HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-27?-ece". ..RES btN"t\AL' spRro.GFrEr-D ION /?ER}4IT 22s llo:eth strr stre#PLicAT SprLngfi.eLd, Oregon 9?477 Buili'ing Diuisian 7 26-37 53 t Pp Constr.tct-|c-n Leder resconsibility of ttt pefirtt hoZder to see*SuiHiq ui:ton cpptor:*ed to atLl, ;hdt the .?oryt-Len sltl cad, is L renain Located on the !ha, eZ! inspeccicns ee rdd,e 1!,iry fzutzt ol tl,e praperq.:utldlno Jtte x,t aLL- tznes. q ne at the p?ope! tine, that acch .-d,,iness is reaan:. ru,o;bet, nurlbey. q Un L I! ia :hejroat t;u sttee escdua fcrms. ;CALL 7 uau ua teeiE farrmde the sane dcy,requests mctie 2-9--:769. (rccorder) state Aota City lesigznted. ;obtnspeecicn, Contrdetc"s or A_zet,s nc:ne at:d phoneaft* z:00 on tiZL be naCe rh;-;;;;;ri;*r'il: job aC&ess, tuce Pequesr$ reeetl:ea of insoeelicn befcre 7:0C c Iout Ctfu Desigrated Job ltunber Is:lo be rmdepricn tc set after uP af :7olbrt-s ec,lerei. lo crezei.ee . fl,oot,ot, d,eeking. ?o be neCe p?ao"fZoot LlLSTi.ktton ana ,lr f.--ffif wffii;;L:z:" IuASO^tl2v, dL- . . #1*",r,1... t ;ocat;ton, bond._,. Jtvqvrrc o? ,evticclS :nquco?4d4aeri+Ln^- 241s. aeurl u'd'c' Seetion W Aftet, installation isof toJWa##; eeektng.l #'.' .,T:: ;zo :;:io;;,IW o itrta ;i.esenaiecoct c:sed,.l ; Pz'iot tocrd, beforll .,\iIAT, PLU,; ..,qt :i4ECilA.lfCAL .-!.y4a t[ic?3rc;[ Pkctrg factnoi"cnrg inuonZ_ Jeet,ffif tion. :lXlH*W: Foz.azzecz- or--,,n.,- J ! 'ev'Lerl st?eet right_,,'--::r' to ce naale 2r! !1,-,nc zoroz""r],ller. ali etcc-base r.atetlat ;;?;].';ot,k t ab_ Wx#ffiti'- l Il- \ iob Locaticn:Z Taz Iat #Assessors )!dP I Subd.Jtisr,an: CLrte" ;da:ess:Phone city:0 Deseribe l,lork: t-l OC)Va ,r# :-oncrcecots t7--71-gLiace of App ACditicn RanoCeL sesez ca;:ped .t p?cpelq* Liie Septie totk p-"i,rted, ad, filled wth graiei *jixtr*i*"r":;:,:x":3?.,- #"#ii*ffi:::*i#ivfii:i::, Aeesge6,g Buitijtq ?#' ;,^*;; rt r:"; "", s k:t?xins. Qsa ?6, -- seue? oC uatet tsZocking ad Sat_up Pl"mbing connecticns .---c : of 2 4LL UAI[lCLES LDocC SYc\F{-, ceneral Nr[On0 0 \d /n hl,l,r Sanitaz.l ..llJasi,e,r.!0 tE :.!4DE 't- :lU -'^e6 ?2 nrnu so( 4 R.-Ess arg _ ?otal #etght hw*qi,y ?yPn -- rnterion -- Po&a7,47" CUZ_de_sac r -co c* - iecess5".) / -'i.1U t ALU J D.U.C. 1..) s iulLa'.no lernLx !o+-al lhangea Stcte Vo said_ conatruccion'og the Cl:t'! of the ccnsttcxiclncLuitngCz.Ci adopteC Lctit'tg B dIU n I Uo e &Pe,r m tI,tfh; a gtanted the etDreaa that theIslaLtheeonfoo.n St dinance ;neSPz':.ng nenc eZoning o reuckeclattanJZ!v.o,vl|n of auape'rr,rieC Crd.inances Plumbing Permit No ?e?scn siall eonstzact, instal!, al,ter or e|ntr,ge cng neu cr ecistir,.g plwtbit4 cr drainage sAste'n in uhole or in pott, unless sueh person is the LegaL possessor of a ual-id plwnbez.'s Lieense, ..cept tha.t a petson na'1 do plur,bing aotk to propert:g afuich is ouned, Leased or aperated by the appli- caflt. FZiIT!!4 ?thses Resid.attti.al ( 1 bath) Saner Plwnbing Perrit :i0 ;4trr7ri, Res. So. fta, Neu/Extend Circ'tita taeor@Y 5rry193- :1:,.t ?Ertce 2T!:5- Vsnt ?a aI',lcod.stoie , tsfua Mechq nicol Permit Meehanict L ?ettit Per*Lt lssuoca PenrLt Atrban" ttlobt'Le llone fa.-d: Reeetpt #: Electricol Permit llnere state Lan reqtites t'lnt the electrical uorkbe doneby-an ELectPJcaL Cantreetor, the elictr'-ial pottlon,of thie -pernit s'hall not be xaliC until the Label "ioas been signed by the Eleetr"icaL conttaclo?' Stcte Total t>f> J 4 Date ?/ttz D/5, ^J taJ ,IT,,OUIJ1 DUE: ^ 2 t bttast ilood'