HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-17.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North 1th Street Sprtngfield" 1regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision t'40-O / AO Pecetct + SPRINGFIELD O".Job Laeaticn: Assessore !4ao #?c,r Lot #5a as'?i \03oo Subditision: -7?as f E rqg CLmer Addtess: A ,.r9 L LP Descyibe l,lork:ff.-adt'' l+( Q"."oJt!-- Date of appti*tion O C1 I / 17 83 73 -2 t-t :lqJ 2 L .,a/ Value ' '/ AdCiticn ' Geaeral 5 Arn.T Electrical hntmcot f [-*rtrit l,!echanieeL Sodtaz'y seter cappeC :t pt,operty Lire Septic tank pu::peC ann filleC uith gratel linal - irrlten abcue itens are cct;to7-eted. m,ti uhen lencLitior is eanplete br strte- tuye naued a,z ptarrLses cleaned tp. )i:.:cL;!IC!t cR ;:tt/t) 3J !4obi dciles tsLocking ad. iet-tp PT.tnbing connecvicns -- scue! ad. aanat Electrical Ccntect.)on - Blocking, set-u: and olunbing co.otnections mtst be dpprou*ad before request')ng eleclrnJeal inspec=iot: Aceeasory Suiliing ccrekes, sk4rting, deci.-s,Pinal - After etc. @e crn? ?z';e 1 of 2 l. LL 726-376 9 (record.et) state yout, City desigtnteC job mmber, job aCcte for itspeccion, Contlac.tc"s cr A;ners ncne cnd plnne nmber P,equesxs matie aft* 7:00 a,1t ttill be naCe the nact'"mrking d.ag I-t ia lhe respotzsibi_Lity of the petwtt hplder to Eee that aLL inspectioas @e nade at lhe ptopet tbne, that ecch cddresa is renlal'>e ;'ran the stteet, cnc ji,a.t the pennt cad id Located at the front'of the crooertu.rBu:-U'Jrg )itti:iot c2Vroxeci p'i-ot sir.Ll rena-in on the Buaidir;o Slte'at aLL'tikes.' P1OCSDUPE FAR INSP1CTCil R!?UEST:CA z.ecuested a:ui uien gou "rtLL be rea<iy'-ii,L be r,ade the sdte icg, ,,"guesr"- . receited of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 '= l-1 Sirt rltsPlc!rclr:lt:| | eicaudxioft, cut jcrng. UIID'?SZA? ?:L':EIIC, ILZC?PI,:,1I 1 i,tECti!:.llICAL: ?o be narie beiore cny l--'j ,r.ra""o r ^ao Dr r^h nt. ) trifr | !r. . r .I t wttea,.- v I -..Ov.;4:tt-Artttffiof uark is eooeyed. ?o be naCe ard J'crns are erected, but prior to ccnc"eta irencrz€ floor insukcian or decking, POST .A.ND tsEL!4: To be naie oz4ot toTiitil LilaTof f'Loor insuT);ion or deckinE. these ln"scecticts i,;uo, been FfilAL PLUI$I;]C Prrt., r ttnau t tt7-t t yots City'Desigrated, Job lh/nbe" Is z 3a\Jf INSULJ.ITON/VAPOF, BARRI?R IIISPICTIOII : 7o be nade afte! aLL i,nsulcticn ei required uqor bcr"Je?s @e in pLaee bat beJbre ozy Lath, Wps"ltn baarC on tnLL couering is coplied, otd. before oty insul,a*"icn is concealed. f\lQDnfr7^^t. a^ \^ --;;-tJ.-v--?.t. /u Le r.uue is ln place, but pt'ior io cng tapinq. WS1NR!: Steel Location, bond. beans, gz,outinq or oet+-iecls in oceot4orce uith A,ts.C. Seetion 241s. i'l0ODS?01/E: Atter install-ation ieatoleted.: To be nnde afterp?io" tc set up of Io CURB & .APPRCACH !.P?.AN:d'; e"ecATC@ After formsto pcurLn4 mace erd. tcgtcrtei. FT?.E?LAC!: Pz-ior r.o plcctrq lccingnaterials and beiore fr*rtng inepec-tior. !P,a.llMG: [tust be recuested after approual of rcugh plwbing, electi-cal I nech,znieal. AL! rcoy'in1 btar)ng I ehirtcgs, ete. easx be eontpleted. :lo ,ct< is to bo- con- cecled until this insaectictt i,a.s been made ani appro"-ed. conc"ete. SIDI'iALK & )RlTtiA!: For aLL can- crete paving u'"thl.n sb'eet right- of-uny, lo be maCe after all. ezca- uating canplete t i-om ,aoz,k & aub- izase rnted-al in pl.ace. ALL cro;ect condiricns, suck as che insrali.aticn of sa?eet tTees, :c:rclexion o;' tie req-uireci Landsccpirg, ctc., ttiust be satisJ'teC beiore iLe tstILDfilC FIIIAL een be teqaes'"ed. ?IIIAL tsIJILDIIIC: Th,e Einal Buildin4 Insoeetion trust be !.eouested :iter the linal ?lunbing ELeetrteal, orl. !,lechan:tccl fnsoecxlcns it*tle been natie ard cooroue,T. I d l\t A r ?l ?Fno r^. I .ALL ilAttECLiS AND CLEA.N1UTS ltUS? BE .,1.CCZSJI3L!, ADiUST:t::t! i0 3E |!DE t1.! ::0 ::ST lC C!!y PVane: u ?ENCE: l{her conpLete -- ProuiCejatG or norsable sections throttgh f-lP.n.E. t Il iat Sq. F;4. 7 cf Lct Ccverage ! of Stor)es n^t-7 rz'-i+ fopogro?in! \ PLunHng Pefirtt Pemrit fsstctce !,leei:anicaL ?eynii -- Z;iCR,CAC:!iE:]? -- SOLAR Au-{ESS REQ.- - ^i FE- icrne: ?ani"cttcie Cul-ie-sac a a--., L-co d -!) Plumbing Perrnit |lo -oerson shalZ ccnsi;z"tct, :.nstal7-, alter or clanqe cnA r..ea cr existing plunbirq cr dtainage sAstatl in aiole or in patt, unless such person is tl',.e Legal posseesor of a ualid pLuntber's Lieense, esce?t that a pe:son nag do pltnbing uork to p"opert:J aldch is ou'ned, Leased or operated by the appli- cdvti. Mechonictll Permit tl .ltt\$Jrq1g5n. \s\e4$$\cr*\ \$b\oechri,\) gers$c\W is\O.o. I i ilAW CA,\EFALU fiLLl4ftllD the conrpT,eted aoplicaticn for pa-tmi.;, cnd. do hereby certifg thet aLL infornation heyeon is tnte anC ccrrecx, enC f f"other certify that any arl aLL aork cet,forned shall be do;te ia ececz'- dance :,tith ;.he )r,dinznces of the city of Spm)ngfie|-d., anl. the Lcas of the State of Cregcn pertain:,na *-o the wrk Cesci"beci hez,e,!n, ad tlut n0 SCCU- P.4:iC:{lralL be ru.d.e of any st?uctur2 uithoui permission cy'the 3utiding Di-lris'ion. f !\,rther certifl tlut otly contracro?s otd. etolcyees aLa ee in eotnci:.anee utth CRS 701..055 aiLL be used on this project JOB NO. 3eiroons: .--' ieat Lo*- Faces - )i Building Volue & Permit Ikis pennt ic aranted on the erpress cottd[tion tlrat the said-constrwct'Jon shaii, in q.ll vescects, conicnn to the CvCinance edopted. b,1 the CLty of Spir-gjtelC, '.ncluciing lhe Zoning Crdirlcr.ce, regulcx'lt"'g the ecnst?.tcticn ttd. tae ci buiiiin4s, ,znd n=t1 be susoer'<ied or reuckei at cny tine u2on oic- k;icn oi tny >rc,tisr.cns of saiC )rdirnnces, Qao.r rraf it? a.,-'1 ):-- a-*'+ lotcl Chatges -u TZ 1?-\t (S.D.C. 1.5 c ib.in HeczLDt 1: :::y t\5.co 2().@ Resllattia.L (1 bcth) Sanitarg Sanet, 'ntctel ?D,Eb Electricql Permit 'tlhere Stc,te Lan requires tlnt the electrical uork be dcne by an. llectrical Contw,cto?, the eLectrLcal portion of this pernit sis,Ll not be ztali,C until the Lqbel ius been aigned by the Electr,)cal Contracto". Bo @ f.Na,t/Eatenl, Circaits Ser,sica taL lV?t1 Ftrraa2 3iYr3 blta$t ilooC \3a j.6 Tcodstc:se \Gthau $l.r t rl.6p r{.60 \o. c,o rlo \o.qo t Storzce !4ciniencr:e Si^d.a'taik c.ee'.llcAL LCreL -arlf .t.itt\tm nrt-- a- J;AL fuIiVU.I/ 'UJI 52{ a : Hobile llcne Oc-t- l? N r?!v State Surel'a.lge |tfaL Acnoas Vent lan ..RESIDENTIAL.. AFP1TCArrAN/PERMTT 225 llorth ith Streer Springfield, 2regon 97177 Buildr,n4 Diuiston tl 40-O / AO ?.ceet SPFIIHGFIELD O ".ro r,Job bcaticn:/n SubCittsion: -7tas t s Q Pl'oneT4gAdfuess: {,. Descz,t be l,lork:fror,d*" le( Q".toJtL Dct.e of App v3 n llq,t /7c-{ I 9r,Vaf,ue I i.!eclsniccL DE?.!0LiTr0!! 0R Sanileg se-,tet cqceC ct propettg Lite Septic totk y"itped ed. filled tith gza*L lincl - i4tez cbcue itens are ecnaleted. c,<i uhen ienclition is eatqlete br st:-;c- trse nooeC oi pretriees cLeaned uc. dcnes tslocktng otd Set-up Plznbing conneczicns -- aede? od aatet Electrt)cal Cottectaon - Blockirq, sei-u, and. olunbing eonnections nr;st be cpprctei b e for e reques t)ng e'l,ec2r.Jc aL instrt ec =io:: Accessory- Buililng Ftn-zl - After ccrehes, skirtina, dec?.s, etc. @e catple=ed. ?c:e 1 or' 2 !! is lhe resgottsibi-Lity of -thc permi! iotder-to see that aLL inspeetiofft @e nad,e at lhe ptoper line, tl,at s44|1 a,1,1rse6 is reai,*';ei.y.-tly st?eet, cttc il,at the petwLi ceri ia i.ocated. at -t-h_e fr..nt'of the oroperty.*?uiH'J.% l)uicio:: atvroxed pi.bt si.c,Lt veaain on ihz Buaid-b1b- *ie bt zLL' thes.' P9OCIDUPZ FAR iilSPgrlCil RS1U1ST:CArectestei atzi uien you ,.riLL ce ieatiyliLL be r,acie the sdte icg, ,"qr""r"'. LL 726-3769 (recoruiet) state yaur City 1'or inspcction,Cont"acEc?s cr Aunels maie cfter ?:00 dn uLLL be naCe the nest wrkini d,aE. your City Desigra,ted Jab tlutnbet Is ' CesigtnteC job m,a,ber, iob aC&ess, type rane cnd. phone nwtbcr. Pequesis receited Z 3a\Jf of itspeclicn befcre ?:CC ,;, a:-F 7Drr5=aa'a!r. acauatG;AC fcrns. ' To be rmie afterpri* tc se! up of AilD!?SLA1 ?:L':/31:IC, !LZCP|C,I! I |ECF!.:.itICAL: To be naie beiaie cnywrk is eoueyed. il]SLILATTOII /VAFAR SARRI|R IIISPICTIOII : ?o be nad,e after aLL insttlat.i.cn ei required ttoor bavie?s @e in pla,ee bzt beJ'cre org lath, Wpsw,1 boarC or tnLL aueytng is aplied, and beforeary insulaticn is concealed. 'i)il: ?o be taCe ate xcaatati atti are erecteti, but ptiot to ccnctet€. To be itenchzs. these )nsuectiors 'ec:te beer noie and. a??"rvea. ncie?1dLs tiot:. ?T;!AL P!.A:.EI::G lc be nade place, but pnior to any tapitg. W.S0NP!: Steel Location, bond beanc, oroutin4 ot terticals in ozeordorce utixh U.B.C. gecti.on 24L5. ilA2DS?C'/!: After instalZation is anoleted. t e!?.8=4-g?8C.4CE tPzCN: After formsu'e e"ecd@ to pourirrg conctete. SID!'IA.LK I )R-,-T,/A!: Par aLL catt- c"e t;@ng-;':rE; s d,eet rJght-of-,,a!, io be naCe afler all. ezca- uating conolete I iotn ,,;ork & eub- inse naterial in ,olaee. i--l ysrg:-rlacR !,L1,:.B::G 1 :4!cg;:;tc;i:tt@of floor insuktiaa or deeking. PCST AllD 3EL!4: ?o be naie wlot to4i€litGliof iloor insulZi;ion or decking. h-)or -,o pke-r4 jccing and, before i'r*i"S ,:rsoeZ- iP-d.lllilC: itust be rec.testei afletffiua:. oJ' rnqn ptiraLr.a, e1 ectr--cal J neciunteel. ALI rcoiin"gbrcr|nq I chiwtegs, ete. nil,ss iganaleted. lto ucl.k is to be con- - cecled ultil this inseecticn i"a.s'been no:ie ani cppr.s,-ed. gates I{her conpLete -- fuo,tiCe or mooable sectians through i //l il:tAL i.{Eat!.4itrcAL -r"fl xur, iLic.ircAL P. U, Z. ALL w,o;ect conii;ions,,'acl es che "!.nstalZcticn oJ'stteet trees, tc:pl.exicn cf iie requireci ianlsccVirg, .tc., :dtst be satisiieC beJ'ore the AUiLDIiiC ?!)!AL een be tegaested. ?filAL AUfLDMC: The Etncl SuiHin4 fnsoection ntst be reouected. ziter the iitzal ?tw:bingZleecrical, orl ileciun:tccl inscecxzcns hate been ncie ad'aooro;lai. ,ALL :,IA;IHCIJS AIID CLEAI]CUTS :IUS! 3E .1CCiS3:31i, .'.D;L'S?:F:]I iO 3' )TDZ I.: ::O ::5! T2 'I?Y GerzeraL p Assessore |4q tl >.( )f R pn oant T tr I ?::e 2 a SOLAR A"<CESS REQ.- 3eitoans: --' ;ote f AAW CA,\EFULLY EX4l4ilED the conplet.d aoplieation fot to-mit, ani Cc herebg cert'"fy tlct aLL it;fo:nation het,eon is ttue anC ccrteet, anC I f"etker cettti\ that any crl aLL aork ceriotned ehaLl be done in acecr- d,ance ieh ihe Ardinences of the City of SpringfieT-d., anl. ;he Lcxs of the State of Cregcn pertain:.no to the wrk Cescribed herein, cd. liu.t :10 )CC!- ?.4|1C'l '."ill be ra.l.e o1' any st?uctlr2 uithout permis;ion cf the 3ur-iC*tg Di-uision. f jbthet cettt-f'r' thrt orllA eontTdctors o;,C. rtclcyees D|"a cra in cq;;clrance aith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this projeci L-CO G+ eb -x. L a. z cf bt CatercSe _ t of Stories t.- n^--? r;-i- -U-qa -4.e..- ?opogqbl a..-'1 ): -- 3-*' + -jzer:-cr ;cme? ?:tzi"ztLe Czi-ie-sac e Building V<:lue & Permit lkis 2enn t is gmnted on the exp"ess cotdition tlla,t the said,-eonstmte!')on shcii, ln aZL :escects, confcrm to the Crdinoree adooted by the C!;y of Scr)r--cj'-eli, :ncluitng lhe ioning Crdinance, reguletlng 'ihe ccnstrzcticn zi tse ci buiiiing;, azd nt1 be susoeruieC or rertckei at cn! iine uVcn vic- ia):-czt oi ty ptc'tistcns of saiC Az'Cir.ances. Plumbing Perrnit |to gelan sha'!.L cons'b'rntct, lnstal!, alter ot chotge anA nea ct existing plu;rbirq cr beinage systa?l in ahole ot in patt, wrlesi such petson ts the Legal possessot of a rsalid oltnber's License, eucept tl".at a pe:son na'g <io pltnbing aork to p"oper#J uldch is ouzed, Leased or operated by the qpli- cdtt. lotcl Clztges ?ltniing Perrit -- t:ici9ACi;.!i::? -- eabc/t SUe,taik : lloila Iarc t tt\"u? \.AJ,GBa T2. \c. \"L JOB NO. icnc:t j::t2: Ace2-ss. iiesx icuse aot ?eces - ltreoL --l:.,.,-ra. F?, :.b,an 1=:ce I I 6a4.f trlftta --h^ , (- Fee: Siatted: rl 5.t*r..}-),,?O Restientzal (1 bcth) Sctitarg Seser ictet flr\ r:r)(lJ. E{> Electrico I Permit llhere State Lan requires tlnt the eleetrtcal uork be Ccne bg an lLectt tcal Cov.tlur.ctor, th,e electrical portion of this petr,rit siu,Ll rot. be oalil untiL the Lebel ias been eigned by the Electrieal Contlacto?. lotal 'Ec:, E\ll au / E=t end. C ireti'" s Sersice @ '\4\-, :c? TcoCstc:se .tic 9ect--l' €ra e2:) 6f}\q r$q*echoo Mecho nicol Permit qrl lcrr\ C)QPe[, nor\i\ *lotet itooC Vent ?-t ?emJt lssttcee !,leci:cniczl ?efir.i €!c) qe N\\\)runns:mrr Stor=re !!c')ntzncr:a, I :c?AL :-..!ci.t:!? Dus : I Bc-\- /? tI iL'34.3.1r1', \i.-??*rrlx tr.-r - I Receipt #: lnl C Ir Y\r --: , :.:'.:io. ?es- Sa- fla- t, h)ffie2 zqrl'.1 \ Yrk'lwu Su.r i lznce \\.'oo PROPERTY TI'ISPECTION REPORT Owner I s Name ths Property Address Date: Auqust L7, 7913 Phone:747-7465 1t' ********************** ******************** -t eld o 97477 City, State, Zip Code The water heater is located in a smaTL bathroom; to provide adequate space, reTocate hot water heater to the new utiTitg room. ELECTRICAL Deficiences and Corrective Action Necessary STRUCTURAL/ S rDrNG There is evidence fron wood-destroging agents; obtain an inspection and report from a J.jcensed wood pest operator, covering termites, drg-rot, fungus and other wood-destroging agents. Upon receipt and review of the report, additional- requirements rnag be added to thjs fjst. Repiace al7 rotted or damaged substructura-L members and provide additionaT suptrnrt members as needed to compTg with Structural Code Standards. LeveL up the floors as needed to eliminate sagging and/ar unevenness; instaTT continuous foundation under tbe house and pnrches to compTg with State StructuraT Code. The decking at the ftont gnrch area js broken, missing; repair and repTace as J2ecessary. The ceiTing rafters in the garage area appear to be overspanned; strengthen and brace ceiTing rafters to State Structural Code Reguirements. PLUMBING_I, -t " {i The washing machine is Tocated in the kitchen; relocate and provide pTumbing fornft* the utiTitg area jn the garage as showit in the attached. drawing. The bathroom is without a bathtub and the shower unic js damaged; tenove the existing'shower unit and jnstaJl new bathtub and a watet-tesjstant tub surround. I 2 a .' -^f<J. *i,"b' IL,f NO?E: ETectricaT deficiencies were noted but An irypection bg a t_ic.9.ar*9_qfl*elqc-triciar sha77 existing wiring. mag not be Tinited to the toLLowing. be made to determine the condition of 1. The panel appears to be inadequate for imposed 7oad. 2. The bathroom Tacks a ground fauTt interrupter; instaTT to Code requirements. 7r..>,.' (- oi/ E. a.,r.. s ,,;; j- X/; SURVEY REPORT MULLIGAN - SpringfieTd Page nro 3 An e-IectricaT outLet and cord l-ocated above the baseboard heating unit inthe kitchen shouTd be re-Locatecl. h Jlttac'hec garaEe waLT Tacks fire separation and a fire door with se1f-cToser;install fire resistant rnaterja-Z. at wa77 where required bg code stand.ards;instaLL a so-Zid core door with a seLf_c7osure. /2'\ smoke detectots ate improperTg located; insta-z-z. adequate detectors jn areas\./adjacent to sTeeping rooms to compJg with UBC Standards. 4 Provide adequate duplex out-Zets for the rooms; af -1, out-lets - instaLT safetg covers at 5. The Tighting in the kitchen area is inadeguate. R@FrNc/GUTTERS 7. The shingles are curled and. brittTe; remove exjsting roofing and. instal3new asphalt composition or fiberg.Iass shjngles. 2 Gutters and downspouts are missing or d.eteriorated,. install new paintedaTuminum gutters and d.ownspouts; drain to area as req,uired bg the citgof SpringfieTd. )re avee-V- ErRE/ SAFETY 7 3 cToset area whete ord chimneg was rerr,ved may reg,.uire fite bTocking. r.a) - INTERIOR MTSC I 2 There are soft spots and buckr-ing of fTooring in the kitchen, halTwag andthe bedroons; aL7 damaged a-reas sha7l be repZired and/or replacea; jnstal.-znew fLooring covering after repajrs have beZn completed. windows are stuck shut in arr rooms except the kitchen and. bathroom;sha-l-Z be tepaired to be openabJ-e in aL j roons.windows 3 The ceiLing tiTes are r-oose or miss:ng in the studg/Tiving area; repaircr repTace as necessary. 9PTTONAL 7' JVo exhaust fan in the kitchen; insta-zl exhuast fan and d.uct to the exterior. SURVEY REPORT |4ULLIGAN - Springfield Page Three 2. ReTocate dryer to uti-tjtg room in the garage area; vent d.rger to the exterior. WEATHERIZATION l. No underfToor insufation; jnsta-L-L batt insufation with R-79 value to und.ersid.e of the f7oor. 2- No vatrsor barrier; instaLL 6 nil poTgethelene vapor barrier on grade at crawL space. 3 Lnsta-l.-I. insuTation with minimum *" thickness at all water pipes below the underfLoor insulationn. OPTIONAL I fnstal-L storm windows or replace singTe gTaze wind.ows with doubTe pane, 2. InstaLL storm doors at 2 front and -Z exterior doors. t