HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-12-15 (2)Ao{d- ST {GFIELD DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBLICWORKS M ETRO PO LITAN WA STEWAT E R M AN AG EM E NT 225 FIFTH SIEEEI SPRINGFIELD, AB 97477 r5a$ 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER June 3, 1991 C. E. Marshall 2995 Washington Eugene, OR 97405 SLIBJECT: Occupancy Inspection at 310 N. 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Assisted Living Complex Dear Mr. Marshall: At your request, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted an inspection of the building(s) at the above address. The purpose of the irupection was to determine the suitability of the building(s) for the proposed use as indicated. Based on the proposed occupancy, the exiting conditioru which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to irutall, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: STRUCTI]RAL Stairs having more than two (2) risers and which are wider than 44'r shall have handrails on both sides of the stairway. Handrails shall be placed not lqss than 34'l nor more than 38r' above the line of nosing of the treads and shall be continuous the full Iength of the stairs. Ends shall be returned to the wall or terminate not less than 6'r beyond the top and bottom risers. Open stair railings shall have intermediate rails not greater than 6" apart. The handgrip portion of the rail shall be not less than L l^lztt nor more than 2" in cross-section or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. A minimum clearance of not less than 1 1/2" shall be provided between the handrail and the wall. 1 ., C.E. Marshall Page 2 Guardrails are required on all balconies, landings, floors or roofs which are used for purposes other than servicing the building and which are more than 30" above grade or the floor below. The guardrail shall be at Ieast 42" high and shall have intermediate rails spaced at intervals that will not allow a 6" sphere to pass through (up to 12" rail spacing may be used in areas not accessible to the public). Open stairc shall be similarly protected except that the height of the handrail shall be between 34" and 38" above the stair nosing. The ends of the handrails shall return to a newell post or wall. 3. Areas where safety glazing shall be required: A Fixed glazed panels having an area in excess of 9 square feet. The lowest edge of the sill shall not be less than lE'r above the finished floor, or within 36" of a walking surface. In lieu of safety glazing, such glazed panels may be protected with a horizontal member not less than 1 ll}tt in width when Iocated between 24't and 26'r above the walking surface. All ingress and egress doors. Glazing, operable or inoperable, adjacent to a door in all buildings and within the same wall plane as the door whose nearest vertical edge is within L2" of the door in a closed position, and whose bottom edge is less than 60" above the floor or walking distance. The above listed items are corrections that are present in the existing building only. The proposed alterations and/or addition will be evaluated for code compliance through the plan check process. If you have any questions or need clarification of the above requirements, please contact me at 72G3666. B. C. Sincerelv.J;ry Tom Marx Building lnspector cc: Dave Puent, Building Official 3l-0 Nor"th 5th Str^eet/3-13-84 SaIIy Johnson ct':wrr.llv3rr \t \ f- t LlltI L N \ CITY OF SPRINGflEU)., OPEGO'Y SUILDIfiJG 225 FIFTH STBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SPAINGFIELD S. PO L -,C. E. Marshall 2995 Washington Eugene, OR 9740s ll,l"l",l,l,rlll',',1,1',l,l,l ,'ol !I ilJ !I P 7b0 q0q 5q0 tvlTrI T Fold t6 Inc ED r- l{rrrlg ''.ll i si l'{otice 2nd Notice a !,I a I aOJ =o o.<60oc9eo=c;<='o6o t BIE Elefli Ele3t ? Fl curl oEloigoo>EoF-6 r U.S,G.P.q. 1989'238'81 5 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Ps Fotm 381 1, APr. i989 address, 2. O are and side. Failure to this will Put returnedlrom in the Show to whom items 1 and when TO" Registered Certif ied Express Mail trnn lnsuredan Always obtain dignature of addressoe or agent and to: fno.\SCeaqa 1Ot LloSOR x - Agent x fee paid)requested