HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-2122s itorth stlt s;treeAP?L;cATr0N /PERMT! Spri,r.gfield, Cregan 97477 EULLclnn DLil,sLOn 7 26- 37 5"3 SPFIINGFIEI-D .. RESIDENTIAL.. 83o rU, sJob 3oczticn: lvo=,>s.2 t aQ,v o6Asseecor: ;.!a? 1 Subdi'isicn: I \ 4r \ wL-/ rn 5 c-G)Vt{-)r7-7'ft)rt)-tter: Eso n sr* €dilJ Phona:'..ldC:'ess.. zi.o: q7?77)o l/,! €-?2-88 vaiue 68ft.oa Descn be llork: 'lrur.^&fir-r-*' u* lt"' icxe of Apg Liea2icn licn ?.atoCeL l',,"-.- &*i^/ N'n'-'^- General 0R :.:c'r'z) Blocking od Sez-:.tP P|-unbirq ccnnec=icr.s -- sit)ev al. ucler Electr\cal Ccnnection - Blocking, set-ut an-i pltnbing connections r;st Le qprcted b e j'oi e reques tlr'tg e'!. ectrical insa e c ! iot .lccessa,''i Suildin4 2orekes, skirting, Cec)-s,iinal - lfter -+^ ?zie 1 of I ,t!echcnicc Conslrtc'-icn Leder li ie lhe reegonsibili:y of tla penr* hoZder to see tl@t eL! inapeetionl @e na<ie at )he propet tin€, tlat ecch ciltess is t2a;a\i2 ;roa1 2ir. stteec, cnC liat tha penit cd ia lccaled at the )cr.att of blte ptoperi:y.i3rilCi-4 V|;tic7o:,: qpru^eci ;tin si"-Li rerain on !'r,e tsuliciing site br aLL' tines.- X1QDU?i FoR I:\,EmW:CALL 726-3769 (teeorCey) stdte Aour City Cesigraied iob nu;ber, iob aCitess, IVOT 9f irspec---icn lequ@eaig;.orir'speeticn,conttactarso,-ro,;,zels-r'a,tea"cploaetunbct.Peque8tsreceixedbefcr".7:90d:: '-iLL be racie the sate &y, reqT.ests nc-ie after 7:00 an viLL be rade the ncst *rkittq dag. yote CitA'Desigr,ated Job ltunbet Is ZZ t7&u T E a i--l u.v:r:-":cc? ?LUistlc 1 :.'arr!.!tIC:a: i | lo Je ECa.e tr-cP io '-n3xcL.ataon o: fl.oor )nsui-'aan c? zecking.I Stencne€. ?OST AitD 3EAi,f: lo be ncCe ?"aoP :o lrstcliiiiof flcor irsui.o.iic-tt ot Ceckttq. ict:i:-: ?a']t9:::c, ?:!7?:::a t .\2c3' S:t::;:: .:;o ':crt ls tc oe ao.-erec. --. w:a'.1 ir.c;e '.Ls9eai'-cts 4.ale zEer na,i.e :r.C -trc:te!,. ru:!!: i,lust ':e tec'tec'"eC cfler qproval cf tmigh pitu-iin4, 2lecr"":' cal I nechanice.!. ALt rtoi'Jr4 btcetrq 1 chi:ntcys, etc. rrtsc be ccrmlezeci. llo ;crk is to be ecn- cecicd tntil this insoecicn i"as l6sn tzde ctd, cporoteC. CUPB n APPRCAqH .4?.cCN: Aftet forns - Mereccei but pzlor to pctr')n4 cov.c?ete. SDtl).LK 4 1RI',TiA!: For aLL ccn- - cr.-ce pau-"g uixhtn st"eet z-tght- of-rxy, tc be maCe a|".er aL! ecec- Dating sqnoleie ,1 forn "Prk 3 cub- base ncterial in Place. Sanrloty setet ecpped :t ptc.oet4- Lite Septie to* V;:r2ed and f')Llei uixh gzaiel !'tnal - ithen cbcve itets ee ca:oletei ar,C uhen lqtcl:-tion is cttglele ct st!-ie- bse nooed od. prerises cleanei ut. !,lobile ilcaes sils i."'-<P:f:iu ezcauctiat, tua forms. u:tD!?sL;3 ?t".j:.Bi:tc, lLic:.?r,\L ) ilL:.-i)..tt-i-: t'O DO tf,CdZ Ce:Ale Cny - uor( ls cctelec. PCCI:iG 1 iCt-'::DAT:21, 76 is -a-C.e ai:er ttencnes are esc€Jc ted ar'i. fcnrs cte erected,, but priar to POU?Lr,g C3n':eta. I t\r)-a=^t.i-: io ??-ar to io be rnie ailer prlar tc ae!. u-o of |i\SALAT:ON /TIAPOP SARRIZ? II\SPICIICII : requ:-red oqor barie?s Ge in olace Lwt befote @ty lath, W?swn bcarC ct mLL couering is applied, erd. before ay insulction is concealed. D1lttA-LL illSPlC?ICjl: Tc be r,aCe;frA'AT@;t.is in place, but prtor xo ctzy taPittq. IIASC\|RI: Steel, locatiot, bottd ffi{ grartir,4 ort enticcls in otcoriorce ,,]Lth U,ts.C, Section 2415 . rtAahcfrAtE t - ccfiD Leted,. After irntallation is ,-l r:.=-r;';"- i *io, '.o v'tczrr4 i;e'-ngi I Ar-t"-a'ts cnd. befcre ;rzrtr4 inscec- Il:l !IiIAL PLU1lg1:iG I:.tAL .:JtA^.tlCde ?!:tAL zitc:9.!:;i €) IttlCg: Ithet conpLate -- PYotiie fiG or nouable sectians through P, U. E. ALL proiecx cot|di!,ons, suei as th.e installsrJcn cf ;tteet i?ees.,-:crleticn c;' "iereqtired lanisccctng, Ltu., ,*rt be sax'-siie|L"i"itn" SU1LDI::| FII|AL :cn be requzszed' ilNAL BATLD1:\C: Tne Fincl Buildir.g lnsgecticn ntst ba- requested'.i:2r th2 !*"'aL ?L'anbirg it"i.i"l""1,--*',2 :tea;.,,r-l:ccl inspeec:Jcns rava been aaCe arl'c=prcozi' .ALL !,IA:I'|1CLZS AND CLEAIICUTS IIUS? BE.lcc?$iili, ,4DJI,}S?:!i:;T lO 3E:.i!',8 1? lIO '357 TC CI:Y 126"3ts3 ?.ccei== 4 [S/ /'?0 0-a /,b dv,..|a) Fl.^- C/,"/ / Z'dc) s3^0 d S;,g,ea, ,4 0/ c'),t ^K )--^, JoB *o 33 bt sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccuertge I of Stor|es 6^r-7 t-: -'-- i"ooor-rhi ?uilding ?en:1.t Stdte ?otal Cla:ges Pllmbing Peritit €tate Per:-.'- fss-u.cce Meci:aniccl Pernit ?b soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ aecr2ors LC? ?92 _ ir-xericr _ Cormet _ Paniuntile CUL-de-sac Lac e Building Volue & Permit This oertnit is granted on the eqress condiiicn that the said conscttc:ionshall, i.n tlL:.eseeets, eonlcnt'-o ;he fudirut:ce xioc:eC by the C-J:! t;'Springf")eld, -nclilng ;he Joning CrCinance, rag:ulctino ihj ccr.a:=ti:lcnani use oi bu:.Liilngs,- c-nd nzy be suscenieC Zr reuckei it o.y ti:re uicn ,trc- Latz,on of ,my trcu.!.sions of sai,i }rd.irances. *-' $']a"-',- C)"Jt" l,o-Lt--U Plumbing Permit llo- petscn slall cor.struct, inslal1-, alter ot change GnA nea cr e:is;inc qlwtb-irq cr drainage sllt? in thole oz' in patt, taiesi sueh petscn -Js- !i".eLe-gal.possesso, of a oaLid plwtberts License, e.cept tl.a.t a pZ:son na7 CopXnbing uork to prope?tJ uhich is or.zed, Leasad or opereted bg tXe $pfi-@r7t. Electricol Permit ,/he"e Stcte La't te-quires that the electrtcal uotk be done by an glecztlcalcontractor, tlte electriea-L porlion of this permit stnll rot'be uiitd untitthe label i@s been eigzted lg the glectrtcal'Contracto". Mechqnicql Permrt :txcoel ;..:cess aat la.ces - Touse -- lzes --r-jt K TaLue ;.1:tn A=:ca ,/q/leSe.n ?a!.11 U.Li;g Oe S.D.C. .I.5; ( ol //, 6a -z @ CEli!.t: 5L07!ed: /:u. I i 33 !i.st;ttes ResiCenti.al 11 bcth) Sa,iLtty Seuet 7c)et ,-:,2.1;io. _3pa. Sa. fte. t] -:z.t / Ezt etd, Circui t s ?atpcrey Serlice Leet? ,'i I --?- ?trrcce ?TU,S *ltast llcoC Tent ldt vcoisxoie __ .,1a:^ ! .- I I ?a !'a Sec.ei 6a f HAW CARE?ULL:I |XA-ryilm !!e corpleteC coplicacicn...c" penar, atti ichereby centif3 tlu,t aLL ,jt:,fc:nat--in Zerein'ls :ro, ,rl- .Zrii.=i l"l ; \1r:1",er .c?ttify -:ha.t ang irt ail ._onk Vet,ior=ed, shail be- do;i-'in''o.rrn-aance llcn ine Ard,lna.nce.s of che City cl Springfied, ctd. =hc ic;s of =h=2*.t^1.ri.,-r:gcn p.ert;inrno to tke wi'< Ces'c:--bLZ n"nnar,-ca-:il-16'r;ii-il::t.! vLLL oe na.e o, ctt! sr"ttctu2aa aithout permiss4on of the iuiZdirc Dt_ttsion. i f,;ttken .ie11,-:.;-g- ,it o"iy- ""iii"=rn, ci.r.tp.cgee" ui.o'*r" in-ecepl:Jance ulth CRS ?01.055 ail! be- used "i ,nr, lncJecy Cutbe* ]lobile llcne 70TAl t!.!1uit? DttE:.53,@ Da wd ,_ -';Pe/Cor'sx: lnerrt Sources uo!rn fncr fl'AOCSiOXe 'iest 4ea2ss 1r') fux*p*zt H: Stotaoe i4altntercrce ?enee ELeetr.tcal Lcbei