HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-15.. RESIDENTIAL.. 225 NOrth lth SJTTECAPPLICAT'-I/PERI4I? SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Aesessors Map # SPFIINGFIEI.D ol 5s- Ica Lot # Phone 4t r- 3r t4 DescrLbe Itorl<: 66/?82.ja VaLue *t.{ul ,,<r b-.? G.t ? ,*- Q. DRYWALL fNSPECIf)N: ?c be made -. after aLL d"tyuall is in place, but ptior to ang taping. MASONR! Steel Location, bond beons, gzouti.ng or oet,ticals in accotdotce ttith U.B.C, Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ccnrpleted. After installation is QUBL$ 4PPBCACH APPON: After fonns @.e e"ectAE-niot" to pourLitg cortcrete. SIDEWALK & DRf\EWAI: Eor all con-crei;nao@Gfrfr street right- of-teA" to be maCe after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & fonn uot'k & sub- base nwterial in place. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- PtouiCe gates o? mottable sections thtough P,U.E. t# ll t311q 9ts-3r7u 4/E u /qt - ttt <o 9YL-3G t_ I S:rrbdi',sision: l^urt-u+ 1t4aa dsar t y'*f*-- I ilo^"-' 3 o t"trfo I, Atmen: Addte L'L f lAr., E.0-"(t {o/ 4Additicn RenoCel Licaticn S /r;/n Date 7v 5/"o 7/ Date of App GenetaL c gns*e^ P(" *bin ELeetrical -.( Flc-{ ' Mechanieal P)S? AND BEAM: To be nade prior to installation of floor insulation ot, decking. ROUCH PLABIIIG, ELECTRICAL & IIECH: ANTCAL: No uork is to be co"-eyed untiL theee inspections han;e been made ard. approtted.. lV ycoruG & FzUNDATTzN: To be tm,CelAl Afte" t"enc6;;-ar,; eacat;ated and. fonns ate et,ected, but pz,ioz, to poutirtg ecnerete. :44 uNDERcpoutD zLUMD_gIL_ f!WB2_ wAp&A)Lirq trenches. V unomrtooR PLUIETNG & MECHANT;AL:,\l of floor ineulction or deeki,ng. FI.a.EPI,ACE: Pt"ior to plceirq facingmaterials and. before fratrLng inspee- tion. -iV prulttnc: !,tust be ?equested afte? A) dpprooal of nough plinbing, eiectni-' cal & neclanical. ALL roofing braeing E chhtmeys, etc. rrust be cornpleted. Ito uctk is to be eon- , cecled until this inspectLon lne'been made anC approoed. 'lt i Consttac?ton Lender -lo It ie the respottsibility of the permit hoZder to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at the prope! tine, that ecch aditess is reaibi-.e fiom the etreet, and that the penrtt eatd is Located at the fu,ont of the propet,ty.*Buildi.W Diuicion appro"^ed plan shc.Ll yemain on tlp Bunlding Site'at aLL' tikes.' PB)C9DUPE F1R INSPEC?I9tt_lggygSg.'CALL726-3769(yecotdet') state Aou" City desigrnted job nwnber, iob aCitess, type of inspee=icti eadyfot,ir.spection'coitlactoiso",al,.,"",,on"Lipn"innumber,-P.equestsyeLeii;,edbZ7cre.7:c0c:l -^i,LL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests nade aftet 7:00 qn vLLL be nade the nect uotking day. Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber Is:.YQo4t t T SIIL INSPEC?I)N: ?o be made aftet, ercarratton;nG prLor tc set ip of forne.tr INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPFCTION : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn and required uapor batriers @e in place but before oty Lath, gApslnn bcarC or unLL cooeting is applied, and. befoz,e oty iraulation is concealed. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH!.ilfCAL: ?o be made befoz,e any uotk is cot)et,ed. A A l Zx A I w w rTilAL PLUMBING FTNAL UECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL 5rB€7fr*s ALL proiect eonditions, sucll as the installatton of street trees, co::oletion of the required LanCsecping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfNC FfNAL canbe reqtested. A F|NAL B.urLDrNct- rh? Pinal Builiting rnlpection nrust be requested cfter the Firal plunbing K:-/ Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections hque been nade atd'approtseC. Job Locaticn: hr i/Ao -/ t r'fL €-./ cS e ,o 'l Y/-ctao \c DEIALTTIO!] OR !10W) BUILDI|]CS Sarti,tot-g saser capped tL propetty Lir:e Septic tutk pwped and filled tith gra;sel Pinal - klten abctse itens ate ccrnoleted and uhen CatoL'i-tion is eorplete oy st"ue- tu.ye noueC and" prerrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aarey d. aaler Electtical Connection - Bloeking, set-ut and plunbing connections rn;st be qprct:ed. before requesting eleetz"ical inspeelion Aeeessory BuilCirq Pege 1 of 2 x X *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNETE ?O BE IADE LT tto CSST rO Cyy b \ Fi.nal - After pcnehes, skirting, decks, etc, ate eomple'.ed. Lot Faces - SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO Bedrooms Ileat P.L House Access Lot Sq. Ftg. l'^ ' % cf Lct coueruge:7/?O # of StorLes / LCT TWE Intericz, -d cornn, ropographg O-.Pn Gro" Panhand.Le CuL-de-sae rotal Height ,/4L6o I,/est NEM f iu X VaLue Main ?OTAL VALUE 4S.D.C. 1.5 x e<> PLan I Date PaLd.: Signed: Building Volue & Permit This pertnr.t is granted on the ecpl,ess condition tlut the said eonstmtctionslnll, in aZL respects, eonform to the 0rdLrnnce adopted liy the City of Spz"Lngfield, including the Zoning Cydinanee, regulatlng the ccnstyubticn and..use of buiLdings, and may be suspend.ed oy reookeC at cn7 time upon uic-Lation of any pnczsisions of said 1ydinances. ,lbfa'/,V $a7<275 //4<oa SazzrZ 7a 4rzg32.7p /,r'/Z.Z * VZZz'<,727 ?zA'*/kva2 t%.-er< Z/?.,/a- Bfz.firc€ aF /?5.7f,./=r f,frf.zry Fs*,-- - Building Pertn[t Iotal Clnrges State ilEi|NO.FEE CEARGE Fi-ctures Resid.ential Qbath) Seuer 4> 7S*a b. No pereon s?tall consttttct, inslaLl," altey ot elunge anA nea cr ezistingplwnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in pa.z,t, unless such pet,son is the LegaL possessoz, of a oalid plwnber's Li-eense, escept th,at a pe"son nay do plwnbing aoz,k to pyopel'ty uhich is otmed, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. Plumbing * Plumbing Petwit State Perrroit FEE Nau/Ertend Citcuits Setntice ,* Electiicol Permit Whet'e State Lan requiz,es tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleettieal Cont?aetor, the eleetrical pontion of thts permit slnll not be ualiC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. State Total FEE CIIARCE ?> khanst Hoo,1. Vent Fan a- F ad 7 Mechonicol Permit PerrtrLt Issuance Mec?nnieel Pez,wtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec'o"i UsAe+a* lilain Permit Receipt #: €:?7 ??-rh+; f HAW CAREFULLy EXLMINED the completed app1,ication for perrnit, and da hereby certify that aLL ir,formation hereon is true and. eorrect, and f further certify that any ard aLL aork perforned shall be done in aceor- dance ,,rith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the La;s of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, cnd tltat N0 )CCU- PANCY ttll be nwd.e of anA structuz,e uithout permission of the Building Di-uision. I further certify that otly eontyactoy,s and ettplcyees uho are in co;npliance u'tth ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet TataL Cuzbcut Sidasalk Mobile Home tr$,K/A -? .</ry/t /3-6a ae.65- .za zs-€ TOTAL AI,IOU]IT DUE:'/655. zz * Signed Date ITOOD STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION SP,lITGFIELD 0ffice: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OREGON Job Location: Assessors P #:Tax Lot *: 0vner: Address:Phone *: Ci ty:State:Zip: VaIue ( llet Stove/Insert: appropriate appliance)'.I Inspection is $15.00 (prior to installation of insert) t/Insert Permit is $15.00 + $0.75 state surcharge Type of Inspect Requested: Con tractor: Address:Phone #: Cityr State:z7 p! Construction Contractors Registration #:Expires: By signing this permit/application, I agree to caII for an inspection(s) as required (726-3769). I state that all information on this application/permit is correct and that I was provided vith the llood Stove Safety information for vood burning appliances and preliminary inspection standards. I also understand that if I am requesting a preliminary inspection, the vall eovering may be required to be removed.{-//-74 ture Date FOR OFPICE USE ood S REQUIRED INSPECTION(S) Date of Application: Total Amount Collected: Receipt #: LLET/INSERT PRELII.IINARY Job #: Issued By: Checked for Delinquencies:Checked for Historical Status: DWELOPMENTSERY'CES ADMINISTRAf ION PLINN/NG / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS M ET ROPO LI TAN WAST EVlAT E R M AI''] AG EM E N T November 15, 1989 Bob Butler Future B Homes 3031 Metolius Drive Eugene, 0regon 97401 SPFlInGFIELO our permit for work be'ing done atd, 0regon, City Job Number 890461 225 FIFTH SISEEI SP R t I't G F t E L D O R't7,1 7 7 (5A3) 72e -375:r ) Dear Mr. 9(tle,'-/'' Your request for an extension of y i001 South 45th Street, Springfiel has been reviewed and approved. This approval may only be from the date of this noti time and will exp'ire 180 days 1ee0). one 15, granted ce (May If you have any questions, p'lease feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, Li sa Hopper Building Technician cc: Tom Marx, Building Inspector lh J.a #rDz Quality Custom Homee Bob A Dorothy Butler 3031 Metolius Dr. Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 485-3176 B November 2, 1989 Planning & Development Div'ision City of Springfield Springfield,0R 97477 !'Je would ljke to respectfully request a six-month extens'ion of time for the previously issued residential building permit at 1001 South 45th, Spri ngfi e1 d. We are p'lann'ing to put a foundation in very soon, but jn the event that th'is isn't possible, we would request the extension noted above. Ve ry t ru'ly you rs , 6rtI*fu Bob Butl er