HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-08-06#.. RESIDTNTIAL.. APPLICATI.Ud /PERMIT 225 North ith Street Spr.Lngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Date:a fres "tob Locaticn:c Aasesso"e Mdp il f ?- ?4-2 '!& Iott, eSEPa &tbdiuision: ,r7bz,qzs ,?z-xA,mer: Phone ci Address: Describe h'ot k: tr General or Nea TI Date br P lutnb i l.lechanical IiJ,ec E r Srrpe Elec E:: ic ia n I^t is lhe responcibi-Lily oi-the pemrtt holder to aee that aLf, inapections az,e nade at the p?opet ttme, th,at eceh address is readabieflon-tle st?ee.t, an4 that the-permit catd ia Located at the fuont of the property.tBuilding D.!.uiciot approxed pLan slcll renain on the auilding sitc at aLL'tilnes.' P.RocgDUPEt Fon IySPEC?l1il.!9-QyEs?iCnf-l 726-3769 (t,ecoy,det,) state yout City Cesigtnted job nur:ber, job aCdress, type of inspecliqtr.e.quested and.uhen you uiLL be readg for inspection, cont?aetors olr a,ners ncne L"a pU)n nwrbet,.' -Requests relei;7Ld bZ7crc'?:00 c1*"iLL be nwde the sone dcy' ?equests nade aftet ?:00 @n urLLL be nnde the ncct:nrki$ day. 8 SI?E INS?EC?ION: ?o be nade after eccauation, but prior tc set up of fotme. UNDERSLAB PLUTEINC. ELECTRICAL & MEC&I\|ICAL: ?o be nade before any uork ie couez,ed. FCOTINC & F)UNDATfCN: To be naCeafter trenches a?e excantated and. forns are erected, but ptiot, topout'ing ccnet,ete. U X D T R C PO U I'! D P LU M 3 I N C,(EffP) U.4 T E R, Lir4 trenehes. UNDERFLOOR PLUI,EIilG & I,IECHANICAL: To be nade priot to installation of floot, insulation o" decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade prior toTiitiTEi6i-of floor tnsulation ot, decking. ROI-ICil PT,AIBII\C, ELECANICAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No uot'k is to be coteredwtil these inspectior:s haue been made and approoed.. INSI]LATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn and. requined oapor batwier's ote in pl.a,ee but before any Lath, gypswn bcatC or unLL coueting is applied, and beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYHALL INSPEtrION: ?c be made@erin@GT-t s in p't^a,ce, but pniot, to any taping. MASOITRL: Steel location, bond beanc, gtouting or oerticcls in accondorce utLth a.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: cctnpLeted. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON:After forms ' pottringare etecteC but ptiot, to concrete. SIDEHALK & DRfVEHAY: Fot, aLL con- cz,ete pauing aithin stneet right-of-tny, to be made aften aLL erca- uating canplete & for-a r,sot'k & sub- base nnterial in place.FIPEPLACE: ^cte"i-A; h.Lor to plccir4 and befoz'e frodng facing inspec-tion. FRA|IINC: Itust be requested after approual of rough plutrbing, electti-cal & meclanical. All roofing btaeing E chinmegs, etc. rrust becotnpleted. lto uctk is to be con-cealed until this inspection fias'been nade anC approoed. ?ENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProtiCe gates or motsable sections thtough P, U.E. FIIIAL PLUI|BIIIG FINAL I,IECI|ANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL ptoiect conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of street tnees, conoletion of therequired Landsccpir-g, ctc. ' rmtst be satisfied befone the BUILDINC FIiAL can be requested.. 1-) PrNAL B.urLDrNc: The Final Build.ing. fnapection mtet be requested altet the Final ptwnbing \J Electrical, anC Meehanical fnspections hquc been nade atd'apppoued. ScniJary saset eapped et propercy- Lire , ,tr*i r,r,,iilrti lriiildir,r,irl i.l; ; i,l.,,t Septic tank ptoped and, filZed trith gra:tel Final - l{h.en abcue itens are eanpleted and uhen Cer.tolition is eonplete or st!,u3-ture noued and. pt,etrises cleaneC up. tlobi Hcnes Blocking and Set-up Plmbing connectiona -- acdey crd ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, aet-uD and plunbing eomeetions rn;st be approed before nequeeting eleclrtcal inspecliot Accessory BuilCing pct'ekes, skirting, decks, Leted. Ptnal - After etc. ate comp Pag:e 1 of 2:l ,AT,L ITANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIIIS? BI'- ACCESSIBLE, AD,IUSTI|EIIT To BE I,I4DE /.? IIo ccST ?o cITy Additicn Value Iout, City Desigr,ated. Job Ntrnbet, Ist ?a42 4r?2 T tr soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO GTFJOB NO. Lot Faces - House AceessP. L. th t Z of Lct Cooerage_ ! of Stortes LOT TYPE _ Intez'ior CoPne? Panhandle - ,rl'd.n-roo Iat Sq. Ftg. Total Height Topography x VaITEMSQ. FTG TOTAL VALUE DES.D.C. 7.5 t N0.CHARGE Fbtutes Residential (1 bath) ,tb, Seuer a,Plwbing Pernit State ITEM Na,t/Estetd Circuits Sertice FEE CIlARCE ? bhanst HooC Vent Fot llcodsto;te State Mecho nicol Permit Permtt rssuance MeclanictL Pernit -. ENCROACHMENT .- Secari Permit Cutbcu! Sidasalk Fence L Nobile ltane Bedroons Building Volue & Permit This pernLt is gtanted on the erpress cotdition tlut the said construction slwll, in all r.eepects,"'i."t1Zi't"- the Ordinance adop.te,7 6y the C.ity of SpiLngyi.n1, incLitding' til 2oil."g Cndinance, regulatilq the ccnsttweticn ird. u"o'u of 'buildings,- ond ^ry be suspended or rbuokeC at cny ti.ne upon vi.c- lation of oty prcoisions of said Ordinances' !!eat Paid: Recaipt fl: Sigted: Buildi.ng Perrtt State Total Clanges State Total Plumbing Perrnit No peteon stall construct, i.nstall,- alter or cltdttge -cny ned-ct' existing olwnbi,o ot, drainaqe "iit*, in uloie or in patt, inless sueh penson is the i;;;1"' ;" ";i,;;- ;f ; illii p\*,a *' s L ic.en s'e, e 8: eP t that .a ! ?: s 1n na's lo. ptlofuig uork to p*opnity-ufnlch is ouned, Leased or operated by the appLi- cant. Electricol Permit l{hete state La,t requi?es tl^.at the electtical uork be ilone by _an Eleetrical ;*t;;l;r; iin ni"tr7.ot pirl,ro" of this,permit stnll not be oalic until the tabel -has been signed by the Electrical Contractor' 4-a-ee> I HAW CAREFULLy |XAI'IINED the completed application fo-r permit' and do i":;;L; Z"iltfy-ln"t "it-1"1or-"tibn hereoi ie ttue ard cornect' atc r fuoTli'.n- "*ti"fV tt ot "iA i"a all aork perfomred alnll be dote in accor- ';;;;;;1; li'n" oratnriir'ee of the citv of bpringfield' .att'!t th.a tan, of the sLate of hregcn pcrtaiiiig to the uoik ces'cribbd herein' cnd tlut N0 ?ccu' pLNcy ,LLL be nade of'any" structure uithout permieaion of the Building Di- tision, I funther certii;1 thet oily contt'ae'tors a'd .enplcyeee uho are tn ;;;;1.i;".;Liti cas ?o1.lis uiLL be-ueed on thie pnoiect TOT/IL AI'IOT]NT DUE: ,nf;a.7a * Signed tlrr;.n Caroort Accessoru tu llatet Total Charoes Stordqe Maintenance r ?522.71 { By this agreement, I Bruce Bal e, give permission to a1 I ow excavation near the sidewalk on the southeast corner on my property at 476 t'Urr Street, Springf ieId, OR f or the purpose of a sewer connection to the house at 2220 N.sth, Springfield, OR, directly adjacent to my property. Mr. Maurice Nix hereby agrees to hold me free of any responsibility, financial or otherwise, associated with the project or any liability for damages or accidents resulting from project or work in progress. Further, ME. Nix guarantees that any affected area of my property will be restored to a condition at least equal to its condition prior to the start of the project. Final1y, it is agreed that the work will be completed in a timely manner. u lq /qo Date '; lf w <, cn- ^-,,LU gI FtlE,a / 4rv7trkrr* /ryQ/<,/,rcD V/6 ,Qva'677'4s7* tre /la.Y 7 4@ fu <f7a,^<< Datl I -/t c