HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-04-27.. RESIDt,JTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North Sth Street Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 Buildtn4 Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHIilGFTEl.D { 4\ U Date: Job Location: Aasessore Map #Tca tot # Subdiuo)sion: C.stvt(r/.{A,men: Liit SAddtese:Phone:a lrvG tcL5 Date of Applieation_ Deac?ibe Itotk: fuRu,fc-e. f lletT fuapAdditian RattoCeL t-x Va'l,ue .A- Cenet aL t/t tl //r^C c- T, aD I t^fEn att Saniley seaer capped tt property Line Septic totk p'"irped atd filled trith gra;tel Itnal - l(hen abax itens @e catnleted. and uhen Cqtolition is conplete br stxac- tute noued orl. prerrLses cleaned. up. Mobi Blockittg otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sate! otd. uatet Electrical Comection - Bloeking, eet-uc ard plwbing eorznections rrust be qprcted before z,equestlng eleclrtcal inspectiot Acceasory* Bail.C:-g pcrehes, slirting, Cecks, Lelad. Final - After etc. @e conp' Pade 1 of 2 Consturc.llcn_Lendg!- rilSWA?TON /VA.POR tsARRIER ITISPICTIOII : To be rmde after aLL ineukti.n dd. tequbed uqor berte?s @e in pla,ee htt befote otg Lath, Wpslmt bcqC or tnLL auering is applied, otd. before ary iwuLation is concealed. DRY\IALL INSPEQf1N: Tc be rnade -.. after aLL enJudLL is in pl.ace, but prtot tu ctzg tapittg. MASONR! Steel loeatiott, bond beons, gtaning or oerticals in aceordotee LtLth U,8.C. Sectipn 241 5. UO2DS?o,/E: Aftet iwtallation ie anELeted. Iour CitA Desigr,ated Job Mnbet Ic: l-t io the teeponeibi-LilU of -tte pemttt hoda' to €ee that aL! inapectiota oe nad,e at ihe p?o?e! tine, t!,at ecch aCdrees is v2a)ahi2itan the street' a1d, that the p*ntit cal, ia Leated at ttte fzrotti of ttg Drooe?at.*9uiuin4 Diuiciot eprw^ed pl,or sircll remain on the tsuilding site bx aLL' tikes.' PPocgDaPE= F04 I!_\1PE*I1N ,glqyEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state !ou? City Cesignated job nmbet, job aCireas, type of it*peclicnte4ueeted cd ahet gou -uiLL be readg fo_r inspection, Cont?dctors c-r a"nete-r,,c,rre -ard pltone ratnb*.' -p.equests re'cei,7Zd bbflcre'7:00 qr'*iLL be tmde the eante ka, "equests nade afi* 7:00 dtt viLL be nade the n st lio"kitlq'dal. 82-o3q+ Ir SIIE INSPEC!|CN: esca)atian, but forns FIPEPLACE:ffi lo be na.de after pz'iot tc set up of AfiDERSLAB PLU:,{BTNG. ELECIPJCAL &wcWna wk is eotsered. ?CO:IINC & S)A\|DA?ICN: Io be rmCe@ffi;d*caated ard forns ote erected, but priot to pourittg ccncaeta. UNDSRGRCUIID PLUIt9TNG, S!'TEP,. il,ATER. DRAIIIAGE: lo be nal.e pr-ior to fil-Lirq trenchee. UIIDERELAOR PLUIIBI?IG & MEC4ANICAL:@oifloor insulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nol.e prlor to instaLlatian cf floor ittsul,atisn or deckirr4. ROI-IGH PLNEIilG. ILEC?RTCAL & I,{ECE- ANICAL: llo uotk ,)s to be co-"-eyed until theee irrcpeeaioris h,aoe- bem nad,e and, a?orouei. co?E?ete. SIDEI,IALK 4 DRT,EIIAI: Por aLL con- @ stueet right- of-uny, to be maCe after aL! erca- oating canpLete & for-n uprk & eub- base naterial in place. CURB A APPRCACIT APPAN: oe ereeteC but ortot gates DIIF After fornsto pottt ing Pm)or to plcctrq anl before franing fast"S insPe"- tion. FRA.!!I||G: l'tust be requeated after dpprooal of rough plurbing, electz.i-cal & neclwnieal. ALt roofing btaring I ehitrmeys, ete. trusi be arwlexed. lto acrk is to be con- - cealed until this insoectton ltae 'been, nade anC appro,^ed. f{|en conplete -- fuouiCe or nooable sections thtough PTilAL PLUMBING FIIIAL I,ISCITANICAL EfilAr lt?t40fF^ r ALL pz,oject conditions, such ae tlze i.netallation of s+-reet trees, ecrylett-on of the reqtired Landsccpirg, etc., rntst be eatisfied befote tl.,e BUILDfNG FI\IAL can be requeeted. .?INAL BaILDINC: The Final Building lnspection rrusy be requeeted after the Pinal PlwnbirqElectr-ical, od. Mecltanical fnspeeti,ona hate been nade and approueC. *ALE I4AIIHCLSS AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTIIENI TO SE I/"4D8 1.? lIO CSST IC CNY Qoin-$anr-. 7 T T 2 dSOLAR CESS REQ.-L-CO BeCrooms: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Caverage # of Stortes Iotal Height Iopography LCT TWE _ Intetiot, _ Cotmer _ Panhand,Le _ Cul-de-sac JOB NO. AccessDf Lot Eaces - -- lees -- x VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This pernit is granted on the espress cond.ition tlut the saiC constlactionslwll, tn all respeets, conform to the )tdinance adocteC b:y the Cily ofSpringfield, includtng the 3oning Crdinatrce, r.egulcting the ccnstzueticn and. use of bur.Ldings, ani nay be susoended or reuckeC at cny tine upan oic- Lation of any prcoiaiot;a of said Crdir,anees. TOT.4L VALAE s.D.c. 1.5 c Building Pe"nit,?ee: iotal Clangea ITEM N0.CEARGE Ei-zttses Plumbing Permit Ilo pereon shalL constmtct, l)nstal!, altet or clunge cnu neo cr e:isting qlwnbina or dz,ainage systan in ahole or in pant, unless such person is the Legal poasessor of a oalid plunber's Licenee, escept that a pelson nag do plunbing uork to p"ope"t! ulyich is ornted, Leased or opetated by the appli.- cant. Sarler Plunbt.ng Petmlt State )i0.TEE ?t i Da, Res. So. fta, Neu/Ectend Circuits 15,oo ?qcrtA Sezvice o Electricol Permit tlheve State Lan requires tlnt the electrical aork be done by an Eleetr.ical Contractor, the electrical pottion of this permit st@LL rat be ualiC untilthe lobel lus beea signed by the Electr[cal Cont?acto". !otal bl@nst Hood. Vent Fdt :7:!4 dtt uil?naL llcodsto;te Mechsnicol Permit Meehanicsl Pertntt -- EilCRCACHMEIIT .- Secarity Dacasit Storage iilaintenance Pe?nit 1ttbeut !ence EZectrieal Label Mobile Eone T)TAL AMOUNT DaE: *oo # sig"ed PLatz f -72 -r Signed Resid.erti.a.L (1 bath) Perwlt fssuance Sid,a,talk f HAW CAREFULLy YX,LAINED tle conpleted aopltcation fon permit, dnd dolerebg cettify that aLL infotmation heteoi is tmte and. cortect, and. Ifurtker cez,tify that oty ard aLL aork perforaed ahall be done in aeoor- dance rtith the Oydinances of the City bf Spt4ngfieLd, and. the La,;s of the* State of aregon pertaining to the Dork Cescr.tbbd hez,eln, end. ttat NO OCCU- P!.NCY r,rill be na.d.e of qa st?uctute aithout permisaion of the Buitding Di.-visio_n- r further certifg that only cantractors and enplcgees aho otZ ineotpliance oith 1RS z01.0ss uiLL be ueed on this project