HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-08-27" RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATTON/PERIII? 225 North ith Stneet SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: Aasesso"s l'!dp #?-o Svbdioision: Anter:o Addtess o City: SPHINGFIEL.D Icr lpt # O?'€-> Phone: 2 y //fon o/4 2{L t-.1 Desctlbe h'oyk: NeJ Additicn 7/777ay. ??'oF7 5e"u**r-t Le Hone Va?-ue (z!> o.?Date Date of Apo Geaeral PLunbin7 22 t-^..- SLectrical !.'o-h*i a-1 i.t is lite resconsibility of the Demit holden to see that aLL inspeetions ate nad.e at the p?oper tine, thdt 23ay ai,;nes3 |s vpr)ni'_;-.trom,the ax?eet, anc that the pentrit eard is Located at the frcni of tte orooertyaZui!Ci:'4 d.uiciot: acprou*eci clan shcll renain o:.t tie BuilCinlq- Sixe 'a= aLL- tines.' ?:tC::r"'?5 F0!?. iils-D:C?ICil ,E:3|EST:CALL 726-3769 (yecotder) stdte uour City ;iesigtrated job m.o::ber, iob aiitess, ty=e oi rt:soec=icn '?.ou.s;ea ana u.i':en gou uiLL -oe reaciy ior insccction, Cont?dexcrs cl, O-tnets nctne cni ;i"one nunbcy,- .2"qr."tt reLei;;ei b'ejcre' Z:gg c::iLL be nacie the sane dcy, ?equesta mcde after ?:00 @n tiLL be naCe the ncct:soykir.;'cc:". Construeticrt Lcruier ?eouiro.l lcur City Desigra.ted Job Nunbey Is g%D/ -l S--:i -f.1'_.-:fi:_-r.T: ?o be nacie afcer _) acaDdor4-fr; prtar tc set up of ro7m3. i]]SULA?IOil /VN.POP EAPPr5I I!IS?XCTIC),1 : To be naCe after aLL insulaxicn ed. tcautred oaoor bqrie?s @e in place bat before oty lath, Wpsun bcarC ortnLL coueying is c:tii.ed, and. beforeotg irtsutation is ,, -::eaLed. .F '- \ DRYIIALL I\ISP!C?1,-,:.: -c be nade aitetZn ttlariT-l.s in plnee, but priot to cn! taping. MAS1IIRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outing or uerticals in accot<iotce tnith U.B.C. Section IIOODSTOTE: After installation is ccmpLeted. afte;:xrencnes are and form:r ate erected, but ptio? to pou"'Lfig ccncret€. aaArtlta=.to7fi-trinchee. POST AI]D BEAI4:Io be nade p"iot, to FTUAL PLUI|BITIC FINAL I.{ECHA:IICAL FIIIAL ELEC?RICAL :,:3Ii:- BJILD:::'S Scrzi:ot1 seuer capcei =t ptooer;g Lire Septic tank ptr>ed rd filled uith graieL lincl - I{hen cbcue itens ore cc:roleted arui uizen iertclition is eo:::>Lete by s;-r:- tuye noueC oi prertses cleanei up. l l K l l .a qilDERFLAAR ?LUtnmc & ilECltAitICAL : To De meae pricn co insxallation of floor insulction o" decking. installaticn of floor insulation oy decking. I pot-tcil pLUlBIltG. ELEC!!?!CA! I MECH: I A;;ICAL: iio uotk is to bc coxered urtil these inspeetions iuue beennaie and. apDrooei.. I nptpLacti eob, to plceir4 faeing) nc.te?ials ard before irorting inspeL-tion. 1 fntttc: ttuct be requested after ) approval of rough plutr,bing, electri-cal & mecinnical. ALL roofing braeing C ehinmeys, etc. ttast be . cornpleted. !1o wcrk is to be con-. cecled unttl this inspeetion las' 'been na.d.e anC approoed. CURB & AITPRCACE APP1N: Aftet fornsee erecteC but priot, to pouri.ng concrete- SfDEIIALK & DRf,,TWAY: For all con-crete pauirq uithin st?eet right- of-tEA, to be rnaCe after aLL esea- oatinq catryLete & fotn tnz,k & sub- base rc.terLal in pla.ee. xl l l !E!!!!: llhen conplete -- ProuiCe gate6 o? motsable aections through P, U.E. ALL proieet eonditions, such aa the i.nstallaxion of atreet trees, eoryletion o;'tizerequired Landscc:ping, ctc., taat be satisficd befo|e the BU|LDII;G FIiAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDING: The Fi.nal B_uilding. Inlpection mtnt be tequested cfter the Final PtunbinqElectrieal, otC Neciurical Inspeeti.ons -iato been nad,e arui'acprct;ei. l.:cbi Bloeking otd. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- a.Lre! d. ucter Eleettical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-u: ard. plwnbing connections rn:st be apprcu*ei beforc requesting electri.cal inspec=io;; Aeeessory Building pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leled. Pinal - r',fter etc. ane eonp Page 1 of 2'ALL l4AilHeLES AND cLEANows xtts? BE AccESsrBLg, ADJUtr!!1:r ro BE tt4DE t? uo cgsr ro crly zec":ct " T A6T-T 419!.qSLA3 F!L':,BI]|G, ZL!::PI:,',1 8 i.ECi!.:.lliCAL: io be nacie beJote cry1 uot,k is eooez,ed.ofllilIlI',*. dI . ,idbe np.Ce tr tr JOB NO soLAR AC-qESS REQ.-L-CO G*lone: Int Faces - SeptHouse Ca?aae Access.llo"til Eas t South Haoditoue Hest Lot Sq. F*. - Z cf Lct Caoerage, - ! of Stories iotal Height ?opography LCI ?WE _ Interior _ Cor.ner _ Panhand.le _ Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- /Corst:Eecroonts ieat llanc r: '.lain Building Volue & Permit This-_permit_is g,anted on the erppe's eondition tl^t the said eonstruction s^|-tal.L, ln-all.res-pe-e.ts, conform to the Ordirnnce ad.opteC by the Citg ofspringfield, ineluding the zoning cndinance, requleiing thZ ecnstra-ctibn otd. .use o^f buildirg.s,.- and nay be" suspended or rbuokec Lt "*y ti.ne upon uic-Lation of any prcoisions of iaid Otdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE DCLUC3.D.C. 1.5 g SQ. F?C x VaLuc Buil<it-ng Permtt State Iotcl Clanges - r:i'. :esiietttial (i bcth) Seter PlU:tbtt:c Peyrtt Sutcizerae ;s/Z:teni Circtits Plan Cheek Date Paid Receipt #: FE 8,o Plurnbing Perrnit No pe?son sltall eonstntet, instal!, aLter oz, ehange cny nea cr e:istircp-Lun2ing cr drainage sys_te! in uhole or in part,.Lnles"s sueh persan is'theLe-gal possessor of a ualid plunberts Licens-e, erceDt th.at a D'e?scn may d.cplw:;bing uork to p?ope"t! uhich is oumeti, Leaseci oy opeya=ed. cy the;irli_ Electricol Permit Ihoere state Las reouires that the eleetrical uoz,k be done bu an Jlectyics'L i cont?aetar' tne eleetz,iccL cortion cf this pernit siull ncx be tcii utt:ti ithe -tabel ius been aigmec by x'ne Elec*ical lon=rae=oy. ; 7 >fi/iechonicol Permit :itanst HooC ent Fot codsto;se Pettit issuanee Meci,tanieel Permtt L ?!1D^- <:I6 ze.-O 3-"6 $a I I I I I - .-n ieuaLk -- Li,lCROACHl.:EllT -- Tatal Cncracs ffi r IIAW 1AREEULLY lxLur|gD the eotnpleted aoplication for petnit, cnd dchereby certify that aLL irfo:nation hereon is t,ue arui cbrrect, aml Ifurther cettif"- that any ard aLL aork penforned siull be dote -;., ,"cot- ciance l,rit.lt the Otdincnces of ti.te Citg of Spfingfield, atd thc Lcz:s of ti.cstate of 9regon pertaininc to the uork cescribcd herein, cnd tir,;.t iro ccc,.)- Pr'-Ncy uitl be nade of any strueture uithout permissiott of the 3ui.td.ino Di-vision. f further cettifl; that only contrac'tors c,id enpicyee" uho i'e i,eonpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this ptojee't 7 bile Hone IAL A,\1U\E DUE:.4=-.s; Fit,co