HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-29.. RESI; CNTIAL" c1MB IN AT I 0N APPLr C AI I0 N / PEPJLff 225 North Sth Street Sprin4fi.eLC, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 L) SPRINGFiELD /u^1*' {rt /0, lo 4D I7 ttda-r**l lhn**w tL_ 3€,3 L Lrr ?cz Lot # iob Looeticn: Subdiuision: Assessor,c l&aD i Asner: Aditess <l ,r,-r -# *m"-*fb(.^.&€.* s g t*--8 u*fr^ ^-*A^- ,u4"L,"- ,**Il Xln e.r-r*rr^--x u^9,- d2-ldCiticn RenoCel Date oJ' Apglicatic-n :lqt r-t t-l Cto I -er- 8l Yalue SLOO Norrt\ ,*A - s*^e a- "lraq Address Ceaeral I -)1 )-k L\I! L1!10L7V' L Canstrtcticn rt is the res;ottsibilitil of tl,e pex.ltrLt io-\d.et to see that aLL iwpections @e natie at :he P?o?e? tin" tlat ecch ;ddtess is teaiabie fron +.he- stre'et, at:.C ttit tn. pirnit c*d ie. Locsi;ed at the frcnt of the ptope"t!. "b;;ui;' iu;"io,. "".e;;;";-;ili iiin",*in ott ttu Buaui,/ts site at aLL lines. p*ocgDupg, FoR, Iilsp/ic1]rc| SgguEST: caLL ?26-J?6s (tecord.er) state your city cesigtta,ted. iob rutriber, iob acdtess' t'gpe of inspec'"icr'- tequesre(, ara t)lien vorr *a, ""oai'rZr'iipn"rion, contraeton, otr--air"'rrorr""-d ery* runber' 'qequests receixed befcte 7:00 a:i r,iLL be rarie the ,-," alli-"Za'";A";.n" o.fii ztoo'^ vil,L be nad'e the nest wkirq dag' ya/t Citl Deai4r,ated ,lob lhonbet Is:StLttPlq ::ics Sortlxg sqtet cq;-oei :t Foqetii Li'ne Septic totk p';nped ac filled t'[th gra;el Final -,!,,4ten abcue i-,ans @e ccnpLeted id,irnn d'attciitton t; ecnpla:e o? st/ac- Zil"'ii"Z'iL prarlsea clbanei up' ilcnes ?:ie 1 of 2 .sr15 -r.)sPi,?:t,'J: e:caaxicn, buc lo ba nade aflet pricr '.c se! uP of To d fcrns.tequited lqo!boiers @e LN p Lcce but befcre ot!Ldti1,ggpsafl bceC or Lied, otd beioreUY1IRSLAB PLUIBI:IG, ZLE'T!]!iL d WIIfic;L- To be nsde before ury 6ikEGrered. LN L L aoering LA sPv @w insuLation concea Led. FC2T!!G 1 F1U\IDATIC!]: lo be tnCe ;#7 trffi s e;-eccauaY eci and 7o*o" *" erected, but PrLa? to gour|r,4 ccnctete. DPvilAt,l. rilSPEfrlON: Tc be nade @ALT@DILL is .in Pkce' but Ptior to anV ta?L719' IIASCNRI: Steel Locadon, bord' ffi{qo"ti,ng or oerti'eals in oecooidirc" ttith U.B.C' Secticn 241 5. \IOODST7W: AfteT itlatdllaticn is @ffi. 1URB & APPPcAcs 'APl1tl' . Afln'.i-o!" dTetecxea but PrJor to PC'Lu-'t^4 conerete. crllv)Ar.k 2 DRT"ETIA!: Fcr ail con- "G;ffiffi streex ri'girx- "iir'.- to be ,,ace after aLL erea- "Lii"i "-rptete d forn wrk & cub- base'nctettal in Place' u:!Dl?G?tu:!9 ?LU!.tz1::c, srFR, "t'|iF-l'DP-AI\\AC- io be na.l'e Ptao? io i'-b- @E*nes.Blockitq otd Sat''"w Plunbing ccnnecticne '- ea)e? sl' uatetuilDtpsacoR ?LU:9T::G ri :.rcc!] AilI CAL : ro be fiaze zr1ot xo 'niffii6i o7 fLoor insuiaticn o: decking' ?oST AilD eeA:4: To be nade ?Y:or to #Tdi;of floor insula;ion or decking. Electriccl Ccnnec;ion' Blcckirg' se!-up . and olunbing eoznect'lcns r';st 'ce a??".fiea f, lf "|rL- iL q""" s t i ng e L e c = rL c aL it s p e c -- i o n Acceseory BuiiCing linal - Aftat 2crckes, skiriing' decks' etc. are eryLeted. 2r ).;o oe IEXL L chese 'insoec;ions hate beer' naCe cnd, aggroue!.. FI-7.9?LACE: kio? to Plccit4 fln"S ffifr and before fraring insPee- tion.n lENCt:'^4ter: cottp Late -- ProoiCe ?PAl:I:tC: ltust be diGulz o7'roushilL a ,;eciun;.eal. lecueS ted after gdtes or noooble sectians through Lurbing ', electri.-Dn? AL! rcci:"rq brairq I chimeYs, e.tc' ttt;sz iiuir& lto airk is to be "ii1"a until this insoecticn been nade anC aPoroted' be lws ,:c:p!;'.ion o --.;, , -^- '^b i:"dL ta" --ALL proiect condi:ions pe oui r e d Lanc s c coir'g, , suck as the installation of stteex t?ees,tea,esxed-rmtsr be saxi,sfied beiore tI.e SUILDI::3 iIIIAL ?LUi'$IIC IIN.4L tsAILDIlIC The Final tsuilding Insoection mtst ba requested af'.at !7'e Final ?1'unb'':'ng o'rd aoprooed.II1IAL i,{ECHA;IICAL glectricaL anC !!echor.icel fnsoectlons 'hotse been neCe iI;IAL 1LTCiPICAL .ALL |,I^IIHCLES AND CLEAIICUTS IIIJST BE '4CCESSItsLE'ADJIJSTIIIIII lO 3E I44DE !'T NO COS? TO CYY Date: /,1 -J E-,P / A^,,-^ f\^"fu Phote: n u tr il tr l Er E E tr l Oeeucaneu Cro Refez,eree i;wtbet's Lot Faces - L-CCC #:Jcb il-aber: Beitoons Zano : Iot Sq. Ftg. i ci Lct Ccoerage t of Sturtes lotal Height iopogt ap"hy r!Ei.l Buildir.g Pernrit State Total Chanles EEM ?otal LCT TYPE '_ _ fntericr _ Corner _.. Panlnruile __ Cul-de-sac -.- Fees -- * Building Vqlue & Permit This penntt i.s granted on the eop"ess condition tlnt the said constmtction' slnll-, in aLL rZspects, eonfonn to the 1rditwnce adopted by the CitA o.f Spying|ietd, ineluding the Soning Cvdinance, r'egulcting the ccnstmtcticn &d u-se of buildirqs,' ord may be suspended on rettokeC at cTrA tine upon oic- lation of any prcoisions of said ordir.ances. Electricol Permit lrhere state La,t re_Etites that the electrical uotk be ilone ba ot Electrtealcontraetoz', the electn'ical portion of th* pernrlt slu|.L roi be oalic unti.lthe Label lus been signed bi the Electrical Conttactot,. * lleat ue AccessHouseDf North FireoLaceEastllllSouthlloocistoxe llIiest VaLue TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 a Date Paid: #: Si.gned: CIlARCE Fi.stut,es 4, i!0 FEE t t/ Residential (1 bath) Seuet c,00 UL 4t Plumbing Permit Ilo, pereon slta,Ll .constntct, instal!, alter ot cttoqe cnA neu cr eristing qL*41"5 or dtainage BAstar in uhole on in patt, inlesi sueh petson is- tlte Le_gal.posseesor of a oalid plunbet,,s Licensb, escept tlut a pZtson nay doplunbing uork to propez,tg uhieh is ooed, Leased oi opetated bg the ippli-cant. Plwnbing Pernrit State Suteharge :to.E, llau/Estend Circuits Serlsice ;tc ;58 C!!ARCE c-d N E*hanst HooC Vent Fot Ilcodstooe { Mecho nicol Permit Mechanieel petvrit fssuz?tce -- zitcRCACH].lElt? __ Pcrmit Cutbcut Sideualk Mobile Hcne fr sasi?O?AL AT.IOIJ\IT DI,IE : I f HAVE CAREFULLY \XLUINED the cornpleted apolieation fon permit, and d.oyrelu certify that aLL tn1oaratLZi-i;;.;ir'is t?ue anc ccrneet, and, rfu,thet'.certifg that cny a1.d.-all "oilr-pZii"n ed shall be dotte in accot,_dance vtth the OrdineneZs of the ct:ti Zf iprr.ngf.iJd, "r.,a*tiZ "i'a,:s of thet-11!:-?.[,?rscn pertainins to the roi*1nizntzia'Llizii.,-""a-tlit No occu-r^tvof ttLLL De na'7e os an! structut'e ttitr-tout petmiseion of the Buitding Di-ttisio-n' r fu.t'then cz?ti"yg tn"t' iity-."iiactors and. enplcuees aho are inconpliance uith cRS zot. o3s aiLL be" used. ,;- lh;; i"Z,i."i*'"" - uate * .\PSigned* f).^I PZctt Iianlne? A^pp t HLAI UneCK t'ee: