HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-06-30: APPLICATION/PERTIIT 225 Nonth ith Street Sprtagfield, 1regon 97477 Bui,Lding Dioision 726-37 53 .. RESIL -NTIAL..SPFTNGFIELD LJob Location: / Fn 7a'' O/5 \' I Date: # Aesessors Map i;. i svbdioieion: ' Addtess: ci AiAitian 2 ?a Lot ll Phone: b oy.7 o6 ui /rp oyer fl e-- Q,tnet: */ Describe Hork: P.*'o-rr' {/aat'or ut*//c of +J re-$,r// ruta'f 4t e+ J l"fl ro omtxRqtoCelun /1Q Date of oprri"orion 646*86 value /@,* i GeneraL ELeetrical llechan:ical Conslrue?ion_Ledg!_ I^t i8 the nespontibility of the penrit holder to see that aLL inspections ee nade at lhe p?oper tine, t!'at ecch address is reafubi.e f.rycn--t1g at?eet,. anc that the-pentit cdrd is Located at the fnani of the propetty.*zuiUing Dtuicioz aopro"-ed plan shcll remain on the Bunlding Site at aLL'tdmes.- ?P)CJD|IPE F1R, iysPrc?rcil.q9-_q!ESr:CALL726-3769 (z,eeoz,der) state,Jou" City Cesigt-zted job nwnber, iob aifuese, type oi inspee--icn?"aueatea and unen Eou uiLL be reaciy for inspection, Cont?dctcrs or Asners-ncne Lnd piane nunber. p,equescs receixbd befcre'?:C0 si'siLL be made the.sane dcg' ?equeats nade afier ?:00 an mLLL be nnd.e the ncct.eorking d,cy. ycur CitA Designated Job Nutnber fs:8607€7 l-l si?E r:ts?3:::3:t: To betJ *cauilcn;6, pr"iar tc JO7n3. set after uP of x iilsuLA?I)N /V/;poR E.4RRIER illSpECTI1lt : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor bawie?s @e in pl.a,ee but before otA l.a.th, Wpsum boarC or tnLL cooet*tng is applied, otd. before otg insulation is concealed. AilDE.qSLAB PLL':.EflIC, ELECTRICAL & |ECH.:-i|ICAL: To be macie beiore cnuwrk is eouez,ed. DRYWALL IilSPEC?fON: ?c be nade aften aLL dtguall is in place, but prior to ang taping. I,IASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting ot, oe?ticals in aceordorce uLth U.B.C. Section 24L 5. Soitaty saser capped .t prope!"t- 7,*:e Septic totk p'.ryed atd filXed trith gratei. Final - I{hen c,bcoe itens are ccnoleteii cnri uhen Cqtciitior is conrclete -or s';tue- iuye moueC ati pneniaes clZanei up. a lQpl1ruc g FouttDATrcN: ?o be rp.Ce' - | @; c?A;i;; a?e ercauated and forns are erected, but pz.ior to pouy-ng ccncret.. a u v 0gRcpo u t: D p Lutp!!!,__syE!2__w A!!&:J Lirq trenehes. X aaomptooR pLULEttG & I,IECIANTIAL:./.t of floot inaulation or decking. S Post No aem: To be nade pr.Lot to C) ffiidGn o7 floor insulation or &ckitq. =I ROL'CH PLAIBI:IG. ELECTRTCAL A IIECH-:*l - ut:til these irspeeti.ors lnue been nade and. aoproueC. 1 prewzrcti pr.tor to olceira fastnai I AmG anrl before |"*ri"S inrpnl-tion. $ Ynu:ruc: Ltust be requested afterC) dppz,ou"L of rough pltttnbing, electri-cal & neclanical. ALL roofittg bracing E chinmegs, etc. rrust be . conpleted. !1o ucrk is to be con-. cealed unttl this inspeetion ltas-"been rad.e anC approoed. Al El WOODSTO"'E: atnpLeted. After installation ie CURB.& APPR)ACH APP1N: Afte? fomsee erecteC but ptiot to pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRf'"EtlAI: Fot aLL eon- e"ete parr@Atffi street right-of-tey, to be nade after all esea- oating canplete 6 font uork & sub- base nruterial in place. IENCE: gates When conplete -- ProuiCe or mooable sectians through FTilAL PLUI':BIIIC PINAL I,{ECIIAIIICAL FINAL ELEC.TRICAL P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of atreet trees, conoletion of the required Latzdsccpir.g, etc., nwet be satisfied before the BU|LDINC FMAL can be tequested. FINAL BAILDING: The linal Building Inspeetion tnat be requested cfter the linal Plumbing Electrical, otC Meclnrical fnspectiona haue been made and. approveC. l.lobiLe Plutrbing connections -- aa)te! d. Dare" Electrtcal Ccmteetion - Blocking, set-ut and plwnbing connections trust be dpprcxea befote requesting electyical inspeelio:: Aeceasory Buiding Pirnl - After pcrchee, skitting, decks, etc. @e eornpleied. Bloeking ord Set-up Pace 1 of 2*ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOWS MUST BE AC14SSTBLE, ADJaST\.E1D T0 3E HADE AT ll0 C1ST T0 Cr?y tr T tr tr Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cooerage_ I of Stortes Total Helght Topographg Ifr rwg _ fnterior _ Coxaer _ Panhand,Le Atl-de-sac fiEH i Fistutes I I Residential (1. bath) Seuer Plwnbing PenrLt State Nan/Extend Circuits , Ianocrey Sentice State Iotal PTU, bh.atst EooC Vent Edt 'rlcodsto;le Permit fssucnce Mechanicel Permit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- ?ermit ?otaZ ,:urbct.! Sileualk .\obile Hane Plumbing P erm ir * No- pereon shall consttuct, install,, alter or cltange anA neu cr eristingqhnlina or dtainage systen in uhole or in patt, inlesG such person is theLegal possessor of a talid plumbet,s Lieensb, etcept tlnt a pletson na,g do.plwbing uork to property ulytch is oumed, Leased oz, operated by th. i plt-cant. Electricol Permit were state La,t requires tlu.t the electrtcal uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractoz,, the electrLcaL portion of this petnit slnll not be taliC untilthe Label lns been signed by the ELectrical ContTactor. Mechqnicol Permit u r ilAw cAREFaLLy ExilirNED tle contpleted application for pezmtit, dd. dohet'eby certifg that aLL infotnation hereoi is tnte anc ebrrect', cmc rfurthet' certify that ang ard aLL uonk perfotned srwll be d.one it accoy-danee trith the opdinances of the city of spt"ingfieLd, and the La,;s of the* state of Oregon pertaining to the ,toot< ce"'o"ltZa nnnZli, "ri- tnot No occu-PANcy uitl bZ rmZe of ang"structute uithout perwtssion of the Buitding Dt-oisio,n. r fi*ther cqtifii that onlg conttactors md "npicyees uho d"-e inconpliance uith ORS ?01.055 ai,LL be used on this project l-3a- soLAR AC-ESS REQ.-JoB No.8<6 BeCtoonts: L-co # Iat Faces - P. L. I?EI.I F?G Y Value ibin baae Caroopt AceessoruTrmzz ?&.o TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x -ua Eee: Date Paid: I/-=ra Reeeipt #t 86,33-8a CHARGE StWed: ,Q Building V<llue & Permit This permLt ia granted on the e$?ress cond.ition tlat the sai.d constntctions-hall, in all -reapects, confonn to the 1rdinance adopted. 6:y the Ci.ty ofSpryngfield, inoluding the Zoning Cydinanee, regulaiing th-e ccnsttuZtibnotd.use of bui,Ldings, utd may be suspend.ed or rbuokeC at c*y time upon uic-Lation of @tA prcrisions of iaid Otdtnances. 1 ,t * Building P*nrit Total Chargea State NO.rEE .Z 7.5a ls* lf, n- -€o,S;E NO.FEZ CiIAP,GE ]a 8rffi€2-s> z?-5a.)e 23.?D - CI]IRCEFEE "C?AL AMOANT DTIE: I 7v.e3 Date g€