HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-07-07sPtlNGiFlFl rr I It r78 .. Rt5IDEN IIAL.. 2zs North *n rrr""APPLrcArroN/PERI'ffr SprLngfield." 0reEon g?47? Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job locaticn:560 Aasessors Map #4 S U(r& ?ar lat # Subdioision: O.nter: 1 Address ci t 6afu */?Phone: DeserLbe Hork: b-a3-&k l0l A/ )ll / V,^ Additicn RenoCeL MaTfiur.reFR *{I Date: Date of App Licaticn Value o GeteraL ELeetrtcal /)/t).?/i ) 14eclto:icaL Qory!ruct'ioa_LendC!__ * _ It ie the tesponaibi-Lily of -tle pentit hotl* to oee that aLL inspectiotzs oe nad.e at the prope! ttne, that ecch cd.drees ,is vsa:a^igf.y -t1y at?eet' and tltat the pettmt catd. id Leated at the fzotri of the propetty .l*Buildlng Dtuici.oz afrrw^ed plbz sttcll remain on ti e"l.Lal"i- siic at aLL times. i PI?CSDUPE FOR INSPEtrr1il R11WS?;CALL 7 requesxed ar,a uhen liou uiLL be ready for'*iLL be nade the edte ticy, requests icde 26-376 9 (r,ecorder) state your City Cesignzted job rumber,inspection, Contractors or A*tez,s nane cnd plane rutnb*. job aCitess, tyae Requests receixed of it*oee=icn befcre 7:00 o:taftet7:00 att urill be nade the nect :xtking daE.geo -_I SI?E INSPEC?ION:. I ezcauation, but - forms. o;z:","\12 f;o"z? tr -1 ailpERsLAB pLUMBry9-, Er,Eq\LqL_4.)@nauo?K La eouered. a 8 A trenchee. required oapor but iels @e in pla.iebut before ory 7ath, Wpsln boarC orrnLL cooering is applied, od. befoteotg insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPXIfjN: ?c be madeaftet, aLL dtyuall is in place, but pnior to cary taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, g'nouti.ng or oert.Lccls in accondorce vtth U.B.C. Section 24L5. Iour Ci Desigr.ated Job lh.onber Is: 7o be nade WOODSTOIIE: cct tpT;teA, Aftet installation is !A!!: h1ten eonplete -- ProuiCe gatee ot mooable sections through P.U.E. Sanitey seuer capped at property Line Septic totk p:ar:-ped and. filled tith gra;set i Final - Illten abcoe itens ee eanpleted. and uhen Cq.tclitioz is cotnplete,or st?uc- tut,e nooed otd. ptenrLses cleanei up.'/- 1 : of the be yeouested. DEilOLruIOII OR !.:OW' To be POST AI|D BEAM:#ldTatiiol decking. naCe and to to & to of or decking. ?o be nade pt"ior to flooz, iraulation ot, . these inspeetions haoe been and. approued CURB & APPRCACH App,ON: After formsee erecteC but prior to pour.tng con2?ete. SIDEHALK & DR|IEWAy: Fot, all eon- crete paoitq uithin stteet right-gf-txy, to be nade after aLL ecca- uating eonplete & fotn uotk & sub- base nnterial in place. 3) rLla l h A x N l ,A uork to oe PIPEPL.AQE: Pr.Lor to plccirq facingmaterials and before franing inspel-tior. fnUlllct Must be requested ay2sy,approual of rough plwr,bing, electnt_q,L & neciunieal. ALl- roofing btacing t chinmeys, etc. mrst bei eotnpleted. llo uork is to be con- made 7qFilIAL PLUAililC\tFIIIAL MECHA]IICAL 4q PII|AL ELEE?RICAL ....-cecled until this inspection lne:bee,l nad.e anC approoed. ALL proiect conditions" such as the installation of street trees, conoletionrequired Landsccping, etc., tmtst be aatisfied befote the BUTLDTN|G FriAL cantal IY] FrNAL B.LTLDING:- The Ei.nal Building Inspeetion must be requested afte? the Final Plwnbitq KJ Electrical, otC lleclurical Inspections laDe been made ad'apptoted,. X llcnes Pltnbing eonnectiats -- aa/tet od ualer Electz,ical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, ee-"-up and plunbing eonnections trust be apprcxbd before requesting eleclyical inspectio:t Aecessory BuitCnng Blocking otd. Set-up Page 1 of 2 .ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOWS TIUS? BE AECESEIBLE, ANASTEIII TO BE TTADE I.? NO CCST ?O cPy i, a ( 7 ,rourrn ,*n u tr Final - After pcrel.es, skirting, decks,etc. ue eonpleled. JOB NO. Nas,/Ertend. Circuits 5(JLAK A(-UEJD KEV.-s? : Seeuri Permit Cvrbcu'- Si.da,taLk Mobile TWAL A}'TOUNT DUE:. -. EI/CROACHMENT -- taL L-CO G- f HAW CAREEALLY IXAILINED tle conpleted application for perwtt, dttd. do hereby centify that aLL irfornation hereon is tuae and eorrect, anC f futthet certify that ang ard aLL uork perfonted slnll be done in aeeor- dance vlth the 2ydinanees of the City of Spr"ingfield, atd the Lc,,:s of the* State of fu,egcn pertaining to the uoz,k Cescrtbcd herein, md tlot N0 )CCU- PANCY tlill be nud.e of any attwctute tLthout perwtssion of the Building DL- tision. f further certifE that otly cont?aetors ad. enplcgees uho are in canpliance uith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project \L 'l-7- tK Zonc:Beitoorts: Iat Faces -Sourees lleat Df House Access. Lace iyl rntetLot, TopogrcPhY a-* Int Sq. Ftg.I,CT ?WE UfOI Corfier Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac 7 of Lct Cooeraga # of Stories Total Eeight ITEI'I FTG ^Value * -o TOTAL VALUE o uc.S.D.C. 7.5 e Date Pai.d:C #:o Sigted Building Vcllue & Permit This permLt is granted an the etp"ess cotdition tlnt the sciid consttwctionsltall, in aLL respects, eonform to the 7rdinance tdopted 6;y the City ofSpringfield, includitg the Zoning Cydirwnce, regulating the ccnstrabticnoll use of buildings, otd may bb euspended ot teuokeC at ary ttne upon uic- ?^a.tion of @tg prcuisione of aaid 0rdinances. ? l,€. >.=(r,a$ ?Building Pdnr[t ?otal Chargee Stdte NO FEE LTlAIlUL ?isturee Resid.entia.L (1 bath) aa 6c e7o- /? /",6 Plumbing Permit No petson shall constrwet, instal!, alter or ehan4e anA nea cr ezistingplmbing or drainage slstan in ;,tlole or in part, wless sueh petson is the Legal poseeasor of a ualid plwnber's License, etcept tlnt a pe"son nal do plwrbing uork to p?opert! uhich is or,med, Leased or opetated by the cppli- cant. -YPlwbing Perrit State ilo. 50 Seruice e* ? 2S Electricol Permit l{hete State La,t z,equitea tt.at the electrLcal oork be done b} izn EleetrLcal Cont?aeto", the electrtcal portion of this permit slall rot be valiC until the -label lna been signed by the Elecfi"ical Contractor. Y State Total FPtr CIIARCE /(>- E:ha$t HooC 5D Vent F@t .J<422 z- ta ?7 ?3 (, , Mecho nicol Permit Meclnnics.L Penilt / -rr t Date I -- Fees -- IT9M 3 llcodsto:se PerwLt Issuorca Wt1:d- a? ?/-fuI//rF< 7rZ - ATINRESS-'1580 N 31ST 5T [IESIR: NEI, SER URTIAN GNOL'TH T'OUNNAKY -CItJNEk* .l0HN BARI{LE 7'3ti-3737 3501. GATHi,IAY *L7?, $iPELI', 0R 97 477 T'U II,TI ING IIIV l5ITJN :IilE* 880559 -LEGAL_ \.-," LgT ITL0CK 170'J 193?00600 880707 r 1NAI., "Ulrl.UE* 8307li 1 890330 -5T ATS" BLT'G ZONII RI. STOR IES TLOOTIPLA IT,I BET'Ri.I CICC I1RP R3 UN IISsfi rEET t345 CONST TYPE 5H -ENERGY_ HEAT 1 * H?0* RANGE- 1 l. I ft[iPT f,AT +}01 ST:N*RENIJ IRETI FERI'I ITS-*--.-EHE.--SIJRCHARfiE-TtATE-REI]E IPT---PERI'I IT+_*---..UAI"tJH.** - INEO-. NEL' RHS IT'EHT IAI. 1.1.11 001-001*Pr.AN cHECt{ EEE ?03.45 OO:1"003-BU ILN ING PERI'IIT 3BX . OO 003-005*PLUr'lB rNG 181 . S0 004-00{-ELECTR ICAL 105.00 005-004-ELECTE ICAr, 105 . 00 006-006-HEUHAN ICAL 34.50 OO7-o34-ELECTR ICAL LAEEL O.40 OOE-OO1-PLAN EHECH EEE 44.85 -c0NTRACtCIRS- GENI.,- CONTRACTOR PHONE- PI.t'tB- HLECT- i'tECH- trH Sli N- LL77g 11873 i 1.s73 I1873 11873 11S73 11873 I 1S73 0.00 19,10 9.13ri lri E 4EJ.^'J .Lr./L) 0.00 0.00 s806?3 8807 -+7 tls0707 8i10707 ElB0707 880707 880707 880707 u3"07 0I 0 s 0 0 0 tt SETI-I,IIN II4UI.I INSPECT IONS + RHQU IfiEHENT$--_. ----EXP NATH---AI:T T'ATH-. 001 -00?-FoCIT rNij00;-003-r0uNIrAT I0N 0 o3-.0IS-UNtrE&fi E0Ulltr PI.UH OO4*036-SAN ITARY SHI.'EII Ot)5-OT 1 -IJNT'ERELOI]R PLUI4B 00fi*005-P05T g BEAH OO:7-O33.RNUfi H PLIJI,tB INC OOB*03 1 -ROUGH I,IECHAN ]:CAI" OO9"O4?-RI]UfiH ELEITR II: 010*006-ERAl,1 IHrj 011*009. I,'ISULAT ION O I ?-O 1S-VAPOR BART{ IEIi O 1 3 - 0 1 1 - t' R Y l,l A L L 014-0-?3-Ll00tr SI0VE O 15-O:9-E INAI. PLUI,IB INfi 016-03?*T INAL I'IECHAN ITAI., 017-049-E INAL ELECTft II]AL 018-O ].9-T INAL EU ILN INI:i 019-093-PE,RM ITS EXP I&ET' $Efi-- IN$PECT I(]r.lS-----*-C0i4MENTS- --irATE----RE$UIT-* IN$P-*- i 001 *093-PERI'1 IT'* EXP ift EII 890330 Ui{ 09