HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Septic Tank 1990-05-15C"$/ ,f Sf "1{ior0 A6ei nty Authorization for,La,ne Cou FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applicationr/ Permit # READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION I]AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I pntltlrncrzzoNrNG:Zone- Partition #- Parcel #- Parcel Siz"- uinitnrrm setbacks , "r, frort- cL, .id.-interior re ar **"nro 17 o2-FANGE SECT q 3z TAX LOT OUT OFfuo A?-&'/O PARTITION applicable ,ARCEL BI,oCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY fr[nesidential [-l commercial f ndus tr iaI PubIic sa N, 3/v-6r sAgtvztrtz-LL_qa4a9 L,CCATION ADDRESS , STREET ztP ry. / crrY ON tra5 Nm;m i;vt):<19 h^.la:; ) 7To 5/ ",= D*cRrprroN op pRoposED-woRK - BE spEcrFrcNArl srror,i/E hzzZtr flRnele DECI,ARED S VALUE Irm- 72-a q9 f OF STORIESZ f ,OT' EI,IPLOYEES= OF BEDROOT{S 3 t^/A SUPPLY Proposed Existi /ri*rt, hAr,r/'-sil ) <rk/ N, /-,;7! gf 7r4tt,zl-tz:L) O:INERrS NAME AND ADDRESS TELEPHONE NU}IBER7?6 - +/8o.a.4*<- r7,7ry v eoufnaeronls llalae Alro osn *TELEPHONE NUMBER a) NUMBER Y-Z-3 i\TRLEPHONEu*".- agent pe , and that f te of Oregon sion. I fur- DATE READ AND fo! t HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI,TINED THE COT,IPLETED APPLICATION TOR PERMIT, aIId .1O h.Teby CeTtify thAt aI1 inf] the following legal interest in the property, [ornu. of record; I corr:ra,,t prrrchaser; f autn I f:lther certify that any and all work perfomed shall be done in accordanr:-- with th,: ordrr)ances of rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO occUPANcY will be made of anl strlrcture wi ther certify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect- as required by is noted hereon. ad that only subcontractors ad employees uho are in compliance with ORS 701.055 THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. NAME (please print)SIGNATURE CO}d\ENTS Date:tr I sewrtarrol: s. r. # il::ili:::i: ^., / 00 0 5,hi/b -o B. p- #Installation Record Issued? l,laximum Depth of Tren Date f v.= flll" callon Tank .Az<Lineal Feet of Dr:ainfield COM}lENTS PLANS EXAMINATION: COM}IENTS: GrouD UseD o o -V- DAa'E ,(arqoat, c14-25 R* DaLe ,<{4,4 /a PERMIT APPROVED BY BU OFEICIAL,/DESIGNEE (Der oRs 456.805 (1 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION /a ,*i*y '125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ffi*'.05 5 D tr SETBiTCKS AND oT:lER CC:iDITIo:]S oF A?PRo!/AL MUST BE sTRIcT:.j otsSER\,ED. \,IoLATIoN cAN R!5uLT IN REvo- C;?ION OF Trirs pERr{IT, CITATIO:i UNDER PROVISIONS Oi LANE COU::TY'i INFRACTION ORDI.\*ANCE, AND,/OR OTIIER RE}IEDIES ALLOL{ED BY LAI']. HHEN RE.\DY FOR II'SPDCTION, CALL 687-'i055. .\ UINITlU:'1 OE .iT LE'iST 21 I]OURS ADVA}iCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffiVns.it-'j-vetnerbLlowin9info:natlonIeady:Fermitnumber,jobaddresS,type of inspection, uhen it wrll be ready, youa name and phoie number, and any special cirectrons to site' BUILDING DIVISION: REQUI RED I}ISPECTIONS I. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavaLed and forms erecLed and when all n-iTuiETs toi--EIE-ioundation are Lielivered on the lob, !/here concrete from a central mixing plant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") is to be used, nateriaLs need not be on the job. 2. ConcreLe Slab or Under-aloor Insoection: To be made af+-er aL1 in-slab or under-floor building iE?ii* equ-iFmmtl-EEnEult, pipinq-;;ZEssorf,es, and other ancill.ary equipments items are in pl,ace but betore any concrete rs poured or floor sheathing installed, inc).uding the subfloor. l. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all franing, fire blocking,, and EreAlng irE--In-Jlrc ErE-a-I-I-5ipes, fireplaces, cainne!'s, arc verts are complete and all rough e.l.ectrical and plumbj-ng are approved. All wali rnsuiation anC vapor barrier are j-n p.l-ace. 4. Lath and/or Gypsum Board fnspection: To be made aiter all lathing and qypsum board, interior and ex.-error, rs in pface but. before any plasi:ering j-s applied and beiore gypsm board joints and fastaners are taped and finished. 5. Fj.nal Inspection: To be made after lhe building is compJ-ete and before occuoancy. APPROVAL R-EqllBEp-, No work shal1 be done on any part of '.he bui,lCiog or structure beyond the point indj.calcf:ira. {4ch-i!}cc.essive iispection uithout flrsL obtain:ng the approvat of the building off1cial. suc['f,pprbvat-.tsHaII" bo-given cnly after an inspection shall have been nade of each successive step iry.!\erconstrucLion as indicated by each of the inspecti-ons requireC. ,NOTEi. AII bqilding permiLs \equire inspections for the work authorized, such as but not lj.nited to: 1 ..+.' efoci t^]all: To be made\.after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This rnEpgcm is requj.rdd.f\r each bond beam pour. There wiII be no approval. until" the ptunbinq i , . .etrd €IectricaL inspecLioris have been made and approved. i ,a. f'o'ia s.oru, To be made after conpletion of masonrl' (if applicable) and when installation j.s . complete. rnstallatid sltaII be rn accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testi.ng i ,.agency ani the naoufaqturlr's insLallation anstructions. !. C.''" tq6lite Ho*, An inspecei;f,n is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved : EEwEi-oi-E6ptic system fpr setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, . skirLrng, and plwbrnq..donnecciors. '. 1. Pootings and piers,to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended by thb nanufacturer. -2. Mobile hone minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- PLarn management latter- 3. itobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be instalLed and ready for inspec- tion within at least l0 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be instaJ-Iedper enclosure. D. Swiming PooI: BeLow grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade unen pool is installed. APPROVEO PLANS rlUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALt TIMES DURING WORKIN-G HOURS. THIS PERMIT WrLL EXPIREIF WOR( DOES NOT BEGIN I4ITHIN lBO DAYS, OR IF I^JORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR TIORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION:.IAY OCCUP. IF Tlils PER.}IIT WAS ISSUDD ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS I NFOR.I'IATI O}J . ANYONE PROCEADING PAST THE POIIiT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS HILL DO SO Af TIIEIR OV.JN RISK. SUBSURFACE llND ALTERNATM Sel{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Pernits shall- be effectlve for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2. Upon completrng the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permil holder shalI notify the Lane County Departrent of PLanning and Comunj.ty Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine j.f it.complies with the rules contained in this Civision. If the construction does compty with suchruIes, Lhe DepartnenL shall .issue a cert'ifi,cate of satisfactory completron to the perniti holder.If the construclion does not comply uith such rules, the Departf,ent shaIl notify the permit holder and shalI require satlsfactory corpletion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisiactory completion wrthin a reasonable time constrtutes a vlo- lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rul-e. Setbacks - Subsurfacc Seudge 4!!!osa1 septic Tank Drainfield Interior properLy lines Edge of road rigirt-of-way Buildinq foundation HeLls, other uater sources l0' 10, 50' 10' L0,r0' 100 ' , D , )N )WE€P itve{6e _.:_-i\.\ ag?tl€ 'fAI'lK i ,/' --,,6irNFtELP <' -' \\ @p 2 ro. ,5 .3 .t ll ll' - - iiw -+ 'ED, wlTH CHANoI. IHALL IT fl, gN l;w, .9<l ptt o lar Z ------*s{-I- I .?.? ./- -..''e C RTPLACEMENT. AflEA,7 a l,?l AcnEq o\7 ( 2Oo. u I2 LA H 4t IRVEY €n*t-i,tr! !.J A?JV o t-o" ' A?PRoVED clNLYroR,,Tr:"il$1t' i;" lll A( :-" ' l'"1 i"vutot'narti tlr')l Of Illj l'i'l-:r l";r il t Ut LI ! ("'.! a adr.t a I FAfrI.