HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-11-23Job Loeation: &tbdiz;i sion: IasIot# C*€,.J-sgesso"s !'lao #.A Afiv! +h Phone #Addtese ci rwt ,-r?'/ ni SPRI:ICFIE1D *{;',rx,'::.' o{ifoT o, n,, tsuLldit 4 D'ioisiot 726-e7 53 il"fi-^lloN PEB,trr SPRINGFIELD-. RE COY.BINATION/ L{TLP 47, /(r'64 lr^/ i Deecti.be ilonk U4/L0*LlrQ/ aaer,,tr,o, n llan .*u,afi-n 1nPanodel {otr Cont"dctcrs llaie GeneraL 9leetzieal Consfiuction I*nd.et Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibiJ.:'ty of the pennit holder to see th3t aIL i:rspections are made at the ProPer time, that each addness is readable fren the street, and that the pelrnit card is located at the front of tho ProPerty* .{11 manholes and cLeanouts are tc be adjusted at no cost to the Clty SITE I}ISPECTICN:ffi;;5iF To be nade after prior to set up of FIBEPIACE:ffi t10n. TTAI{I!{G: "PffiEI forr.s. IJIIDP.SIAB PLU!.IBING" ELSCTRIE.{L 6 MECHANICAL: To be made before anyEffi*'ered. F0OTI}IG 6 FOUIIDA.TION: To be urade after tn€nches are e:icavated and for.ns are erected, but prien to pouring concaete. UilDERFLOOR PLUI4BI}TG 6 I,IECHANICAL:@orfloor fuisulatl.cn or decklng. POST t BEAM: To be nade prio:r to G;Effi; of flcor insulation on Cecking. ROUCH PLUHBING, ELECTP.ICAL t !.IECI{. AICI.IL: Ho eork is to be covered ifrffthese inspections have been raaCe and approved. FI!{AL PLUI,IBING FINAL ELECTRIC.TL FINAL MECHA}IICI.L Prion to placing facing and tefore franing inspee- Must be requested after of rough plunbing, electri WOODSTOVES: After installation 1Iffi!-retea. CURB 6 APPR0ACH APP.ON: After forrns;tE6;aGa@ to pcuring concrete. IJ}IDERGROUND PLUI{BING, SEWER, WATSR, !E{I@t To be made pnior to fil- Iing trenchss. INSULATION/VAPOR. BARRIER INSPECTION : To be nrade after all iasulation and required vapor balrierlt are ln place but before any lath, gypsurl board or SIDEWALK 6 DRIT EHAY: For all eon- d"t street right- of-way, tc be nade after all exca- vating ccmplete 6 forrn work t sub- base materi3l in p1ace. OTIIER INS?ECTIONS: may be nequired --. in accordance with tsuilding Code' to be. indlcated in plans or by no- tice from Bui.J.ding Inspector. DRYIIALL nISPEC1IoN: ?o bc m3de @is inprace, but prion to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond Effigrouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B'C. Section 2rr 15 . A11 projeet conditions, such as the installation of st?eet tfees' conPletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied befone the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Einal Building Inspecticn lnust be requested after the Final PJ.umbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have Seen maCe ald apprcved |to occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building fnspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCy liAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES. PR0CEDURE FoR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: Call 726-3769 (reccrder)state your Clty designated job number, job address, type ot- inspection requested and when you rill bc ready for inspec- tion, eontractors or Orners nane and phone nunbens. Requests reeeived before 7:00 a.m. will be nade the sane day, requests made after. T:00 a.m. wiJ.I be made the next working day YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER IS: ca1 6 meehanical. AJ'J, nocfing' bracing t ch5.maeys, etc. nust be cmPleted. No work is to be con- ceaLed uDtil this inspection has been made and approved. ral'l covering is applied' and any insulation is concealed. I tu04 ,b4 Adfueee Lt sc#En?':tes Plone # l.!eclto.ical 2 REFERENCE NII!{BERS L-Co4 r-t JOB IIU}IBER OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE / COI{STRTICTIO.]IZONE BEDROO}!S :, cJ' Lot Couered 'i of Stories':ctaL Heiah! Lot ?ype Setbacks fntevior '.'orzetPotltandle 0thet Sa'-,;'c e s ?opograprtg I ELF BUTLD I N G VALW,/PEE !,'il 3+n 4^-a-a Th.!.s perwit is gzcmted on the e.s??€ss cznli:-:on tl2ctthe said ccarstyr,tction shz.?.L, in al,i tea=ecte, ccnfot-.to t_\e- -2yCina.cee aliopted by the Ci;1 o-. Spz-Jng;-,leld,ineluiing the Zoning }tdinoee, te.ctTat)ni =ile-bcn-structiat otd. uee of btildings, rrc .q b-e flspeid.ed,or re.soked at dn! ti,ne upon oiolati:n oi dry ?rcri-sions of aaid Ct&Lnotees. Fla na*^rtL ?J. ts tJ! - t/alue Ofiyzes TC?AL CI:.ARGES !t@t uheck !'ee 0ate Paid n PLUBTNG PffiMII SeDe" No pe?eon slall. conattuct, inetzll, altet ct cltorgeqry neu or ezieting plwnbing o? dlcanage syerqi in uhole o" in pet, unlese such persor, is :he iagaL posaeaaDt of a talid plwtber's Licerae, 2tce.t that a pe?son nay dc p?,mbing uotk to p?o?e"? ukich is ouned, Leased ot operated bg the qilicant. SW?dI.qL State ,:UTAL CEA,PGES ELECTRICAL PERI|I! lla') lJhere State La,r reEtitee tllat the eieat-tcci. aork be done bg dt Elect?icdl Contyactor, tha eleci:r|ca,l po"- tion cf thie penrrit slull not be oai-td uatil the la- bel las been signed by the llecttical Ccntta:ior. The Electm)cal Safefu Lan does wt rcqu-Jre e ?e"sonto obtain a Lieense aB qt oleet?icLst al/o" elee-Lrtca! anttlctc? b nake or. eleettioal ine--:LLaticn CcLstTuclicn SU8?f,AL ot p"o?e?tu uhich is cwted ?ris t-rnedicxe lanily alrieh Lease cr rent. bg ie hinse:.f or a rr,bet of not irtenied ;':t sale, CHARCES IECELryIC-4L PWMTI Echatst lreat F@t Lot Faces Df Hottse tLcccSS No"th East South ,leet I gAW C.4REFULLY EXAMINED the contpZeted applieatioa fot permit, ad doheteby cet+-ifg that all infozna*ton he"eon is tuue otd, cortect, otd. Ifwther edtafA that otg awl aLL tni,lk petforned shall, be Cone in aeeor-dance utih the otditwtees of the City of Sprtngfield, attd, the Lane of theState of O"egon pe?taining tc the :arl,k deectibed hetztn, @1d that NO OC- C_ry4NCJ vtll, be nnda of drlV structure titltout permtsaicn of the BuildingDj,sieion. I f,.ether certifA tlnt otlg eont?acto"s od, etlplogees uho atbin compliance vith ORS ?01.-055 ?,,iLL be used on this prcjebt.- Seeuity PLot EratrL.tet lZectrical Labal plan slnll yemein on the Building at aLL tisnes. ElICROACETElIT Date !,laincnqrce IO?AL A!'!OU!E D!18 Pe2.irit AI4OUII? DUE