HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-01-20# APPLICATION/PERTIIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield" 2regon 97477 tuildlng Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 .. RES[- ENTIAL..SPHINGFTEI.D r//Job tocation: Ids Iot #Aaseesors Map # Subdioision: D^/, q76 O.mer: city: Address Phone: DescrLbe Not'k: /' Z0 -8 ValueDate of AppL Addttian 1rut Cont?actora Addtess Lisc.i General A Mecltcical Pege 7 of 2 Lh ilp l^) 7 Date -zO - ELectrtcaL Reauired lnsDeoticns cqr@.- It is ttr respontibLtity of tlc penrit hotda. to aee tlut alt iaspectiotts ee nade at the prope! ttne' tl,at eceh a,,'lnees is tea'1qhle fltt tlto atreet, ad tltat tlta p*dt art ia L@ated at th9 frcnt of tlte propettg.*auildi.g Ditic'ipn apprw^ed pl;ot shall remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PROCSDAqE FOR INSPEryIS!_IW:CALL726-3769(yecoydet) state your Citg Cesigztzted iob rumtbet, iob aCdress, lUOe-9f inspge::|cal eadyfolitlspection'coltIactot,sila,nel,snane-oldp?onerambel.Requestsleceixedbefcte7:00anvtll be nod.e the eane @" "eErcsta nc.d.e after ?:00 ott ttill be nnde the nest tnrking dag. Iour Citg Designated Job lhmbez' ,o' 6 (v't\) ( / SITE INSPEC?ION: eJcauatTon, but Io be made afterprtor tc set up of fome. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCH{-I|fCAL: Io be nade before any ffiETooeted. POOTING & F)UNDAIfCN: Io be naCe @i6@i66-escao at e d atd. forns are erected, but priot, to pot*tttg ccncrete. ANDgRGROU!]D PLAMDING. SEWER, W,ATER, UA!$CE: To be nade pyLor to fil- @--renchee. IINDERFLOOR PLUIfiBING & MECHANICAL : Io be ione-prior to installation of f,loot ineul,ation or decking, POE!-4!L-,EE4A: To be nole prtot' to ffi€ffitro| floor insu|,ation or decki.ttg, ROUCH PLAIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: nNtCl,f: No wrk i.s to be cotseted utltil these inspeetions haoe beer' made and. approtseC. fuior to placirq and befote franing IN SALATION /VAPOR BAf;j?IE!.IISPECT ION :DEI.IOLITIOTI OR ].IOWD faeLng inepee- lo be nade aftet' aLL insulaticn anl. required oqor berie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wps/rn baatC or taLL couering is applied, and before ay irculation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECIf)N: Ic be nade -, after aLL dtyuall is in p|.ace, but priot, to ang tapittg. IIASONRI: Steel Location, bond 6ffilgrouting or oetticals in aceordorce tLth U.B.C. Section ,2415. b } After install,ation is canrp CURB & APPROACH APPON: Aftet fonnsee erecteC but prior to pouring eonc?ete. SnDEWALK & DR|\EVAI: Eot aLL con- c/,et; pat 6Gffi st"eet rLght- ef-txA, to be made after aLL esca- vating canplete & forn wt'k & sttb- base rrctertal in place. PEICEI Vhen eotnplate -- tuoui.Ce gates or notsable sections tht'ough P,A.E. Sanitary saner capped at properfil Li.t:e Septic tank y"ottped and filled trith gra:sel Pinal - tt1ten abcoe itens ate canpleted srid uhen da-.tolition is eanplete o? sttac- ture mooed orl, prenrises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbirq eonnectione -- aarte? ord uatet Electrical Cotaection - Blocktng, set-up and plunbing cotnections nust be apprct;ed before requeating eleelrlcal inspeetion Aecessor,; BuilCirtg Pital - After pcrehes, skirting, decl+s, ete. oe eompleted. tion. FRAIIING: ttust be requested after @fr-"L of rcugh plttnbing, eleetri- u,L & meclnni,cal, AIL roofing bractflg & chirmeye, ete. rmtst be I oortrpleted. No ttotk is to be con- -'cealed until this inspection laerbeen rud.e anC apptoued. ITPEPLACE:ffi4fr& FTilAL PLUUAINC PIt:lAL MECITANICAL ?INAL ELEC?RICAL ALL project cotditions, such as the installat'lon of street trees, conoletion of the required Land.secping, etc., rmtst be aatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. ?INAL BUfLDII:IG: The Final Building fnepection nust be requested after the Eittal Plwnbing Electrical, anC Meclunieal fnspeet'lons lt4rte been nade atd appt'otteC.o *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEAN).I?S l"tUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTIIEN! f0 BE WDE /1.T I'10 C)ST T0 CI?y 4), [] z JOB NO.D oLAR ACCi" S REQ.-L-CO d Bedrooms:Iat Sq. Etg. X of Lot Cooerage LO? TWE _ fnterior _ Cotmer _ Parthand.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Faces - # of Stortes Total Eeight ?opographg DT House Aceess Lace I?EM Sq. F?G x Va t'tain Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the ecpreas eondition tl@t the sciid consttactionslnll, in all respects, eonfonn to the 7rdirnnce adopted tiy the City ofSpr"ingfield, including the Zoning Cvdinance, regulatlng thb ccnstictibn otd. -use of buildings, ord may be suspended oy, reuokeC at c:ny ti,me upon oic-Lation of @tA ptctsisions of eaid 0ydinances. TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 a * Building PermLt State Date Paid: ?otal Clwgea Reeeipt #: Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No_ pereon slnll consbact, inetal'!., alter or change ang nea cr ecisting plurnbing or dtainage syatan in ulole ot in pa.z,t, unleas sueh person is- the Legal poseessor of a ualid plutnbet'e License, ercept tlwt a pbtson mag dopltnbing oork to p?opertA uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. NO FEE CHARGE * Sazti Seuler Pi.cttfi,es Resid.ential (L bath) Plwnbing PernLt State Electricol Permit I,llpt,e State Lan reqtires tlat the electrtcal uork be done by an Eleetrical Conttaetor, the electyical portion of this pernit sltall rot be oalil. until the 'Label hns been signed by the Electrtcal Cont?actor, Permit ?otal Il at't,/Eatend Cit cuits Ianporog S*tsice I?EM FEE CIIARGE llcodstotse vIoe Mechqnicol Permit bltanet HooC PermLt fssuqrtee Mechanicel Penntt .. ENCROACEMENT -. SectritA Deposit Storage l,binterance Perl?rtt ClEbcut Sida,talk Mobile Horne PLan Exanlne?uate f HAW CAREFALLY 9XAUINED t?e conpleted appli,cation fon pennit, otd. do herebg certify tlzat aLL information hereon is t?ue ard eorreet, and f furthet certify that atty ard. all uork perfomred alwll be done i,n accot- ilance ,rLth the tudinances of the City of SprLngfield, ard the Las of the* State of Oregon pez'taining to the uork Cescribed herein, end. tltdt N0 OCCU- PANCY ?till be nad.e of anV stractu"e uithout perrnission of the Bui.Lding DL-oision. f further certifg that only conttactors od. anplcgees dho a"e in cmpli,ance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project lotaL I l-n -r1 ?O?AL AI,|OUN? DUE: *(s tC Signed Date NC. hilnacc PTlltS Vent Fan I .tenee Electuical Iabel