HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-01-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North stu streelPPLrc Spri.ngfield, 1r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFTINGFIELD -r\ ;/. TON/PERMIT Dt<- a \ l\ I vo \- ?) Date: K*- t -a7 -88- MeclwricaL Job Locaticn: .Aeseaso?e M"p # l) 6V olod?c,x IDtv35 '4Subdiuision: ci O,mer: Phone: ztp: Addt,ess: Descr'ibe Work: Date of App VaLue arfi,Vqg*r'I Addi.tion 'Ne,u ffi Renocel GeneraL Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-uP Plunbi.ng connecti'ons -- 8&)e" ad' uatet Electt'ical Cotnecti'on - Bloekittg' "?!:Y,2"7 p-t*ril"g conneetions nrtst be ap?Yooed A,ifi, " rcqiesting eleclrLcal inspeeliott rirnl - Aftet pcnehes, ski'rting' deela' etc. ole eornPleied' Page 1 of 2 !,IOWD SITE INSPECTION: escaoation' but To be nade after prtor tc set uP of sanLtat't1 saser eapped at ?roPethi Lir:e Septic totk p;t;',ped and' filled ttLth gtalel \N1ERSLAB PLUMBTUG, EL!CTRr-2AL & fficiA-lrau To be made before anY ffiT76-iooered. POOTING & FIUITDATICN: To be tmCe ffiare escatlated anti 7or*" *n etected' but Prior to pourtng ecncrete. @-Tenchzs. i1 uaouner,oo,n PtuJn:IZ 1#:r,#m' ",l-) ro be made Pt''tot' - nooo i.naulation or deeking' fonns. FTNAL PLUASING PIIIAL MECHAIIICAL FITIAL ELECTRICAL P1ST AND BEAM: To be made -PrLot' to ffiof ftoot irtsulation ot d.ecking. ROUGH PLAABT\\G. =E\ECtRrgAL e MECH= lNlCAI': No uork is to be couered ffiTthotn inspec*'ions hanse been nad.e and. aPProoeC' FIPEPLACE: Prlor to Plaeirq faeing ffie artd before ftaning insPee- ti.on. FRA\ILNG: t'tust be req-uested af,ter ffiiooat of rough plurr'bi'ng' .electm- HL- a ^n"l-ricit- - ALL noofi'ttg ii"ot,g & ehinneYs, etc' trust be ,Zitnioa. Ito ubrk ia to be edtt- .-"nif.a unfi'L this inspectLon lne 'LLin rron" anc aPProtted' w*ffi;"x?:#,"but Prior to anY tdPlng' WSINRI: Steel Location, qo4 ffiiqnorti-ng or oerticals in-iii"'a&"" LYLtil u'B'c' Section 241 5, WIODSTI\IE: Aftet installation i's @T;tA. cuRB & /PPR9A1H AP\)N: , Afl?:-.[1"" 66-iveied but Prior to PaffLng concrete. 'ffiw;",i2i:.11,:#- Z'r-iu',' to be ^ade after aLL erca- nLirff "*Ptete & fora wrk & sub- base material in PLace' IENCE: h4ten eonPlate '- Ptooide ffii "" i"rable secti'ons through P.U.E, ALL pt'oi ect condition-s r e qu'tr e d T,antd s c cPing' Final - l{hen abase i'tens axe ccnpleted'"r,iit "" dernolition i's cortplete- o? st?uc- ture mooed otd ptenrises cLeaned' ttp' (- such ae the installation of stre et t/,ees, eo,nple*ion of tie edn be requeeted' etc. ' tnts t be eatisfied befote the BUILDING YINAL \4 FrNAL BUTLDTN\: rhe Final Bui.Ldiw rnepection mtet be requeateil aftet the Fitul Plwnbittg E Lec tt i c aL, *ra u,"t*riio| fi"i"iii"i-'t "r, n- i) "i ide atd appr oo ed' *ALL IuANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MT)ST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJASTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE A? NO COST TO CEY neeerpt * /6853 \i l-l ,-, tr tr tr JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Lot Fa.ces - lleat DT House Cd.laqe Aceess. No?th East l Fireplaee South ll lloodstoxe Hest ll fntetiot Corne? Panhandle Cul-de-aac Bedroons: LOT TWEInt Sq. ?tg. t of Lot Cooetage # of Stot'ies ?otal HeLght Iopography NEM SQ, F?G x Value Win Csaqe CatpoPt Aecesso?u -:---.---_..-.8 ttu@)fiBry ueS.D.C. 1..5 c Ja.so Plan Checkl' 6a Paid: Reeeipt #: CEARGE 34./3 Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted an the ecp"eas eondition that the sciil. consttaetions^lull, in-all.tespe-e.ts, 9onfory to the 7rdittance adopted 6iy the City ofspringfield, 1ry9!,udnng the zoning cvdirance, regulating th,-e ecnst"u-ctiZn ?y,use of buildings,. and may b.e- suspended or tbuokeC Zt org tine upon uic_Latlon of oty pz.ctsisione of eaid }rdinances. Building Pen?ti,t ?otal Clnrgee State * NO. Signed: FEE Etbtutes Residential (1 bath) Seuet NO.PDP CHAREE Plumbing permit No person stnll consduct, inetal?,, alter oy ehange -cary net, c! etistingplumbitq or dtainaae sasten in u?oie or in patt, unlees euch person is theLegal posees"on oio uLt.i.a piu in";i i.t.""r'", ea-cept tlwt a p."r"in nay do,Hlo* uork to prope*y ,hla, .i." ,i)a-,-1,"o""d. or operatei by tne dppli_ Plunbing penrtt State tlan/Ectend Circuits Setlsice Lecx? NC.FXE CIIARCE I{lere sf'ate Lan reouiz'es tTat the electrical uork be done bg qn Eleetr.tcarcontraetor' the electrtc"L-;;";;;"';viiiz*pnr^t.t shall not be oazid. untilthe Label lns been signed ta' ti"'iiL*f.ZLt contractor,. ?otal .7 s EI ec tricq I Perm i t Exhanat Hood Vent For Ucodstole Pezmit * IVlechqnicol permit Permit fssu@tce Mechanicel penntt Mobil.e llcrne Ctpbcut SideaaLk ?O?AL AMOTIN? DTIE:*t,n ! HAW CAREPALLy EXAf4lyEl tlte conpleted applieation fo, penrit, aad. do -?:W'fr;*g;"*Wr,*;,r*l#flf::S7',#.!,,,"State of 0regon oertaining to the work ZesZrAed herein, end. that No occu_PANc-v t'lirl be nade of any st?uctu?e ttthour penriseion z{tniiirizarng Di_ulaLon. r fw,then "n:!l?-u_ tnd i"ig-iorlli..roo" otd ezplcgees who az,e incanptiance uith 1RS zot.bLs "iit-;;"";;;";; xnte project L / 7 *Date \ .. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North stt" itoniPPLrcAi" SprLngfield, ?t,egon 97477 Buildtng DLuision ? 26-37 53 Job Locaticn:5 rtt /ry o 3;-l-, / SPFIINGFJFT N Rceei t1 Date: -oL Aeseaoore llap # Svbdiuision: Onter: Address: ci ?cs Lot fl zip: As-loo n htorl<:DescrLbe cc N€.) tdditicn RenoCel Date of App Licaticn GeneraL PLtonDi iuSa,, 'J*,.r;ft//ffi,/tu@,{ Ak/, -an' ,orun /UZU-(/L ?2 -Ll-(()),4 Phone: Mechar.iccl rt i. tha respota.lbility of tte petarit hotl* to .ee tlat aLL inapectiotu oe nade at the p"o?e, tine, tLat ecch &rees is reasnhi'" fltt thz atr;et, atd, tltat the pettrtt catd ia located dt.th-e frant of the_Prc?erty.isuiZdirg t;-uiiiort aerw^ed pLot sltcll vemain on tie Buikiing Sitc at aLL ti.mes. P!?OCSDUPE FOP TIIS?INIOII PICLtrST :CALL 7 requesxeci ala ulzen '1iou uiLL De ?eacy J-o?till be nanie the eane d.cy, ?equests mdie 26-3769 (tecorder) atate ltou" City desigttzted job m.mber, iob oiitess, type-of ittpec2ictt i*pection, Cqtltracxo?s ir Oune:s'nane cnd piane nnb*. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 e' afte.r ?:00 an viLL be nnd.e the ne.ct'xrkitt-E cay. 7\ a ' lottt city Deeisr,ated Job Nunbev ,r' 88 0 0 7J lD6t. nal ln.^n.f, ata I I l l UNDERSLAB PLUYSING, EL9C?PICAL A 1'9CE;.:;;C;:.: To be maae beiore any Gii-dTouered. PC1TI\|G & F)UNDATICII: Io be ttaCe cfter crenehes ate anl forms are etected, but prior to ptl-ira ecnctete. DRAIilAC:: To be maae P"'.or to 1Q'iineiec. SiT! MS?!C?fOfl: ?o be nncie after u"au;;lory b"t prtor tc set uP of forns.tcqu:.red oapot boriera dre in plzce b'ut before ory Lath, WP&m bcari or rnLL couering is agolied' otd before oty insulation is concealed. RRT9P to be rraCe a LNSULCXL'N DRY?ALL IilSPrfrI1N: Tc be made Ctin-iti ctyuit-;s in plaee, but p?iar to cnY taPir,g. I.!AS0NP!: Steel Location, bond 6i6{grouting or De?ttccls in acconc).otce trith U.B.C. Section WOODSTOYE: After installation is ampLeted. CUPB & APPPCACI| APPON: Aftet forms ee erecteC but priot, to pouring conztete. SIDE\IALK & DRItEIIAY: For all eon- crei pauing iixizrn st?eet right- of-tny, to be maie after aLL ezca- oatina canplete & forn uork & sttb- base materLal in plaee. nar,1. TnTnt, n? Soti:cy setter capped at pt'operfii Lir:e Septic totk p:zped ail filled tith 7za:te- Fincl _ l,lhen obcte it.ens ate ccnpleted ard uhen Cenclttion i.s conolete o? st?ue- tu?e moued oi przrtses cleanei uP- llcbii.e iicnes Blocking otd Set-ttP Plunbing connections -- aate? otd, uatet Electricel Ccmnection - Bloeking' eet-up ani plunbing cornections m;st be apprc"*e: bef6t, c nequesting eleclical inspec;io:z Accessory BuilCnng Final - Aftcr ocrehes, ekirting, decl<-s, etc. dre ccnole)ed. 1 uno*rtcop pr.uErlc z r.!!CtAi!rcAL:| 1o be noiejrior to installacion oi floor ineu1z.tion or <ieckino. a posr Ar:D BEA\.:: To be tr.eic ptiot to ) t"""";:;;;;of floor insulatior or d.eckiry, 1 on,,ct i,n,rr,,r. yric:ntc,:: n tsct:- t / I At;tct;: ;io 'iozk is to oc co,-erer - .urti.L xhese irepeeiiors itaue been mode ata cootouei. 1 frygo-L1lli p.Lon to plceirn fceinc) ,**.r"* and bcfore'iraning inepc'c- tion. 7 rnn!'.n:c: !'tust be rccuested after I 6;;i cf rough plr,rrbina, electni-.:cal & mecrnnlcal. ALl. rooiing btaeira €, ehinmcys, ete. mtst be ; conpletci. llo ucrk ie to be eon- . .-cecled until this inspectLon laa 'been tnatie anC approted. fl unat PLUt{BruG ),4 r-* rrfiat HECHAIITzAL vil {rla,* ELEc?RrcAL -t I lEllCE: Ither conPlete -- ProtiCe jG6i or mouable aectians tnrough ALL project condttions, such aa the i.nstallaxion of street trees, coflDlction-of tie n"qr,irnh lanlsccping, Ltc., r,wst be aatisficd beiore the BUILDIT:C FMAL can be tequested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Einal Building Inspection r,ust be reouesteC clter the Finel Plwbitg-ttni.rr7"L-t,--anC Nechar.ieal Inspect'i-oru 'iuve been made atd approved' .ALL I.IA!:]!)LTS AND CLEAT]OUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJU*:IZ:]? iO 3I T!4DI I? I]O C!S? TO CIlY Page 2 of 2 fol, t JOB NO. Builiing Penit Stdte ?otal Chcges Resilientia.L (1 bcth) ,1 soLAR AccEss REe.- -- Fees -- L-CO G+ Beatoxs Building Volue & Permit This permlt ia graated on the e@r.ess eondition tlat the sai.d. conatntctiorza^h,al.l, -in-atl -rbs-pe-e.ts, gonform'to the or<iitunce "iort",i Li in"- c;rv "fspringfield, includ.rna the Soning cyd--nance, regulcting ttze ccnstr.ritibn o,d. .use o-f builditq.s,. ord nay be_ suspend.e,l or r'euokeC Lt ory t:-me upon vic_La.tion of ary prcuisione of eaid Orciir,ances. ieda Ldco Uooastot;e Fee: 4 &Datc Paid: Reeeiot ll Sig::ed: ? LZ I LrAf,.,- Plumbing Permit No percon cl@ll consttaet, instal!, alter or charge cny rc' cr eistingp-Lwnb-ing or cirainage Byatei in uiore or in part, unlesi aueh person is tt,Le-gaz.possessor of a oalid plumber's Lieens-e, escept thdt a ie.son tal doOffir"n uork to p"operty uhieh is omeC, Zeased or operatii Ay tne qpli- Lot Faeee - Setbaeks DI HouEe Cataoe Aceesallorth kan East Sot;th ttT TWE _ Inter.iot _ Coraer _ Panlandle C\L-de-sac Valuc Lot Sq. Fn". Z cf LoC Carcraga I of Stortea Total Eetght Topogryhy Ueet ll:.in bace C@Dc'"t Aeeessortl ?OTAL VALUS S.D.C. I.5 r .5o /0 -so Soiitara Seuen llctev t/ Plz.onbing perrit State llao/bterd, Ciratits Seruice L I Chzrces {, Electrico I perm it tlhepe state lan reouires tiu,t the electrical uork be done b,1 art slecd,calconxnc-ua?, the electrLccl cortion of ;itis pernic siull rot be vltii utttilthe hbel has been signeci by the Eiectrical' Cont"dctor. -q a:t.1'^= c-2fro^{.il 27,50 | ,trx ,.9 Mecho nicql Permit tj,lta,..at Hoo! Vent F@t 'rlcoCstore Sto?a.oe :.,!1.Ln Ctbeu: S;d,n-ulk Pemn-t fssuotec Ite:ianical Pernlt -- E:icitcActil.:t:;7 -- I Cnarocs -'u I'ian Ltanlne? f HAW CARSFULLY EXL\IINED the eornoleted. aoolication for oentit, &rd dohereby eertif}t that alt irfo:ration hereon t" trin "i- .Z"i"..i "*e tfu,ther.eerlify that any arr aLL uo.rk perlontei shazt be d";;-i" aeco?-<iance :,rith the ord.inanc-e.s of xhe city 'of sorincficl,r., "rd-la, Ls of thell"t-n "t q?gcn p.crtainino to the uork ceserib'oa n"ilii,-"i---f* No occr_P/''cy virl be n,,rc os an! st"ucturz uitho'"tt permission zf ti"- sritaing Di-uision. r further cLr-tif'g tit orta- iirlll"ron" and. etrplcaees uho are inca.tpl;.ance utth CRS ?OJ.7SS uiLL be used, on tnis priSec't I robile Hute a-( tr{ 2 l5.oo.7{ t€.75 rdtAL Al$U!t? D!!t:.K(" 3Y Date 9'U/0. 0?,