HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-12-03" RESIDL-.TlAL" APPLTCATI0N/PER\rIr 225 North |th Street SprtngfieLd, ?regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26- 37 53 Job tocaticn:a 4* d!-oo Recet t{ SPFIINGFIELD Aesessore Mao # Subdiotston: Asner: Address:9a Additicn RenoCe-L Le Home Date of Apo Licaticn = !1]*{b Seneral i.!ecittniccl Constntctiott n032bz/Ics lat # llork: Val-ue 0r?t0 ct?4b,fl dUEw't \t'I lZ -_t ia the respons'ibility of the pernrit holder to see that aL! inspections ce nade at the F)?ope? tine , t?.at s6s7 .-,litpss 'i.s vsa:^'^'-, 'ron the at?eet, and tltat the p*tntt ca.rci ia Located at the ftont of tile Drope?tu.3uildir4 Dit:icio- appro"*eti pian sicll vemain on the Builcirng Sitc Zt aLL' tinas," 'l?ocEDUPE-F1R nISPgcTI)ll R!0.aES?.'CALL726-3769(yecotde ) state your City desigrated job ntmber, job aCitess, type af irsoee--icn 'eQuestc<i arri u,'':en gou aiLL be ready fot, inspeetion, Cont?actc?s ot' A^mers ncne Lnd phone nwtbcr. p.equesrs teeeiied befcre'?:09 a,iLZ be nade the sane dcy' ?equests nc.de after 7:00 on tiLL be nade the nc.tt uotking d.ay. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nutnbev, fs:Sroo 4 7H Phone: 4 -l Sf:: f.','-e:iC!I0}l: Io be nade after ) &;a"aDl;;6; p?ia" tc set ip of Jorms. 1 AIIDERSLAS PLUI4BIIIG, ELECTPIC,IL & | ;/ECH|:|IC;L: ?o be nacie beiore cnyuolk La eoDet,ed. 1 rcornc I FIUNDATTIN: ro be nnCe ) ;f;A=;;;;i;;-or;Zacauated and forms ate erected, but priot, to pour.Lr,g ccnerete, u!p9!e1)utrD PLUr.tzrNC, S,trEP, w.ArER, DRAIIIAGE: To be naie prLor to fil-Lirg xrenehee. POST AllD BEAI4: To be nade pt'Lot, to installation of fLoot, insuLation or decking, PTilAL PLU!.EIIIG FIIIAL I,IECHA\IICAL PINAL EL!:-^ICAL -:- INSULATI)I| /VrtPAR BARRTER rI\SPIC?IAN : ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. required tapor borie?s @e in pl.a.ce but before oty l.a.th, Wpsum boarC ot, rnLL cooering is applied, and before oty iwuLation is concealed. DRWALL fNSPECTf)N: Tc be made aftet,At -dwifis in place, but prioz, to any taping. LfASONRY: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in aceoz,dorce LlLth U.B.C. Section IIOODSTO'/E: ;cnpTetea. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON: _I UI)DEPFLOAR PLU:.EI|]G & I4ECIIANICAL, i-V) ot tA floor insui,ciion on decking. ' l l l ave erecteC but priot to conc?ete. STDEWALK & DRf',ELlAf : Foz, all con-;;;tenAfi-;ltffi st?eet risht- of-ucy, to be maCe after aLL eeca- oating conplete & forn utork & sub- base nntet*tal in place. After forms ' poztz,ing ROLTAH PLAEIIIG, ELECTRICAL I l,lECH-anrcAi!ffi uz:til these inspections haue been natie arui apDroued.. I rrptprt,czi pnion to plaeir4 faeing) ndt;iaL; and. before'froninlg inspe"c- tion. -1 fAt:fnC: Must be nequested aftet, ) appr"urt of rough plurbing, eiectri-cal & necitanical. ALt roofizzg braeing E ehirnneys, etc. mast be . eonpletcd. llo ucrk is to be eon- " cecled until this inspection has'been node anC apptoued. IENCE: h1ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or motsable sectians through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, canoLction of tie required Landsccping, etc., rmtst be sati,sfied befone the BIJILDil|G PfllAL can be requested. FINAL EUILDIN7: The Final Building Inspection mtst be yeouested cfter the Pinal Pltanbing \_-/ Eleetrical, atd Meclarical Inspections hqtse been made atd approtseC. ll l l SanilarA seuer capped ct property Lite Septic totk p:,c::ped a,td fi.LLeC tith gratei ?inal - l{hen abcoe itens ate ecncletei and uhen ienclition is conplete o? st!u:- ture naued anC prerrLses cleanei up. l'lobile iicnes Bloeking otd Set-up r Plutnbing connections -- ael)e? od. ucter Eleettical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-u: and plutnbing eonnections m:st be qptc"*ei befot,e requesting electrtcal inspeclio- Accessory Bui.LCing Fitnl - After pcrekes, skirting, deel<s, etc. an,e eompleled. Pege 1 of 2,ALL LTATIHCLES AND CLEANOIJ?S IIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSA!!1X! TO BE I:IADE r'.T ilO CSST TO CPY __l toa No.(60('J/ socaaac ss REQ.-t-co c* Zono: Iat Sq. Ft7- Z cf Lct Ccoercge 7 OJ itorles :i'oxaL lleLcnt rogoE"qtiil TOT,'.L VALU! LUC rn4 4w? _ Intericr _ Co?ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Beatcor.s: -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pennr.t is granted on the eipress eondition tLnt the said constntcti.onsitall, in all respects, conform to the Orditnnce edoate,C by the City ofSpringfield, tncluding the Zoning CrCinance, regulctittg the ccnstrrcticn cnd use of buiLdittgs, and may be susperd.ed or reuokei dt cny tine upon uic- Lation of anA prcvisions of said Ord.ir.,ances, S.D.C. J.5 .r ?otai Ciwtqes lesiienti-al (1 bci;h) :E;+-*, c^,,-- Plunbtng Penit ?cta! t.;J,i La Reeeipt #: Piumbing Perrnit No pereon shall consh-.uet, install, ai.ter or change cnA t!e, cr e:istin:: plunbittg or drainage sAste:n in uhole or in catt, unless sue'n cerson .t"s the Legal possessot, of a oalid plunbez,'s License, esceDt tint a De"son nay io plutnbing uork to prope?tA uhich is otned, Leased or openaxei by the cppli- cant. Lot Faces -Enerou Sotoces Setbaeks P. L.ilouse Caraoe Access,Wate! llcef,e?Nortn Range Enst FineoLace South Waoocioxe I{est X L'aLue k Fee: :as/Ezteri Cit,cuits Total. Eiectricql Permit hrtzere State Lan requites tTnt tile eleetrical uotk be done b1l an Electrt ccl-Cont?actor, the electrical oortion of this Dermit sitc.Ll nox be ociii un:t Lthe Label i,tas been signeC by the Electrical Contractot. at /*5 .oo - 0o /D '-q I\{echqnicql Per!'nit -La,o+ Ua^) ent lat cod.sto:se Perrit lasucnee ilo-;--;--7 D^nn'+ Totci -- EitcA'cACHt!E!l; -- Di -," L -*; e-- .iesaZk eetr.icaL -biZe Hcrne r HAW CAREFULLY lxAurilED the cornpleted aopLication fot pernit, cnd dohereby certify that aLL info:nation heyeon is trae anC. ecrrect, atC f fut ther certif s- that any arl aLL aork perfor*ned stutl be d.one in aeeor- tiance trtth the Ordinenees of tie City of Springfield, anC thc Lc;s of thestate of oregcn pcrtaininc to the uotk ceseribcd hcrein, cnd ti-a.t No occu- Pr'.NC.y uill b_e nla.de of any st?uctuae aithout permission of ttrc 3uitdirq Dt -uision. r further certify thet only eontrae-tors a;d enpicyees uho arb ineonpliance urth ORS 701.CSS t0i.7.1. ba .':,:4 .t this project (2" a ^L tu\Ju.t - ,r-t( 3 .(?O L )L( Barltutl^ l,*"-lrlt r-irlgnsd a