HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-01-25" RESID' ,lTlAL" APPLICAL'tory/PERMIT 225 Notth Sth Street Spz"Lngfield, )r.egon 97477 BuildLng Dirsision 7 26-37 53 Genetal - b<,<.:'-tt-a- - I,lecharieaL to eee that aLL inspectLona @e nade at tle ptopet tine' tLat each cddreaa 'i's vsaiaii2 Located at the ftont of th9-ploperty'-on tlp Building SLte at aLL times' Reeeipt # RC <177 SPFIINGFIELD- P- Signed:/- Date /-2s'69 PR11EDIJPE FoR INSPECT IOITJ?1WE;!:CALL 7 "aaY fo.r '-iil be nade the sone day, requests mcde 26-3769 (reeordev) state your City inspection'ContraetoYs o? A,mers after 7:00 on uLLL be nnde the nett wrking daE iob aCiress' tYPe-Requests recei"'ed of inspee=i-cn befcre 7:00 cn, Cesignated iob nctne and Plone ntmbet', number You" CitY Desigr,ated Job Nwnber Is:8{ ott{ 8 vs rr s* )d"^j.rob Locaticn: \1 D Ics Int #Assessore Map # Subdirsision: A,mer:t /- o7q?Add.ress: 't--Phones q 7 ?-77ci.tA DescrLbe llot'k: Neil Addi,tian zip t--.1 Value rPt -*:* rad Page 1 of 2 DEI.IOLITIOI!SITE INSPEC!ION: e.ccatlation, but To be made after prtar tc set uP of Soilan1 setser capped at PtoPerfii Li'ne Septi,c tank p;ttped' r'd fi'Lled trLth gra;sel Final - l{hen abcoe i.tens are canPleted 1N1ERSLAB PLUMBryc. ELFCIRI-CAL & ]Ecir-I\rcAL: ro be made beioz'e anY ffi7i-iooeted. PCOTING & FQUNDATICN: To be naCe dfter tYenches a?e ercauated artd 1or." *u eteeted' but Prior to pourLng ecnctete. @-trenchee. unpERFLoo! PLU\ELN.G 4 MEct!-4Nr c,AL : ro6ffi; wior to installat[on floor insulction or decking' fonns. d.eckittg bracittg & . cottpleted. 'cealed unt been nade WW;"iiu,1#"htt Prior to cnY taPt'ng' IIASONRY: Steel Locati'on, b.ond tffiTiooutin4 ot' oerti'eals in-iiii:a&." LYL4I a'B'c' Seetion 24L5. and uhen Caroli.tion is eomplete , cleaneC o! stras- tute mooed and premLses oI Le Hcmes Blocki,ng old Set-uP Plunbing connectione -' aa)e? arl uatet Electrical Connection - Bloekitrg' set-up, and plwnbi.ng eonnections tntst be app?.cv"ec ;: ;.i;- ;;a;" a t ins e L e e ! rL e aL in sp e c *' i o t't Aecessor1 tui.LCirq slcLrting, decks, PIST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to ffiof ftoot' insulation or cuRB & APPRg41H APP:)N' . nf:?':^.Io-*" 6Z eriiteC but Ptior to PcuPlng concrete. 'ffiW; "rf,"f"r"llrTl-;i;"'. to be naCe after all' esca- "Li,i[ "*ptete & fonn wrk & sub- base lrtatertal i,n Place' Pinal - After etc. are comP pcrehes made atd. aPProtted'. EIREPLACE: Pri-or to placi'rq facing ffiffi and befote froni'ng insPee- ti,on. to these inspections hate been tequested after Lunbi.ng,eLectt"i.-P.A,E h4ten conP Lete -- ProtsiCe gates or nottable sections through ct conditions'such as the i.nstallation of slre et t/,ees, conq Letion of the LandscePing, etc , tmtst be satisfi,ed befote the BUILDINC FINAL ean be- requested' FRA]IING: Ifiust be ffioo"t of roughtL & neehanical. p ALL roofittg chinmeys'ete, rrust be Ilo ucrk i.s to be con- 'i,L this insPeetion las anC approoed. ALL proie requiredFIIIAL PLUUEIUG FINAL MECHANICAL prNAL BUTLDTN|: The Fi,nal Building, rnspection mt,,t be reouested after the Final Plunbing \J Electrt)cal' ;; I;;;;;'"ii rnspeetio;:;"i;';- ;;'; iie- a'd' appro'tec' EINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I'L4DE 1.T NO CCST TO CI?Y Y)/ Date of c/.. f u F-1 wooDsroltE: After i,nstallation islJ *rvGta. tr u T nII ,:] JOB NO.{0t SOLAR A^CESS REQ._ IotaL I HAW CAREFULLI EXAI,IINED tle eompleted applieation fo? pennit, and. do hereby cevtify that aLL information hereon is tz,ue attd. earrect, and f fw,tker certify that ang ard aLL uork perfor*ned slnll be done in accot- dance rtLth the Ordinanees of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and. the Las of the State of 1r,egon pe?taining to the uork Cescyibed herein, cnd trnt N0 OCC,)- PANCI uiLL be rm.Ce of any st?uctu?e uithout pemission of the Suilding DL-oision. f further certif! that otly contrd.cto?s atid etrplcyees dko are in eonpLiance uith )RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project L-co c Bedroons: Receipt # PLan Enanine?uate Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt is granted. on the etp?ess condition ttat the said-constraction "inott', 4n aLL r'"especti,- conforTn to the h'dinance adop.ted by the lity o-f ii"l."gfi.."ti, inctitding'til'zonl,ng Ct'dinanc-e, z'egulct'Lng the ccnstmtcticn irA """" of 'buildings,'crrd. nay be" suspended or reuokeC at GnA time upon oic- Lation of otA prctsisions of said 1vdinances. Access. -- Eees -- SQ. FTG TOTAL VALUE Vax Main s.D.c. 1,5 x Df House Total Height Lot Sq. ttg.Lot Faces - PLan Check Date Pdld: HuLLd.Lng Pe?tm,E Total Clwrges State Topogt'cPhY LCT TWE Intetict' Cor.net' Panhanlle Cul-de-sae % cf Lct Cctserage_ # of Stot'tes Plumbing Perrnit No person slull consttuct, install' altet or clw4e -anA neD-c? existing ptintlng or d-r,ainage syetan in uhole or in patt, unless such pez'son is the iegal pbsses"or ofa oalid plunber"s License, etcept th'at a pe?son nay 1oplunting uotk to prope?tu ihich is otmed, Leased or operated by the cppli.- eant. CHARGENOFEE Ei.ctures Residetttial (1 bath) Seuet Plwnbing Pemrtt State Electricql Permit Vhere State Lau requiz,es tl",at the electrical uot'k be done by arr Electz,icaL Contraeton, the electt"ical portion of this pernit slnll not be ualil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contyactor, *!otaL Nert/Estend Circuits Setoice I?!M NC FEE ?u i Dtn Mechqnicol Permit khanet HooC llcodstoise Vent E@t Permit Issuanee Meelnnical Pentn t Seeuz,ttg Deposit Storaae Maintenance Permit Cvrbeut Sida,talk bLeet?LeAL LabeL Mobile Home oo TOTAL AMOUN? DUE:*# lg, oo Signed Date &r rTEM Wel:ar Fvrnnee PTlltS State Suvchatqe ?otal C'lwraes -- ENCROACWENT -- Pence