HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-03-08+.IOTIFIED IIAR y a W- 4% Electrical Permit 4% Building Permit Pl umb'ing Permi t 4% Electrical Label $ s.oo .20 10. 00 .40 15. 00 .50 .?0 $3T76 Date:3'-_8L ..RESIDENTIAL.. COMB INATION APPLT C AT IO N /PEPJLII 225 North ith Street Sprin4fi,eU, 1regon 97477 htilding Diuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIEI.O an*ipt # 853/4J iob bcaticn; 1009 N. 25th Streeto Springfield, 0R 97477 r@ Iot # 2900 Suhditision: Assesso"s ttu? # 17-03-36-11 a,na*: DOn BfOZ Adbeas: 1009 N . 25th Street Fnore: 746-9940 cits: SPringfield,0R zip: 97477 Remodel bath with new tub kit, new vanity, new 1av, new floor cover,-new heat light fan, new tub enclosure Date of Aooliati,ctt 3-?-BZ XX [I iler) Additaon vahn $500.00 Dea*ihe l{otk: Ltsc. iCont?acto"s Addtees Enires PfuiA cenaul I oen's Brri I dino 2733 St-ark St - Frroene - 0R 331 1q 6-1? -R?5RR-0qR7 pzn'6i,ag Don Lewjs 500 Greenfield. Euqene,Oi 33076 6-82 688- 193i eLectical Boh l\i eoert B5lqTIariatt Ln. Pleasant Hill.0R ?0-1696 746-7293 tiechcical Conatmtction LcttCq NOne lot* Ciht Deeiatutd, Job ltunbe Ie: 820774 job &reee, typa Peqosts teceixed lha t?at .=,l.hgggec.ch rcada,b1,8thoLAIIt*ne,Fqe.tth4fzvrtSrlidi.ry iob mttibe?,of inspecticn 7o"ncneArlnSte ad 00nnba.bef*e mnobe 8CfiBthe dB 7 on00rcqueted4'afta Sodra.g ea,t* cqgei ct .to.oetfi; Zbte Septic tork V.aqed ci fdli-ad':ith grctel littal -,\'lhen aitoue itxta ce enplatedqti uhott Catciitiot ia cotpZc-,a o? stz,uc- twe noueti oi prarrtsas cleanei up. l _l l llobile Ecnes Blockitq od Set-'"tp Plwbitrg cotwecticne -- nd)E? *td. aatet El,ectrical Ccnnection - Blcclirq, eet-u? otd. plwtbing cotnectians n;st'ra qptcted befot e reqtze tittg elec=rical ir.spectiot Accaseory Euiding skztting, decks,tctckes :lll l l Fittzl - After etc. de cilrp r-re . vJ i To be rdz aftcr prtcl' E acl 14 of ?o laquiad tqot ba*ic*c oe in place bat befcte @q lath, lgpsr,rn boai or taLL ott*Lng i,a qplied,, otd beforeoq inaulattbn ia concea,Ld,. DRWALL Iil1PELAf1fl: ?c be nad,e @ainplz,ce,but p*io? to oty tqin4. llASOilRI: Stecl, l,ocatiqn, bond b@ns, gfrLttittg or vatti*La in aoeotdotce uLth U,8.C. Seotion 2415. 'IOODST1'/E: After itstallation ie anpLeted. CURB & APPRCACfl APP.ON: Afte" forngoe etecteC but prion b pourtn4 ,pnaete. €fDE'tlALX & DRT,EIAI: Pon aLL cott- crete palitrg ttttlrLfl et"eat m.ght- of-usq, b be no,Ce ai'ter aLL ezca- ttatiag catrplate & ,"ontt uotk & sub- fo,se nctxial in pla,ce. fotnd. {flDERSLA? PLUNBTNG. EI.EETRICAL & I,|ECHAIIICAL: lo be nade beforc oqwk is cooetd. FAOTNG n F1ANDA?fCfi: To be wdt @a.acanated od fazne oe etectad, but p?Lo" to Wring ccnc?et.. UNDmGPAATD PLA|EINC, SgtlER. H.qrgR. Lirq trenchza. UTIDEFFLOOR PLU,IBI:IIG & !.IECIIANTCAL :@o7floot insuktioa ot decking. POq AND tsEAM: lo be nad,e prtor to,---installaxictt of floon iwui.a;ion on dsckitrg. ROAGE PLA:$IIIG, ILEC:RICAL & WCH- W ur vheee ittspecior.s haoe be*z flwi"e @r/i qp?ooea. FLPEPLACE: tutor to plccirq fcciryrctertals otd befone fradng inspec- tian. .pRAlElIC: Flust be naotasted, aftet qprYual of rough pl;iAinq, electri- a,L & nechorical. ALf, toofin4 brac'r-tq E chisanege, etc. miat be eaqleted. llo tp?k is to be con- cealed unttl thi,a inegecttan ho,s been na& od appzwed,. m Eil m m :ENC!: 't4ren atalate -- fuouiCe @ a nouable- secEiofls xittcttgit P. U. E. ALl. paoiact eondi?ione, such a the instalT,Gtion of sUteet trees, ccrrgt;ttotr of ;iae requircd Lodsccpirq, atc., tiust ba eatiefied befbte tha EUILDIXC FIIIAL :an le reateexed. /yy\ ?II:\AL BAILDINC: The Final BuiZding fnspectiott rruet bo requeated aflet lhe linal ?Lunbing \:y Electrical, @td, Yeeirdrical Inapeetiono l,anta beea nade ,nd approued. EIi'IAL PLUABNW ?INAL IECEAIIICAL ?TBAL ELEETRICAL *AU I,|ANfrCLES AIID CLEAIICUTS MU1I BE ACCESSItsLI, ADJUSTIqSNT lO EE t44DE tT !t0 CCS? TO :r!y Paaircrl lnmeo.fims tlrg Located. loao to eee atcte gour CityCaLL r T tr n n IJ -.t Lot Sq. Ftg. % oi Lot Catera4e # of Stories Total EeLght iapogrqltA LOT TWE _ fnte*ior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Reference llwnbez,s: Zone: Job Nnber: 82077 4 BeC&ooms: L-c06 #: 111i Lot laces -Ene?du Sources Tape Heat DT House Cotaqe Aceess.Wote? .tladxa? North East Fireplace South Wood.atoDe Vest Building Vqlue & Permit This petnrlt is granted on the esp"eea condition ttnt the sail constzntction' shall-, in aLL respects, conforn to the }rdtnutce adopted by the CitV gf Sprtn1field, ineLuding the Zoning Cvdinance' regalating the ecnetmtcticn otd use of buiLdings, utd may be suspended or z'etsol<eC at dtA tine upon uio- Tatton of any prcuisions of said Ondir,araee. ?OTA,L VALUE Buildiilg P&dt !. Total Charyee DQ.x ilaln * 5 Stdte Si,gned: S.D.C. 1.5 c .20 5.20 Plumbing Permit No peteon shall cot'rsttact, inatal|., altet ot cha'qe -c1tg neo.c? ec'isting pltinbing or dtaina4e sAstail in ulole ot in pet' w,Leee auch peteon is tlv Legal posseaaor of a oatid ptu*etta License, escept that a P?rsol tnay q ptinttng uork to p"op*tl ihich ;,s or,rned, Leased ot operated by the qpli- @Lt. i?EM * PirtTEes F.ecidettti,al (1 bath) Sa,let Plwtbitq Pdntit State Electricol Permit l{lwre State La,t requirea i,"YtE electrical uotk be dotte bg ot ET,ectrtcal Contmctov, the electrleal por+"ion of this petnrLt elnll iot be talid. w*il the Label ha,s been signa-d bg the ELeeLtLcaL Contaactor. 0 * Ciraits Sensice Stdte Mechonicctl Permit Eshanst Eood llcodstotse Vellt For, Pefiilt festatce Meclwnizal Peririt f IIAW CARE?ULLY EXAILINED the conpleted appli-cation for pennit, o1d dD heteby cettify that aLL infornation heteoi ie tnte and coz, ect, and f farth"et eettify that oty ard. aLL uot'k perfomted slull be fone in accot--danee with the- otdinmebs of th.e Ci.ty of Sprtngfield, attd the La,ts of the* Stdte of zregon perttLning to the uork Ceec"'Lbed herein' dnd irhat N0 1CCU' pANcy uiLL b-e ,naZe of any- stnctute uiitout permieeion of_ the Building ti- oieion. f fu.rther c."ti1g that only cont7acTor.s @td _afiploAeee aho ate in canplianee'aitn caS 701.055 trLLL be used on this pnoiect -. ENCROACHMEN? -- Pcttrrtt .?0 3-- {* t2-4 /,'r,/ T)IAL AMOUIIT DUE:*$ 31.40 -/t4.<y: DateSigaed L Mobile Hcne Cutbcul Si.da,rdlk 3- 3-82tua- I?EM VaLue C@Dort AeP--qan?r) (6no oo PTnn llheck Fec: NU.taE U}TAHG4; Res- Sa- fta- 1 ( ro no LN ( 1n 4n ElecLrical Pemdt lotal Clwcee Scctrtf.u Dzmsit Stoyaae F,,lainl:aanaa lancd