HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-06. . RES ID. ,{ T IA L. . APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfteld, Oregon 97477 BuiLdtng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Job Loeaticn: Aesessors Map #)4, - Sttbdiuision: Asner: Addt,ess:D Ci a a SP'IINGFIEI-D Iar lot fl 6 Phone:224 /f"n W o6 € )/2 ln Describe tt'ork cswAdditicn RemoCeZ GeneraL PLwnDi 8-6 Val,ue Z Sr-A*a- B--Da Date of Aop Lieaticn a6 IJL3C. P .*!> Cong!ruction__Lgruigr rt is 'he tesaoncibililv of-tne pernrit holler to aee tha,t aLL inspections oe nade at lhe p?ope? ti)ne, thrrt 6g1411 -iiress is vpasrhisty-* at?iet'. attl. thLt *e pitwtt ""ra i". Loeated at thi rroit or the p?ope"tyrEuiaing Diuicio:,: appro"*ed plin shcll renain ""-tto Eir:.7d1"b"s'it" o" aLL tines. :CALL726-3769(yeeol,d'et,)stateyou"Citydesignatedjobnt.onber,jobaiiless,typeofinsoee=icntequestea a'-:a u':;en uou uiLL be reariy fot'itspcetion, cont?actcn" it ormers nane ind. eioie nunber.' "p,nqr."", receit;ed befcre z:00 antil.L be macie tize sdte dcy, ,.qu."ii"ioil "it* z:00 ant vtLL be ^";. ri;;-;;;;;r1;rq''Lr. Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nunber fs '.97or;7l 1 rc_ornc t rou;:onrrcn: ?o be naceI altet xrenches are escauated attd. forms ore erected, but priot topourtng ccnc?ete.I teouired oapor bayie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpaon bcarC ortnLL couerino is coplied, and. beforeoty ittsulation is concealed. DRYHALL fNSPECIf)N: ?c be madeafxer aLL aryuaLl is in pl.a,ce, but prior to cny taping. VAPOR ?o be mad.e after a LCn MAS2NRY: Steel Loeation, bond beans, grouting ot teyticals in aceord.ozee uLth U,B.C. Section WOODSTOYE: ccwlet;a. After installation is CURB & APPRCACU APP)N: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring corl2pete. SID,HALK I DRf,,WtY: Fo? all eon- crete pauing uithin etteet right-of-taq" to be maCe after aLL erea-tating canplete & font uotk & sub- base natertal in plaee. |ENE: hhen conplete -- ProtsiCegatel o? mouable eectians thnough P. A.E. DEINLruTA!] OR BI..IILDI;:CS Sanitarg se,tet capped ct propettg Line Septie totk p:,nped cnd f!,Lled trtth gzalsel Final - hhen abcue ttazs ate ecwleted and uhen Cq.tclition is corplete ir st-ue-ture moued otC. prerrLses eleaneC up. Iicmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa,)e? otC. uaret er6F 7!!C--^arntt 4cffi;;;ffi PL .: ?o be trutie afterpr.tar tc set up of 'ICAL 8 7o beiore anyl l A l n . ! L;L: eouered. U:. ttenchee FN|AL PLUI,IBIIlC FII]AL MECHA\IICAL FINAL EIEC:RICAL to I ultoFprrc: pr.u:smc a utcsnvut, -) 'l'o be nsce pricr co installaxion of ftoor insuktion or decking. PpS? 4!':D BtA!.,!: ?o be nade pri_or toi.nsta.Llaricn of floon insulation oyd.ecKln€. , -t. j unt-il tnese inspeclions haue beer maae @!d. coonoued. EIPIP.I!AC-E; ption to plccir4 fceingmaterials and. before froning inspele-tlon. uFRL';I\|C: Flust be nequested after cpo_rov;i of rough pluxbing, eleetri_cal & neciunieal. AL! noofingbractrg E ehittmcys, ete. nast beconpletcci. llo ucrk is to be eon- cecleci until this inspection lus been narie ani approued. Electticcl Ccrnection - Blocking, aet-uD and plwnbing eonneetions rn:st be apprct-eC beforc request':.ng electrLcal inspeclio:t Aecessot1* BuilCing Piral - Aftcr pcrckes, skirting, declcs,etc. are conpleted. ll f,l 1 ALL g'oject eottditions, such as the i.nstallation of stpeet trees, coryLeticn of t?erequired land.secpir9, ctc.' nuat be aatisfied before the BuILDING FfiAL can be requesced.. FINAL BUILDING: The Fi.nal- B-uilditlg. Inspeetion mtet be reouesteC clten the Final phtnbinXElectrical, od tleclur.ical Inspeet.i.ons 'hqte been nad.e ard'appnoued,. 2'ALL I.TANHCLES AttD CIEANOWS MUS? BE AC1ESSIBLE, AArUSrtlltE To BE tttDE llr t:o cts? ro cpy Page of 1* ad ,.'> l^-tZZ.Z'P T I @ loB No.g.bS_t7 soLAR AC^.SS REQ.-L-co ct ?-or.c Cecltcanev Grct:Ee:tcors Iot Sq. Ftg. i of Lct Coueraga_ ! of Stortes ?otal Hetght Topogrqhy ?O|AL, |IALUE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-<ie-sac 7ea: RatLa a Date Paid Receiot #: LACt' Building Volue & Permit This pennlt is granted on the eip?ess eondition tlat the saici.consttactton shall, in all respeets, eonform to the Crdinance adopted by the City of Springfteld, tncluding the Zoning CYdinance, regulctirtg tite ccnstracticn qnd use of buildings, cnd mey be suspend.ed ot' reuokeC at cnu t:.ne upon uic- lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1rdir.ances. S.D.C. 1.5 s D.,-'1 ::-- D^-; + State Sureizrwge Totcl Clanges Resiietltiil (1 bcti:) Stnitz:-t Setscr State Snle'rstoe s Cair:-:L'Plumbing Perrrrit No pereon si"a.!L constntct, install, al.tet or eiun4e any net cr ezisting ptwiztng or cfu,ainage sltsten in uiple or in part, unless sueh ienson is the Legal pbssessor of a ualid plunberts L'Lcense, escept tizat a pe"son na! 49 piunA'Lig uork to propertl uhieh is ouned, Leased or oDerated by the appli' cant. 1 fnt Faces -Enerou Sounces Setbacis P. L,ilous,Caraoe Aecess Ilort;1 East Sot;th ,/aoLi3 toL'. llest x l'aLuc ?EA 2r 2/e-+ ,4PLar,. Check \ss; 2 /. ?z 2 '-.s4 /s, * 7z-.:>/-<? 7?.zz ;iil/rtterd Cirevits :aiDctdu Seroice Iotal Cnetces Eiectricol Permit htheve Staxe Lan reauites that the electrical uork be cione by an Electrica| Cont?cctcr, ihe elec'-t'lcal aortion of titis oer::ic shcll not be :uc.Lti until the Label ias been eiqnei by the Elec*ical CotzuacioP. -vl :-vl"r,tee PTU I S r'-L a,6 + U^^ ) lent Fc1 icoastote Perr:tt Issu*ce lleciztzicc! Pe"*it c fi{echqnicql Permit -- Ei;citcAcit].:i:;i -- Tatal Cnaraes 8-e-a> 'to?coa f HAW CAREFULLY IXiltINED the conoleted aoolication for pernit, and. da hereby certify tiut aLL itfo:nation hereon is true anC ecrrect, arul f further certify that any ard aLL aork performed siull be dote in accot" danee trtth the ordinaaces of the city of SpringfielC, anC thc Lc;s of thc State of Oregcn pertaining to thc uork Cescribcd here*t, cnd ailat t:C CCCI- PAItCy viLL be naCe of any sttucture uithott permission of the guilding Di-- vision- I furthet, cet,tifE tiut onl11 contraetors ai;d ezplcyees uho ate in canpliance uith CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this pt'ojectvrbcu! ide"tall; "nie Lec 'obile Eqne 1,zo -.At a'ijii,)' iuZ:'fl lag.oz t' / --t i