HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-08-12: " RESIDT- .T|AL.. APPLICATION/PERIIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfteld, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 66A D^--/ ZO-6/b.5 Job Loeaticn: Aasessors I'!ap fl s\bdiuision: A,nen: Addtess City: Deseyibe llork: SPRINGFIEI-D 6lo Additicn tjJocdCoVg- $,se* RenoCel 1 ,,oorro ,on" Ddtc of A?DL z-t7-8L Date VaLue Ceneral Accxess Io Tc,z Lot # Phonef-i '+1-31 L7 ) PLunbi.ng XLectrical liecisr:ic.:L Constryctiort Leruier i; is the resaonsibility of permit hoAen to see that aL'!, inspections ate nade at lhe prope? tin., thet ecch zolress .is y2a;ai'-; t?om xhe at?eet, dnl thdt the oerzrtt card is Located at the ftcnt of tite orooer ty.lii:q Diuiciot: acptou-e<i clan si.tcil renain on tiu ouildzng Stic at aLL'tines Icur Cifu Desig:nated Job Numbet Is ?::C::}';PE F0!?. ilsPic?rcil,IH?ST:CALL726-3769 (yeeorder) state you" City desiglsxed job ntr,ber, job aiiyess, t-y=e of :.tcspee=icn 'e.c.?szea aje alzen'gou -uiLL be reatiy fc,t' insccction, Contracxors ci O"tners ncnte cri ;rone r,utbcr.' p.eques;s z,eceil;ei beicre' Z:C! ;,:iil be nade the sane ricg, ?eouests nctie cfter ?:g0 en ttLL be maie tize ncst uorkir='ist. SLobL@ I?aati,re,l Trcn eeticnsl l I "=c",raio",-tt prtar tc set ip of forme. ; : : S L' L }.! I C N / VI.PO R 8,4 P P T I R I I,] S P! C ?T C ] J :)Z:,:3LT!IC, ":-?lo be nad.e afier aLL insulcticn ed. required oqor ba*ie?s a?e in plaee but befcre oty Lath, Wpsum bcati or tnLL couering is a;tlied, and before oty insulation is : .:ealed. 'l--'- -DRYI,IALL I|ISP|CTICI,: ic be nade Sanitatl se:set' cappei ct ptoocrty Lite Septic totk ptned and fil|.ed tith gretei aixer aLL ctyuall is in pl-a,ce, but prior to cny taping. MAS1UPY: Steel Location, bond beans, groutino or uetticals 1n aecord.otce v|th a.B.C. Section 2415. .a af'te:: xyenches are erearsated and farm:; o.z,e erected, but prior to pou"'tng ccne?eta. linal - trhen abcue itens are ecnoletei and. uhen ienclitiot. is corplete or s'-:-ir- tuye noueC anc ptezrtses cleanei up. - ullDERGpou:tD pLu!.tDnlc. s:hEp. tr.ATEp. ) DRAIIIAG:: To 'oe nnie prior xo fii-Lirq crenehes. -1 unotnFroon prwsnc a r.:tc:tn::tcn:,I fo be naie pricr co insiallation of floor insulction or deckina. ?OST AllD BEAI4: To be nad.e prior toinstallaticn of floot, insuLation or deckinE. ROI-ICII PLI]!'!BII:C. ELECIPICAL'8 I4ECH- A|IICAL: iio uo?k is to bc cot;eredurtil these irlspeetiors haue beer nade and. approued.. FTPEPLACE: h-tot to plccir4 fccingmcterials ani before franting inspee-tion. B,Uj!!C: Must be requested aftetqproual of rough plwr,bing, electri-cal & nechanieaL. ALL roofittg braeing C ehinmeys, ete. trust be . eornpleted. llo uctk is to be eott-. cealed until this inspection has'been made anC apptooed. fiw After installation is CURB & APPROACI] APP,ON:After formsue eyecteC but prior to pour.ing concrete. SIDEI,IALK A DRI\EWAy: For aLL eon- erete pat)ing uithin street n)ght-of-rtA, to be nade after aLL ecca- Dating cornplete & forn tnrk & sub- base naterial in p|.aoe. IENCE: hhen conplete -- Proui.Ce gatea o? nouable seetians through P. U. E. l l l l X ?oL-Q;^,'o lc'.oo l il l FTilAL PLUI4BITIG FITIAL I,{E'HAiIICAL FITIAL ELECARICAL - .- ALL pt'oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of aireet trees, conolction of tie required Landsccping, ctc., rrra'st be satisfi.cd before the BUfLDIilG FI1IAL can be tequesteC FIIIAL BUILDING: The Einal Build,ing Inepeetion mtst be requesteC after the Pinzl Pltnbirq \--l ElecLrieal, al. l,leeinrieel fnspeetions itqvc been made arui accroucd. llcbiLe licnes Blocking otd Set-up Pltnbin4 conneetions -- aare? al. ua)er Electtical Canection - Blockin-o, set-ur and plunbing conneetions nr;st be eprcu*ee before requesting eleclrical inspec;ia- Aceessor-i Buillirq pcrekes, skitting, decks,Final - After etc. are c.znp Page 1 of 2'ALL ttAr:HcLES AND CLEANOUTS tUSr BE AC1ESSTBLE, ADJatrlE:t! T0 BE t!.4D8 L? lt) ?9ST ?O Crv yMrJ0 ,/ u \t /."ndu-r,r A 41+14 JOB NO gb66 / toLAR Ac cc s s R Ee.-r--coc* Lot Faces -Enerd! |eunees Ttrte Setbaeks Df House Can aae Access, No?th East South Hoodctove West t: \-/Be<itootr.s lieat Iot Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Ccverage ! of Stories lotal Eeight lopogrqhy ICI TWE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhattdle CUL-de-sac :!E:.1 3.D.C. 1.5 e Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the e*p"eas eondition ttnt the said eons*uetionstnll, i.n all respects, eonfom to the ordirnnce adopte,T 6iy the City ofSpningfield, incTuding the Zoning Cydinance, t,egulating the ccnsttucticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC dt crA tzme upon uic- La.tion of any prcoisions of said Ordinances. Building Petidt State Total Clnrges Date Paid: Receiot #: Sigted: FEE x VaLue 4,bo ?OTAL VALUE lesiietttia.L (1 bcth) Seuer ,;a,/Zztend. Circuits q?ec?@!) Setoice TotaL Plurnbing Perrnit No_ person slnll consttuet, instalT-, alter or ehange anA ned cr e:istirgplwnbing or drainage sAsten in uhole or in part, unless sueh cerson is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber,s License, e$cept th.at a De:son na.1 dc pLunbing uork to p?oDe?ty uhich is oumed, Leased oz. operated by the appli- Electricol Permit l{nere state Lan reouires t|,at the eleetz,ical uork be done by an glectticsl cont?acto", the eleetticcL aortion of this permit siu.Ll rax be valii utz=iitite Label has been signei by the Electrical Contrccto?. , ir.--' J - C::,:::a ft4echonicql Permit,s :itarct HooC co<isto;se PermLt fssuqnee l,leeiunicel Pertni.t D 6.ao -- ENCRCACHIIE!]T -- t Total Cnaraes L PLant uaxe obeut lCeualk ,bile ltone f HAW CAREFULLy EXLUINED the cornpleted aoplication fot, pennit, cnd d.chereby cet,tify that aLL itfo:'nation hereon is tyue artC carreex-, cruC ffurther eerlifs- that any ard aLL uork perforned slall be done ;.n ,"=on-dance titlt the Oz,dinances of the City -of_ Springfield, and the Lc;s of thestate of o"egon pentainina to the uork ceseribcd herein, cnd tilzt No occu- PAHCY DiLL_ b: ryde of any" strueture uithout permission of the B;izd.ing Dn-uision. r furthen eertifii that onLy eont?acto"s a;.id enplcyees uho arle iztconpliance Dlth ORS 701.OSS uiLL be used on this g,oject ,:TAL A"'IOUIIT DI]E:'4,