HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-02-24'' RESlt/trNTlAL'' 22s North stlt streeAPPLicATr,N /PERllr? Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuieion 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFIELD /o.oc /o t) t Ao -- o2 O. oo ?4,8a 8ao. vo -/ ttSiq:e<i: Dl L/ +Job Locaxicn: /5 aAesessore ilao , Subd.!.tist-cn j->tet: q )rslAd&ess: ut, Deseribe llork: / ao -atl-gDaxe of Applieati Vai.ue -) { ,rt-r-, \fi*-J'JACditicn RanoCeL J-1^^roLrrt-P l'onurZcio.:rs --\-Address LLs?. i Phane Geteta L L Dit.!1Lfli)t! aR ::cw) Sanita4 seser eapled:t prcpertg Line Septic tank p'a:tped eld. fiLLed ,,rith ;za-:al linal - i.,then abcue 'J;ens aze ccn.cieced. arC xhen 7e-tcl'-u)or is ecn=iele ,! sir-iJ- tuye r,oueC aC crat::-ses clbaned ut. Planbir,g ecnnecticns -- Eat)e? aC aazet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blccking, set-ut arui pLwnbing connections lr;st be .ztcrcted. befor e requestang el-eetrical inso ec;ior:, Acee s s c,.i' 3u"!,ldtrq ?iral - After Vcrckes, skirt"Jng, iecl-s, etc. @e ecnple'.ad. tsLockrng ud Set-up !1:2: Ot: Yow Ci,fu Desigrated Job ltunbet Is 83o ?3 2-, Constrtcticn Lendet I-t i8 ,he responsibi-Li\ of -tta penrit irotd,er to see that eL|, "i.nspections dre nad.e at lhe propet t*ne, ihet eech ad,lness is 2.sadci.1.2i.yr.-tk st?ee.t, anC tiux the petmit card, ie kcated at the ,lwni of tl,e properfu.'3ui!di-4 ilui:ior- eoprot:ed phn sicll remain cn the iuiLdlr<- :ii, at tLL tines. P-R?jEDUP!-FoR. IysPtnrcil I!1\1ST:CALL 726-3769(recorCer) state gou! City Cesigzated. job ntnbez,, job aCireas, type of instec=icn !,1.*":-""d at:d.uhen ylou -uiLL be teeciy fo,r inspection, cont?act"rt oi ot:ners rate ira pn"7n nunbez,.' -lrqr"""" rele;iZa bLfcre'7:9C c:iL'1,1L be nade the sane Ccy, "eouests naie aftet ?:00 c,1 viLL be naCe the ncst.,nrking d.a!-. T i]!To be trccie after pricr tc set up of |IISULATION /VAPAR ilRRrgR ITISP9C?rcN : To be made aftet, aLL ir.salattcn el, required uqoz, boriers @e in glace bat before ory i,ath, W?s1i)t1 bcayi cr tnLL eouering is cpplied, crd. beforeoty ittsulation is concealed. DR!ilALL I|!SPICAI0!I: Tc be nade aftet, aLL atluall is in pLace, but prior to any taping, \4ASC\|PI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, crouting ot, zsertieels in accord.otce,nLth U, ts. C, Section -.;na^e4^18, ==-:= After instaliatlon is e.U?.B e 4!!!clQH !Pi?N: Ai-ter fotnsa'e e"*tAEtVfrA to porr.:,ng coacrete. :I)!'4S.LK 1 )RI'.TiA!: ?or eLL ccn-e"e; ?aufi-;Efr street right- ol'-t c'!, tc be maCe ai'let aL! ercc- tatina snttoLete ,1 fotn ,-ork 3 ;ub- base mcterial in pl-ace. UilDS?SLI.3 PLU\EiYG. ZLZC?,?IC,\L "i!!C't!i..lliC)';: ?o ce nacie belote cnywrk is ecuerei. FC)TilC 1 i?UlilDA?ICll: ?o be ra.Ceafter trenZite{ ari-ezcaated ari fcrns cte e?ectei, cuf, prtc" topouirq ccnc?exe. ia ultDiRc?.cu:t3 ?!L'tPT:;c. s!:rlp. rl.,tT!p.:. I DRAI\IAG|: :o be naze cr.)ar to fti-Lir4 crer.ches, 11 utnpp:caR ?au:srtG t !4!Ci!A!rcA!:l-)ffiof floor insui,ccian or Cecking. ?0ST AllD 3EA!4: ?o be nade pr)ot to insxallaticn of floor insuT,attcn ot deckirtg. ECr-'C:l ?!',J::Ei:lG, !!E3!prcIL t ;.!tCil-_A:li:;:: ]o ':cr| is sc :c co-^et'ei w:til iV.ese '.nacectiots 'na.ue been naie and zpgrco'ed.. i:.?t?I.l€.' ?r.ior '.o plccira j;c--ng nc=erlais ad. beiore ira:rirq insoec- ??4!MC: itttst be recuested efter aporou,;L of rcugh plw,rbing, electr'.J-cal 4 nechanieal. ALI roofJrq bracing E chinmegs, etc. mtsc be corngleced. llo ,;crk is to be- con- cealed until this insoeciicn ias been made cnC aporo'u-ei. r -:lI FNIAL PLU!/,BI:IG FTilAL !4EC.IA:IICAL ?IIIAL EL1C??ICAL !EN!E: rarher conplate -- *ouiie gates or nouable aections through Dil? ALL proiect eondtlions, suci as the inscallaalon cf street:raes, :c::_c!et-Jcr,. cf ciereqtired LanCseqing, etc. ' tnrst be satisiiei be;bre the tsUiiDIiiC iIi'AL ccn be reques;ei. PI)IAL BUILDMC: Tne F,JnaL Buildtng fnstection tust bo- reouesteC zfler the 1!r,.al PknbiryElectrical, qnC. t.lechar.ical inspeex'.ans hauc been nede ,erd atcroue;. *ALL !4AIIHCLZS AND CLEA.IICIJTS IIU9? BE.|CCES7I?'T, .1D,]L'S?:!::;I:O 3E:,!I,DX !.! lIO,JiS? ?C CTY \t--.""-eDo; Cr!a-"**) o 3900 a-!-d--b^7-Qo-^- Pllnbiil n )-aa 9 JOB NO.3o1 3 SOLAR,+<CESS REQ.-V Dedtcons: Reeeipt B: Sialted: Mechqnicol Permit L-co * t^l e- a+-@u Jq. .4. 1 cf lcr iaterage ! of Stor-es lotaL ileiEht lcgogr .ohy Pe*n t fssuawe Meeiunictl ?etnrt t Crou, LCr vv?g _ fnteto\ot _ Co?ne" _ Panhandle _ Cul-<ie-sac P Ldn r;ranlner f HAW CAREFULLY lX,tLtqINED ihe ecrnplateC copl'icatior,. for petmit, cnn da hereby certify that aLL infonation herecn is tnte et^i. ecz,reci, a"C. i further cet+-if"- that ang erd. aLL uotk pc-t:fomed slwll be dote in eceor- dance',rith the 0rdintnces af the CLty of Spr)ngfield, and. >ha La;e of the State of 0regcn geri:aininc to tke uotk Cescribed herein, crL :irc.t lO 1CCA- Pl.llCI trill be nade of dnA st?uctu"e aithout permiss.-on oi the 3uiidlnE Dt,- uision. i further certifE th.at only ccniractcrs a;d mpLcgees aho ate tn conplianee uith CRS 701..055 r,till be used cn this prcjzet 7-xa-gs Lot laces - Df a^.,-^ -- Fees -- r!z:.,K t/a ).lann dAfraf 'ra.tta! . int ,aJu) cn^1<- lhis penntt is granted on the e'p?ess eondltion tl12.t the s,iid-cons.ttaccion slwll", in ail tZsoects, confcrn :o the Srdinar'ce adopteC 5iy the Citl of Sprtngfield., '-nc1-uitng the ioning Cz:dinance, regulcti.rtg the cc*etrtet'.cn otd use of butl,C.ings, and nay be suegerieC ar teuckei at ct:1 t')ne uicn 'J'i.c- Latian cf .my prcuisicns of saiC C'rdirances. Suildt-ng ?ern)t ?otal Ch,argea State Building Vcllue & Permit CiUP.GE ?tb.&es Residattial (1 bath) Seuet I w Plumbing Permit No pe?lcn shall constnLet, instal!, al.ter ot chan4e GrL! nel cr eristtng plunbitg cr drainage systel in'aitole or in patt, utzless sueh person is the l,egal pbssessor of a ua1.id plwnber's License, esce?t that e pe"son nay do_ plurbiig xork to W,ape"t'! uhich is oaned, Leased ot opercted by the appLi- ccflt. Perri Neu/Ezterd Cireuits laocroy Seruice Electricol Permit Were Stdte Lan requires t?nt the electrLeal aork be done bg ctt llecttical Cant*actar, the electrical portion of this petmit shall not be uaLiC until the 7,abel las been signed by the tlectrtcal Conttactor. ?olal aii at; t cal bh&,st HaoC Vent ?ot ,lcodstote -- JriL:uAL:rtt:.jr -- Sectri ,3u"ccui sl",7.end. L/. IATAL Al!1UilT DUE:'4 &o,zo 7 Hobile llcne SiEne<i Date i?!H itc. 7.mace 2TUtS lotcl (nooes State Surchaae Storcae l/atnfm:e !en=e EZeccrt:cal Label