HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6432 11/15/2021 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element 2202103132 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT A, Page 1 of 2 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT A, Page 2 of 2 ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Mpu!4-!Cmpdl!2-IB\[FMXPPE-!bt!qmbuufe!boe!sfdpsefe!jo!Cppl!44-!Qbhf8-!Mbof! Dpvouz!Psfhpo!Qmbu!Sfdpset<!tjuvbufe!jo!Mbof!Dpvouz-!Tubuf!pg!Psfhpo-jo!uif Opsuifbtu!rvbsufs!pg!Tfdujpo!7-!Upxotijq!29Tpvui-!Sbohf!3Xftu-!Xjmmbnfuuf!Nfsjejbo-! cfjoh!gvsuifseftdsjcfe!bt!gpmmpxt; Beginning bu!uif!opsuifbtu!dpsofs!pgMpu!4-Cmpdl!2-IB\[FMXPPE-!bt!qmbuufe!boe! sfdpsefe!jo!Cppl!44-!Qbhf!8-Mbof!Dpvouz!Psfhpo!Qmbu!Sfdpset< Uifodf!po!cpvoebsjft!pg!Mpu!4-!Cmpdl!2-!pg!tbje!GJSTU!BEEJUJPO!UP!NFOMP!QBSL uif!gpmmpxjoh!dpvstft; 2/West 118.76feet< 3/South06°08East 83.59feet up!uif!opsuifsmz!sjhiu!pg!xbz!pg!Kbtqfs!Spbe! boe!uif!dvssfou!Djuz!Mjnjut!mjof< 4/Uifodf!po!tbje!Djuz!Mjnjut!mjof!East 110.65feet up!uif!xftufsmz!sjhiu!pg!xbz!pg! Gjmcfsu!Mbof< 5/Uifodf!dpoujovjoh!po!tbje!Djuz!Mjnjut!mjof!North 0°34West 83.11feet-up! uif!Point of Beginning. Dpoubjojoh!:-644trvbsf!gffu/ tğŭĻ 1 ƚŅ 1 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 1 of 8 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 2 of 8 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 3 of 8 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 4 of 8 FORM 2 OWNERSHIP WORKSHEET (This form is NOT the petition) (Please include the name and address of ALL owners regardless of whether they signed an annexation petition or not. OWNERS Imp. Signed Signed Property Designation Assessed (Map/lot number) Y / N Yes No Name of Owner Acres Value Daryl Brisco X 18-02-06-14-07700$189,929 0.22 Y Y $189,929 18-02-06-14-07700 X 0.22 Patty Brisco $189,929 TOTALS: 0.22 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF OWNERS IN THE PROPOSAL NUMBER OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED 2 PERCENTAGE OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED 100% TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL 0.22 ACREAGE SIGNED FOR 0.22 PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR 100% TOTAL VALUE IN THE PROPOSAL $189,929 $189,929 VALUE CONSENTED FOR PERCENTAGE OF VALUE CONSENTED FOR 100% Revised 4/8/14 BJ 14 of 17 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 5 of 8 FORM 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (Complete all the following questions and provide all the requested information. Attach any responses that require additional space, restating the question or request for information on additional sheets.) Daryl or Patty Brisco Contact Person: daryl.brisco@gmail.com plbrisco@gmail.com E-mail: Supply the following information regarding the annexation area. 2 Estimated Population (at present): 1 Number of Existing Residential Units: Other Uses: 0.22 Land Area: total acres Existing Plan Designation(s): Residential Existing Zoning(s): Residential Existing Land Use(s): Metro Plan Applicable Comprehensive Plan(s): Applicable Refinement Plan(s): Provide evidence that the annexation is consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan(s) and any associated refinement plans. Annexation required to connect to city sanitary sewer Are there development plans associated with this proposed annexation? X Yes No If yes, describe. Connecting to the city Sewer Is the proposed use or development allowed on the property under the current plan designation and zoning? X Yes No Please describe where the proposed annexation is contiguous to the city limits (non-contiguous annexations cannot be approved under 5.7-140, Criteria). Contiguous along Eastern and Southern boundaries Revised 4/8/14 BJ Page 15 of 17 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 6 of 8 Does this application include all contiguous property under the same ownership? X Yes No If no, state the reasons why all property is not included: Check the special districts and others that provide service to the annexation area: Glenwood Water District Rainbow Water and Fire District Eugene School District Pleasant Hill School District X Springfield School District McKenzie Fire & Rescue X Pleasant Hill RFPD Willakenzie RFPD X EPUD SUB X Willamalane Parks and Rec District Other __________________ Names of persons to whom staff notes and notices should be sent, in addition to applicant(s), such as an agent or legal representative. (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) Revised 4/8/14 BJ Page 16 of 17 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 7 of 8 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT B, Page 8 of 8 ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Mpu!4-!Cmpdl!2-IB\[FMXPPE-!bt!qmbuufe!boe!sfdpsefe!jo!Cppl!44-!Qbhf8-!Mbof! Dpvouz!Psfhpo!Qmbu!Sfdpset<!tjuvbufe!jo!Mbof!Dpvouz-!Tubuf!pg!Psfhpo-jo!uif Opsuifbtu!rvbsufs!pg!Tfdujpo!7-!Upxotijq!29Tpvui-!Sbohf!3Xftu-!Xjmmbnfuuf!Nfsjejbo-! cfjoh!gvsuifseftdsjcfe!bt!gpmmpxt; Beginning bu!uif!opsuifbtu!dpsofs!pgMpu!4-Cmpdl!2-IB\[FMXPPE-!bt!qmbuufe!boe! sfdpsefe!jo!Cppl!44-!Qbhf!8-Mbof!Dpvouz!Psfhpo!Qmbu!Sfdpset< Uifodf!po!cpvoebsjft!pg!Mpu!4-!Cmpdl!2-!pg!tbje!GJSTU!BEEJUJPO!UP!NFOMP!QBSL uif!gpmmpxjoh!dpvstft; 2/West 118.76feet< 3/South06°08East 83.59feet up!uif!opsuifsmz!sjhiu!pg!xbz!pg!Kbtqfs!Spbe! boe!uif!dvssfou!Djuz!Mjnjut!mjof< 4/Uifodf!po!tbje!Djuz!Mjnjut!mjof!East 110.65feet up!uif!xftufsmz!sjhiu!pg!xbz!pg! Gjmcfsu!Mbof< 5/Uifodf!dpoujovjoh!po!tbje!Djuz!Mjnjut!mjof!North 0°34West 83.11feet-up! uif!Point of Beginning. Dpoubjojoh!:-644trvbsf!gffu/ Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT C, Page 1 of 2 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT C, Page 2 of 2 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 1 of 7 City Limits City Limits City Limits City Limits Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 2 of 7 Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 3 of 7 The Register-Guard Metro Plan Metro Plan Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan - Urbanization Element Urbanization ElementMetro Plan Urbanization Element Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 4 of 7 Urbanization Element Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Metro Plan Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 5 of 7 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 6 of 7 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Ordinance No. 6432 EXHIBIT D, Page 7 of 7 Metro Plan Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element Ordinance No. 6432