to transition the Certified Agency from conditional to full certification for the functional areas listed in this subsection, and anticipate a successful transition. Therefore, the project described in this Agreement is not one of the test project(s) described in the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement for the functional areas listed in this subsection. d. Certified Agency has had its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -related design exception and curb ramp inspection processes reviewed and approved by ODOT and FHWA for use on federally funded projects. 4. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the Parties' terms and obligations to deliver the OR225: OR126 — end of City jurisdiction (Springfield) Project through the Local Agency Certification Program as a Certified Agency Supplemental Project. The "Project" is defined under Terms of Agreement, Section I, paragraph 2 of this Agreement. This Agreement covers Planning and PE portions of the Project only and will be amended when the right of way and construction phases are added. 5. OR225 is a part of the Non -certified Agency's city street system under the jurisdiction and control of Agency. 6. The Project, was selected as part of the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program and may include a combination of federal and state and local funds. 7. The Parties recognize that the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement was entered into between ODOT and Certified Agency only, and that this Agreement includes Non -Certified Agency as an additional third party. Accordingly, some terms in this Agreement have been modified to address the rights and obligations of all three parties. The Parties intend these modified terms to supersede any corresponding terms in the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing Recitals, it is agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: 2 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 TERMS OF AGREEMENT I. Project Overview 1. The Parties agree that Certified Agency shall perform work for Non -certified Agency in accordance with the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement No. 28148, which is hereby incorporated by reference, and the terms of this Supplemental Project Agreement. Non -certified Agency acknowledges that it is not a Party to Agreement No. 28148 and that Agreement No. 28148 confers no obligations or benefits to Non - certified Agency. 2. The Parties agree to Certified Agency delivering the OR225: OR126 — end of City jurisdiction (Springfield) project, hereinafter referred to as "Project." The Project includes developing a design concept and complete National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis for the OR225 corridor from Franklin Boulevard to the southern end of Agency jurisdiction to provide certainty to development along the corridor and support the Agency's transportation safety priorities. The location of the Project is shown on the sketch map attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A," and by this reference made a part hereof. 3. Parties also anticipate Certified Agency delivering the construction phase of the Project. Upon full funding and the addition of the construction phase to the Project in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), this Agreement will be amended to include construction phase work, and add the construction phase costs. If the Parties do not amend this Agreement to add construction phase work, the construction and maintenance provisions in this Agreement will not apply. 4. Non -certified Agency grants ODOT and Certified Agency the authority to enter onto Non -certified Agency's right of way as needed to complete this Project. Certified Agency grants ODOT and Non -certified Agency the authority to enter onto Certified Agency's right of way as needed to complete this Project. 5. The total Project cost is estimated at $800,000.00, which is subject to change. The federal and state funds for this Project are limited to $435,945.00. Non -certified Agency shall be responsible for all remaining costs, including any non -participating costs, all costs in excess of the federal or state funds, and the 10.27 percent match for all eligible costs. Any unused federal or state funds obligated to this Project will not be paid out by the applicable funding agency, and will not be available for use by Certified Agency or Non -certified Agency for this Agreement. "Total Project Cost" means the cost to complete the entire Project, and includes any federal funds, state funds, local matching funds, and any other funds. Certified Agency will report the final Total Project Cost at the end of the Project, to the ODOT Regional Local Agency Liaison. 6. Parties agree ODOT will perform Project oversight in accordance with the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement, and ODOT will provide Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency with a preliminary estimate for the cost of ODOT's work. 3 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency understand that ODOT's costs are estimates only and Certified Agency agrees to pay ODOT's actual cost incurred per the Terms of this Agreement. 7. State may conduct periodic inspections during the useful life of the Project to verify that Project is being properly maintained and continues to serve the purpose for which federal funds were provided. 8. The Parties agree that the useful life of the Project is 20 years. II. Funding 1. The Parties acknowledge that the Federal funds are provided under Title 23, United States Code and agree to meet all applicable federal requirements. 2. ODOT considers Certified Agency a subrecipient of the federal funds it receives as reimbursement under this Agreement. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number and title for this Project is 20.205, Highway Planning and Construction. 3. By signing this Agreement, Certified Agency agrees to comply with the provisions of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) and is subject to the following award terms: • http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-22705.pdf, and • http://edocket. access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-22706.pdf. If, in the preceding fiscal year, Certified Agency received more than 80% of its gross revenues from the federal government, those federal funds exceed $25,000,000 annually, and the public does not have access to information about the compensation of executives through reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Certified Agency shall report the total compensation and names of its top five executives to ODOT. Certified Agency shall report said information to ODOT within 14 calendar days of execution of this Agreement and annually thereafter, utilizing the FFATA form attached hereto as Exhibit B. 4. Certified Agency, as a recipient of federal funds, pursuant to this Agreement with ODOT, shall assume sole liability for Certified Agency's breach of any federal statutes, rules, program requirements and grant provisions applicable to the federal funds, and shall, upon Certified Agency's breach of any such conditions that requires ODOT to return funds to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), hold harmless and indemnify ODOT for an amount equal to the funds received under this Agreement; or if legal limitations apply to the indemnification ability of Certified Agency, the indemnification amount shall be the maximum amount of funds available for expenditure, including any available 0 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 contingency funds or other available non -appropriated funds, up to the amount received under this Agreement. 5. If Certified Agency fails to meet the requirements of this Agreement or the underlying federal regulations, ODOT may withhold the Certified Agency's proportional share of Highway Fund distribution necessary to reimburse ODOT for costs incurred by such Certified Agency breach. 6. Information required of pass-through entities by 2 CFR 200.332(a)(1) shall be contained in the USDOT FHWA Federal Aid Project Agreement between ODOT and FHWA for this Project, a copy of which shall be provided by ODOT to Certified Agency with the Notice to Proceed. 7. ODOT will submit the requests for federal funding to the FHWA. The federal funding for this Project is contingent upon approval of each funding request by FHWA. Any work performed outside the period of performance approved by FHWA or outside the scope of work will be considered nonparticipating and paid for at Certified Agency expense. 8. ODOT's Regional Local Agency Liaison or designee will provide Certified Agency with a written notice to proceed for the Project when FHWA approval has been secured and funds are available for expenditure on this Project. 9. Certified Agency guarantees the availability of Certified Agency funding in an amount required to fully fund Certified Agency's participation in the Project. 10. Non -certified Agency guarantees the availability of funding in an amount required to fully reimburse Certified Agency for the match, any non -participating costs, and any costs not covered by state and federal funding that Certified Agency expends on behalf of the Project. Invoicing and Payments Certified Agency shall make all payments for work performed on the Project, including all consultant and contractor costs, and invoice ODOT for one -hundred percent (100%) of its costs. ODOT shall reimburse approved Certified Agency invoices at the pro -rated federal share of 89.73 percent. Certified Agency is responsible for 100% of all costs beyond the federal and state reimbursement including the 10.27 percent match for all eligible costs, any non -participating costs, and all costs in excess of the federal or state funds. 2. Indirect Cost Rate: a. Certified Agency shall invoice ODOT using the current, approved indirect cost rate on file with ODOT. b. As required by 2 CFR 200.332(a)(4), the indirect cost rate(s) for this Project at the time the agreement is written is 156.00% (Engineering & Construction Services). This 5 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 rate may change during the term of this Agreement upon notice to ODOT and ODOT's subsequent written approval. c. If the approved rate(s) change(s) during the term of this Agreement, Agency shall invoice ODOT using the current indirect cost rate(s) for the Project on file with ODOT at the time the work is performed. If Agency does not have an approved indirect cost rate(s) on file with ODOT at the time the work is performed, Agency shall invoice ODOT using a zero percent (0%) rate. 3. Certified Agency shall invoice Non -certified Agency for the federal match share, any non -participating costs, and all costs expended for the Project not reimbursed by ODOT. Upon receipt of Certified Agency invoice(s), Non -certified Agency shall reimburse Certified Agency for the federal match share, any non -participating costs, and all costs expended for the Project not reimbursed by ODOT. Failure of Non - certified Agency to make such match payments to Certified Agency may result in ODOT withholding of Non -certified Agency's proportional allocation of State Highway Trust Funds until such costs are paid. 4. Non -certified Agency and Certified Agency agree that any disputes arising on this Project regarding Certified Agency's invoices or Non -certified Agency payment of invoices identified in the preceding paragraph are to be resolved between the Non - certified Agency and Certified Agency only, except to the extent otherwise provided in Section III, Paragraph 3 above. 5. ODOT will invoice FHWA and Certified Agency for ODOT's Project costs, and Certified Agency agrees to reimburse ODOT for the federal -aid matching state share and any non -participating costs as determined in accordance with Section III Paragraph 3, above, upon receipt of invoice. Failure of Certified Agency to make such payments to ODOT may result in withholding of Certified Agency's proportional allocation of State Highway Trust Funds until such costs are paid. IV. Certified Agency Obligations Certified Agency Work on this Project: a. While Certified Agency is in the process of transitioning from conditional to full certification, by the terms of this Agreement and for only this Project, Certified Agency is authorized and shall perform as if fully certified in the following functional area(s): • consultant selection (direct appoint, formal and informal processes) • design (excluding bridge design) • "advertise, bid, and award" the construction contract • construction contract administration 0 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 Certified Agency understands that this Project is subject to the terms and conditions of the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement and may also be subject to the terms of a corrective action plan and increased monitoring if ODOT's evaluation of Certified Agency's test project(s) or program documents identifies the need for corrective action. 2. Independent Contractor Requirement: Certified Agency shall perform the services under this Agreement as an independent contractor and shall be exclusively responsible for all costs and expenses related to its employment of individuals to perform the work under this Agreement including, but not limited to, retirement contributions, workers' compensation, unemployment taxes, and state and federal income tax withholdings. 3. Contractor and Subcontractor Indemnification: a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and except to the extent otherwise void under ORS 30.140, Certified Agency shall require its contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) that are not units of local government as defined in ORS 190.003, if any, to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the State of Oregon, Oregon Transportation Commission and its members, Department of Transportation and its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising from a tort, as now or hereafter defined in ORS 30.260 (hereafter, referred to individually and collectively as "Claims"), to the extent such Claims are caused, or alleged to be caused, by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Certified Agency's contractor or any of the officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of the contractor. It is the specific intention of the Parties that State shall, in all instances, except to the extent Claims arise solely from the negligent or willful acts or omissions of State, be indemnified from and against all Claims caused or alleged to be caused by the contractor or subcontractor. b. Any such indemnification shall also provide that neither Certified Agency's contractor and subcontractor nor any attorney engaged by Certified Agency's contractor and subcontractor shall defend any claim in the name of the State of Oregon or any agency of the State of Oregon, nor purport to act as legal representative of the State of Oregon or any of its agencies, without the prior written consent of the Oregon Attorney General. The State of Oregon may, at any time at its election assume its own defense and settlement in the event that it determines that Certified Agency's contractor is prohibited from defending the State of Oregon, or that Certified Agency's contractor is not adequately defending the State of Oregon's interests, or that an important governmental principle is at issue or that it is in the best interests of the State of Oregon to do so. The State of Oregon reserves all rights to pursue claims it may have against Certified Agency's contractor if the State of Oregon elects to assume its own defense. 4. Cargo Preference Act: Certified Agency shall ensure compliance with the Cargo Preference Act and implementing regulations (46 CFR Part 381) for use of United States -flag ocean vessels transporting materials or equipment acquired specifically 7 Attachment 1, Page 7 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 for the Project. Strict compliance is required, including but not limited to the clauses in 46 CFR 381.7(a) and (b) which are incorporated by reference. Certified Agency shall also include this requirement in all contracts and ensure that contractors include the requirement in their subcontracts. V. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: 1. General: Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency agree to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (together, "ADA") as identified in paragraph 1 of the General Provisions section of the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement. 2. ADA Design Standards, Construction Specifications, and Inspections: Certified Agency agrees to comply with the design and construction standards and the design exception documentation and approval requirements agreed to in the Standards section of the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement. In addition, with respect to ADA -related design standards, design exception approvals, construction specifications, and inspections, Certified Agency agrees to comply with the following: a. For portions of the Project on or along the Oregon State Highway System (state highway), Certified Agency shall apply ODOT's current ADA -related design standards, construction specifications, and design exception documentation and approval requirements for design, construction, or alteration of Project sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian -activated signals, as applicable to the Project, including using the ODOT Highway Design Manual, ODOT Design Exception process, ODOT Standard Drawings, ODOT Construction Specifications, and providing a temporary pedestrian accessible route plan and current ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection form. Certified Agency further agrees to utilize ODOT standards to assess and ensure Project compliance with the ADA, and to document ramp inspections per subsection (c.)(i.) below. Design exceptions on State-owned facilities must be approved by State. For project locations on or along State-owned portions of the National Highway System ("NHS") design exceptions must be approved by State and/or FHWA. b. For portions of the Project not on or along a state highway, including locally - owned portions of the NHS, Certified Agency shall apply its own ADA -compliant design standards, construction specifications, design exception documentation and approval process, and inspection documentation process, as approved by State and FHWA for use on federally funded projects. 3. ADA Inspection Forms: Prior to issuing the Second Notification, per Oregon Standard Specification 00180.50(g) or Certified Agency's approved equivalent, Certified Agency agrees to submit to State the following: n. Attachment 1, Page 8 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 a. For all curb ramps constructed or altered as part of this Project on or along a state highway, submit completed ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection Form 734-5020 to the address on the form as well as to State's Regional Local Agency Liaison. The completed form is the required documentation from Certified Agency that each curb ramp meets ODOT standards and is ADA compliant. ODOT's fillable Curb Ramp Inspection Form 734-5020 and instructions are available at the following website: https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Engineering/Pages/AccessibiIity.aspx b. For all curb ramps not located on or along a state highway, Certified Agency shall complete and keep on file Certified Agency's ODOT- and FHWA- approved ADA curb ramp inspection form (or other approved document) to show that each Project curb ramp meets Certified Agency's curb ramp standards and is ADA compliant or conforms to Certified Agency's approved ADA design exception. 4. State inspection: Certified Agency shall promptly notify State of Project completion and allow State to inspect Project sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian -activated signals, as applicable to the Project, located on or along the a state highway prior to acceptance of Project by Certified Agency and prior to release of any Certified Agency contractor. 5. Work Zone Access: Certified Agency shall ensure that temporary pedestrian routes are provided through or around any Project work zone in accordance with the applicable ODOT or Certified Agency Standards, as set forth in subsections (a) through (c) above. For any work zone on or along the state highway, any such temporary pedestrian route shall include directional and informational signs and include accessibility features equal to or better than the features present in the existing pedestrian facility. Certified Agency shall also ensure that advance notice of any temporary pedestrian route on or along the state highway is provided in acessible format to the public, people with disabilities, and disability organizations at least 10 days prior to the start of construction in accordance with ODOT standards and processes. 6. Reimbursement: Unless Certified Agency has an approved design exception, State will only reimburse Certified Agency for work that meets the applicable ODOT or Certified Agency standards as set forth in subsections (a) through (c) above, regardless of whether the work is on a State-owned or a Certified Agency - owned facility. 7. On-going Maintenance Obligation: Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency shall each ensure that any portions of the Project under their respective maintenance jurisdictions are maintained in compliance with the ADA throughout the useful life of the Project. This includes, but is not limited to, Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency each ensuring that: I Attachment 1, Page 9 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 a. Pedestrian access is maintained as required by the ADA, b. Any complaints received by Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency identifying sidewalk, curb ramp, or pedestrian -activated signal safety or access issues are promptly evaluated and addressed, c. Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency, or abutting property owner, pursuant to local code provisions, performs any repair or removal of obstructions needed to maintain the facility in compliance with the ADA requirements that were in effect at the time the facility was constructed or altered, d. Any future alteration work on Project or Project features during the useful life of the Project complies with the ADA requirements in effect at the time the future alteration work is performed, and e. Applicable permitting and regulatory actions are consistent with ADA requirements. 8. Survival: Maintenance obligations in this section shall survive termination of this Agreement. VI. Work On or Along State Highway 1. ODOT Permits and Right of Access: Certified Agency shall contact the ODOT District 5 Office prior to commencement of work to determine if any permits are needed to occupy State right-of-way. Certified Agency agrees to comply with all provisions of any ODOT-issued permits to "Occupy or Perform Operations Upon a State Highway" and to also obtain Highway Approach Permits from the ODOT District 5 Office for all public roads and private properties adjacent to the highway, if they are needed, according to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 734, Division 51. Certified Agency agrees to comply with all provisions of ODOT-issued permits, and shall require its developers, contractors, subcontractors, or consultants performing such work to comply with such provisions. VII. Other Maintenance Requirements VIII. Term and Termination 1. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date all required signatures are obtained and shall terminate upon completion of the Project and final payment or ten (10) calendar years following the date all required signatures are obtained, whichever is sooner. 2. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual written consent of all Parties. 10 Attachment 1, Page 10 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 3. ODOT may terminate this Agreement effective upon delivery of written notice to Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency, or at such later date as may be established by ODOT, under any of the following conditions: a. If Certified Agency or Non -certified Agency fails to provide services called for by this Agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof. b. If Certified Agency or Non -certified Agency fails to perform any of the other provisions of this Agreement, or so fails to pursue the work as to endanger performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, and after receipt of written notice from ODOT fails to correct such failures within ten (10) days or such longer period as ODOT may authorize. c. If Certified Agency or Non -certified Agency fails to provide payment of its share of the cost of the Project. d. If ODOT fails to receive funding, appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow ODOT, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments for performance of this Agreement. e. If federal or state laws, regulations or guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that either the work under this Agreement is prohibited or if ODOT is prohibited from paying for such work from the planned funding source. 4. Any termination of this Agreement shall not extinguish or prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the Parties prior to termination. 5. The rights and obligations set out in Sections 1.4, 1.7, 11.4, 11.5, 111.4, IV.2, IV.3, V.1.g, VA.h, VII in its entirety, VIIIA, V111.5, and 1X.1 of this Agreement shall survive Agreement expiration or termination, as well as any provisions of this Agreement that by their context are intended to survive. IX. Other Terms and Conditions 1. Contribution: a. If any third party makes any claim or brings any action, suit or proceeding alleging a tort as now or hereafter defined in ORS 30.260 ("Third Party Claim") against a Party (the "Notified Party") with respect to which any other Party may have liability, the Notified Party must promptly notify the other Parties in writing of the Third Party Claim and deliver to the other Parties a copy of the claim, process, and all legal pleadings with respect to the Third Party Claim. Each Party is entitled to participate in the defense of a Third Party Claim, and to defend a Third Party Claim with counsel of its own choosing. Receipt by a Party of the notice and copies 11 Attachment 1, Page 11 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 required in this paragraph and meaningful opportunity for the Party to participate in the investigation, defense and settlement of the Third Party Claim with counsel of its own choosing are conditions precedent to that Party's liability with respect to the Third Party Claim. b. With respect to a Third Party Claim for which State is jointly liable with any other Party (or would be if joined in the Third Party Claim), State shall contribute to the amount of expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred and paid or payable by any other Party in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of State on the one hand and of the Party or Parties on the other hand in connection with the events which resulted in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of State on the one hand and of any other Party or Parties on the other hand shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the Parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent the circumstances resulting in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts. State's contribution amount in any instance is capped to the same extent it would have been capped under Oregon law, including the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 to 30.300, if State had sole liability in the proceeding. c. With respect to a Third Party Claim for which any other Party or Parties is jointly liable with State (or would be if joined in the Third Party Claim), each other Party shall contribute to the amount of expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred and paid or payable by State in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of each other Party or Parties on the one hand and of State on the other hand in connection with the events which resulted in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of the Party or Parties on the one hand and of State on the other hand shall be determined by reference to, among other things, the Parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent the circumstances resulting in such expenses, judgments, fines or settlement amounts. Certified Agency and Non -certified Agency's contribution amount(s) in any instance is capped to the same extent it would have been capped under Oregon law, including the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 to 30.300, if it had sole liability in the proceeding. 2. The Parties hereto agree that if any term or provision of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable, illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular term or provision held to be invalid. 12 Attachment 1, Page 12 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 3. State certifies and represents that each individual signing this Agreement has been authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement on behalf of State, under the direction or approval of its governing body, commission, board, officers, members or representatives, and to legally bind State. 4. Certified Agency certifies and represents that each individual signing this Agreement has been authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement on behalf of Certified Agency, under the direction or approval of its governing body, commission, board, officers, members or representatives, and to legally bind Certified Agency. 5. Non -certified Agency certifies and represents that each individual signing this Agreement has been authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement on behalf of Non -certified Agency, under the direction or approval of its governing body, commission, board, officers, members or representatives, and to legally bind Non - certified Agency. 6. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts (facsimile or otherwise) all of which when taken together shall constitute one agreement binding on all Parties, notwithstanding that all Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Each copy of this Agreement so executed shall constitute an original. 7. This Agreement and the Local Agency Certification Program Agreement No. 28148, as amended and all attached exhibits constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties on the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict, the body of this Agreement and the attached Exhibits will control over Project application and documents provided by Certified Agency or Non -certified Agency to ODOT. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this Agreement. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this Agreement shall bind a Party unless in writing and signed by all Parties and all necessary approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. The failure of a Party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver by that Party of that or any other provision. Notwithstanding this provision, the Parties may enter into a Right Of Way Services Agreement in furtherance of the Project. X. Contacts 1. Bill Ness, ODOT Region 2 Local Agency Liaison, 455 Airport Road SE, Building B, Salem, Oregon 97301; telephone: (503) 986-2764; email: William. ness(cD-odot.state.or.us, or assigned designee upon individual's absence, is ODOT's contact for this Agreement. ODOT shall notify the other Party in writing of any contact information changes during the term of this Agreement. 2. Peggy Keppler, P.E., Lane County Engineer, 3040 N. Delta Highway, Eugene, Oregon 97408; telephone: (541) 682-6690; email: peggy.keppler@odot.state. or. us, or assigned designee upon individual's absence, is Certified Agency's contact for this 13 Attachment 1, Page 13 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 Agreement. Certified Agency shall notify the other Party in writing of any contact information changes during the term of this Agreement. 3. Kristi Krueger, P.E., Capital Engineering Program Manager, City of Springfield, 225 5t" Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477; telephone: (541) 726-4584; email: kkrueger@springfield-or.gov, or assigned designee upon individual's absence, Non - certified Agency's contact for this Agreement. Certified Agency shall notify the other Party in writing of any contact information changes during the term of this Agreement. THE PARTIES, by execution of this Agreement, hereby acknowledge that their signing representatives have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. This Project is in the 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), (Key #22406) that was adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 15, 2020 (or subsequently approved by amendment to the STIP). 14 Attachment 1, Page 14 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 CERTIFIED AGENCY, LANE COUNTY, acting by and through its elected officials By Title Date LEGAL REVIEW APPROVAL (If required in Certified Agency's process) By Certified Agency Legal Counsel Date NON -CERTIFIED AGENCY, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, acting by and through its elected officials By Title Date LEGAL REVIEW APPROVAL (If required in Non -certified Agency's process) By Non -certified Agency Legal Counsel Date 10/19/2021 Certified Agency Contact: Peggy Keppler, P.E. Lane County Engineer 3040 N. Delta Highway Eugene, Oregon 97408 peggy.a.kepper@co.lane.or.us 15 STATE OF OREGON, acting by and through its Department of Transportation By Delivery & Operations Division Administrator Date APPROVAL RECOMMENDED By Certification Program Manager Date By State Traffic Roadway Engineer Date APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By Herb Lovejoy, via email Assistant Attorney General Date 08/12/21, email retained in file ODOT Contact: Bill Ness, Local Agency Liaison ODOT Region 2, Area 3 455 Airport Road SE, Building B Salem, Oregon 97301 William.Ness@odot.state.or.us Non -certified Agency Contact: Kristi Krueger, P.E. Capitol Engineering Program Manager City of Springfield 225 5t" Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 kkrueger@springfield-or.gov Attachment 1, Page 15 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 Exhibit A — Project Location Map O"1089IIIIIIIIIIIIINW,0 12 B L > Glenwood TT Start Project 0 P E u g e n e End Project MP 0.90:1 0 z > U N Ji Oregon Depai 16 Attachment 1, Page 16 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-00003387 Exhibit B Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Subaward Reporting (For purposes of this Exhibit, references to "your organization" shall mean "Certified Agency" and references to "ODOT" shall mean "State.") The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is required to fulfill a federal requirement for contracting under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Subaward Reporting System (FSRS). FFATA reporting is a requirement for subawards (also known as subrecipients) of federal awards in excess of $25,000,000. Your organization will enter into an agreement with ODOT where the funding source is a federal grant with a subrecipient relationship. Your organization is required to submit the information below to the Oregon Department of Transportation within fourteen calendar days of execution of the Agreement and annually thereafter, if applicable. (See the following page for further details.) Legal entity name: Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number: Executive compensation Executive compensation information is also required to determine whether or not the following information must be reported in FSRS: a. In your organization's previous fiscal year, did your organization receive 80% or more of its annual gross revenue and $25,000,000 or more in federal procurement contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, cooperative agreements and federal financial assistance awards subject to the Transparency Act? (Include parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide.) ❑ Yes ❑ No If "yes," proceed to b. If "no," no further action is required and submittal of this form is not required. b. Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives in your organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986? ❑ Yes ❑ No If "yes," provide a link to the SEC: http://www.sec.gov where this information is located and return form to the ODOT contact shown at the bottom of this form. Provide link here: If "no," provide compensation information below. Names and annual compensation amounts of the five most highly compensated executives: 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ Business entity contact information (person completing form): Type name Title Date Return completed form to: Alice Bibler, Program and Funding Services Manager; Oregon Department of Transportation; 555 13th Street NE; Salem, OR 97301; Alice. Bibler(ab_odot.state.or.us 734-5075 (10-28-2016) 17 Attachment 1, Page 17 of 18 ODOT/Lane County/City of Springfield Agreement No. 73000-0003387 Background on FFATA requirements The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) was signed on September 26, 2006. The intent of the Act is to empower every American with the ability to hold the government accountable for each spending decision. The end result is to reduce wasteful spending in the government. The FFATA legislation requires information on federal awards (federal financial assistance and expenditures) be made available to the public via a single, searchable website, which is www.USASpending.gov. Definition of compensation Your organization is considered a subrecipient of federal funds. Unless your organization is exempt, FFATA requires you to report total compensation for each of your five most highly compensated executives for the preceding completed year. Total compensation means the cash and non-cash dollar value earned by the executive during the subrecipient's preceding fiscal year and includes the following: salary and bonus; awards of stock, stock options, and stock appropriation rights; earnings for services under non -equity incentive plans; change in pension value; above -market earnings on deferred compensation which is not tax -qualified; and other compensation as defined in 2 CFR Part 170, Section 170.330(b)(5)(vi). More detailed information about the FFATA can be found at: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010- 22705.pdf If you have any questions, contact: Alice Bibler Program and Funding Services Manager Oregon Department of Transportation 555 13th Street NE Salem, OR 97301 Alice.Bibler@odot.state.or.us Telephone: 503-986-3308 734-5075 (10-28-2016) 18 Attachment 1, Page 18 of 18