HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-09-22Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fa'x 541:1 26-37 69 Inspection Line Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912212005APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)PIRESz 0312212006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 SITE ADDRESS: 195 39TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702314101300 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Storage building for All Pro Machine Springfield TYPE OF TYPE OF USE: Storage Building New Commercial Owner: Address: JIM BARR 2624 CHUCKAI\IUT ST EUGENE OR 97408 Phone Number: 541-744-9652 CONTRACTOR I1\ Contractor TYpe General Electrical # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Ptimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: Frontlard Setback: Side l Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Storm SewerAvailable: Special Instruction: Phone 541-998-8385 s41-686-2365 541485-1146 nunl # ofStories: Height of Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved Drive Rqd: oh of Lot Coverage: (Note: the tele on UtilitY Noti Center is 1-800-302-Lot Size: ne fication s-1 22.25 nla Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: 4,050 VB REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: il0TlcE: sidewelkrvpe: TH rs pE R M rT s H ALL ExpifrtTP?H'fffldHft AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED TOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Notes: 1of 6 .-*: Contractor PACWEST BUILDERS INC NEW WAY ELECTRIC INC CHAPIN ENTERPRISES Status: Issued 225 Ftfth Street, Springfield, OR 541q26A753 Phone 541-7263676Fax 541:7 26-37 69 Inspe ction Line GFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912212005 APPLIED: 08/0112005E)?IRES: 0312212006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 Description Paving Warehouses Fee Description Plan Review Commfl nd/Public + l0oh Administrative Fee + 7oh State Surcharge Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + l0oh Administrative Fee + 77o State Surcharge Building Permit Encroachment Permit Fixture Furnace - Unit Heater Minimum/Adj ustment Mechanical Paving Plan Review Commfl nd/Public PIan Review Fire & Life Safety Sanitary Sewer - lst 50 Feet Sanitary Sewer - Improvement Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC MWMC Administration SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transpo Admin SDC Transpo Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement Storm Drainage Impervious Area Storm Sewer - lst 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each Addtl 100' Vent Fan Water Line - lst 50 Feet Total Value of Project Date Paid Receipt Number 1200500000000001121 1200500000000001363 1200500000000001363 1200s00000000001363 1200500000000001363 1200500000000001378 1200s00000000001378 1200s00000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 r200s00000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200s00000000001378 120050000000000r378 1200500000000001378 120050000000000r378 1200500000000001378 1200s00000000001378 r200s00000000001378 1200500000000001378 r200s00000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200500000000001378 1200s0000000000r378 1200500000000001378 Type of Construction Use Bid Amount IIoTVN $ Per Sq Ft or muhiplier $1.00 $29.00 Square Footage or Bitl Amount 53,000.00 4,050.00 Value $53,000.00 $117,450.00 $170,450.00 Date Calculated 08/30/2005 08/30/200s Amount Paid $405.70 $12.30 $8.61 $60.00 $63.00 $10.00 $129.85 $64.13 $624.15 $130.00 $70.00 $24.00 $15.00 $382.35 $111.96 $318.56 $4s.00 $133.46 $175.52 $10.00 $1,001.29 $94.92 $109.47 $102.66 $1,237.39 $280.s3 $1,309.49 $4s.00 $42.00 $6.00 $4s.00 8/1/05 9t20l0s 9t20tos 9t20t05 9t20t05 9t22t05 9t22t0s 9t22t0s 9t22l0s 9t22t05 9t22t05 9t22l0s 9t22t05 9t22t0s 9t22105 9t22t05 9t22t0s 9t22t0s 9t22t05 9t22l0s 9t22t05 9t22t05 9t22t|5 9t22tl5 9t22tos 9t22t05 9t22t0s 9t22t05 9t22t05 9t22t0s 9t22t05 Fees Paid Total Amount $7,067.34 2oI 6 - Valuation Description I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:12G3753 Phone 541-726-3676Ftx 541:72G}7 69 Inspection Line Buildin g/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912212005APPLIED: 08/0112005E)PIRESz 0312212006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 PIan Reviews Fire Department Review 08/03/2005 09t06t200s OK GRG 09n9t2005 09n9t2005 APP VRJ Plans Review: New storage building. Job #COM2005-01030. Occupancy Classification: S-1. Construction Type: V-N.41050 square feet. Provide lire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C every 30 feet oftravel distance or 2-A:20-B:C every 50 feet of travel distance (ordinary hazard). The top ofthe extinguisher(s) shall be between 3 and 5 feet above linished floor (2004 Springlield Fire Code e06). Combustible storage on pallets, racks, or shelves shall not exceed 12 feet (6 feet for certain high hazard commodities such as rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable liquidsl (2004 SFC 2302'). Gary Buck, contractor for proposed building, came into the counter 8ll2l05 @4pm regarding the requirement for a LDAP. I will pull building plans and verify if they need an LDAP. LDAP is ready to issuance. $840.00 due at issuance. Please keep LDAP tag on parcel until LDAP has been issued. To be built per approved Major Site Plan Mod - Kitti Gale Planner Waiting on approval from Matt on Stormwater system. Initial Review LDAP Review LDAP Review Plenning Review Public Works Review 08t02t2005 08n2t2005 08/03/200s 08/03/2005 08/03/2005 08t12t2005 08/09/2005 08/18/200s LLH VRJ EMM SB IO APP APP WI 3 of 6 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield' OR 541:72Gt753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:7 2647 69 Inspection Line Building/Co mbination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912212005 APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)PIRESz 0312212006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 Public Works Review Public Works Review Structural Review Structural Review Structural Review Structural Review SUB Review SUB Review 09t2012005 08/30/2005 09t02t2005 08/03/200s 08/30/200s 08/03/2005 09n6t2005 09n61200s wI sB 09t2u2005 09t2u2005 PEND SB LDAP received for review, but NOT ISSUED. Encroachment appHcation required 2-3 days prior to weep hole construction and any other work in the City Right-of-way or within a Public Utility Easement. SDCs added.Impervious credit given for compacted gravel under proposed parking area. Sink & Toilet proposed for new warehouse. Parking area must be paved so that a minimum of 50% of new drainage area feeds into the ENTRANCE end of drainage swale. Only Pending LDAP (ready to issue.) Received design modilication to put 507o of parking lot drainage through water quality swale. Swale and paving must be performed as designed on approved drawings. Still require emcroachment permit application for weep-holes in Right-of-way. See documents for Plan review comments. WE. Met with and received responses from Gary Buck to the structural comments. After review, asked him for the length of water and sanitary sewer lines since there is no information on these utilities with the application. WI. Received plan for sanitary and water lines. See attached documents for structural comments faxed to Jim Barr. Lighting pssses. JMP requested the missing energy code forms and worksheets in his 8/1212005 structural comments letter faxed to Jim Barr. 09t20t2005 08/30/200s 09t02t2005 08flzt2005 08/30/2005 08t22t200s APP DLM IO JMP IO JMP WE JMP APP DH WE DH To Request an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. AII inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. 4of6 Buildin g/Co mbination Permit Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:1 26-37 69 Inspe ction Lin e PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912212005 APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)PIRBSz 0312212006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 Reouired Insnect Site Inspection: To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. Erosion/Grading Inspection: Prior to ground disturbance and after erosion measures are instelled. Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. Footing: After trenches are excavated. Slab: To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping and other equipment items are in place but prior to concrete. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Roofing: Prior to installing any roof covering. Firewall: Located and constructed according to plans. Bolts Installed in Concrete: To be done by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test reports to City Building Inspector. High Strength Bolting: To be done during construction by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection results to City Building Inspector. Structural Welds: To be done during construction by State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test results to City Building Inspector. Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Rough Grading: After gravel is in place but prior to placing concrete. Final Paving: After paving is complete. Underslab Plumbing: Prior to filling the trench and including required testing. Perimeter Foundation Drains: After gravel and filter cloth is installed but prior to backfill. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Water Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. 5of6 % T LL- Status: Issued 225 Ftfth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:1 26-37 69 Inspection Line Buildin g/Co mbinatio n Permit PERI{IT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 091221200s APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)?IRESz 0312212006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 SUB Insulation Yapor Barrier: To be called for at the same time as the SUB framing inspection. SUB Final: After all required energy inspections have been requested and approved. SUB Plumbing: Following City Rough Plumbing inspection approval and prior to cover. SUB Mechanical: Following City Rough Mechanical inspection approval and prior to any cover. SUB Ceiling Grid: Interior Lighting SUB Exterior Lighting By signaturer l state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all informdion hereon is true and correct, and I further certi$ that any and all work performed shall be done in rccordance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieH and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein' and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Servfues Division' Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that atl required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card b located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during tha lo= Date 6of6 L-lqJI 225 f ifth Street Springfield, Ore gon 97 47 7 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Oflicial Receipt evelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT#: 1200500000000001378 Date: 0912212005 t0:22:23Atv[ Jd/Journal Number coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM200s-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM200s-01030 coM2005-01030 coM200s-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM200s-01030 ibuzoos-oro:o ibtvtzoos-otOfo cbvrzoos-oroso ibuzoos-ororo iotttzoos-Otolo Amount Due 624.15 382.3s I I 1.96 318.s6 70.00 4s.00 45.00 45.00 42.00 24.00 6.00 15.00 10.00 64.t3 129.8s 130.00 1,309.49 175.52 133.46 280.53 1,237.39 94.92 1,001.29 10.00 109.47 102.66 Description Building Permit Paving Plan Review Comm/IndiPublic Plan Review Fire & Life Safety Fixture Sanitary Sewer - lst 50 Feet Water Line - lst 50 Feet Storm Sewer - lst 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each Addtl 100' Furnace - Unit Heater Vent Fan Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + lYo State Surcharge + l0% Administrative Fee Encroachment Permit Storm Drainage Impervious Area Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Administration SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transpo Admin Item Total:$6,517.73 Payments: Type of Paynent Paid By Received Bv Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number How Received Amount Paid Check JIM BARRENT djb 8449 In Person $6,517.73 PaymentTotal: ffii?F ri t I 912212005 lofl laatl.lma CITY O' AT-TACHMENTA RINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE F 'KSHEET JOLIRNALORJOBNUMBER COM--I-01030 NAMEORCOMPANY Barr Machine Shop Addition LOCATION 195 39th st MAP &TAxLOTNUMBER: 17 0231 41 01300 DEVELOPMENT TYPE: I. STORMDRAINAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. New Warehouse addition 2. SANMARY SEWER-CITY A. REIMBURSEMENTCOST: NI-MBEROFDFU's B. IMPROVEMENTCOST: NUMBEROFDFU's (SEE REVERSE SIDE) 4. SANITARY SEWER - MWMC NEW: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's B. IMPROVEMENTCOST: NUMBEROF FEU'S DOSTING: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's B. IMPROVEMENTCOST: NUMBER OF FEU's 4.05 4.05 0.00 0.00 MWMC CREDIT tr APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) x $ 25.07 PER DFU ITE: ITE: LOT SIZE (S.F.): TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE SDC 0.95 NTF $280.53 0.95 NTF $1,237.9e NEW DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.) EXSTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.) TOTAL IMPERVTOUS SURI'ACE (S.F.) 4,050.00 7 7 x $ 19.07 PERDFU s 44.14 TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC: 3. TRANSPORTATION BLDGAREATGSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADT xNEW TRIP FACTOR NEW A REIMBURSEMENTCOST: 4.05 x 3.82 x $ 19.09 PERTRIP x B. IMPROVEMENT COST: 4.05 x 3.82 E)flSTtr.IG A REIMBURSEMENTCOST: 0-00 x 0 -g. npnovpt'clvrcom- 0.00 x 0 x $ 84.19 PERTRIP x $ 103.28 $ 19.09 PER TRIP x $ 84.19 PER TRIP x 0 x x O NTF $0.00 sl.rBToTAL (ADD rTEMS r, 2, 3, & 4) 5. ADMIMSTRATT\E FEES: BASE CHARGE (STIBTOTAL ABOVE)$4,242.60 x SWew W. Beavldru Barn e.s 9/15/2005 NTF $0.00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC: x $23.M PERFEU $94.92 x $247.23 PERFEU $O.OO PERFEU $0.00 $O.OO PERFEU TOTAI MWMC REIMBI.JRSEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC IMPRO\EMENT FEE: MWMC ADMIMSTRATTVE FEE : TOTALMWMC ,242.60 5% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION TOTAI SEWER ADMIMSTRATION x x $4,454.73 7 $133.46 308.98 1 7 1,5 7.92 .00 $94.92 1 106.21 106.21 131 4 c"iffim,rUA'fQ&ehouse, 1es 39th St.xls DATE TOTAL SDC CHARGES 1 JULY 2OO4 Entire perking area is eristing compacted gravel surface 4,050 x $ 0.323 PER SF uu1.z9 DRAINAGE FIXTTIRE TINIT (DFTD CALCULATION TABLE NI]MBER OFNEW FXTURES x UNTT EQUIVALENT=DRAINAGE FXTURELNITS OLorEtqE RE\,IoQELS, cAlcqllrrE oNLY rlIE NEIADDnoNAL FXTIJRES) Barr Machine Shop Addition DRAINAGE FDilT]RE T]NITS T]NIT FXTTIRE TYPE BATHTUB DRINKING FOLINTAIN FLOORDRAIN INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIL/SOLIDS/ETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASTYETC. II.UNDRYTUB CLOTHES WASHERA4OP SINK clorlrEs WASHER - 3 oRMoRE (EA) MOB]LE I]OME PARK TRAP (I PERTRN II-I]R) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK/ DISHWASHER,/ETC. SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWE& GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN SINK: COMMERCIALBAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALI-/WALL TOILEI PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MISCELI,ANEOUS: NLMBER OF EDU'S+ TOTAL DRAINAGE FXTURE TINITS: .fnU CEqrri""l"rt D*"tti.g Ud CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AI'TER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY FD(TURES NEW OLD 3 I 3 3 6 2 3 6 l2 I J 2 2 3 2 2 I 5 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) x x RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $0.00 7 RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED 1979 1980 l98 t 1982 1983 r984 I 985 1986 1987 1 988 r989 1990 1991 or before $5.29 $5.19 $s.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $2.25 $1.80 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 r 998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 s0.00 $0.00 CREDIT TOTAL .I JULY 2OO4 I $1'45 $1.25 $1'09 $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0-09 $0.05 $0.00 com2005-01030, Barr Warehouse, 195 39th St.xls 1. LOCATION OF INSTAI,LATION 5 jq.l'^3. COMI'LE'I'E FEE Service Included 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder .$o $106.00 $ 19.00 $50.00 Alterations or Relocation: 225 FIFTII STREET r SPRINGFIELD, O'R 97477 o PII:(541)726-3753 r ELECTRICAL CA:TION City Job Number rot A.LEGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION t Permits are ,le and expire if ls not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days. ONLY B. Electrical Contractor Address Ph,"" 5q! 1y;e365 Sign Owners Name Address Phone 14qW(L OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on proPerty I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: Inspection Request: 726-37 69 Center is 1-8 'tQafiPirtdiddn or Extension One Circuit $ 43.00 3::l*'"1?:::::i'"'*1i'*"n 2D $ 3 00 \o? g) E. I\{iscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each Installation I d) City 200 Amps or less. 201 Amps to 400 Amps 401 Amps to 600 Amps 601 Amps to 1000 AmPs Over 1000 Amps/Volts Reconnect Only Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting $ s0.00 $ 50.00 $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $ 163.00 $375.00 $ s0.00 Supervisor License Number ,-E.?g C. Tenlporary Services or Feeders Expiration Date z;-ffi dopted or less utitirv rth rfffr d{Qtld0 or Relocation ion Center.$ s0.00 $ 69.00Constr. Contr. Number 1-0010 see "B" above. Per Panel You may obtain eru Expiration Date nter" ( number for the City Limited Energy/Residential $ 25.00 Limited Energy/Commercial S 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 * Surcharges 4. SUBTOTALOFABOVE /70 State 5urcnarge l0% Administrative Fee TOTAL lo8to'L1\5 Shared Drive(T:)/Building Forms/Electrical Pennit Application l-03.doc a BELOW 2. Circuits , f'tro- ^cl City of Springfield Official Receipt :velopment Services Department Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Ore gon 97 47 7 541..726-3759 Phone RECEIPT#: 1200500000000001363 Date: 0912012005 10:48:50AM Job/Journal Number coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM2005-01030 coM200s-01030 Description Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 'lo/o State Surcharge + l0% Administrative Fee Amount Due 63.00 60.00 8.61 12.30 Item Total:$143.91 Payments: Tlpe of Payment Received By uhecl( NumDer Batch Number Aumorrzatron Number How Received Amount PaidPaidBy CreditCard NEW V/AY ELECTRIC llh 070653 070653 Phone $143.91 Payment Total: -SIi33f). tl' :l 1 i 9t201200s lofl PRIN Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:7 2647 69 Inspection Line Buildin g/Co mbinatio n Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 091201200sAPPLIED: 08/01/2005E)3IRESz 0312012006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 SITE ADDRESS: 195 39TH ST ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: 1702314101300 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Storage building for All Pro Machine Springfield TYPE OF TYPE OF USE: Storage Building New Commercial Owner: Address: JIM BARR 2624 CHUA<ANUT ST EUGENE OR 97408 Phone Number: 541-744-9652 License Expiration DateContractor PACWEST BUILDERS INC NEW WAY ELECTRIC INC CHAPIN ENTERPRISES INC Contractor Type General Electrical Plumbing 51088 81994 06t27t2007 05/06/2008 Phone 541-998-838s s4t-686-236s 541485-1146 CONTRACTOR #of Unib: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Piimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: Frontyard Setbaclc Side l Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: I s-1 # of Stories: Height of Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved Drive Rqd: Yo ofLot Coverage: Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: 1 22.25 nla 4,050 VB REQUIRED PARJ(NG Total: Handicapped: Compact: Street ATTENTIoN: oregcn law reeuires vou rostorm sewerAvxif&lriutes adoptio by the di.g.,ia,ilriyspecial Insfruq(ggication center. Those rures are sei f.r.iir in OAR 952_001_0C10 ttrror_rqh CAH ?52 ili.i-Notes: 0090. you rnayon,rr;.;;, of rhe ruigs l;v calling the center. (Note: the teieoiti:rre number for the Oregon Utilitv l,lofiircaijc.rn Center is 1-600-332 234,+1. Sidewalk Type: DownspoutVDrains DEVELOPMENT I NFORMATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 1of 5 lJ U rlrrx\ Ir x\ ! 1rtl1Y14 I ]121'\l U Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:7 26-37 69 I nspe ction Lin e Buildin g/Co mbinatio n Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912012005APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)?IRESz 0312012006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 Description Paving Warehouses Type of Construction Use Bid Amount IIoTVN $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 $29.00 Square Footage or Bftl Amount 53,000.00 4,050.00 Value $53,000.00 $117,450.00 $170,450.00 Date Calculated 08/30/2005 08/30/2005 Fee Description PIan Review Comm/Ind/Public + l07o Administrative Fee + 77o State Surcharge Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less Total Amount Amount Paid $405.70 $12.30 $8.61 $60.00 $63.00 $s49.61 Total Value of Project Date Paid 8/1/05 9t20t05 9t20t05 9t20t05 9t20tos Receipt Number 1200500000000001121 1200500000000001363 120050000000000r363 1200500000000001363 1200s00000000001363 Feps Peid Plan Reviews Fire Department Review 08/03/2005 09t06t200s oK GRG 08/03/2005 APP LLH Plans Review: New storage building. Job #COM2005-01030. Occupancy Classification: S-1. Construction Type: V-N.41050 square feet. Provide lire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C every 30 feet of travel distance or 2-A:20-B:C every 50 feet of travel distance (ordinary hazard). The top ofthe extinguisher(s) shall be between 3 and 5 feet above finished floor (2004 Springlield Fire Code e06). Combustible storage on pallets, racks, or shelves shall not exceed 12 feet (6 feet for certain high hazard commodities such as rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable liquidsl (2004 sFC 2302). Initial Review 08t02t2005 2of5 Valuation Description Status: Issued 225 Ftfft Street, Springfield, OR 541:126-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:7 26-37 69 I nspe ction Line Building/Co mbin ation Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912012005APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)PIRESz 0312012006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 LDAP Review LDAP Review Plannins Review Public Works Review Public Works Review Structural Review Structural Review Structural Review SUB Review SUB Review 08/03/200s 08/03/2005 09n6t2005 09t02t2005 08/03/2005 08/30/2005 08/03/2005 08/09/2005 08/18/2005 09n6t2005 09t02t2005 08fl2t2005 08/30/200s 08t22t200s 08n2t200s 08n2t2005 IO VRJ 09n9t2005 09n9t2005 APP VRJ Gary Buck" contractor for proposed building, came into the counter 8ll2l05 @4pm regarding the requirement for a LDAP. I will pull building plans and verify if they need an LDAP. LDAP is ready to issuance. $840.00 due at issuance. Please keep LDAP tag on parcel until LDAP has been issued. To be built per approved Major Site Plan Mod - Kitti Gale Planner Waiting on approval from Matt on Stormwater system. LDAP received for review, but NOT ISSUED. Encroachment application required 2-3 days prior to weep hole construction and any other work in the City Right-of-way or within a Public Utility Easement. SDCs added. Impervious credit given for compacted gravel under proposed parking area. Sink & Toilet proposed for new warehouse. Parking area must be paved so that a minimum of 50oh of new drainage area feeds into the ENTRANCE end of drainage swale. WE. Met with and received responses from Gary Buck to the structural comments. After review, asked him for the length of water and sanitary sewer lines since there is no information on these utilities with the application. WI. Received plan for sanitary and water lines. See attached documents for structural comments faxed to Jim Barr. Lighting passes. JMP requested the missing energy code forms and worksheets in his 8/1212005 structural comments letter faxed to Jim Barr. 08/30/2005 08/30/2005 ro JMP IO APP WI WI WE APP EMM SB SB JMP JMP DH DHWE 3of5 F PRIN Buildin g/Co mbin ation Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912012005APPLED: 08/01/2005E)PIRESz 0312012006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 Status: Issued - 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:7263753 Phone 541-726-3676Ftx 541:7 2G37 69 Ins pe ction Lin e To Request an inspection caII the24 hour recording at 726-3769. AII inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Site Inspection: To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. Erosion/Grading Inspection: Prior to ground disturbance and after erosion measures are installed. Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. Footing: After trenches are excavated. Slab: To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping and other equipment items are in place but prior to concrete. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Rooling: Prior to installing any roof covering. Firewall: Located and constructed according to plans. Bolts Installed in Concrete: To be done by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test reports to City Building Inspector. High Strength Bolting: To be done during construction by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection results to City Building Inspector. Structural Welds: To be done during construction by State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test results to City Building Inspector. Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Rough Grading: After gravel is in place but prior to placing concrete. Final Paving: After paving is complete. Underslab Plumbing: Prior to filling the trench and including required testing. Perimeter Foundation Drains: After gravel and filter cloth is installed but prior to backfill. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Water Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover 4of5 Reouired Insnections "r1rl Status: Issued 225llfth Street, Springfield, OR 541:72G3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:7 2G37 69 Inspection Line Buildin g/Co mbination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01030ISSUED: 0912012005APPLIED: 08/01/2005E)GIRESz 0312012006VALUE: $ 170,450.00 Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. SUB Insulation Vapor Barrier: To be called for at the same time as the SUB framing inspection. SUB Final: After all required energy inspections have been requested and approved. SUB Plumbing: Following City Rough Plumbing inspection approval and prior to cover. SUB Mechanical: Following City Rough Mechanical inspection approval and prior to any cover. SUB Ceiling Grid: Interior Lighting SUB Exterior Lighting By signaturer l state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certiS that any and all work performed shall be done in mcordance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieH and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCTJPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certiff that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date 5 of 5