HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-12-15 832306y ol springfield 225 n. 5th street SPF!INGFIELI)I N FO RMATtoN : 726-375 INSPECTIOttS: 726-3709 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION )2 0r .BUsIlrEss A &ttlylA6 Vlrqa gmu n, --7,/ ,,-,\ .LoCATIoN 0F SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION olnlER 0R PROPERTY ADDRESS IIA},'E OF BUSII{ESS, FIRY, ETC Lor -* / oIJNER 0F SICI{ CIF OTttER rHA}r PROPERTT OWNER) ADDRESS . TYPE OF WORK:B ALTER-12fin RELOCATE OTHEA, STPJ,CTIJXAL T.ITPE 9F-SIGN : trALL 4*".rr*rrnn _ RooF PRoJECTING -},{AROUEE UNDER l,rARqUEE OTIIER c.USE AI.ID CPJ.RACTER OF SIGN: ;1ffirrrr _INCIDETTTAL 6an sacE _sINcLE FACE }!TLTI-FACE P€ADER BOARD D BTT.T PNA -3o-8 E EXPoY S IGN .,.DDPTSS CITY LICENSE IIT'IIB SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIT OTIER. TI{AN ERECTOR) ADDPrss --* VENDORS, . E(ISTING SIGNS ARE IEERE AIrr D(ISTITIG SIGIIS? G YES _tro AIL E(ISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. DII{ETTSIONS, UISTALL1IION & CONSTRUCTIOII VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONIAL I'IDTII OT SIGN DrlrENsroN FRoM GRADE To + BOTTOV OF SIGN TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPT}I h^ta,, 1' 3u4t auv''iilij'" lt?t DCEs sIGN PROJEcT BEYoIID ./PRoPERTx LrNE? _yEs _4oIT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOIID PROPERTY LINE U9TE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE rlt^- 1r" - o_YER PUBLIC pROpEp.Ty TEE SIGN SnrcTo*l.rusT FrLE i{rir{ THE BUrLDnrc prvriioll- 99!rEs oF Hrs/irER LrABrLrry ,r.r,ro pi.oi- ERry DAIIAGE rlrslruNce polrclsi. ----- E TOTAI HEIGIIT ABOVE GRADE 'I.ELL srcN IIAvE ELECTITcAL ,r*r*., VuZSrr YEs, m{rcE APPLY? 2( rr:crnrct s:crr _ILLTJ}TL\ATED (INDIP-FcTTT LIGHTED) LISC. NUMBER_PECIIE H ELECTRICAI ADDRESS . DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATES,IALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OP. . VALUE OF SIGN: I K v ,. SITE INTOF},{ATIOI,I (IA}ID USE) -. EXISTING USEOF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR IAST USE IF VACAi\T) Ptf Dt'- F ' BUS INESS -OUTDOO?. I,IERCHANDIS I}IG J PB.OPOSED OROF \ or :x l2--(K'0? applicafurcher 'permi that a qnd do 1 \rcrk hereby c erformed tify ha11 tl gn Codd and as reo' e c Eions bydo I IIAVE CAREFULL E:(A}IITJED the 1e d cio rfocomP er tha L a1 If1nornacioncrueisandcorretIandcerci1s t ndonebIoraccdancrhrJ1Jche]-fi 1d Or fy UnlPdinancheE 1fo.ng Stgn aas d fbCLcheLodopvr1Sot-e AI aandnBf o Ehe din0r sance r Ci E t 1n 1Yspr4fL e Ihe oahrS Ehf EE o v Cre erC n1a1gonI worllto des ibecr !lEd Ic .n fur cetherI orthaacl-LlrtLfyElvc?.1 nqcienseLthrhe d1 Iof s :.ncySpng ful forl-d tef.E ut d )CodesISpingfi 9 7 7n 2()wi II es EI aIl d tnsrequ D Irequiregn chete rovedaPP SIGNATURE 8-2-5 (3) andpermlc. NAUE (PLLTSE I - -i,Aa d 1) 2) 3) PLEASE READ geparaee Sf cn Appl@: A separate application is required for each separate slgn.as deflqpd#1.a cne Jrgn Lode. Elecrrical: fuiy perolt issued under thls applicaEion lrill lnclude wiring i.n or on slgn strucEure,EEffippT wtrei lor conneccion tcusc be covlied on an electrical feraic.- Electrical Eonnectiori utsc be oade only by a SEaEe Llcensed Electrlcal Concractor. IllucinaEed signs (boch incetnally and exte::aally) foust confo:m Eo Sectlons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the S[ringfteld Slgn Or-' dtnance. Plans Required: ltls applicaElon ls to be submiEted wlth hro couplece sets of plans showing.di-+..nens!oEeightofiign;adve!cisingme33ageons1grr;1ocationofs1gnonpiopertywithdi- nensions to propErty 1inei, structural Eetails-of supp6rt fraoing, braeing and'foiltings; naterlals of conscrucEion for sign and sign scructsure; electrical equlpmenc and ligtcing3 slze ind locationof exiscing signs on pioperty for Ehe game busienss, all as required Eo deterolnq eompllance r.rith the Sprlngii"ti Sign brdinante (Artlcle 7 of the Spilngfteld Cicy Code). A1s_o,.dho, the follow-lng lilfornaEion on Ehe pIoE plan (plan showing properEy lines and locatioa of signs): 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) a) Show the locatlon of all existing sl.grr(e) as lrelI es proPosed stga(s) b) Show che lengch of the stleet frontage taken up by the business or bulldlng. For wall signs, shos t,he lengch of the building frontage. c) Show the locaEion of entrances open Eo the publlc and dr{veways. lJhen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations lmrst be pre- pared by a licensed engineer oi shal1 conforira to design standards on flle aE Ehe Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of tnsuffieient ciarity or detail will be returaed to the applieant wLth no perrait being issued. Signs EtusE EEet cofirer vision clearance requireuenEs ag described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cooprehenslve Zoning Code. NOTE: No sLgn -^y be erecced whlch ls less than 12 feet horlzoatally or vertically froo overhead Efficrtcal c6nduclors in excess of 750 volts, or less Ehan 5 feet in any direction fros overhead electrical lines whlch are energLzed at lese than 750 vo1ts. If a sign j.s not lascalled erlthiB 60 days after the dare of lssue of this perait, the peruric shall be void. Inspectior.rs: ' a) SiEe Insoecrion - to be oade before the slgn ls placed. Usually, the Footinq Inspection- fffFFfaST ;t uray be oade at the saure tirae as the Site Inspectlon. The Fo-ocing Inspee- ifon ii Eo be uade- afEer hole(s) Ls excavateci, buE prior Eo the placeueut of concrete. Flnal InspeccLol,- to be oade upon coryIelion of all work.b) c)Lilectrical - all electrical signs mrst be lnspected for electrlcal hook up afcer the sign lffiEed aad before the sign is curned on. CAII rOR TirE REQUIRED INS?ECTIONS ON TIiE 24 HOt R INSPECEoN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRI ZONE DI ? (4 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: FOOTING OR METEOD OF ATTACE}GNI' strg/LocAtlott I--ELECTRICAl. OTI1ER t'FIllAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS lo BE SATISFIED BETORE E8ECT'ION OF SIGN: A.DDIEoNALINFoRMATIoNNEEDEDBEToREPERMITIIAYBEISSUED APPROVED BY srcN PERM* nrt 3L oo ELECTRICAL PERilIT FEE: ./a-. dO /- ?9q ' *".rrru 47. STATS SURCIIARGE:*a TITAI.: o DAlT CLERK , JOB 6 3 /qa- qo SECTIOT{:SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINAI{CE g TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SrGN ,/1