HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-09-29.. RES ID E } 'IA L.. APPLICA?IO;:/PEP,!ff? 225 I'ictxii ith Street SprLngfi.eld, )reaon 97477 bul Lclti3 DLDLslotl,u" "" r'=t Lt'-o/ o.t ob Locaticn: |ssesso?e llao f \bdivision: ,ncr: .daress: Describe L'ork: Iia-, 1ea1?', sPFllNGFlPr ^ w.qqq4 D LP J d.l -ltc- ,.DcoA deoa- 1 ,,rnrro ,,",,Siorcd Va!.ue Taz lot # Phone LLsC.: cnsttzeticn Lenier is lhe ressonsibilttu cf tie pern-:t e? xo see that a1!. insoeexior,s ane nad.e dt the p"oper tima, thet eceh.-;iness it,ont-'-r,'on the Bc?eex, dtuC tilat tiTe c 1aa-+^) -. -i^iront af xite crooertg.ti 1ct:- iri:st c ictz c9J?o u' eG a- -l-- --.,-'1;:-^ --j - . -- ^11' -:--^ F^- +.c=_^-,^.., :lllij:;CALL 7 ilssacA C-a L-:eE 1;Ott ;;-'; be readT ic]4ce De neGe Xne S@ne AClt, ?eOUeSXS EccC 26-3769 t'rceorciet') sadie uour Ct;y iesiqr=xeC .icb nto::ber, jcc ca:ress, t'1=e oj zt:cec=icni,--s:ccxicn, contrdexc?s cv c'-:ne:s- rcrrn c"c Jrare n;,;nbcr.' ':eques=s recez.l;e: i'e;c-:' 7:lg ;. ----^n ?.hit _.;1i -^-, t r 6 ve L L D3 nace xne tcsi ,ot K.?.r: ccr,. . yc-u? cius Desiora.xed iob iirnber ,r, gbf,bL- /t{/1 UvW vl| l\IU . s l l l escatc.t.cn, cux prtcr ta se: u? of I | -..e-r.:- -- , t"l.:--',: a.-.:.:-:_: _-,j:_----...' l'I I :o oe nei.e alxer aLL insulcxicn cui. rcouired uaoor ia.riers oe in p'taeebut beic?e oty Laxit, Wpswl bcari ar uaLL coueyina is c;cliei, dfr before o't'g ittsulacion is concealed. .t DR ';;;LL IilSPlCtr1I: Ic be matie c1'xcr cLL c-rit.*all is in place, bux prior co cny taoing. l.!,t,Soi!!?!: Steel iocation, bonC Deois, a?outinc or oe"ticcls in accorciotce uith U.B.C. gection -). --L;--J., t-' ---. :- EJ/-J-.,-. u:tD!.?sLI? ?at_,; Br ;: Sanitarl sa.ser ccpcei =t o:oocr.:g Lire Septie t@tk yz?ea ci filled uith gz=te- linai. - trhen cbctse itezs ate cc=plexeiar.i uhen iezcl'Jtion is cot=Le=e o:" s:---.- xuye noued a'c ,rerises c|eanei u>. t-:v C.- ., ) w-. -/O De nAae Deiore cfii) uork is ec,tct,ei. ?14?.ri;G ,. ?ti:!IC:l: ?o be rm.iecjae:. x?eticnes are ezccvcxed. ari fcnn.; ote ereexed, but crior xc POUnrq ccnetece. l l l nc.c.€ tllc? to floot insulcxicn or cieckinc PCS: AI:' E!A:.1 t.^^;7 ^ t^-^. Bloeking o1d. Set-up Plunbing connecticns -- sa/)e? o.d uc?er Eleetrical Catection - Blockir4, Get,-u. and plutnbina cctneetions n;st ie c=crcie: beforc request)ng ei.ec:rical inspJJ=ic- Aceestor-i Buillirry Pinal - Aftzr pcrekes, skirting, decks,etc. are eonple'-cd. CL'.\i E APPPCACII AppCN: Aftet fornsal'e eyectci but prior to pounino eonc?ete. SIDEWALX 8 DPflEtl,^.!: For aLL eon-crete pauirn uixit.t-n street right- o!-txy, to be muje after aLL e.re.a-vatino eonplete a fira utoyk & sib- base mcterial in place. 7q t"encnee ,rfauItlfalf on of 7o be naic p?iov tc floor insulatioti ot, WCCDSTOI,'E: ccnro Leted. After install-a.tion is o 1 P.t.t1t! ?!t-l:?::;3, !1.!::lt:.:,: .a, iT:i_ | ;.,)aLL: oO tOtt! LS to OC eOCc?CJ.' Gii-*ese, insoeerior.s naue beennuie arui cVprouc!. FIPEPI,ACE: Pt-ior to pLceir4 faeingmcterials and before frainro insoee-tion. FP.tliMC: llust be requesteC after aporoval of rough plunbin,i, electri-cal & necianieal. AL! roolirn bracinp d chiimsys, etc. mts.- beeorn.oletca. lio ucrk is to be con-cecled unti.L this inspection inas been marie ani apptove'd. i.nsxaLLct'r.iof aeckLn€. FIIlAL PLU!-!BII|G FII;AL I,II'HA:]ICAL FITJAL EL!:IPICAL ?EllCE: Ithen conplete -- fuoui.Ce oate6 orl mouable aectians thnough P. U. E. 4:qo a4/-- AIL pro,joet conditiow, such as the i.nstallaxion of atteet tnees, co-ole;ton ol the requited Ladsccping, ctc., iust be eatisficd bciore the BtlfLDIi:C FI1IAL can be requestcd. n PI-|AL BI)ILDINC: The Final Build.ing lnsocction mtst bo requestei clter the pinsl Plunbin3 L-/ Electnicai, otC l,lecisr-ical Inspecx'zotts rtlvc been ,oi" o*i oor"ouri. P4e!o!2.ALL I.IAI:ECLES AND CTEANO|.,S WST B, AECESs'rBLI, ADJLI*!7:I! TO 9E T.ILDT I.? I:O ??S? rO CEY ---lI Ad4Ltlcr-1 a".otr: \I )7q 0 r) JO B I.JO,0 a.=oLAR AccEss REe.-t-co c* Oeeuidneu C?o'ur'ot Sq. Ft.g. . cf Lct Ccueraga of Stortes otal lteight cpogrcphy fn :1e a: ru:;: | L?CD LAeo C Ot.: Lat Faces - P. L.iious e La?ao c /.ccess llo"til So";tit l4est Building Volue & permit lhis--perrrLt is granted otz the eL??ess eond.ition tlut the said consttttctionslu.tl' in all tesDcets, eonform -to the ordinance "aoptia Li-in"- cir, orSprin.qfie7.rl, inc_ludrna th-e 2oning c"Ca;;;;, reoulctittg tke ccnstngticn ?!.1: of butLdinas, otd n^ay be- suspended ot r'evokeC Lt "-y t,;.ne upon vic-Laxlon o!-anV p?cuislons of said Orujir.ances. .\,14D VALUL nar(- Euilitnc PertrLt Totcl Cizetges Se-*e :, PLu-:'--: Peynit Stale S'titei:etoe -./;--a-).;r,-,-'-^ ecL ?otal- C'rztces Check Siqted.: Plumbing permit llo cerson sh,alZ eonstract, tnstall, alxer oy eiunge anu neL) cr e:ist;lr:- ll_*2;"c ot, cirainaae systen in uhoie or in pat;, inles"s "r"a rnrZJl'ii=tir"LegaL.possessor of a uali<i olunber,s License, e.scept ti.i.t c ;e?scn naz icolu-bing uork to proDetxu u'niciz is otzci, ieLsei ;; ,p;;;r;i-;'y-;;.";;r1;- Eiectricql Permit ithere stete Las reouiz,es ti't=r the eleczrical uork be tione by cr 3ie:tyiccicon:rce=cr' tne elee=r'lcal cortiot: o; th'-s ger.:iaa siell not, be -*ct--c tt::-Jlxhc i.abel 'ncs been cignc: oy xhe Ilce=t:.c,:i ..on.!lc=a!. x l'a iu,: i i Ilt ..-......FT'l i trrc>lo ,ho \5 t-r) >ft/iechonicql Permit =.stst Hooi ,.ds;ore Perr-;.t issuanee Mecint':iccl Petni! -- LttwtvALfrl'-L,, ) -- TctaL Cncracs - rLatTLZmLnel' - r EAw CAREFULLy lxArrNED tle eom.oleteti aoolieaticn fon petzi;, cnd dchereby eertif.y that aLL it:fo:t::ati'on hereo'n is true ani c'crree=', ct.,i ffurther .cerlife- that any arxi aLL uot'k perfozzteC siull be tio:tc ';.n n".on_rianee vttlt the ordinence.s of titc city of -springiieii, anc th: L-;s of th.s_tate of ,o?egcn pcrxaininc to the uork ieserib-cri hcretn, cnc :int i:c ccc,:-Pl.ilC.y Ditl_ b-e tty.te of anu sx?uctu"e uithout permissiot of the Su;tatnc p:_ulslon. I lU"the? certif;; tl".at only conttasto?s a.d ezplcyees uho ay'e incapliance uzth ORS ?01.055 utLL be useci on this projcc'te:,salk ile Hane :e ,iL LllOUi]? DU!:'\5bb-,f.laxe LCT TWE _ Interion _ Coraer _ Paniund.Le CUL-de-sae #: I I