HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-12-02INSPECTIOII .'CALL 726-3769 (teeoydet) state youz, City designated job ahen lou be readg for inspection, Contractct,s o? Anne"s nc,tte and planeL be made the sane dcy,"eEEBts mcde aftet, Z:00 on tyill be rnade the nect tnrking dag. Iottt, City Designated Job Nutnber Is: " RESTJENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERT,IIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be rmde after eccauatton, but pz"iar tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHL\IICAL: ?o be made before any ttonk is coueted. P))TING & F)UNDAIICN: ?o be naCe M ttffi;ate eicaoated attd forms are etected, but ptiot, to pout"tng ccncz,ete. a-.C DEI.IOLITIN OR I:OW, BUILDI\ICS Sanitorg sanet cappted et ptoperug- Line Septic totk y"rped cd fi.Lled trith gratel t# SPTINGFIELD o["/-0lc l? ll/ L Date: L Conatmtctton Letdet r-t is the reaponribi_Lily of -the petmit ?otd* to aee tlnt aLL inspectiotts ee nad,e at the ptope? tine, that ecch addtees is renCabiefnon tlu atteet, and tltat the penrtt eatd is Located at the frcttt of the orooetkt.*Buiaing Noiciot approxed plan slnll renain on thz Bunlding site 'at all'|{nes." nwnben, iob aCCrees, type of inspec=icn number. P,equests receixed befcre 7:00 an 8t o Qro F UNDIRGROUIID PLLIMBING. SIWR, W.ATER, DRAIilAcE: To be nade pt"tor to fi,L- @-iFinehes. AilDERFLOOR PLUT,IBING & MECHANICAL : To be nad.e prior to installation of floor insul,ction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade pr.tot, toinstallatian of floor insulation oy decking. ROUGH PLUIBII'IG. ELECARICAL E UEC]]: ,w:til these inspections Tnue been mad.e and. approoed.. PIPEPLIICE: h4or to placirq fccing ma-tet ials and. before ft'aning i.napee-tion. W: l'tust be requested after approual of rough plwr,bing, electrL- a,L & nechanical. ALI roofing bractng & chinmeys, etc. rrust be . completed. tto uctk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection las'been nod.e anC approoed. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON: To be nade after aLL insulaticn a"d. required uapor ba,rie?a @e in pl,ace bat before oq Lath, Wpsl.on baarC oy, rnLL cooering i.s applied, and. befote oty insulation is concealed. DRIWALL TNSPECTT)N: Ic be nade after aLL C,tyuaLL is in pl,ace, but prior to any taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot, oerticals in accordotce LlLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO',/E: @npTetA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pourtng @?Lcrete. SfDilIALK & DRfLEilAI: Foy aLL con- ""eteVaofuAffi stz,eet right- of-t')cA, to be made aftet aLL ecea- oating canplete & forn tnrk & sub- base natet"tal in place. Final - l{hen abctse itens aye ectnpleted and uhen d.q,tclition is eonplete o? struc- ture nooed od. prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcnes Firnl - Aftet, pcrehes, skirting, decks, ete. aJ,e eonpleled. DFitiE. saa hrhen conpLete -- ProtsiCe or mot;able sections through P.A.E FTilAL PLUMBIIIC PIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL o ALL proiect condLtions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, cot:tpletion of the required Landscapir.g, etc., nuat be satisfied befote the BUfLDfNG EINAL can be requested. FINAL BUTLDIN1: The Final Buildittg fnepection rrust be requesteQ after the Einal PlumbingElectrical, old. tteelurieal fnspections luue been nade ard approoed. 2?(ol THJob Iaeaticn: Aasessore Map #q0szb ?ar Lot #(o Subdiuision: A.met,: Addz,ess:Phone: ]L/ 7 b 20 eum,^ 7s' Desctibe Hork:t 149) ValueDate of App Lieatian L L t2-7- E ? Additicn 1 *ALL ILANIICLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEilI TO BE \'L4DE AT NO COS? ?0 CITy Page 7 of 2 A\V l Bloeking old. Set-up Plutnbing eonnections -- aau)e? otd. uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and pltnbing connecti-one rn;st be apprc.^ed before requeeting electrical inspeetiol Aceessory* euiWing i TI Sr^" General \ Pltnbinq I \n len JOB NO E 0 O soLAR Ac:Ess REe.- Reeeipt #: L-COG* L-2^8,) t Bedroons PLan Eiarine? ?otal I EAW CAREFALLy EXA||INED the cornpLeted application foz, petmit, and do heteby cettifg tlwt aLL infonnation hereon is ttue and cbtrect, and. f furtker cez,tify that any ard all aork perfor.ned slnll be done in accor- danee wtth the Ordinanees of the City of Spr.ingfield, and, the La,;s of the* State of }regon pertaining to the uork Cescribbd hez,ein, crld. tlnt NO OCCa- PANCY trill be raCe of any st"ucture uithout permission of the Building N-oision. I futther certify that only eonttactors oid etplcgees uho arZ in canpliance dith 1RS 701.055 aiLL be used on this ptoject Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Corserage # of Stortes Total Eeight ?opogrcphy LOT TWE _ Interioz, _ Corner _ Panltanlle CTtL-de-sac P. L.House Lot Faces - Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is gnanted on the eq)reas condition tllat the satd eonstructionslnll, in all respects, conform to the Ordi.nance adopted by the City of Spz,ingfield, inchtding the Zoning CYdincttce, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildings, cnd may be suspend.ed oy, yeuokeC at cny tine upon o.tc-lation of dry prcoisions of said Oydir,ances. VaLue ?OTAL VALUE Date Pdad F?G x Signed: s.D.c. 1..5 c Building PetmLt ?otal Clnrgea State Surchoge Plumbing Permit No person slwll constract, instal'!., alter oy elwttge dnA rleu cr existing plutnbing or drainage syatan in uhole on i.n part, unless such pet,son is tle Legal possessor of a oalid plunber's Lt)cense, escept that a pe"son may do plutnbing uork to p"opert! uhich is ouned, Leased or opetated by the appli- caflt. 5 N0.FEE CEARGE 0o * oO Fi.zhtree Resilenti.a,L (1 bath) Sa'ler Plwnbing Penrtt State 7 Electricol Permit Whez,e State Lan reqtiz,es tlnt the electrieal uoyk be done by an Bleettical Contraetoz,, the eleetrical portion of this petmit stnll not be ualil untilthe Label lns been signed by the ElectrLcal Contoactot,. Pemit TotaL Nat/Esterd. Circuits Setoice -- ENCROACHMENT -. NC FEE CI]ARCE Mechqnicq! Permit Eshanet HooC tlcodsto;se Vett Eot Permtt fssuutee Meehanical Pet\nit Sean'ity Deposit Itgrog. Maintettance Permit Ctttbatt Sida,talk Fenee Electrical Label Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUN? DUE:A 3f.so Signed Date -