HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-20..RESIDINTIAL.. 22s North sth streeAPPLrcATr,N/PERIlrr Spr"ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision a6a 1-e,/ to-o / oo SPFIINGFIELD ?.eceitt < mJob Locaticn: Assessor,c :ldo ll ?cz Lot # SubCitrsian: t?ou*o < CilcPaesCntet: Ad.dtess: $Oe M S7W 7ao- o?esPTone: liq,Sft?vcFt€eb zip: ?7422 Jh"*tl udshLDescvibe l,lork ,J14u Date of Applica ticn /o -2r -f,] Adlitian RenoCel **{3so GeneraL 1 Sani*a1 saser cqped ct ptoper4i Lire Septie totk ytrteC and filled vith gz,r;ei Pincl - i4ten cbcue itens ote ecr,aLeted.c,ti uhen Cencltiion is caryLete br st--c-iure nooal. ad preriaes cleaneC up. i.lobile ilcnes tsLocking otd Set-up Pltnbing conteczicne -- saie? d. uater Electrtcal Conection - Blockittg, set-u, and, pltnbing canections mtst be cpprcx-aC before requeating eleclrical inspectiol Aceeseorl BuiW-ng Fital - Aftcr pcrekes, skirting, deci,-s,etc. @e canpleled. Conetarcttcn Lenden j"on respottsibility of the penrit izolder to eee that aL '!, inspeetions oe nade at ihe propen line, that ecch .-d,lress is nea;ai'>elt ia Zhe I D,.-' the st?eet, cnd tlat the penntt Air4 V)uicioti dpptou-ed pibt siz.L eod. ia Loeated at the fz,cnt of the ptopettA L tines.L tb Building inspection,Conttactcrs cr Aoze:sL be racie the s@ne dcg, "equests nc<ie afte-r ? :00 on viLL be m.Ce the neztlntkiag day Iout Cifu Desigra,ted. Job ltunbet Is: ulten uou ) state gour City' Cesigr"zted job nane ad. phone' job aCfoess, type P.equesxs receited of inspec:icn befcre 7:00 c, nur,ber, nwtber SIt! IllS?lClI0N: ?o be nnde aftetaccuation, but prtcr b set u? of fcrms. UIIDIRSLAts ?!L':BTJG, ELEC?PIC,1L T i,ECH.tilICAL: io be matie beioz,e cnyl;crk ie cooeled, PCOTI:IG 1 l1UilDAliCll: ?o be rlzade - dite" i,"enc'Aes .aye eseauated anri fczms are erected., but ptior .a Wu?rr'g ccrlc?ete. 7 u:tciec?ou:tD pat;M3rJc. st.Ep. ;t.1!tp.,J Lirq trenchee. V ylrynplcoR !,Lu:r.x:c I :,tscsAtrcAL:| | ?9 be narie pricz' ao ir.svaliation ci floor ineuktion or decking. P.OS? .AilD BEt!',t: To be naie prior toinstalkxton of iioor insuTa.iian or &ckinE. JOryGi: ?T.UEI:IG, !!.ZC!PICA! ' ECX.Attiei.i'@ ut:z')L these insceciior:s hauo- beernaie atd. qprcoed. Fi?.EPlACi: Prior to plccr-r4 fac"i,ngmc;erials and. beiore i.arri"S inapeb-tLon- FFA-!,!I\|C: l,tus-- be reo.tested aflerqp_rcztai of rough pl;;bing, eieccri-cal I necitanieal. AL'!- rcoizttgbraetn4 ! ehinmeys, ete. rusc beanpleeed. llo .,tcrk ie to be con_. cealed until this inspecttat ha,s'beet na,Le anC approted. I rrr,nl pLu:.lBrtc ] ntru lECttAitrcAL a n;tat EL€c?prcAL TNSULA?IOII/VAPCR BARRIZR IIISPIC?fiII : To be nade after aLL insulaticn ei tcqu4red vqor botiers @e in place but beJ'ore ory 'l,ath, Wpsn bcarC or tnLL coueting is coplied, otd. before oty insulaticn is eoneealed. DRYIALL MsPlenll: lc be tmde after aLL dryaall is in place, but prior to attg taping. llAS1NPl: Steel Location, bonC beans, aroutirr4 or ue"f,iccls in aceordoee drh U.B.C. gection 7( ilooDSTC'/i: *-1 ^! -:@tru b- bcg. Aftet installation is gszt51 CURB & A?PRCACE ,4PP,CN, - @e 2recxex. aut ?mo?conc?ete. After forns "o pcan-Jng SIDETIALK d DR!,TiA!: Por aLL can- crete pduing uithin st?eet right- of-r"cy, to be naCe after aL7. ezea- uating cattplete .1 lolrrt wrk & aub- base rm.teial in place.r IINC!: gates rlhet conplate -- ProuiCe ot aottabLe sectians thtough P. U,E. 'ALL ;.lAilttcLgs AitD CLEAN1UTS HUS? 9E ICC1SSr3LE, .4Diusr:!r:1! ?o BE :14Dt :'.? !:O ::57 ?C 'ry ALL pro;ect eoztii:ions, suc!. as the insvalZation of stteet crees, cc::clexion o;- ilerequired Lcndscait9, etc, , mrst be satisfieC before the SUiLDIilC iilsl can be neqtested.. (J :iy!.:.1:trrt!r:- The Einal Euild.inq rnsoection rust be requestec zlter tke iinal ?twbingLJ iLecc?icdl, ori Mechar.ical inspeeticns itatta been nacie arui'coorooed. u l i-:- | JOB NO. bt Sq. F'-8. Z cf lct Catercce_ 7 of Sto?:eg lotal lat ght ?oooa.eiw )uiUzrq Penrit ?otal Cla:ges ?Lwh)ng Perrit ?evtot fss.autca !,lecistictl ?enr|t soLAr_-:cEss REQ.- :c? :y?i _ lnzeticr - Ccr/!e? _ ?entud,ie _ Cui-,ie-sac L-CO G+ e/Cot st Seitoona Building Volue & Permit lkis ienntt,)s a?dnted on the erp"ess eordition tlzt the said.constmtction shal-i, in c1.L resoects, conicrn to the CrCinance cdooted. by the Ci'"y of Scr")ngiieli, 'Jncluding lhe loning Crdincree, regulc!")no ;he ccnstrtcdcn ztd. vse c1'butiitngs, ozd nty be suaoen<ied, or rertckei et cr.! t':ne u2on uic- kticn oi ;ny Drcuia,-ons of saiC CtCir,ences, Receipt # Plumbing Permit ,'lo pereon shall cors'truet, inslall, altet on ehan4e anA neu cr e:isting plunbing cr citainage systqt in'shole or in patt, wzLess such pez,son is th,e Legal possessor of a oalid olwnber's License, eacept tl"ai a pe:son na'g do plunbing uork to p"ope"t'! aldch is omed, Lecsed or ogerated by the appli- ccttt. Mechonicol Permit Lot Feces -lr.ettu Sourees iea, A-ccess adier leatz" ilotYh I i.s;ltreoLcce 'rlaoch;oue ilest -- ?ees -- ::3.,{-:€. i36 , 2,Ue i.b,in altca 6rt.r .rtflt? !n^ I <- ::alt li:iutes ?.esil.anti-o.L ( 1 bdth) Sazitel Se"sen vctet Electricol Permit llhere State Lan requires th,at the electrtcal uork be Ccne by an glectrleal Cont?dcto", the eleclr-ical portton of thie pernit sltdll rat be ualiC until the label lns beea eigneti by the El.ectztcal Contracto". .'!,:a: !otal llailE-tend Ciretits Sertice !TZ:,1 ir. tv?r.?Ce :'!!J ',5 EziLangt HooC Vetli Tcodstcre l ISf,(,: LoO Saqt-)tu Storzge ,'1can'-encrze -- a;icPCA::i:.!a::? -- TTcn=iatnre" i itAw CAiEiULLy lXA:4il|D r.!",e eorwT.eted applicaticn fcr 2etmi:, ctui dc herebg certify tlat aLL ittfotnation het'eon is true anC. cctt'eet, anC I fr2.thet certii'E thax ang az'd aLL tork perforned shall be done in acccr- ianeeltith the Crdinsnces of tV,e City of Spr"Jngfield' anC ;he Lat;s of the state of aregcn pettainina to the uork cescr.)bcd 'nere:,n, eva tiut ll0 Sccu- ?.t::]U ;tL be ,sZe oJ' cny stlactutz uithcut penn"Jssiot cf the 3uiiding N- ,;iaion. I further c-ertiil th.at o:tlg eont"dctoPs o1| *p|cgees ';h.c ctz in cangl'lance uish CRS 701.055 aiLL be use<i on this ptoject SUe,:aZk 11TAL A,|,!CUIIT DU!:' 'lobiie ilae Date -&-E3