HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-01-22I.. RESIDT ITIAL... APPLICATION/PERT4TT 225 North ith Street Sry"ingfi,eld, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFIELD (r lltOt? Prt1" 0tc l-zZ-gz Date: GeneraL hJob Ipeaticn: Aaaeaao?s M"e # 11-02 - 3 _Z+- l.,-r.o* 084fi() Subdiuision: Asner: Address:Phone: city: Desctibe Hotk:n Nea ValueiDate of Additian RenoCel Mechaical ELecty,ical Con*tuctid_Liler_ : It i, the rcaponcibility of tle penrtt lold* to aee tlut all iaspecbiotts oe nade at tla ptopet time, tl,at ecch cddrees is teaC^iie t cdr.d ia lacated at the ftottt of the Woperty.Lding Site at aLL tines. state yout, City r,then'gou or A,mers L be trude the sane dag,"equeata made aftet 7:00 ott uyLLL be nnde the ae.rt rwkitg day. Retntinci Tnsnaeti-ans Iour Citg Desigr.ated Job llunber fs:. designated job mn;bet,, job aCCrees, type nante and. plane rutnber. P.equests receixed 81 ryaoz of inspeclictr befcre 7:00 c:t LL 726-3769 |I?E INSPEC?I)N: Io be nade aftere-calraifi;Tut pr"ior tc set ip of forne. aNDERSLAB PLl.llLgrNC, ELECTRTCAL & INSULATTON /VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : To be tmde after aLL insulaticn ed required uapor bawie?a @e i.n place but before ang lath, Wpsurn boatC or tnLL cotsering is applied, and. before ay iwulation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPEC?TON: Tc be made fite"'m@is in place, but pr'Lor to any taping. |,\AS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oertieals in accotdotee tith U.B.C. Section 2475. I,\O0DST0,/E: After installati-on ie ccrnpleted. DEI-IOLTTIO!] OR !.IOWD BUILDIiICS SoritotA saser capped at properfil Line Septic totk y"rped and. filled rrith gra;tel Pinal - h4ten abcoe itens are ecrnpleted and uhen dqtolition is cotnplete o" struc- ture motsed ad. prarrises cleaneC up. T WCHAIIICAL: To be made befot,e any ,tnrk ie eooeted. P))?ING & F1ANDATICN: ?o be npCe @ffienctrs ale acauated and. forns ate etected, but pz,ior to pouring ccttcrete. UNDERGROUIID PLTJMBINC. SEHEP, W,ATER. DRAIIIAGE: To be np,Ce pt"ioz, to fil-E-r4 trenchee. ANDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECIIANTCAL: o7 floor inaulation ot, decking. P1S! 4!P BEAia: To be made prLor to ffif,ffidof floor insul.ation ot deckittg, ROUGH PLANII]G. ELECIRICAL & MECE: ANICAL: No uork is to be co.*et,ed -.- .w:til these inspeitims haoe been nol,e and approued.. PfPEPLACE: Pt'Lor to placirg facing matet"Lals and before ft,aring inepee- tion. PRALIING: lttust be tequeated aftet approoal of rough plutrbing, eleetr"t- cal & neclwnical. AIL toofing' btaetng & ehinmeys, etc. tmtst be i eompleted. Ilo uprk is to be eon- ....cecled until this inspectton las I been mod.e anC apptotted. CURB & APPR2ACH APPON: After fornsee eveeteC but prior to pow,ing eonctete. SIDWALK & DRfIEWAI: Pot aLL eon- crete pa'oirq vtthin stneet rtght- ef-txA, to be made aftet aLL erca- oating eanplete & fonn wrk & sub- base rrutev"Lal in place. Mobi Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa)e! od. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, ae-u-up ard plwnbing cqnneetions rrust be apprcted before requesting eleetrtcal inspeclion Aceessory BuiWittg Piral - After pctches, skitting, decks, etc. at,e cornpleted. i- - --- ALL pnoject conditions, such as the installation of stteet trees, conpletion of tie required Landsccpitg, etc., rntst be eatisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL ean be requested. ,sr l FTilAL PLUMBITIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BULLDIN|: The Final Building Inspection mrct be requested after the Firnt Plunbing \-./ Electrical, otC Meclnnical fnspections l14ue been made ard approoeC. Page 1 of 2 nq *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\{SII! T0 BE LTADE t? ll0 C1ST T0 Cr?y that ) (r\arr. 7 ,r,rur" ro n T V lEncEt l{hen eotnplete -- ProoiCe I I gatds ov, mottable seetians tlvough P,TJ. E. I LCT IWE _ fntetior _ Cornet' _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac SOLAR A.'_'ESS REQ.-* Zone: !!eat Aecess JOB NO. P, L.House L-CO Lot Faces -Lat Sq. Ptg. Z of Lot Cooerage # of Stortes Iotal Eeight lopography BeCroons: -- Fees -- F?G x Building Volue & Permit This permi.t is granted on the enp?ess cortdition tltat the said-eonsttwction shall, in aLL respects, confomn to the Ordirwnee edopted fily the City of Springfield, includ.ing the \oning CrdTnance, regulating the ecnsttucticn qtd. use of buildtngs, otd nay be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cilA time upon oic- Lation of an! pncoisione of said Ordinances. ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. '7.5 s * Building Pernrtt State ?otal Clntges ITEM N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No peteon shal.L consttaet, instaLl, altet' ot, ehange anA nea cr eristing plwnbing or drainage sAstqn in;shole or in patt, unless sueh person i.s tle Legal possessot, of a ualid plumberts License, eseept tlnt a pe"son nag do pltnbing uork to prope"ty uhich is omed, Leased or operated by the appli.- eant. Fi.zt'utes Resil.etti.a.L (1 bath) Seuet Plunbing Pernit State Electricq I Perm it Wete State La requires tlnt the electrical uork be done by aa Eleetrieal Contraetor, the electrtcal portion of thi,s permit sltall not be oaliC until the Label lus been si-gned by the Electrical Contvacto?. Stcte Neu,/Eztend. Circaits Setwiee NC.FSE LIIANA L 0 d Mechcrnicol Permit bhanat HooC Ilcodstooe Yent Fdt PermLt fssualee l.lechanicel Pertnt t -. ENCROACHMENT -- Securitg Deposit Storage Maintenance Penrlt C:utbcut Sileoalk !enee Eleetrical la.bel Mobi|e Hane I TotaL Sigzed: PLmt Eosniner udte f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMfNED tlte eompleted application for permit, and da hez,eby eertify that aLL infox,rnation hez,eon is ttue and eorrect, and f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accor- danee rrLth the 2rdinances of the City of Sptingfield, and the Lc';a of the* State of 1regcn pe?taining to the uork Cesc?ibcd he?gln, cnd thdt tl7 OCCU- PANCY vill be rrud.e of atzA st"uctule uithout perwtssion of the Buildi.ng DL-oision. f further certify that only contracto"s otd e:nplcyees uho d"e in co;ttpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project /'-zz TOTAL AI4OUil? DUg:'2 Date hflmec Fflltq State &trehaae - ?otal CTaraes l,