HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1985-11-25TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Bu i 'l d i ng Depa rtmen t Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building FIRE DAMA.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD FD-L6 s €s {'zzcY 65/ ra 4 DATE: I i - I r-g r- cYJt -Address or location of building 1qG *l'lu, l: ^ Name of ourner Type of building Estimated value of building , Store,house, etc.(Dwe'l I i $4o o(o Estimated loss to building $5 oc, c'> Date of fire lt-7_(-a Location of damage in building Li"'ru, !"ro, w,rt litr - <;cto ,u T },lall, Exterior, Interior, etc. Structural weakness as a result of the fire lu \at e 7 Itcut- ,[,,. i b., k( riinr.1c I a,.,r(incilt al l)o - ,ua 1/ . (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc.) Additiona'l pertinent information ElectricaJ Hazard tl '-.0 L' (l^liring, 0utlets, etc. ) cc Signed -7 7 ' St'r,,r /,. S"rr,', l. rf u,rll,'u-t , pP DO NOT WRII'E II{ THIS SPACE STATE OF OREGONFIRE REPORT STATE FIRE MARSHAL County /-flrue IREDEPT. - District of Incident 2 INCIDENTADDRESS ,/b 9S 3 OCCUPANTNAME(T,qt,Fint,MI) 4 BUSINF.SSOWNER (r -rt.LI0 5 OWNERNAME(lst,FiEt"MI) 6 PIRE REPORTED BY (Lagt, PiEt, MI) CONTROL NO, ALARM EXP, NO, Muicipa-l Alam Sldem Privat€ Alar Syst m (1 o -o @;,l i'rF-it5 15 E'J ';i >r.- o :Ez l,B F- -El tsEJA !FB>-l. o rd t{.]r!E 14r. (D t; t.It,1 t5a a€ orl Ff{ EJ FI'aozrr c 7 IO ME-IHODOF EXTINGUISHMENT D Self-EtlinguiEh€d TYPE'F SI'TUATION FOUND p.4tructure Fire Ll Oureide Struct- w/valw NUMPEROFVr"*n D o*er (Lbt) Ert. Sy8iem he/tank only I Pre-mnnec hm/hydrant, standpipe (Tie Lire) Voice Sigml Muni Alam Not Cireified Above 70 D ouj""t" i" ftlsirt l3 to 24 s6ri€ ! zsto.tg Ert. & Wmd tr D Vehicle Fir Bruh, Grus, lzave Trsh, Rubbish Radio Verbal NoAlamRe'd 8 #OFFIRESERVICEPERSONNEL RESPONDED q I Had'taid ho*/hydrut,standprpe I Mutlr Stream Device I NotClaseifiedAbove oad. Below grd, level Not Clrcifred f] Undetermined trtr PROPERTY USE M MOBILE PROPERTY 12 ROOM/AREAOF ORIGIN E EQUIPMENT INVOL!'ED IN IGNITION 13 IGNITION FACTOR 14 FORMOFHEATOFIGNITION 15 LEVELOFFIREORIGIN level to 9 fet '6 veLUE LOSS Male-ahift aids Portable Ettinguishe! 1014 I9 20ta29I@t 2 ston6 (., 30 to 49 fet 50 to 70 fet E 3tol"to;*7 to 12 gtoria l8 BUILDINCAGE(InYeG) 19 CONSTRT.]CTION TYPE Hevy Timber Unproect. StEl Bldg Protet. 20 EXTENT OF DAMAGE CONFINED TO: I Th€objectoforigin 2 Part of r@m or are8 of origin 3 Rom of origin ,l Fire-rated omp. of origin 5 Flmr of origin 6 Sttucture of origin ? Ertsndedbeyondstructrrof origin g Nodaugeof thctype(N/A)efl 2t REMARXS Weather Cooditions (optional): o A) 22 Follow Up Investigation R€qwstrd If y6. who will irvestigate 23 Numberoflnjurim Fire Seruie 24 Unprotst. MMnry Ert. & Wmd Int. Wood Frame SmoleFIame 1 2 3 I 5 6 1 J I 5 6 ,l wV tru tr Dtr /tlh tr6 D trtr tr trl MO DAY l r'f tftpiYEAR DAY OT WEEK fl s* {** fl r'* D w"d f] Thur I satu !Fd ALARMTIME 0tAro rl ARRIVAL TIME J /')--7 o J TIME BACK IN CENSUS TRACT t313ltl ISO CLASS J?r7 H r717 ztP 14/, - 141, { TELEPHONEDOB (optioml) 7-t6' i5 TELEPHONEADDRESSDOB (optioDal) TELEPHONEADDRESSDOB (optional) DOB (optional) 1'/(2 -{5 1-16 ^ 7./6 (TELEPHONE 1"tL lJ.6v ST. ADDRESS f) Given E nll! Ro"ived f OF AERIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED # OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (do not inclu& PA's)I # OTENGINES RESPONDED 3 TYPEOFACTION TAKEN W{'*sosh ! Salvage fJ I.tot Ct"""itled Bemoved Haand Stsnd MOBILE PROPERTY (Compiet€ line M) LICENSE IMODELSERIAL l,YEAR I MAKE 0 EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION (Completz Line E) t^;coti -"toor iusr.AT SERIAL #VOLTAGE lliorh.t hrr,rk MODEL rqk4 YEAR MAKE &rue& n. FIRST IGNITED: e MATERIAL IGNITED WAS MADEOF 0ther .00 .00.00 Vehicle ud ContantE .00Building .00 6 aOJ./ oo.00 .00.00.00 500,000 sq ft50,000-99,999 sq ftSIZE (Gmd Flr Only)1000-4999 8q ft 10,000'19,999 sq ft SPRINKLER PERFORMANCE I f] Equipment opemted z I Equip. shouldhaveop€r.-didnot 3 n Equip. pre*nt fire t@ sm8ll ta op€r. 9 ! Not cla*ified above o f] Undetrmined or not reponrd 8 E/No "qu,p-.nt prent (N/A) SprinklenContrctledFire: YES E NO n f of Hade Opened DETEC?OR PERFORMANCE 3 1 5 6 7 8 I In mm of origin-oper. Not in mm of origin-oper. In rm of crigin-not oper-Iire t@ s@ll Not in m of orisin-not oper. fire kD 6mall In rmm oforigin-not opet. powet disconnect Not in rm of origin - not op€r. powet di8con. In rom of origin-not oper. dad battcry Not in @D of origin-not oper. d@d batt€ry No detrctor prent D 10 Undetemined fl rVz NEbet of Fatalitis tl- 7( - 8(Datr"'n (+le &,fr DateTitle25 Making by I* Y-N/r Other E cont. on bacL I TOTAL {,-t.' ne,n Alnve n Dn tr tr tr 6b?o-darD \-rit,, -+ Jj4 J II I I t .*''jx.li ,!,'l \'crTY oF SPRINGFTELD, oBX.GoN Department of Public l,Iorks 225 North 5th Street BUILDING INSPUCTION DIVISION JOB ADDRESS:74b /,) 'brt dn JOB NIJ.I"(BER: DATE:tzlta/sS7- --f TO: NOTE: t:-:--lAyaz ullL z zbrsa '<E?7-,4,e2rc€ c*A. frlL tl A-^lqvn/ /AilA r t-z/+ -rI E TaG, ltBil*zal,lr -!. INEORT{ATION:. INSPECTION: -,,.". INSPECTOR: 726-37 53 726-37 69 CALL FOR REINSPECTION . ,.- .: .-... - .," ; .i:, .. , ;: ,- . s €s f-zzo7+E FIRE DA}4A.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE: I (-2r-gg TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Building Department Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building Address or location of building ')'l c /v, 0 * s7- r.!.r-l Q Name of ourner tl Type of building Sr'^, t l.c .$;rr,; L r{c,,e/( lua I ling-Store, 6ehouse, etc. )Dwe Estimated va'lue of bui 1di ng Est'imated'loss to bui'lding Date of fire tl - ?{ -a $4o , c1("o $S ,oco a-t Location of damage in building L,'u.,'u, lorru wrrLt /0, - <dr-T [.Ial I , Exterior, Interior, etc. Structural weakness as a resu'lt of the fire fu\rue - rt=,_u.,i// ( ilt c o (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc. Additiona'l pertinent information E'l ectri ca'l Hazard ,t Pnr( - (W'iri ng , 0utl ets , etc. ) /*u ///",r4 cc: Signed { ,