HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/12/2021City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ Required Project Information (Applicant: Prospective Applicant Name: Troy and Tamara Goertel complete this section) Phone: 541.501.0207 Company: TTG Properties, LLC Fax: tgoertel@tallpineinc.com Address:40499 Mohawk River Road, Mohawk Oregon 97454 Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Jordan Cogburn, Senior Planner Phone: 541.687.1010 ex: 112 Company: TBG Architects+Planners Fax: jcogburn@tbg-arch.com Address: 132 E Broadway, Eugene Oregon 97401 Property Owner: Troy and Tamara Goertel Phone: 541 501.0207 Company: TTG Properties, LLC Fax: tgoertel@tallpineinc.com Address:40499 Mohawk River Road Mohawk Oregon 97454 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-00 TAX LOT NOS : 4000 Property Address: Not Yet Assigned Size of Property: Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: New industrial office and warehouse building, with associated parking, landscaping and site infrastructure. Site is currently undeveloped. ExistingUse: # of Lots Parcels: 1 Avg. Lot Parcel Size: 433560 sf Densit : N/A du/acre Prospective Applicant: %aeu_ Qean Signa Troy Goertel Print Case No.: Date: Date: November 12, 2021 Reviewed by: Application Fee: Technical Fee: 0 Posta a Fee: 0 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 5/21/13 KL 1 of 3 Development Issues Meeting Process The purpose of a Development Issues Meeting is to give an applicant the opportunity to discuss his/her development proposal with the development review staff of the City. The discussion can be general or specific, depending on the details provided with the application. A Development Issues Meeting provides information to an applicant related to the current development conditions and standards of the City. The Development Issues Meeting is not a land use decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may change over time as development conditions or standards change. 1. Applicant Submits a Development Issues Meeting Application • The application must conform to the Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 3 of this application packet. • Development issues meetings are conducted every Thursday. • We strive to conduct the development issues meetings within three to four weeks of receiving the application. • The applicant's proposal is circulated to the relevant staff in preparation for the meeting. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Development Issues Meeting • The applicant and any design team should attend the development issues meeting. • The meeting is scheduled for one hour. • Staff attending the meeting will be prepared to discuss the issues raised in the submittal by the applicant. Other issues raised during the meeting may also be discussed. • The meeting is informal and the City will issue no staff report. Revised 5/21/13 KL 2 of 3 Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist ❑X Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ❑X Development Issues Meeting Application Form ® Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. ❑X Four (4) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. ® Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" ® Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' ® North arrow ® Date of preparation ® Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number ® Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area ® Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points ® On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained ® Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions ❑ Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots ❑ How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review ® Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height X❑ Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces X❑ Parking and circulation plan Revised 5/21/13 KL 3 of 3 ARCHITECTS + P L A N N E R S November 12, 2021 City of Springfield Development Services Planning Division 225 5'^ Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Tall Pine 30th Industrial Development (202114/1.3) Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Project Address: 3T Street — Not Yet Assigned Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Map 17-02-31-00 Tax Lot 4000 Developer: TTG Properties, LLC Troy & Tamara Goertel 40499 Mohawk River Rd Mohawk, Oregon 97454 Contact: Troy Goertel Tel 541.501.0207 E-mail: tgoertel@tallpineinc.com Owner's Representative: TBG Architects+ Planners 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Contact: Jordan Cogburn or Kristen Taylor Tel 541.687.1010 E-mail: jcogburn@tbg-arch.com or ktaylor@tbg-arch.com PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting a DIM for a project involving the following on an undeveloped site located north of Main Street on North 30'^, Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000 (the "site"). The applicant is proposing to develop Tax Lot 4000, which will require Site Plan Review. The applicant also owns the adjacent Tax Lot 4100, which is proposed to remain undeveloped with gravel resurfacing and will be developed at a future time. Tax Lot 4000 — Site Plan Review • An approximately 9,828 -square -foot one-story with a mezzanine building with associated parking, landscaping and site infrastructure. • The front area of the building is proposed as an accessory office use with wood frame construction. • The larger back area of the building is warehouse use with prefabricated metal building construction. • The proposed building height is approximately 29'-6" in height. 541.687.1010 1132 EAST BROADWAY. SUITE 200 1 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 1 TBG-ARCH.COM City of Springfield November 12, 2021 Page 2 of 4 We request at a minimum, staff members from planning, transportation, fire, and public works to attend the meeting. Please do not hesitate to invite additional staff members to attend the meeting in order to adequately address the questions. In addition to the questions, we have enclosed a conceptual Site Plan for reference only. SITE INFORMATION Location: The Tall Pine Industrial Development is located on North 3011 Street, Springfield, Oregon north of Main Street. Tax Lot: Lane County records identify the site as Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-31-00, Tax Lot 4000. The applicant also owns the adjacent Tax Lot 4100, which is not part of the proposed current development. Acreage: The Tall Pine Industrial Development site is 1.0 acres or 43,560 square feet. Address: Not yet identified — North 30h Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Ownership: The site is owned by TTG Properties, LLC. Plan Land Use Designation: The area of the subject parcel was annexed to the City of Springfield in 1948. The parcels are designated LMI in the Metropolitan Area General Plan. The parcels are located within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and City limits. Zoning/Surrounding Land Uses: The applicant's parcels are zoned Light Medium Industrial (LMI). The Drinking Water Overlay District applies to the subject parcels. Property to the west, north, and south are zoned LMI and developed with industrial warehouse buildings. Properties to the east are zoned Medium Density Residential and developed with a multi -family residential development. There is a railway line located to the west of the site. Environmental: The subject site is soil type Coburg -Urban land complex. Per the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the properties are located in area X determined to be outside of the 500 -year flood area. The applicant's parcels are located in the Maia Wellhead facility protection area within the 5 -10 -year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ). As required, the applicant will apply and obtain either a Drinking Water Permit or exemption prior to construction of the buildings. Access: The primary access to the subject site will be via 30th Street. There is one existing shared access driveway on the north end of the site that connects directly to 30th Street, which has a joint use/access easement serving Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200, and 4300. A proposed driveway is shown on the south end of Tax Lot 4000 that also connects directly to 30th Street. City of Springfield November 12, 2021 Page 3 of 4 DIM QUESTIONS (Questions in Bold) 1. Planning & Development: • It is our understanding that the proposed tenant uses all fall under allowed industrial uses, including those involved in the secondary processing of materials into components, the assembly of components into finished products, transportation, communication and utilities, wholesaling, and warehousing, as well as supporting offices and light industrial uses in the LMI zone. Therefore, the project will need to comply with the associated development standards. See the attached Site Plan, Parking Calculations for uses. Please confirm that this interpretation is correct. • Tax Lot 4100 is currently vacant with areas of pervious gravel and sparse vegetation. It is our understanding that the proposed gravel resurfacing for this undeveloped lot will not require a land use application or compliance with other development standards. Please confirm that this interpretation is correct. • It is our understanding that the only landscape requirements for this project is "5 percent of the interior of a parking lot, exclusive of any required parking setbacks, if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street and are visible from any street" (per SDC 4.4-105(F)(2)). Therefore, only the proposed parking located in front of the building is required to meet this standard. Please confirm that this interpretation is correct. • Please outline the signage options. 2. Transportation: a) It is our understanding that the proposed industrial project will not require a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) for this project. Please confirm that this interpretation is correct. b) The proposed driveway connection to 30th Street is about 30'-0" wide and the existing driveway proposed to remain is 35'-0". The proposed and existing driveways to 30th Street have throat depths on the site of about 40'-0" from the start of the driveway and at least 30'-0" from the property line, both of which exceed the minimum 18'-0" standard. The northern driveway is existing with a joint use/access easement serving Tax Lots 4000, 4100, 4200, and 4300. The northern driveway approach is a dedicated driveway serving the site. The proposed site driveway meets the City's dimensional requirements for commercial/industrial driveway approaches and is consistent with separation spacing of previously approved driveways along 30th Street, a major collector street. Are the locations acceptable? Are there any transportation studies required? 3. Public Works: a) Do the existing adjacent public facilities have adequate capacity to serve the proposed development (water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater)? City of Springfield November 12, 2021 Page 4 of 4 b) Other than curb cuts, driveways, and associated sidewalk improvements as well as street trees are there any other public improvements required as part of this development? c) Does the project meet the requirements for emergency vehicle access and circulation as well as existing fire hydrant(s) capacity and access? Please explain. d) Can the required on-site stormwater management facilities required for Tax Lot 4000 and 4100 (assuming the potential of there being two different owners in the future) be located primarily on one of the Tax Lots as long as there are associated easements recorded? Please explain. 4. In general, is City staff aware of any issues or concerns regarding the proposed project? Thank you for your time and effort in clarifying these questions so that we can proceed smoothly with the development of this proposed project. Sincerely, Jordan Cogburn JC/KT Enclosures: City of Springfield DIM Application Form — 1 copy DIM Questions — 1 copy Concept Site Plan — 1 copy Assessor's Map — 1 copy cc: Troy Goertel, TTG Properties, LLC. Z TROJ=114 Tall Pine 3Mh Street I ndustrialkCorrespW gency\DIMk202ll4 DIM,docx I• x cxi TaTs.ruxxevs FORAONSECTION 31 TIR.2W. W.M. 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