HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-08-08..RE5IDENTIAL.. APPLICATIAN/PERI'LIT 225 )lonth 1th Street Springfieli, Cregon 97477 Building Diuisian / zo-6 / oo --.cce'- SPFIINGFIELD 4c('u Get.eru.L ileciuriccl ;i?! !!S?3C!:2t: To be naie aftet escctcxion, :ut picr ac aea u? cf fcrns. ,tttn=ae. r) -f ,,ttu?t,i ar?rata.f 2 ,14.L:.-;..tt-A-! -'O 9e IECe Ce:O"e Cn! - w?K LA eA,e"ed,. F€OT::iC 1 ?CU:lDATiC:t: ?o be taCe ai'Iet ;renches .re xeauated ard J'cr-ns cre eteeteti, but ?!.:at '.opourt4 ccncteta. Lliw iPfffffffffffffff ligE:- loEe ilelnor =o itl-TQliineice. To be raie pr)or to floor irsul.a,iicr, or tlor.s 4cle ieer, Ei?i?LACi: *)or '.o 2kc')r4 iccittgnctertcls tr.d beiore frnirg inepec- tiot. i?!i!::lc: !tus. be rectectei afler @:. cf ro.igh plw,bing, e-Lectri- a,L ! necistieal. AL! rcoi')rq braetrg I chismteys, etc. mtsx be atpleted. llo';crk is to be :qt- - cecled uac:-L ihis inspecticn ha.a '962n no,l.e atd. cVpmted. =?tA? Dft;t@ftta C I i.\L r:Z -,'AJ : -AL ::.tAL a-ie-:.L-;L Date: p?ope, line, that acch cddtess is rea.fob:.e ' ntm,ber, iob aC&ess, type of inspeclicn nunbct. Pequesxs teceiteti befcre 7:00 ,=t Const@iL L.ndZ_ !! ia :he resVonsibilitV of ,iB penr* i@Aa, b see llrat aLL inspectiona @e nade at the ;'noar the att;et, cnC, tiat the penat casd ia i^ccated ct the fzoat of the groperty.,]ui!di.q Tlzticio- cp:vo.;eci p!.ot shc.Ll vettain on the tsuziiing Siic at zLZ tines. PPaCtDLt?g FaR I$PSeIglt_il2UiS!:CALL726-3769 (recordet) state lour City Cesigrated job @eady fot ircpectiotl, cont?actcts ci a,ners nane and phone'-ill be nwie the sane Cag, requesxs natie cfter ?:00 dn ttill be tm.de the nest xtking daii. Iour City'Desigra.ted Jab Nwrber Is: INSL'ILA?TON /VAPCR BARRIZP I]ISP!C?!CI| : rcquired uqor ber4e?a @e in place but befc?e oty lath, Wps'Lon boatd cr tnli, cooering is qplied, ,zd. befote oty ir.sulaticn is concealed. r3 tlJb r I I DRYTALL MSP!Ct!0!l: lc be nade -., after aLL crluall is in place, bat prior to ctty tcPirq. WS1NP!: Steel Loeation, bond 6{g"""tin4 orserciccls in oceordotce ,tL.h U.B.c. Section After installation is700DSTA'/1: aryTetxi.7 wczrvaccR P'-u:.Bx:c l,lcrA]:rC;!:', I ?C be -,oce or.Jct --o :-t.sxalkttan cf floor tnsuk',iott or deckirq.I CUFB A APPRCACI! .1??.CN: Af'"et formsee ereeteC but prLot to pcur')ng concrete. SID\\IALK d 3R!,TtlA!: For aLL con- €t'e;;;a i,r4 nnrt sh'eet mgh:- oi-ury, to be naie afler aL1. ezea- uatina conolexe t )ort uork d cub- inse tctei"al in Place. I -t I ?!NC?: lthen conzlete -- horsiie @ or nouable'sectians thrattgh P.U.E, ALL cro;ect ecnai=ions, ;ucl es che tnscai.Lctian Of slreet f,tees, :c-V7,et:-on-cl t;Le requireh LanCsca-oirq, etc., nust be satisfied. bei'ore the tsUiLDIilC itlAL can be reqaesteci- ll:tAL tsUILDItC: lhe Final Euild.ing Insoection ntst be reouestei li:e" ihe iinal ?1-rttbitti EleccrLeal, otC Necitanicai insoeec"cns itaue been natie and copt'oueC' iob bcaclcn: Assesoore !4q I Subdi:t'.sicn: Phone Desczzbe h'ork: Va!.ue 3C. t t--l r-t Data of App Adllticn P.enoieL ,Tnit aD'.afE'21t7 Sanilory se-ter eqled ct proparca- Lite Septic totk y*rpeC and filled. urith gz'atzi gincl - itrlten abcue iiens ate c.?Ql-et€d qti uhen iertcl')tion is eonplete o! sii1i.2- iuve mooed ai pz'enises eLeaned up. ;!ct:':es tslocking otd Set-up PLtnbing connecziotts -- saie? od uanet Electrical Ccnnectr)on - Bloekinq' set-u: an4. plwtbing cantections m;st be cpprcxei before requesvirlg eleelrical ins -oec !:.ati Accessorl BuiL7":lttg Fir,al - After tcrekes, skitting' Ceci'-s, etc. de ccnoleled. ?4e1of2'AL;:.rAiP.clES AttD CLEAttculs:tus? 98.!.cczs3:31i, .tDiL',S:::l:l! i0 3E:'!ADS:'-!::0::3t Tc cM Ad&ess: C:.att:tst 3"-itocr.s bt Sq. Ftg. / cf !,ct Coverega # of Storiee Iotal leight lopogrqhg i,.a awu _ Iniericr _ Cor.rzer _ Panharuile _ CUl-<ie-sac :.ccass llreD tote t -u )r iouse Lot Faces - ibin G=cce - !:,1, IdLiL 3.D.C. 1,.5 c - CA?GE Residertial (1 bcth) Sa,zit-azy Seuer icter Na,t/Ectend. Ciretdts Ser,sice iv?1, Erlw$t HooC Vent Pct Tcodsto:se Mechonicol Permit Penrit Issuance !4echaniczl Penr-t Sida,saLk lOlAL A,+!OU,\! Du!:. JOB NO Zlec soLAR_,CESS REQ.- Building Vqlue & Permit thia penr:.t ,)s grcnted ot the eqress condition tltat the said. constmtc!,Jon s_iu.Li, i.n-c..Ll .:espe.c-ts, gonfcrm :o the Crditunee cLoctei b,1 the ,:ity ofSgr"-ngitelC, 'Jncludtng the Soning Crdincrzee, regulc:ing ;he ecnstr.Liticn crxi.use of cutiitngs, crzd nty ce susoended or reuckei et cny tine upcn tic-Laticn of .any ptcoisions of aaiC Ct4inances, Euildirq Perrit State ?otal Chatgea Plwtbing Pernit -- i:tcR0ACi}8::? -- n^+^ D--'s. Receipt #: Srgr"ed Plumbing Perrnit Ilo_ pereon siu_lL consimtet, instc7.L, alter or chcn4e ana reo cr e:istir,g qlwb-irg cr drainage sAs-r? in uiole or in patt, -utesL such pe,son is- tl"e lgal.possessor oJ'a ualid plwnber,s Licensb, eecept that a pZ:son rag doplmbing uotk to p?ope"q ahich is otmed,, Leasel, o'n op"iitrirr-ri" aipli.-@tt. Electrics I Permit were state Lan re-quires that the electrtcal uork be done bg an g\ectrieal contvdcto", tlte eleetrical porlion of lhic pe*n:it shdll rot- be ualic untilthe Label haa been aigned bg the Electrical- Conttactor. UGEE L r EAW cAaEiaLLy rxAlrr:lED. the eonpleted apollcation for tetnit, crti d.aherebg certif.g tha.t aLL itf9tatibn hereon'is ttue ":i.Zi""iJ, i*a tfanthe! -ee"tif'g that ang ard. aLL aork perfomed arrall be dp;ti-ir_o..on-dance ,t|th the ordinazcbs of the city -'of. spm!.ngfieii *c-;i; ic-l of thes-!qt-1 ol _o-rlgon p_entainino to the aoik cescrLbLd h"rZin, ori- tl--t- tto cccu-F-.t;!|C! vil,L- | ryne of any stntct-"se uithcut peraissil- ,i :n" 3ul-ld.ino gi_w61.on. : :-,l?the" ce"tiiJ t'i"-tt otly eontTactops 6-d erclcuees xl.a cr-e incq,tollance aith CRS 701..l-ss wiLL be'used on this i"iir.', o e i yobile ;lcne -<) L-co c Stcrzae !,!ainterztse