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Packet, DRC PLANNER 11/29/2021
AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/ MS Teams Staff Review; Tuesday, December 14, 2021 9;00-9,•30 am, 1. Tree Felling Permit 811-21-000304-TYP2 Dennis Jernberg Assessor's Map: 18-03-02-13 TL: 1000 Address: Ash Street Existing Use: vacant Applicant submitted request for approval to remove 36 trees on .38 acre to allow for construction of new home and ADU. Planner: Drew Larson Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 9:00 — 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.asi)x VICINITY MAP 811-21-000304-TYP2 Tree Felling Permit 18-03-02-13 TL 1000 Ash Street Dennis Jernberg City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit 6 Applicant Name:Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Phone: — — Company: Fax: Address: fns (7 A licant's Rep.: Phone: Company: an Fax: Address: Pro a Owner:. Phone:,$_`/(- Company: Fax: Address: 45, Ap ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ® O I TAX LOT NOS : loon Property Address: Size of Property: , Acres Square Feet ❑ DescrlPtion pf tf you are fillip Pro osal• VVIl_ 6 Intl form by. hapd, S 'I11/it lease attach your propLsal description 3(A] 1A/ to this application. rpl (/�Ii Signatures: Please sign and Required Property Information Associated Cases: print your name and date in thea ro nate box on the next nape. (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Signs: ^/t Case No.: 2)I I �w6 te: / I� L Z -If,, Reviewed b : t+ f h t i l-�- Application Fee: echmcalFee: Posta a Fee: $ -�1 /gb-b'Z TOTAL FEES: $ /-V •� PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 vI P WcE .c��w eac�s?2uciio� - !- �€"�r�,e.�✓�-ray ©�Fec, iEIZ Fl`( �c-�iYv Fol cocg-„o�v Z@ !6 Z- to" �rofdLT tz 3 g ,. /ClIoo of Z�VO A(- • G6#+C)67-1oti Fo,�714,c A 20?'� &)C� 'RENWaL ; F l6,7yO 5Q, pr RPM-SPllP Is PFLOIELB m EVENLY IE1F1 CFlLE Wfil)Z I WiER IF SURFACE S gN IKIN, BE REAUI RWURED IMPWrW-115yIN�EA�T O 1I 0 1. Provide protection from all vehicle traffic, equipment staging, as well as foot traffic for proposed infiltration areas prior to and during c menuction. 2. Dimensions: a. Flow line length: 5' minimum. b. Slopes: 0.5 - 10% 3. Setbacks (from beginning of facility): a. 5' from property line �— b.1OR from buildings c. 50ft from wetlands, rivers, streams, and creeks where required. 4. Overflow. Collection from filter ship shall be specified on plans to approved discharge point. 5. Growing medium: Unless existing vegetated areas are used for the filter strip, growing medium shall be used within the top 12". DIECK m0? IF OR aERl6 f`hRl' ' F FAC1Ul1' EatIDS St SLOPE MDFLIION d cablEYANCE M APPRO1'ED DISCHPRGE '001L If GRU'MNO MIUM, OR MINE ML IF ENLS w VEIGEVQW AREA IS USED 6. Vegetation: The entire filter strip must have 100% coverage by native grasses, native wildflower blends, native ground covers, or any combination thereof. Follow landscape plans otherwise refer to plant list in SWMM Appendix F. Number of plantings per 1 00s of facility area: a. 100 Ground Covers, OR b. 00 Ground Covers, 4 Small Shrubs, OR c. 60 Ground Covers, 12 Small Shrubs 7. Level Spreaders: A grade board, perforated pipe, berm or trench may be required to disperse the runoff evenly across the filter strip tc prevent a point of discharge. The top of the level spreader must be horizontal and at an appropriate height to provide sheet flow directly to the soil without scour. t Grade boards can be made of any material that will withstand weather and solar degradation. Trenches used as level spreadm can be open or filled with washed crushed rack, pea gravel, or sand 6. Check dams: shall be placed according to facility design otherwise: a. Equal to the width of the filter b. Every 10' where slope exceeds 5%. CITY FILTER STRIPRa rl'1124 io EUGENE, OREGON PUBLIC oaAwN ev suG DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TYPICAL DETAILS ENGINEERINGOIVis10N