HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-18eX-- Date resonrtor .. RESID- ITIAL.. APP LI C AT IAI1 /PERT,li T 225 North-|th Stneet SprLngfield.' Cr'eqon 97477 Builddng Diuision 726-37 53 SPH!NGFiEI-D "rob Location: Aesessore Map #Tac Ipt # Svbdioision: O,mer: Phone:C/Address: ci 54 funid"no-a.- Descz,tbe Workt--l Net) ValueDate of L f,?? Addttian General Page 1 of 2 Srrp Plumbing ectrig SI?E INSPECTION: etcauation, but Electr c 1an Io be nade after prior tc set up of job aCCtess, type Requests reeeixed of inspecticn befcre 7:00 ot rt ia ttg reeponaibititv of t* perdrit hoaa. to aee tlut aLL iaapee_tiofls oe nade at the proper tine, th,at ecch ailtess is reaCnhie fian tlu atrebt, @d tlldt the p*iltit cal. ie Leot?d at -t-h-e ftont of the-Wopertq.ieuildins Nuisi,oe apptw^ed plbz slnll nemain on tlp Building site at aLL tines. PROCEDUIE FOR TNSPEC?ION RIqUEST.'CALL 7 : eadY for ,,viLL be rade the sane dcg, tequests made 26-3769 (r'ecorder) state your City Cesignated job nane and ploneinspection, Cont?actots o" ADLe"s after ?:00 an tiLL be tmde tke nest wrking day. you! Ci.tA Desigr,ated Job Nunbet Is: ?o aL qt)OAD? BUILDIiICS Scttitey seoer cqrpted at ?t'oPerfui Lite Septic turk p;nped od. fi.Lled tith ga;tel Mobile Hcnee Bloeking otd Set-uP PLmbi.ng connecti.ota '- aarte? d uater Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-up and. plwnbing eonneetione nust be apptoued befci e tequesting eleclri,cal inspeetiott ntonbet, nunbet. fonne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTEICAL & WCHA-\|fCAL: To be made before any uo frooered. 'fCN: Io be ttaCe and az,e etected, but pyiot' to pot*ing ecttcreta nequited oqor berie?s @e in Placebut before otg Lath, Wpsun baatC ot tmLL aoering is appli.ed, atd before otg insulation is concealed. l-1 -DRYHALL INSPECII)N: Ic be made I rfAaafA;Afts in pl.ace, but p?Lor to cna taplng. I,|AS0NRI: Steel Location, bond Gdilg?outing or ile?ticals in aceotdorce tLth U.B.C. Section 2415. UND9RGROUYD PLUMErNG? S9\!EP, W,4T_83) DRAIi4@:--T;5,nb.Ce prior to fil- @-trenchee. ATIDERFLOOR PLA,\BING & MECITANICAL : ot floor insul,ation or decking. of To be nade Pt'iot' to floor insulation ot decking. No to'these inspections haoe been nade and. approoed.. PrLor to placirq facing and before froning inspee- PLUY,BING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL Aftet inetallation isltO0DST0t/E: evtpT;-ted. CURB & APPRCACH A?PON: After forns d,e "v;;T;AEt pn." to pour'tna coilcrete. SIDEWALK & DRT,WAI: For aLL eon- c"et; pat@Gffi stz'eet right- of-rzy, to be mad.e afte? aLL erca- oating canplete & forrn uot'k & sttb- base natertal in Place. Fital - Aftet ete. dre eomp pcrches, Leted. akirt:ong, decks, tion. ?RALlIllG: Ptust be requested after approoal of rough plurbing' electt'i- cal & neclunieal. ALL toofirq bracLng & ehirmteye, ete. rrust be . completed. llo ubrk is to be eon- - cealed until this inspectlon las 'been Me and approtted. PENCE: When conPlete -- tuouide @ or motsable eections through P,U.8. ALL pyoject condi.tions, sueh as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion-of tie required. l,andsccping, itc., mtst be satisfiedbefote the BUILDINC EfNAL canbe requested. fiNAL BUfLDfNc: The Einal Bui.Lding Inspeetion mtet be requested afte? the Final Plunbiry El;.i"i;"1,--otd. ueclunical rnspections hqte been made atd app,otsed' *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S T'IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?ITEIIY TO BE T'L\DE 11.? NO COST TO CHT u6b Final - l{hen abctte itme ave eanpleted and uhen ilqnolition is cqflPlete ot atlac- . ture motted atd ptenrtses cleatleC up. i i I r P. L.House Caraqe Iteat lloPth Access Range East Fireplace South lWest Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lct Cooenage # of Stories Total Height Topogtaphy LCT ?WE _ fnterior _. Corne? _ Panltandle CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - ^*\,JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO BeC.roonsGrot Wood.;toxe -- Fees -- ITEM X Value __Building Value & Permit This perwJt is granted on the etpress condi_tion ti\at the said-.eonstntction stnll', in all r"eapects, conformio the 7t<Tirance adop.ted 6y the City o-f Springfield, inctluding- the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccn-stractlcn ,;d ;Z of LuiLdirqs,- utd may be suspended ot' teookeC at cny tlme upon oic- ?ation of dtA ptcoisions of said 0t'dir'ances. I'bin 7/d.4a I 9b fu,y fialrlacr ,*€ t*'5 Qz<e+ffi> /ry.rnflc<z tfrzea. P4.4'o.u at4 32a2.?? /s 5kv.7 Pr<aau-TOTAL VALUE s. D. c.1.5 x Building Penrut PLan State Date Paid Receipt # ?otal Clwxges o Si.gned NO,FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No persofl shall eonstruct, instal'!-, alter ot eltortge-any llett-cv existing -pltinblng or drainage syetan in uhole oz, in patt, unless such person ts th.e iegal pbsees"o, of o t:-alr:d plurrrbet's Licensb, eacePt tlut a P?"son naa q9 ptinting utotk to propett! ihich is ormed" Leased or operated by the appli'- @r,t. Ei*tutes Residentia.L {Z bath) Sa'ter .4> a €ar., Plattbing Pertrtt State 77 L Electricol Permit Itlete state Lat reqtires tlnt the electrLcal uox,k be done by -ot Eleott'Lcal contracto", the elietr.ical portion of this permit slla.Ll rot be oalic until the Label lae besn si,gned by the Electuical cont"acto?. tQ < r- r4< {ov7r7a-37 54/<'- 4 f*fAn*f: €ca<firq<- ,2s7.*2t7. ITE14 L Neu/Erterd Cit cuits Settsice State Total NC FEEITSM a.6 * Mecho nicol PermitCIIARCE 4>? Ucodstotse Vmt Fan bltanst llood E?U, S Permtt Issuanee l,lechanieal Pennit -1 25'4* zb- .. ENCROACEMEN? -. 'z-24Securttu Deposit Storage PU llaintenance Perwit Ctpbcut Sideualk Penee Electrieal Ia.bel/-non fu6 /65. o " /D2.47 S>ze-?a L I EAW CAREFULLy EXAILINED the completed applicati.on for' fiernit' and' do hereby eertify tttat aLL information het'eon ie tmte and eow'eet, atd f furthet' certify that any ard aLL aork perfor'ned eLnLL be done in accor'' dance tvlth the Ordinencbs of the City of SprLngfi.eld, and. the La;s of the* State of 2regcn pertaining to the ttot'k Cescv"Lbed he?ein, end tlnt N0 occu- PANCY tltl bb rm-de of ctzy structure uithout permission of the Building N- oision. I further e-ertiig that onlg contraetors and enplcyees who ate in cornpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this pnoject Da'€e S-/tr - 7C TOTAL AI,TOUN? DUE: A 1,CtSo Signed Date /t-SA 4 7 P6zaa //z->r ,bzzn-=- 2-** t#.. REslDr- tTlAL" APP L I C AT i OI'I / PE RIII T 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield" )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFTTNGFlET-D Date: 26-3769 (recordet,) state your City Cesignzted iob ruanber, inspection, Contraetors or Asnev's ncme and pTone mtnber. after ?:00 an vLLL be tude the nest rwking da . Iau? Cit! Deeigr,ated Job Nwrber fe: General Plumbi CS job aCd-z'ess, tgpe Requests tecei"'ed of inspecticn befcre 7:00 an ec tr ic ian rt ia the teeponoibility of tlc penrit hotdet to aee that aLL inopections oe nade at tle prope! tine, that ecch ailrees is tea'Ca.ble fian tte at?eet, and that the p*rrit cod id Leqted at !h,e fzotrt of the -Wope"tg --*SuiLding D.Jticiot:. appraed p'Lot sltcll remain on tle Building Site at aLL times. ?R)?EDUPE FoR INSPEggleg R\Q!$!:CALL 7 .ady forILLL be made the sone dcy, reqtteets made R e auir c 11 Tn so e, c ti cns Job Ipcaticn: Tc,z Lot #Aesessore Map # subdioision: a,n"o,f,ULil-J Y}-r;csSOrt) Phone:Address: U aI DescrLbe Work: Date of AppL t--t Ne1') Value Additi.an RenoCel Res.sc. ?I Jldrs Boafd t Srr Page 1 of 2 SffE INOPECTI)N: Io be nade aftet' e-carrati'on, but pt'tot, tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l"lECHLllICAL: Io be rmde before any ffik is cooeted. F1OfnG & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe @Ees at'e *caated'and forns ate etected, but prior to pourttzg ecncrete. UIIDZRGPAUID PLUMDING, S9WEP, W,4TER.+PnltarcE: fo be naCe prior to fil- T@-f,-renches. T|IIDERFLOOR PLA,EflG & MECEANICAL : of floor insuktion or decking. POS? AND BEAM: ?o be made PrLor to ffilffilan oY floot iraulation or decki.tq. ROUGH PLTIIIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: lVtCnn: Nolorkls to be co.*et'ed ffii'these inspeetions haue beer. mad.e and approued.. FI.D.E?L+!!:E: Pti,or to placiq faeingmat;fr& atd before |"-ri"S inspee- tion. FR4.!!A8: Must be nequested after appto,nt of rough plir,bing, e-Lectri- a,L & mec?nnical. ALL roofing bracLng E ehimeys, ete. rrust be . cornpleted. llo wrk 'Ls to be con- . cealed unti.L this inspectLon las 'been mad.e anC approoed. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER II|SPECTION : io be rmde aftet' aLL insulaticn ed required uapor borieta @e in Placebut befoz,e ay lath, Wpsun baarC ot tnLL cooertng is qplied, and. before oty itrsulation is eoncealed. DRWALL fNSPECIf)N: Ic be nade AW-ATAwtrie 'in place, but pnior to ang tapiW. ILASINRY: Steel Location, bond ffijg"outirq or uerticals in accordotce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415, VOODS?O|E: After install,atiott is anrpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON:After forms o,e erectid but piioi to pourin4 @n=rete. SIDEWAI,K & DRT,E\IAI: For aLL con- c"etenffiAffi stteet right- of-txy, to be made after aLL e*ca- Dating conplete & forn uot'k & sttb- base raterLal in place. OR Sanitug saner caprpted at PtoPerfui Line Septic tutk y*r,tped ard fi,Lled tith gta;;el Fi.nal - Ilhen abase itens are conpleted and uhen Cenolition is eanplete o? st"uc- ture notled otd ptenrises cleaneC up. Mobt)Le Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connections -- saDe? d uatet Electrical Comection - Blocking' eet-up and plwtbing connections rrust be apptcxed before requesting eleclrlcal inspeetiot Accessori Bui.LCnry Pital - After etc. ate comp pcnches, ekitting, decks, 1 ^t^) IENCE: hhen conzlete -- Prouidej&ii on mooable' sectians tht'ough -.-ALL ptoject eonditions, such as the install.atton of street tree_s' conpletion-of tie ,"q";ia- ti"a","iping, 2tu., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING EINAL can be requested. EINAL BUTLD1NG: The Final Building fnspect'Lon mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing \J Electrical, od Meetnrical fnspecti.ona ltqtte been nade and approoeC. P.A.E. FTUAL PLUUAIilG FINAL I,IECHAIIICAL ?IIIAi ELECTRICAL ,ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I44DE A? NO CCST TO CruY T tr u r JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Ileat P.L House Caraoe A,lcess North East it FirepLace South l,lbodsto"-eIt West ll LCT TWE _ Interict _ Cowtet, _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Bedrooms: Lot Faces - Grot Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccoetage # of Stories Total Height Topography -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pertrat is gtanted on the erp?ess condition tLat the said constvwction ,l-LL', i, all iespecti,- ioitfoi 7o the 1tdinance adop.ted biy the City o.f Spilngyle4, inct'udi.ng- the 2oning Cvdinanc-e, r,egulating the ccnstmtcticn *,n ;; of Luildings,- otd m:zy be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Tation of ot7 prctsisions of said 0rdirances, Value TOTAL VALUE FTG xITEM Fee S.D.C. 1.5 c Euilding Pemrit Iotal Chaz,gea State Date Pa;-d Sigzed Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No peveon slnll eonsttaet, install'- altet' ot cltange-any ned-ct' eristing i\*rrtlrrg or drainage sastq'n in uhole or- in patt, unless such person is the iegal p"ossea"o, o7"o uLlid. pl*nb"r's Li,eenie, es-cept that a P?vs2n nay !o- pti"ntr:ig uork to property ihi.h i.s ovtned, Leaeed or operated by the appli- eant. EEE CHARGE Fi.cfufiee Reeiletrti.a.L (1 bath) Seuer Ph,oabtng Pernit State Electricol Permit Ithere state Lan req.uires tlnt the electrical uork be done by _an El,eattical Citractor, the el)ctrLcal portion of this permit slall not be oaliC until the tobel lns been atgned by the Electt'ical contaacto?' State Ilatt/Exterd Circuits Service bhanet Hood CIIANCENCFEEITSM * Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fan Ilcodstotse Permit fssuance Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seatritu Deposit Sto?aae l4aintenance Penrit Apbcut Sida,taLk Fence Electrical La.bel Mobi-Le Hotne PLan Eraniner uaf,e f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED tle cornpleted applieation for fierrnit, and do Itereby certify that aLL infonotion hereon ie true and eorreet, cnl' I further eet'tify that ang ard aLL uot'k perfomred alnl-L be -done 'tn accon- 'danee ,,rith the'7rdinancLs of the CitA bf sprLngfield, and the Las of the* state of Oregcn pertaining to the wtk cescribed here;-n, end. trnt N0 0ccu- PANCY wLtL bL nnd.e of any structure urtthout pemniesi_on of- the Building DL- uision. f further ierti"fy that only con-tr.acto,s and e:ttployees uho ate in cnpliance iith cas 701.05s uiLL be ueed on thie proiect Total 4- so -?o TOTAL AI4OUilT DUE: *l3 ?5 Date State Surchatqe Aalal. (lharaac ) !.. RESIDT'\TIAL.. APPLICATiAfi/PERMIT 225 North Stli Stneet Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD la o?5 Descz,ibe llork: Additian L Poatt' nai Tn cnooft' nn a \r..)al L4v'. l\ ,nU I C). Date of Aoolicatian Value r General Ilechanic J,ectrisa Srr Elec Er c ]'an Date: ) desigrated job nmber, iob aCitess' type ncne cnd plnne nunber. Requests tecei"*ed N l* It ia the respons.ibility of the petmtt lotda to aee that aLL inspectiotts oe nade at the prope! tine, that ecch cilress is t'ea4abie fton tlu atreet, and tltat the p*nrtt cati ie Located at the frcnt of the Wope"ty,*Buitding biuicion appra'ed plan slnll remain on tlte Building Site at aLL times. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPEC?IOII RIQWST :CALL 7,, eady foz,'-iLL be tmde the sane dag, reqtests made 26-3769 (recordey) state youz, Citg of inspeelicn befcre 7:00 cnir,spection, Cont?aetc"s oz, Armet's after 7:00 on tiLL be made the nest rnrkinE daE. Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job llunbe? fs: aJob Locaticn: Aeeessors Map # LlCa 14 z-,) O1he(1rcz ut * Subdioision: ( rpnru-A,mer,:1r<:r-, r nda,""",-st/? il t<ir-s+ ,M oatrS Plurnb Blocking otd Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aate? otd uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloekitrg, set-u, an4 pLunbing connections m:st be apptcxed before requesting eleclr,Lcal inspecliort Accessory BuilCing Pinal - After pct,ckes, skirting, decks, etc. @e c.anpLeled. Pege 1 of 2 forme ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & ],ECHL\|ICAL: To be nale before anyffiTli-iooered. P1oTfNG & F?UMDAT|CN: lo be tm.de;fr;;ffitrs are ucaated and forns are erected, but priot to Poulnng trench.ee TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTION: Io be nade after aLL insulaticn and. required oapor burie?s @e in place but befare otg Lath, Wpsutn boarC ot tnLL cortering is applied, and. before ay irsuT,ation i.s concealed. DRWALL INSPECITON: Tc be nAde fiiet-dT@atTts in place, but ptior to any taping. MISQIRI: Steel Loeati.on, bond Gfrijgrouting or oerticals in aceordorce LtLth U,B.C. Section 241 5. IIOODSTO'/E: enpT;id. After installation i.s Sanitaty se"ser capped et ptoper4i Line Septic tutk p"t:=ped dnd filled rrtth gz,a;sel Final - h1ren abcoe itens axe eanpleted and uhen Cqrolition is cornplete ot' attue- tuye moued and ptetrLses eleaneC up. Le Hcnes QTOd filcDeanTnil. eacau;;lon, but FIPEPLACE: ^";;fr;G FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG FIIIAL I4ECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ?o be rnade after pz"ior tc set up of ANDERFI,OOR PLA4BIII G & I,IEC!]ANICAL : fo be nane piiot, to installation of floor insul,cti,on or decking. P1S! 4!t FEAl't: To be nade PrLot' to ffiiTffiicn o1 floor ittsu1,a.tion or deckirq. ROUGH PLADII'IG. ELECIRTCAL & I,IECH-_ -ANICAL: No 'oork ie to be coxered G€TT-thes" ittspectians tnoe been nade and apptot-ted.. Prlor to placirq and before franittg IENCE: gates facing inspec- tion. PlAj!!-AC: ltust be requested after approuat of rough plitrbing, electri- cal & neclnni,cal. Al! roofing braeing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be eompleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection las 'been nade anC approted. When conpLete -- fuouiCe or motsable sections thnough P.U,E ALL ptoject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of st"eet trees, conpletion of the required Landsccpirg, ctc., rmtst be sati,sfied before the BUILDINC EI1IAL ean be requested. EINAL BUILDING: The Einal Buildittg Inspect.ion mtet be requested aftez' the linal Plunbing \_/ Electrical, anC Meclnnieal Inspections hatte been nade and approoeC. *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!1III TO BE I.IADE AT IIO C1ST TO CIYY cita: 1nn.r,"^C. ,, lil OQ 4 -l.tl R tr CURB & APPRCACH APR)N: After formsa,e e".ctAEtVAA to pouring conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRT,EIIAY : FOT, AIL CCN- c"ete Va,rfuAffi stveet right- of-uny, to be nade after aLL esea- isating canplete & forn rsoz,k & aub- base material in place. I JOB NO. bt Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cooerage # of Stories Total Height Iopography Building Pernrtt State Iotal Clargee lotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- UT LCT TWE fnterio," Corner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- L-CO * Bedtoons Lot Faces - Building Vqlue & Permit This pennrt is gnanted on the ecpress condition tllat the said constructionslnll, in all respeets, conforrn to the Crdirnnce edopted Siy the City of Spr"Lngfield, including the Zoning Czdinance, reguLating the ccnsttucticn orl use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of aly prcoisions of said Ordir,ances. lleat Reeeipt i: PLdI EEoTLne? r,<) 2- eO - ?O f HAW CAREFULLY EXL\IINED tle eornpleted application for permit, dtd. dolereby certify that aLL info:mation hereon is trwe and. cottect, and. I firthet cez,tify that anA ard aLL aork perfotned slnll be done in accor,- dznce vtth the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the State of )regcn pertaininq to the uork Cescribed hereln, end. tlnt NO OCCU- PAIICy t'litl bb rm.de of ang structw,e tithout permission of the Buitding Di-oision. I further certifg that only eontractot s and enplcyees dho are in catplianee uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project DT House Caxaqe Access No"th East Fire South llest ITEI!SQ. FTG x Value I'lain Csaoe Carport Accessot tl TOTAL VALUE ucs.D.c. 1..5 t PLan Check Fee: Date Paid Slgned Plumbing Permit No pet'eon slnll consh-ttet, inslall, alter ot, eharqe afiA ned cr eristin4 plwnbing or drainage syatan in ahole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet's License, eocept that a pe"son may do pltnbing uork to prope?t! uhieh is ormed, Leased oz' operated by the cppli.- eant. 2 FEE CEARGE I o I?EM Fi.ztlu,es Resil.zntia.L (1 bath) Sani Saner Plwnbing PenrLt State ?ctal Electrico I Perm it l,lhere State Lan requinea tlnt the electtical uoz,k be done by an Electrical Conttactot', the electrtcal portion of this permit slnll not be talil until the Label has been eigned by the Electrical Contyacto". Neu/Estend. Ciratits Seruice State Total I?lM FEE Mechqnicol Permit bhanat HooC 'tlcodstoue Vent P@t Permit fssuance Mechanical Perrit State -- ENCROACEMENT -. Eecarity Deposit Stotage Maintenance Permi,t Cutbeu! Sidasalk 9ence Eleetrieal Ia.bel Mobile Hane ?OTAL AI,IOUIIT DIJE: *ezt so Sign ed Date uate ttll oo t <rlf.i<n * C,ITY OF ONEGON SPA }FIELI) DEVELOPMENTSEBY'CES PUBLIC YI@RKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAG EM ENT January 15, 1989 Hr. Gary Davisson 544 North 65th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 RE: Permit Expiration Dear Gary: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code provides that in order for a permit to remain valid, the vork vhich has been authorized by the permit must begin vithin 180 days of the date of issuance, and an inspection must be requested at least every 180 days in order for your permit to remain valid. According to our recordsr you obtained permits to construct a single family residence at 2580 North 31st Street, Springfield, Oregon on May 18, 1990. An extension vas granted to you on August B, 1990, vhich validated your permits until February 8, 1991. This letter is vritten to inform you that your permits viII expire on that date. If you can request an inspection prior to that date, your permits viII be reactivated for another 180 days, and as long as you continue to shov progress at least every 180 days, your permit vill remain validindefinitely. Hovever, another vritten extension cannot be granted vithout progress on the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-3790. Sincer Lisa Hopper Building Technician cc:Dave Puent, Building 0fficial t-.-- 225FIFTHSIEEEI SPRINGFIELD OB 97477 (509 726.37s3 OFEGO'VCITY OF SPrlING'-'IELr, DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBLIC YYOFKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT August 6,1990 Mr. GarY Davvision 544 North 65th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Dear GarY: Your request for an extension vhich vas received on JuIy 19t1990 for your plumbing permit at 2580 North 31st Street, springfleld-, 0regon, LitV ioU Hum[er 9000207, has been revlewed and approved. -Th"--.r"rrind"r of your permlis vill not explre untll November 18, 1990' you do have the opiion at that time to request an extenslon if you have not made your decislon by that time' The extension of your plumblng may onl-y be granted one time and will "*pi." 180 days from tLe date of the granting of this extension (February 6, 1991) If you have any questionsr or-if I may be of any asslstancet please feei free to phone me at 726-3790' Sincerely t Lisa Buildtng Techniclan cc:Dave Puent, Buildlng 0fficial Ih 225 FIFTH SIEEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s753 = Building Divis'ion City of Springfield July 19,.I990 To Whom It May Concern: Due to the death of our son in September 1989, we have found it very diffjcult to concentrate on start'ing our home. Iale would like the City to grant us an extens'ion to allow us more time to make prudent decisions. Thank you for your time. "M-/l+&,"1""A Gary A. Davisson 544 N. 65th Springfield,0R 97478