HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-25..RESIDENTIAL.. zz5 North sttr streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERl,r? Springfield, )regon" 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFIELD br )odo /2o ' 80 planc,t- C'UJJ1J/) Job Locaticn: dssessore uap t l)-O7-7fl-tZ q>6Tcs Lot # Subd*t:-sion: Ctln n, fi Aril Addtess:Phone \] R a*oant a( llq)t--t C.6<(?^+M Va oLicat'"an Desez-.be h'otk:o{a (R.s€a-14 S lqrr Additicn hon +too t-)I''-.. L I l.a- Date of App Liae. #A<idress Er)ir.es Phone. st=:' ::: :.,i Geaeral SACS . i,!ecitanJccL EU lLDi;lCSno ?")ncl - ilhen cbcue itets al,e cc::cle=ei ad uhen denclition is cotalete br st:tic- ture noued. ati pretiaes clZanei'rp. i!cnes tsLockin4 otd. Set-,tp Pltnbing connectians -- a€ue? d. ud.ler Electriccl Ccdneetion - Blockir,4, set-uo and plunbir-g coni,ectiona tn;et be qpra;ed bei'or e request')ng elec'.rical insp ec! io;: Aceessory suikiitt4 Fital - After icrches, skirting, deeks, etc. oe ccrpleled.. Pc;e 1 oi 2 Cons jruclicn_Len49!_ It ia the responsibility of tle permit hod* to eee tlut aLf,inspections ate nad,e at lhe p?opet ttnte, that eceh ,:d.dtesa is ren;al:'-e fron the stPeet, dnd. tilct the catd is Located atoenttt Lot slclt?uildit4 Diu,Jciot ae.?!ou*ed p QTl? T\raara4-a^t. *cauAhn, but tlo Bua your City Desigra,ted Job llutnber fs TNSALA?IOII /VAPCR BARRIER iTSPIC?ICiI : Io be nade aj'ter aLL insulaticn d required uqor bawnJers @e in place DRI\|ALL I\ISP|IICN: ?c be nade after aLL aryuall is in place, but prioz, to any taltng. w-SW: Steel Location, bonC beons, grouling on uerticals in aceorci.otce 'tLth A.B.C. Section 241 5. After instalZation nis CURB a APPPCACI| APP.CN: After fornsee erecteC but prior to poutiilg conc"ete. SfDETiALK & DRI\El,tAl: For aLL can- ct "-te Vffi-frtffi street right- of-tx'!, to be naCe aftet' all, exca- oating cqnoLete & forn wrk & eub- base natetial in pla.ce. t{hen conplete -- Pra.tiCe or nottable aections thrc'tah the itont of the properq Lilnb :ite at aLL'tihes.L FOR ) state yout City desigrated job nurber, uou DE Conttactots cr Aoet's nc,-te end plane ntulbet, L be ra,de the sone ticy, requests made after 7:00 on utill be nade the nest 'arking da'g iob di&ess, type P,eq'uests receixed of inspec=icn beJ'cte 7:C0 a:iqLol 3g To be nad.e after picr tc set up of ilr forme FCCIIYG 1 F?ANDATICN: To be rm.ieafter trenctii- at e-etcatated and. forns cte erected, but pi.cr to pourirq ccncrete. llLqlqFAUllD ?tAMgI;rG, SE\|EP, w.4?!R, DRAIIIAGE: lo be rade priot to fil-7,ir4 trenehee. WDEPFLCCP I'LUIEI:IG 2, WCqANICAL :@oy fLoor insuktion or deeking. ?O$fur\D ts!A!.!: To be mad,e prior to._--installatian of floor insulation or decking, SOUG|! PLU,!E|1G, |LECIRICAL d t{ECg- A\IICA.L: )lo ,o"k .Js to be cotetedffilTthes e l'rlsoecticris iuue been mad,e artd. approu'c-i. FI?EPLACE: Prtat r.o plccirg fccr"rgmaterials and befote fic.ri?,g inspee-tioz. FF-A-!.lIllG: ltust be reo.uested after approual of rough" plwr,bing, electr.t- a.L & nechodeal, ALt roofing braeJn4 E chitrmegs, ete. rrust be . cortpleted. llo acrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspecttcn iue'been nanie c.nC appto,'eci. f *tut PLrlt4Britc 8)I UITDERSLAB -pLUt"EI:tG, ELECTRICAL .i but_,befcre .oty -Lath, _Wpsutn b-carC or ffiny tnLL cooering is. applied, otd. before ffiE76uered.. ary insulation is concealed. IiCODSTOTE:@a. gate6 D tt I !IIIAL |,{ECILLNICAL IINAL |LECTP,ICAL ALL pro;ect eondi:ions, suci as che instalZccion oi st"eet i?ees, :o-pie;ton of i:ae required Landscc.pizg, etc., ntLtst be satisJ'ied befcre the tstjILll:ic ililAl cen be z'eq'uest,ed.. ililAL tsUILDINC: The FnJnaL Suilding Inspection rrust, be "eqrestei ci'ler the !"!.na.L ?!.;nbirq 9LeclricaL,otl,!!eciur.iccLInspectiansi"4vebeennadeat"liccpt,cuec *ALL iLAIIIICLES AND CLEAIICUIS:IUST EE ACCESSTBLZ, .LDJUST:EIII lO 3E W'i !,.T I]O C:S! ?3 CI?Y CALL 726-3769 Date I ?l III I bF rfi )) 1/2Receiot ! fg - Plunbin4 9LectnicaL R e oui n o, d ln st: e e t"l cr,s Sani'-otrg sa:er cqped .t Fope?4- Line Septie tork pzqed a,-ui iilLed uith gratz-i l!a l T D )-aa i Lot Sq. Ft4. 7 cf Lct Ccuerage ! of Stories ?otal leight lopogrqhy Stcte Pe?lftLt issu.arce Meciuniccl Pentit 5Lc.erd,!k LCT ?Y?S _ Intericr _ Cormer _ ?rnitaaale CuL-de-sac Jo B No.8?o 738 so LAR AC sE s s R EQ.-L-CO G* Electricol Permit l,Ihere State La,t reauires t|"a,t the electrtcal aork be done bg an Eleetrical Cont"aetor, the electtiaal portion of this pemnit sha,Ll not be oalil until the Label has been aigned by the Electrical Cont"ecto?. Mechqnicol Permit EfaT' I HAW CA-RIFULLI EXLAIJED tie con-cleted aoplicaticn for pernit, cltd. do hereby certi;'g ti@t eLL info:na=ion h.eyecn is ttwe arrL cbtreet, *,C Ifirther.eett?iii thait any ard aiL aork oerlonted alall ce cone in cc.o?-dance "rtth the ordinorces of the cita'of spnngfiatd, otd. the tc;s of t'nes_ft-e_ol_c-z'1gcn p_et'taining to the uotk cescribbd herZ"n, ad ihan :to lcca-PLllcl vizi be ra.ce or' cnE strltct:.ue aithout pentissiot 'o1 tt " 3uitiing N-tisian. r furrher eLrtt"l'g_-cta.t-Jlli"iiictors ani e:olctJees uho are ineoncliance airh cRS zot.bss aiLL be- used "i- thi" i"ili"t -'--- -'. tsedtoons: €l a Lot Feces -So'i/tees iiouse C,Aceess.a iote t I!EI|:ia x Value 7& Tj?AL I/'ALUE icinla- za,@ Check Date ?aid,9 #2A.* Building Volue & Permit This pernttt,Js granted on the eoress cotd.ition tl,a.t the said-eonstntclion shal.L, in cll teseects, eonfcr"n to the Ctdinalce edoateC aiy the :it'g oi Sprin4fielC, ;.nziuritng ;he Jontt".g Crdinance, regulcting ;he ccnstnteJicn and use cf build.tnEs, anri mey be suspend.ed or reuckei et cn! tine upan uic- Latt-on of ang p*coisions of saiC CrCir,oces, tsuilding ?et,ttit Iotal Chetgee Sigzed: NO L i:4.'L Residenti.al (1 bath) Seuer Pluniltg Pertr:it Nau/Ertend Circuits !atrocroy !rt ,-lJ ,1Dae ts bha#t llaoC Vent Fo1 'tico<istote -. ENCR'ACA1,E:]? -- ?OTAL A1"IAIJIIT DTIE:'26.# i .Vobile ilone oLgnea Plumbing Perrnit ilo person shall constzwct, instal!, altet or chatqe dny r.eu cr e*isting plwnbing ot dtainage systalt in ulole or in pott, -,y"Less such person is the Legal posseasor of a ltalid oLunbet,'s License, eceegt thai a person nay do plunbing aork to prope?fu ahich is ouzed, Leased or opereteti by the qplt- cant. ..RESIDENTIAL.. Zzs ttorth stt, it niPPLrcATr,N/PEF'IIrr Springfield, )regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD 2cee;-et ! ,492 Date: a,J400 /?. , BO pbnok* 6 A0dasessors uap t l)-O7-7f,-/Z To* Ipt #qbc>Job Locaticn: .] : ;4ft 0 th Subd*tision: a>t",,, ftsc A e FT 0 t, EF l',) A I i AC&ess 4*tI &TA&l+\J I "tr.1* l;q31!. \ Date or' Aool1 cat'.an Additicn RenoCeL t-tnR ffo SI C $"t r{ {eAf)D G-o Va df Descz,lbe h'ork: d){ Rso{irn n r -l.*(-- tcO l^)Q.rlh,- Lttq Ceneral lLectricaL Plunbira i,!eciur;iccl aftt^f ?nfAtl ^o trl -u Scni:ctg aaset eqPeC :t ?toPert! Liz:a Septic tank p'"o7ed ati filled with gzaiai Fincl - th,en cbcue ite::;s a.re cc::cletei anid uhen TencLt tr)ort is corryLete or st!u.2- ttee nooed. atc pte*ises cleaned. up. e licnesilob tsLocking od. Set-tp PlwnbinX connections -- saue? otd, aclet Electm)cal Ccnnect,Jon - Blockiq, selv-ui arui plunbing connee-vions mtst be q-ora:eC be fore requesting e! ecirical insp ec2 io;: Acceseory sulliin4 :crei..es, skir*-ing, decks, , ^.^)Finsl - Afte? ^+^. v,|'lY -1!. - v) - CALL 726-3769 a Conslrrflca-Len<ig!_ It is the resgoasibili fron tl,e e ty o1a the penrit iotl.er to see th.at aL! inspeetions dre nol.e at lhe proper tine, tl,at ecch 'zddress is reaZ,zc';e card is Located at the itottt of tte :he Buiioina Sitc dt aL prc?et4 L times. ) state your Citg ted job nw;'tber, iob oiiress, type of insoec-.icnd.esigme ncte cndCont?actc"s cn Ao'ners plone nunber, P.equests receited befcre 7:C0 an L be r,c.de the sane tic:J, reeuests ma/ie after 7:00 on urLLL be raCe the ne.et wtking dag 7 tnotp.l;ccp ?t-u:srtG 1 ltzc?.AvrcAL:i | lo be :racehiot zo insxcli.c.tion oJ' floor insuktian or decking. ?O$L/!!D 44ta: To be nade pricr toffiLffiof ftoor insula:ion on deckirq. Rot_tc't ?Lu12:::G. ltECl?lCLL 1 :49C9- A\IICA.L: :io Dork ,)s co be cot;e?ed GlTthese inscecticr:s h;tte been nade ard apprcueT. CURB A .IPPSCACP APSCN: Aftet foxnsee arecteC but prJot to pclting cone"ete. SLDETLALX 3 DRI\Elltl: Fot aLL cctt-*""" pffi-A;ffi stteet right- of-,;c'!, lo be nade a;'ten eL! ezca- oaiina 3qtclele & fott t'sork 3 cub- base nater)al in Piaee. lOR I}ISP|C?IC\I !ou Sffl !!lS?:C::C:t: lo be nade af-"er *caoctfiaG picr tc se2 up o1' forme. U:I1EPSLAB ?'-U18!:IG, ILECTPIC;L 1 |.ECELiliCAL: lo be r.acie ceioz,e cngGt7€Guered. FCC|I:IG ': ?Atl:tDA?;Cll: lo be tmie ;ft e1. -c""rtci;;-'-,;-e.ca ated dtl forns ate ez,eetei, but pr'lcr to pourirg ccnctera. u ltiBq;:Q Ull ? t L-!,!? 1,, G,,jEE3,_! s.!& Wortofil-Lir4 trenchee. lour City'Desigr.ated Job llu'rber Ie : ril S ULA.? I O N / I/APC R B.A.P R IE R I TI SPIC ? I 5 iI : ?o be rad.e after aLL insulcticn eL tequired ucpor bez'ie?s @e in Plaee bat befcre ory laih, gtpsun bcarC or unLL couering is applt-ed, od befcre aty insulation is concealed. DRYIALL iilSPlCllCN: Tc be nade -----;-;-" aJ'ter cLL ctnluali is in pl.ace, but priar to cny tav)n4, lltSCNi?l: Steel Location, boni Eiffijgvautin4 or uetticcls in accor<ictce tt|th U,B.C. Section 2475. A,fter installation,)s qLol 3 g ,ICODSTCI.E: e,reG;A. ,I r ,TacDf rar.PrLor r.o pLccirg ard. before irarir-Z fcc.)ng inspec- tion. PR4lllG: ltust be reoresced after @ouat of roug'n pturA+ng, e'Lectr'i- cal & neci"anieal, ALl, toofirq bradn4 ! ehinmeys, etc. rrust be ccnqleced. llo ucrk is to be ccn- . cealed until this i,nspecicn has 'been nade cnC approt;ed. !!lt1!: 'r/her: conPl;te -- ProYide g-A; or nouable sectians th.rcugh D tt , ALL aro;eet condi:icns, slci as the.!.nseaLlcxton oJ'6t"22t t?ees, :o-Pi.ec'-on cl cie requined LanCsecoizg, cic., ftrLlat be satisJ'icd befcne the tsUILX:iC FfilAL :cn be reques..ed- ililAL AAILDII1C: The !ir-d1.3uildit4 Insoection ntst be reotested. cilet 2he !')nal ?!w:itr4 ?Lectr'ical, oti :4eciurtccl ins.oect'Jcns i"atte been acCe zrui eggrcuei *ALL !|AilHCLlS AitD CLEA\\CUIS:tUS? eE ACCESSI3LJ, .1.D;L',S::3;:!:0 3Z:.y)3,',.!::o::s::2 c:!y I II|IAL ?LAYsI:;G dfrltf \Ea,Jrrtfal? IIIIAL !L!C1PiC;' a pr^"74 {a--/ ,3 4 ,t rlL I tr u JoB No.8?4738 soLAR*ccEss REe.- i.t Sq. ?'-9. .:(L-CO G" 3edtoons: €f .57 , 2O L cf lct Ccuerage_o-oi.":::' €415L -'oxd L leldht Intericr Corner ?eniu,t-tcle Cul-de-sac Electricol Permit were state La't reouires tha.t the ezectz-ieal uork be done by cn gleetrical Cott"acto?, the eleclyieal portion of :hia pendt slnll not'be oiliC untilthe label las been sigzed lg the Electrj,cal' Cont?acto?. Mechqnicql Fermit €-z Stcte Pe*fttt fssuance l,teciunicel Perrit ?otal Ch-c,tces i llob:-le ilcne f IIAW CAREEULLY lx;.!!IJED iie conpleted aoolicaiian for perzit, etd dahereby certiiy. r,hat cLL izfo:zaiZn heyeci is ttal ia "Zi"n"r', oa ffirthet, .cet--iii that ory e,l aLL uork penJ'ot-ned siult be Co:te i, o."or_dcnce "rith the ordinance.s of t)te cita 'of sprtngfieki, ,zrui the La,;s of ti..eState of Cregcn pert;inina to the wrk CescibbC heraein, ad. :han xO OCC|]_?:!tf lnlib! ryie of any- sx:uet.ee- uithout pentissio,, of the 3uitiinE D)-uLiron. f iur=i",er certi;i :h.et c:tly eont?ccto?s a"i *:rolc,gees ut".o .er2 incozcliance aith CRS 701.0s5 aiLL be used on thia ptojeet -(_pe/Cot:st .-!eex l4cass I tn !^-,-^ iot ?a.ces - -- ?ees -- X Va.i,ue Building Volue & Permit ?his penntt ,)e granted on the eqress cotdition tlwt the said con;truciion s-ita.Ll, ^i.n-c!L.!.es-?e.e.ts, eonictm --o the Ctdina;ce xiopte,l.5iy :he ljt.g of5P"ingileLC, ';?.c!u1i:.ng the 3onir..g Crdlncnee, regtlcting ;h.e ecnstncticn od..use ci bu..L,7ings, anci nay be suagended or rbtckei it c"y tine upon uic-Lation of azg prcuisions oi satC Crdinqtces, Faa4r trlrt,t qn, 1(- ze.eo ?ee: n-:- D--'5. !o'.al Chetges ?a.aa Receipt #: Sigxed: .tr95 Residzntial (1 bcth) Squsen Pl"nc.tr:g Perr:it Neu/E:tetd Circuits - .!t2r1)LCe ,a I CIIA.RCE:ic PlU, *hanst HacC Vent For 'icodstore --;tlaa^i,-lrtt\t4 Secti'-,1 getosit Stotcce )!d.:/.=27nry2 Siie;aik TCTAL AIiCU:IT DUi:'26-# ,_- a , ) Plumbing Permit No- petson sln-ll 9ansAact, instal!, alte: or ehange dt! veu ct etisling ylunb-ing cr dtainage sys_t? in uhole o,n in part, -turtesi such person is- theLegal.possessor of a,talid yl,unbe1,s Licetts'e, ereeet th.at a pLr"o, nal doplunbing utork to prcpe?A ahich ie oxned, Leased or opereted by tne "ppti.-cdnt.