HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-10-04F.ecei tit" RESIDEr.lTlAL" APPLTCAT ION /PERI4IT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Bu1- Ldlng DLDLsLon / zo-o / Do /Job Locaticn: Assessors Map #2G SPFlINGFTEI.D 0 Tc,s lat # ' svbdioision: '.'a,ner: lddtess /'ci additicn RemoCel l'lobile Eone {atu of AppL ,/y t0-Y'k t/ i)zip Deset Lbe llot'k: 5.F, Bes. / r/m*ie72 lvolun eZf?t Ya Date Phorte /lGeneraL <AU**ta L L Constm.ctton Lende" It ie the responsibility of tlc permit tzotda to aee tlnt alt i.nspections ee nade at the p"ope" tine' that each cddteas is teadab1-e fran the at?eet, and tlnt the p*nit cafi id T,ocated at the frcnt of the gopetty.*suilding Diuiciott appror:ed pl,an shall remain on tlp Building Stte at aLL tines. PPOCEDU1E FOR INSPEC?IOI| RI?WSTTCALL 726-3769 (yecoydet) state youn City desiya-ted job ntotber, iob aCiress, t-yp1 of inspec=icn eadyforir"soeetion,cont?dctaTso7a,rn.,"-,.,c,,eLndphonenunbel.Pequestsreceixedbefcle7:00a:l l,vi,Ll be nade the sone dcy, "equests ncd.e after ?:00 aq tLLl be made the nert:,totkirg day. Iour City Desigr.ated Job llutnber fs:8ya €7/ qfFD TitQDranr^it. e*.ao;tl"rr-'ffi Io be made aftet' pr.iot, tc set up of fozme UNDERSLAB PLUI{BING, ELEC?RICAL & WCHA-ilfCAL: lo be made before any ffiE7iaooer.ed. & F)UNDATICN: To be rruCe after tz,enehes are attd forns az,e erected, but prioz, to pou"'ing ecncrete. Io to or decking. 9E4t:4: To be nade PrLot' to-of floot,insulation ot To required ucpor berie?s @e in Placebut befcre otg l.ath, Wpslon boatC or unLL co'ueting is appli,ed, attd. befote oty irculation is concealed. BARRIER aLL insulaticn 'f)N: Ic be nade Cagua in pl.aee, but prior to anA taping. \IASINRI: Steel Loeation, bond ffiigzouting or uetticals in accordorce tLth U,B.C. Section 241 5. rynwmcnowo ptuuzrnc'A Ling trenchee. to'these inspections lwtse been l,tust be requested after of !!!!L:gates :No nnde atd aooroued. | | rrpgPlgt: Prior to placirg facingI I ffiffials and before -franirfi Zr"pnL- $,/hen eo;nplete -- ProutCe ot, morsable seetions thraughplwnbing' electt i- ALI t'oofing btacing E ehinmeya, etc. nast be : eontpleted. Ito uctk ie to be con- -. cealed until this inspectton has 'been rnod.e anC approoed. apptotsal of roughcal & mechanieal.P.U.E, ALL pt,oject conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of slreet tt,ees, ecnoleti.on_of the onqi;rn-a irds.cping, Ztc., mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDTNC FIJIAL can be z'equested'fi*at PLU*Brrc fforo, ME,HANT,AL frrunt ELE,TRT,AL :l FINAL BUfLDfNC: The Final Building fnspection tmtst be Electrieal, otC Mecharical fnspections hqoe been nade requested aftet the Final Plwnbing ard approued. DEI.IOLITIO!] OR :.:OVE) BU, SanitatE seaer capped et.properQl Line Septic tank y"tr.ped and filLed trith gratzi Pinal - Ilhen abctse itms a.lle ccnoleted and uhen Cqtclition i.s conplete o" st?ul- ture nooed otd prenrLaes cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connecti,ans -- a€lte? ad. uater Electrical Cotnection - Blockitrg, set-up ard plwnbing connectione m:st be qprct;ed before requesting eLeclrieal inspecliol Aecessory BuilCing Final - After pcrches, skitting, decl<s, etc. ate conpleted. Page 1 of 2*ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTIIEIIT TO BE !,UDE AT IIO C'ST TO CNY t 7L+doosro',,t: Aften installation isL4 *,pfAa. CURB & APPBQ^QE APzu: After fonns@,;ZiATAE4;lo/ to bouritts concrete. SIDEWALX & DRfIWAI: For aLL con- cl,ete pffiAtffi street right- of-teA, to be nade after all ecca- oati,ng canplete & forn wz'k & sub- base nwterLal in Plaee. r Bedrooms P.L House Lot Faees - # of Stories Total Height Topogrqhy \\6\G 2?% 2 LCT TWE -1r,teri.ot' _ Cormer _ Panlundle Cul-de-sac z* t.z%, % cf Lot Cottet'age, -- Pees -- Building Volue & Permit This pe?mtt is granted on the erpress eordition tlu.t t?e satd-constntction slnll', in all iespecti,- cor,Tir* io the h'dirnnce adop.ted 6iy the ci'ty o.f spring.ield, inetll.ing- the zoning crdinance, regulating the ccnstmteticn *n ii" of buildings,- cnd may be suspended or retsokeC at cn| time upon oic- Lati-on of afiA prcoisions of said 2t'dinances. EXtrfrna Bltunrr:a fc\ BE EHoseo Fir'H' Pnopgwr REtoQE nccu:Q$t;c-Y \o Setr) Sflr$$ QE us\lr (Sg C3RHufi EETOTAL VALUE 1C. x VaLueITET4Fyc 7 ra ., 50 o?otal Clnrges Building Permit Sta.te Date Paid: Sigted: Reeei.pt #: FEEITEMN0. Fictures Resil.zntial (1 bath)t zs.- Sanitay,U Seuet, llater 2o:SBBfirn:nr-.ss{\r 2 Plumbing Permit No person stnll constmtct, inetall,, aLtet or elange -anA netr-cv e*istirq pfylnting or dTainage slJstdn in ulole or in part, unless such person is the iegal p-osses"or ofa oalid plunbez"s License' escept that a pe?son nag Qoptbitl:ng uork to prope?bJ uhich is oumed' Leased or operated by the cppli- cant- CHARGE 50 \ qo C>o 50PLumblng yerniLt TctaL State SurcV,ange Electricql Permit Whet,e State Las requires t?nt the eleetrical tsork be done hg,on ylslf,1,'leal Cont?actot,, the eleetrLcal porti,on of nhis permit stall not be oalil until the Label lns been si.gned by the Electrical Contt'actor. 50 {o Neu,/Etterd Citan)ts Set'uice State ?otaL BTU I IT9M FEE j \ Mechqnicol Permit b z5 50 to 6q .qq CHARCEoo llcodstooe Verlt Fo't bhatst PermLt IssutrLee Mecltanical Penrit -- ENCRAACHI''ENT -- Seet*ttu Deposit Stotage I'laintezance Permtt Cvtbcu! Sida,talk .qence QEArsrO65r ELeet?LcAL LabeL Mobile Hone JOB NO TotaL SOLARAC SS REQ.-r--Lod f HAW CAREFaLLY EYAI4INED tle eonpleted application fon pennit, and do lereby cet,tify that aLL ir,fo:rnation hereon is ttae and eatT eet, anC f further eertifg that any ard. aLL uork performed slull be done in accot- dance vith the Ordinances of the City of Spri.ngfield, and the Las of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 1CCa- PANCI ttll be tmCe of any st"ucture uithout pernission of the Building DL-,sision. I fuyther c.:':tify thet only contraetors and enplcyees uho ee in canpliance uith )RS \1.05s uiLL be used on thia proiect I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*\ac"30 Date Not,th I t(Jr*rn Ensx laFf f -r South l lq'cy West I Q liGq a22*?tt1?8. *Mn|n E2*iz*o.1laraca Aann?f Aa?-csso?u h.rzatnt /u ?o.- 87fr8<e lr* ii""u Enn, 4,5375 - w