HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 10/28/2021Pre -Submittal Meeting
Development and Public Works Department
Reem 61
Friday, November 5, 2021
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
DPW Conferenee Room 616
Pre -Submittal (Master Plan Modification) #811 -21 -000282 -PRE 811-17-000047-PROJ Marcola
Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL: adjusted TL 1801, 1802, 1803
Address: Marcola Rd. & 2V Street
Existing Use: vacant and residential
Applicant has submitted plans modify the master plan to update land use and schedule of phased
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Friday, November 5, 2021 11:00 — 12:00 via MS Teams
811 -21 -000282 -PRE Pre -Submittal Meeting
17-02-30-00 TL 1801,1802 and 1803
Marcola Road and 28' /311t Street
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC
I. Executive Summary
This Master Plan Modification application submittal is necessitated by the Marcola Meadows Master
Plan's approved changes in land use and phasing order. In September 2021, the Springfield City Council
approved a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Commercial and a Zone
Map Amendment from Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Community Commercial (CC) District
(Ordinance No. 6429). These land use actions resulted in a ±1.17 -acre CC District designation on Tax Lot
1802 at the most southeastern portion of Marcola Meadows. The above decisions were conditionally
approved, requiring the Applicant to initiate modifications to the Master Plan for the neighborhood,
thereby necessitating this Modification application. The Zone Map Amendment to the CC District is
adopted by Ordinance No. 6429 and lays the framework for a commercial site, as discussed in great detail
in this written document. The ultimate goal of this application is to modify the Marcola Meadows Master
Plan to incorporate the new commercial phase (e.g. professional offices) to facilitate the future submittal
of a site plan review application for specific design of the subject site (e.g. Tax Lot 1802).
Preceding this application, several recent land -use decisions and developments have advanced the
Marcola Meadows site towards the development approved in the Master Plan (Instrument No. 2021-
018704). In March 2021, an approved Property Line Adjustment (Lane County CSF No. 45334) was
recorded to facilitate ownership of the subject site; this resulted in Tax Lot 1802, the subject site of the
amendments discussed above. In July 2021, a 280 -lot residential subdivision was approved for Phases 3
through 5 and is intended for single-family detached homes. Phases 1A, 113, and 2A of the subdivision are
completed and platted and Phase 2B is following suit. Additionally, a partition plat was approved in July
2021 and submitted in early September 2021 for final plat review. That partition will divide the multi-
family, single-family, and commercial portions of the site, resulting in the final configuration approved in
the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan (Instrument No. 2021-018704 included as Exhibit H); compliance
with the conditions of approval from the Master Plan is demonstrated in Table 3.
Finally, this Master Plan Modification application involves Tax Lot 1802 (±1.17 acres) and the remaining
unconstructed residential area of the Master Plan (Phases 3 through 5). As illustrated on the Preliminary
Plans, the completed phases are shown faded back for clarity. In summary, this application involves the
following modifications intended to facilitate successful development of the subject site:
• Conformity with adopted changes to the underlying zoning, allowing the future submittal of a site
plan review application
• Updates to the phase ordering/timing
o (The phase boundaries remain consistent with the approved Phasing Plan and Timeline
Table recorded in Instrument No. 2021-018704)
The Modified Master Plan is consistent with relevant goals and policies within the City of Springfield's
Development Code (SDC) and satisfies the applicable approval criteria for Master Plan Modifications. This
application includes the City application forms, written materials, and preliminary plans necessary for City
staff to review and determine compliance with the applicable approval criteria. The evidence supports
the City's approval of the application.
D. Site Description/Setting
The Marcola Meadows site includes a total area of ±100 acres and a configuration based on a recently
recorded Property Line Adjustment (Lane County CSF No. 45334). Please see Property Ownership
AVC Marcola Meadows Professional Offices October 2021
Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page
Information (Exhibit C) for relevant documentation. The Preliminary Plans show the adjusted property
boundaries of Tax Lots 1801, 1802, and 1803. Additionally, portions of the property have been constructed
and approved for residential occupancy and the remainder exists as a grassy field. Further descriptions of
surrounding properties are listed in Table 1. The site fronts on Marcola Road to the south and both 281h
and 31" Street to the east. The subject site is currently designated with MDR, CC, and Public Land & Open
Space (PLO) District zoning designations, as illustrated in Table 2.
Table 1: Description of Surrounding Area
Land Uses
City of Springfield
Public Land &Open Space
educational facility)
Medium Density Residential
Multi -Family Phase
Residential District
Medium Density Residential
Multi -Family
City of Springfield
Low Density Residential
Commercial Retail
Community Commercial (CC)
Commercial Phase
Commercial District
City of Springfield
Light Medium Industrial
Commercial District
Elementary School
Public Land &Open no
City of Springfield
Low Density Residential
Community Commercial (CC)
Public/Institutional (i.e.
medical facilities, future
church, etc.
Table 2: land Uses and Zoning Designations
Future Phase
Existing Base
Zoning District
Existing Metro Plan
Land Uses
Existin Zonin
Single -Family Phases (1-5)
Residential District
Medium Density Residential
Single -Family
Medium Density Residential
Multi -Family Phase
Residential District
Medium Density Residential
Multi -Family
Medium Density Residential
Commercial Phase
Commercial District
Commercial Retail
Community Commercial (CC)
Commercial Phase
Commercial District
Professional Offices
Community Commercial (CC)
School Phase
Commercial District
Elementary School
Public Land &Open no
Church Phase Commercial District
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Mi Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page
111. Applicable Review Criteria
Table 3: Findings for Compliance with Conditions of Approval
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Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
Instrument No. 2021-018704
(Local Case No. 811-20-000225-TVP3; Decision Issued February 17, 2021(
Applirant's Response
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for
monitoring the ITS improvement thresholds associated avith number of
dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips, as applicable, for full
construction of V Street through to its intersection with Marcola Road.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full
Understood. Please see the
construction of the Pierce Ditch at the time of collector street extension
phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
southward in an intersection with Marcola Road to address the
Schedule within Table 4,
threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips as
determined by thea licant's TIS.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full
Understood. Please see the
construction of Pierce Parkway between 31^ Street and V Street,
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch concurrently with
Schedule within Table 4,
construction of Phase 3. Altcmatively, hall construction of Pierce
Parkway between 31•' Street and V Street, including the crossing of the
Pierce Ditch, shall be completed prior to Phase 3 if required to address
the threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips as
determined by the Applicant's Pierce Parkway Connection Trigger
Analysis Memorandum datedJanuary 26, 2021.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full
Understood. Please see the
construction of V Street between the intersection with Marcola Road in
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
the Pierce Ditch crossing concurrently with construction of the Church
Schedule within Table 4,
Phase or with construction of the School Phase, whichever comes first.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule and phasing
Understood. Please see the
boundary map shall provide for full construction ofVStreet concurrently
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
with Phase 2C (or equivalent' if phase is renumbered) to the back of
Schedule within Table 4,
curb on the south side of the street or to the curb return tangencyline at
the intersections, with the exception of the segment between 30'6 Place
and 31•' Street which shall be constructed to an interim standard as
depicted in the applicant's submitted conceptual design dated January
26, 2021. Final completion of the V Street segment between 30's Place
and 31" Street shall occur prior to or concurrent with construction of
Phase 3.
The modified Final Master Plan sheets PO -03 and PO -IOC shall clearly
Understood. This application
show a single, shared driveway access located on the boundary between
does not modify the
the southeastern edge of the public school site and the adjoining
transportation system;
neighborhood commercial site and multi -unit residential site.
access remains consistent
with the recorded Final
Master Plan (Instrument No.
2021-018704 (Exhibit H) and
Preliminary Plans (Exhibit
The applicant's modified Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide
Understood. Please see the
for hall construction of the public sanitary sewer system necessary tc
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
serve each successive development phase, regardless of the order of
Schedule within Table 4,
phase construction.
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Maroola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
Instrument No. 2021-018704
(Local Case No.811-20-000225-TYP3; Decision Issued February 17, 2021)
Applicant's Response
The Final MasterPlan shall provide a representative cross-section derail
Understood. Please see the
of the Pierce Ditch channel for the segment between 31^ Street and V
recorded Final Master Plan
Street that shoves a minimum 10 -foot separation distance between
(Instrument No. 2021 -
adjacent residential property fines and the northern top -of -bards and
018704 (Exhibit H)).
adjacent multi -unit residential and institutional property fines. The
linear pathway shall be included within the 20 -foot separation area that
vs parallel with the southern edge of the Pierce Ditch, as generally
depicted on theapplicant's Master Plan Sheet PO -03.
The segments of Pierce Ditch to be improved and dedicated within
Understood. Please see the
Phases 3 & 4 and the Church Phase shall be shown and described in the
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
modified phasing plan and table.
Schedule within Table 4,
The segments of the Pierce Ditch shown within Phases 3 & 4 shall be
Understood. There is no
reviewed and approved at the time of tentative subdivision approval for
further action required by
the applicable residential phase. The segmeneofthe Pierce Ditch shown
the Applicant at this time.
within the Church Phase shall be reviewed and approved at the time of
Site Plan Review. Improvements to the Pierce Ditch shall include but
not be limited to removal of invasive vegetation and flow obstructions,
removal of silt and debris, and replanting with suitable vegetation
including trees, shrubs, and gmundcover plants. Construction of the
Pierce Ditch improvements shall be done through the City's PIP
The Final Master Plan shall provide for installation of a water quality
Understood. There is no
manhole upstream of the neighborhood -scale infiltration ponds serving
further action required by
Phases 3, 4, and 5. The manholes must be sized per the manufacturer's
the Applicant at this time.
recommendations for the expected flow to be treated at that .manhole
location at fall buildout and must meet the requirements for
pretreatment as determined by the Washington Stare
Technology/Assessment Protocol —Ecology TAPE r
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for
Understood. Please see the
secondary fire apparatus access to Phases 3, 4, and 5 in accordance with
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
the requirements of the Springfield Fire Code.
Schedule within Table 4,
The Final Master Plan and modified phasing schedule shall provide for
Understood. Please see the
installation of fire hydrants that meet the spacing, distribution, and
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
coverage requirements of the Springfield Fire Code.
Schedule within Table 4,
The Final Master Plan shall provide for fire apparatus access to all
Understood. Please see the
single -unit detached lots that meets the 150 -foot distance from the
recorded Final MasterPlan
furthest point of the building as required by Section 503.1.1 of the
(Instrument No. 2021 -
Springfield Fire Code. Alternatively, the Final Master Plan shall provide
018704 (Exhibit H)).
for building sprintdering for all single -unit detached lots that do not
meet the 150 -foot distance fire apparatus access requirements of SFC
The Final Master Plan shall provide for underground electrical system
Understood. Please see the
connection(s) between Phases IC (or renumbered equivalent) and/or
recorded Final Master Plan
Phase 5 and the EWER right -of --way.
(Instrument No. 2021-
018704 (Exhibit H)).
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Section 3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts
3.2-305 Establishment of Commercial Zoning Districts
The fo0owing commercial zoning districts are established:
B. Community Commercial District (CC). The CC District establishes sites to
provide for a wide range ofremil sales, service and professional office use and
also includes all existing strip commercial areas.
Response: This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes
to the underlying zoning designations on site. As illustrated on the Preliminary Plans,
approximately ±1.14 acres of the master planned site were amended to Community
Commercial (CC) District zoning through adoption of Ordinance No. 6429. As described in
this written narrative, this portion of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan is planned for
professional offices. Therefore, this application demonstrates compliance with the
criteria of this section.
3.2-310 Schedule of Use Categories
The following uses are permitted in the districts as indicated subject to the provisions,
additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specifically
fisted may be approved as specified in Section 5.11-100.
'T" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code.
locational and/or siting standards as specified in Section 4.7-100.
AVC Marcola Meadows Professional Offices October 2021
Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page
Maroola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
Instrument No. 2021-018704
(Local Case No.811-20-000226-TYP3; Decision Issued February 17, 2021)
Applicant's Response
Prior to approval of the tentative subdivision plans for Phases 3-5, or
Understood. There is no
prior to approval of a site plan review for the Multi -unit Residential
further action required by
Phase, School Phase, or Church Phase, as applicable, the applicantsha8
the Applicant at this time.
prepare and submit ren ified wedand delineation report for the subject
phase. The review and approval of required wedand mitigation
measures and detrnmination of wetland setbacks shall be completed
through the trntative subdivision plan and/or site plan review process
for each development phase.
The Final Master Plan diagram and phasing plan shall be revised to
Understood. Please see the
eliminate gaps in the alphanumeric subdivision phase sequencing in
Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and
accordance with Lane County Surveyor's office requirements.
Schedule within Table 4,
The applicant shall record the modified Final Master Plan document,
The Final Master Plan is
wised plans and phasing schedule, and conditions of approval against
recorded as Instrument No.
the parcels comprising the Master Plan area at Lane County Deeds &
2021-018704 (Exhibit H).
Records and provide evidence thereof to the Ci
The modified Final Master Plan document, revised plans, phasing
schedule, and conditions of approval arising from Planning Action 811-
20-000225-TYP3 shall supersede the prior Master Plan recorded a
Document #2018-038501 and the modified Master Plan Phasing
Schedule recorded as Document #2020-071248.
Section 3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts
3.2-305 Establishment of Commercial Zoning Districts
The fo0owing commercial zoning districts are established:
B. Community Commercial District (CC). The CC District establishes sites to
provide for a wide range ofremil sales, service and professional office use and
also includes all existing strip commercial areas.
Response: This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes
to the underlying zoning designations on site. As illustrated on the Preliminary Plans,
approximately ±1.14 acres of the master planned site were amended to Community
Commercial (CC) District zoning through adoption of Ordinance No. 6429. As described in
this written narrative, this portion of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan is planned for
professional offices. Therefore, this application demonstrates compliance with the
criteria of this section.
3.2-310 Schedule of Use Categories
The following uses are permitted in the districts as indicated subject to the provisions,
additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specifically
fisted may be approved as specified in Section 5.11-100.
'T" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code.
locational and/or siting standards as specified in Section 4.7-100.
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"D" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject m review and analysis under Type
DI procedure (Section 5.9-100) at the Planning Commission or
Hearings Official level.
elsewhere in this Code.
Cam o ec/Uses CC
and Professional
Offices and Personal
Response: As noted above, business and professional offices and personal services are permitted
outright in the CC District. Therefore, the planned uses align with the permitted uses listed
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3.2-315 Base Zone Development Standards
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject site is ±1.17 acres (i.e. ±50,965 square
feet) in total and ±1.14 acres were designated Community Commercial District through
adoption of Ordinance No. 6429. The base zone development standards listed above,
including setbacks and landscaping standards, will be reviewed for compliance at future
site plan review application. Approval of this application does not interfere with
compliance with applicable provisions, conditions, or goals of the Final Marcola Meadows
Master Plan. The subject property (Tax Lot 1802) meets the minimum area and street
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Development Standard
Minimum Area
6,000 square feet
Minimum Street Frov e 1
50 feet
All Panhandle Lots/Parcels Minimum Street
40 feet
Maximum Lot/Parcel Coverage
Lot/parcel coverage limited only by
standards in other Sections ofthis code.
Minimum Landscaping
Minimum requirements defined by
standards in other Sections ofthis Code.
Maximum Parking, loading, and vehicular
Lot/parcel coverage limited only by
circulation area coverage
I standards in other Sections ofthis code.
Landscaped Setbacks (2)(3)(4) and 5
Front, Street Side Yard, and Through Lot Rear Yard
Building Setback
10 feet
Parking, driveway, and outdoor storage
5 feet
Interior Side, Rear Yard Setbacks, when Abutting Residential or CI districts
Building Setback
10 feet
Parking, driveway, outdoor storage setback
5 feet
Maximum Building Height 6
No maximum, except asspecified below
When abutting an LDR orMDR District to
Defined by theMmtimum Shade Point Height
the north
requirement of Seedon3.2-225A.1.b., or up to
50 feet south of a northern lot/parcel fine a
plane extending south with an angle of 23
degrees and originating from the top of a 16
foot hypothetical fence located on the
northern lot/parcel live.
When abutting an LDR or MDR District to
No greater than that permitted in the LDR or
the east, wxsq or south
MDR Districts for a distance of 50 feet.
(1) The D:.ecm. may .naive the .equ6emem that buildable Cary lotr/pamelc have 6onmge on a pnbfic
street when all of the following apply:
(a) Th.Im./parcels have been approved as parr ofaDseshipn.mAre. Mon, SO. Plan,
Subd:v:c:on or Partition application, and
(b) Access has been guaranteed via a pdwte sneer or driveway by an irrevocable joint use/access
agreement as specified in Section 4.2-120A.
(2) There are no setback requirements for buildings in the Duvcumwn Exception Area.
(3) Where an easement is larger than the required setback standard, no budding or above grade
structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that .... meet.
(4) When addaonal .:gho-o4esay:c.equ:.ed, wherhe.byC:re, Errg:nee.:rrg cmnda.dc, rheMmoPlan
(including the TransPlan), or the Giy's Conceptual Sneer Plan, setbacks are based on future right -f -
way locations. Right-of-.vey shall be dedicated prior to the issuance of any building permit har
ircera.e.required parking.
(5)Architectural extensions may protrude into any 5 -foot or larger setback area by not more than 2
6 luddernalequipment ma exceed these height standards.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject site is ±1.17 acres (i.e. ±50,965 square
feet) in total and ±1.14 acres were designated Community Commercial District through
adoption of Ordinance No. 6429. The base zone development standards listed above,
including setbacks and landscaping standards, will be reviewed for compliance at future
site plan review application. Approval of this application does not interfere with
compliance with applicable provisions, conditions, or goals of the Final Marcola Meadows
Master Plan. The subject property (Tax Lot 1802) meets the minimum area and street
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frontage requirements of the CC Zoning District; therefore, the application materials
demonstrate the relevant criteria above are met.
Section 4.2-100 InfrastructureSmndards—Transportation
4.2-105 Pubfic Streets
A. General Provisions.
1. Afl public streets and alleys must be improved as specified in this
Code and must be dedicated through the approval of a subdivision
plat or by acceptance ofa deed approved by the City.
2. Functional Classification ofStreets. The City's street system consists
ofstreets that are classified as Major and Minor Arterial streets, Major
and Minor Collector streets, Local streets and Alleys, consistent with
the Springfield Transportation System Plan (Figure 2) and
the Pedetally Designated Roadway Puncticrud Classificadon map,
contained in the Regional Transportation Plan. Local Streets include
all streets not classified as Arterial or Collector streets.
3. New connections to arterials and state highways must be consistent
with any designated access management category.
B. An applicant may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to
identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed
mitigation measures. A ITS is required ifany ofthe following criteria are mer.
Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as
such, new elements that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed
under the current transportation infrastructure standards. The following narrative
sections demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions.
This Master Plan Modification does not include new public streets and continues to share
the approved access (with both the school and commercial phases) on the north side of
Marcola Road (a minor arterial roadway). As shown on the Preliminary Plans, public
streets are designed to meet the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC)
and the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP). The Transportation Impact Study
(TIS) Memorandum within Exhibit F demonstrates compliance with the applicable
transportation standards specified in the SDC and concludes the Marcola Meadows
Master Plan site will accommodate the planned capacity generated by the project. Please
see the TIS for further information. The criterion above is met.
C. Minimum streetrurb-to-curb widths and. minimum street right -of --way widths
are s specified in Table 4.2-1, unless otherwise indicated in the Springfield
Transportation System Plan, an applicable Refinement Plan, Plan District,
Master Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, or the adopted bicycle and
pedestrian plan; where necessary to achieve right-of-way and street
alignment, or
as needed to meet site-specific engineering standards,
including butnot limited to requirements for multi -way boulevard and/or
.modern roundabout designs. Example street layouts meeting minimum street
standards are provided in Figures 4.2-B through 4.2-V for illustrative purposes
only. These Figures are intended to demonstrate potential street
configurations that meet the requirements.
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D. Street NetworkSmndards--General Criteria.
E. Street Network Standards—Needed Housing. The development of needed
housing, as defined in ORS 197.303, must meet the following street network
standards, unless the applicant elects review under the general criteria in
Section 4.2-105D.
Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan
(related to adoption of Ordinance No. 6429) and complies with the transportation
elements within the approved Master Plan (Instrument No. 2021-018704). New
transportation improvements that were not part of the approved Master Plan are not
involved. Therefore, the criteria above are not applicable, and the following narrative
sections demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions.
1. Collector and Arterial Streets. Subject to the standards of this Code,
the location of collector and arterial streets .oust comply with the
Transportation System Plan, including the Conceptual StreetMap.
2. Local Streets. The local street network must meet the following
3. Cul -desacs and Dead -End Streets. New and existing dead-end
streets and cul-de-sacs must meet the standards for dead-end fire
apparatus access roads in the Oregon Fire Code and dte following
4. Block Length and Block Perimeter.
5. Maximum StreetGrades. Street grades must not exceed 8% on major
and minor arterial streets, 10% on major and .minor collector streets,
and 12% on local streets.
6. Intersections of Streets and Alleys.
Response: This application for Master Plan Modification does not include new transportation
improvements. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the locations of streets
remain unchanged from the approved Master Plan (Exhibit H) and associated
transportation network. This Master Plan Modification does not include new public
streets, cul-de-sacs, dead -ends, blocks, or intersections. The subject site continues to
share the approved access (with both the school and other commercial phase) along the
north side of Marcola Road (a minor arterial roadway). Therefore, the street network
standards are not applicable to this application.
F. Medians.
Response: New medians are not involved in this application. The criterion is not applicable.
G. Additional Right -of -Way and Street Improvements.
Response: This application does not involve additional right-of-way dedication or street
improvements that vary from the approved Master Plan (Exhibit H). Street improvements
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will be completed in accordance with the Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and described within
the updated Phasing Timeline Table in Table 4, below. The criterion is not applicable.
H. Where a development would result in the need to improve a railroad crossing,
or an approach to a railroad crossing, the developer must bear the cost for the
permitting and improvements. When other property owners are benefited,
other equitable means of cost distribution may be approved by the City.
Response: This application does not involve railroad crossings. The criterion is not applicable.
Traffic Control Devices.
AR traffic control signs, pavement marldrrgs, street name signs, and
other traffic control devices must be in conformance acith the U.S.
Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices for Streets and Highways (including Oregon supplements),
the City's Engineering Design Standards and Pr cdures Manual,
and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction
Specifications and this Code.
Response: The subject site will continue to use a joint, shared access on the north side of Marcola
Road. Therefore, traffic control devices will be provided as required by the approved
Master Plan (Exhibit H).
4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways
A. Site Access and Driveways --General.
AR developed Iota/parcels are entided to one approved driveway
access provided by either direct access to a:
a. Pubfic street or a0ey along the frontage ofthe property; or
b. Private street that connects to the public street system. The
private street shall be constructed as specified in Section 4.2-
110 (private streets shall not be permitted in Gen of pubfic
streets shown on the Springfield Transportation System
Plan, including the Conceptual StreetMap); or
c. Pubfic street by an irrevocable joint use/access easement
wing the subject property that has been approved by the
City Attorney, where:
i. A private driveway is required in Gen ofa panhandle
driveway, as specified in Section 3.2-220B, or
rr. Combined access for 2 or more lots/parcels is
required to reduce the number ofdrivewayc along a
street, as determined by the Director.
Driveway access to designated State Highways is subject to the
provisions of this Section in addition in requirements of the Oregon
Department of Transportation (ODOT). Where City and COOT
regulations coni icy the more restrictive regulations shall apply.
As determined by the Director, cites acith abutting parking areas
within the same zoning district may be required to provide driveway
connections or pedestrian connections internal to the sites and joint
access agreements to provide efficient connectivity and preserve
public street functions and capacity.
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Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), site access to the Commercial, School, and
Multi -Family Phases remains consistent with the approved Master Plan. This Master Plan
Modification application does not modify the transportation system, driveway access,
medians, or right-of-way improvements required by the approved Marcola Meadows
Final Master Plan. Further, the site does not involve railroad crossings.
Section 5.2-100 Public Hearings Process
5.2-110 Hearing Body Jurisdiction
A. The Planning Commission sha0 hear:
1. Type II review procedure administrative appeals within the city
2. Type III reviewprocedure quasi-judicial applications within the city
3. Type IV review procedure legislative applications that require a
recommendation to the City Council; and
4. Appeals as may be assigned by the City Counca.
B. The Hearings Official sha0 hear:
1. Type II review procedure administrative appeals within the
City's urbauizable men and appeals of all expedited land division
actions as defined in ORS 197.360;
2. Type III review procedure quasi-judicial applications within the
CiWs urbanizable area; and
3. Appeals as may be assigned by the City Counca.
C. The City Council shag hear:
1. Type III review procedure quasi-judicial appeals within the city
limits; and
2. Type IV review procedure legislative applications final decisions.
Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. It is
understood the application will be processed through a Type II review procedure,
pursuant to SDC 5.13-135.B.1.
Section 5.13-100 Master Plans
5.13-116 Preliminary Master Plan—Appficadon Concurrency
A. If the applicant requires or proposes to change the Metro Plan diagram
and/or text, the applicant shall apply for and obtain approval of aMetro Plan
diagram and/or text amendment prior to the submitral of the Preliminary
Master Plan application. The Metro Plan diagram and/or text amendment
may also require amendment of an applicable refinement plan diagram or
Plan District Map.
B. The Preliminary Master Plan may be reviewed concurrently with other Type
III applications including a Zoning Map a endmenq Discretionary Use,
Major Variance, or a Willamette Greenway Permit application.
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Response: This project is associated with recent Metro Plan Diagram and Zone Map Amendments
approved by the City Council on September 20, 2021 and adopted as Ordinance No. 6429.
As such, this application submittal complies with the above criteria.
C. Subdivision and/or Site Plan applications that initiate the various phases of
proposed development shall not be submitted concurrently
endy with the
Preliminary Master Plan. These applications shag not be submitted until
Final Master Plan approval is effective, as specified in Section 5.13-133. (6238)
Response: As stated above, a site plan review application cannot be reviewed concurrently with a
Master Plan Modification. As such, a site plan review application will be submitted in the
future, as required. The criterion is understood.
5.13-120 PrefiminaryMaster Plan —Submittal Requirements
The Preliminary and Final Master Plan applications shag be prepared by a
professional design team. The applicant shall select a project coordinator. All related
maps, excluding vicinity and detail maps, shall be at the sane scale. A Preliminary
Master Plan shall contain all of the elements necessary to demonstrate compliance
with the applicable provisions of this Code and shag include, but not be limited to:
Response: This Final Master Plan Modification application is subject to the provisions of Springfield
Development Code (SDC) 5.13-135. This section includes a long list of general submittal
requirements that may apply to a Modification of this type. In this case, most of the
submittal requirements are included. However, the Master Plan Modification Submittal
Requirements Checklist notes that all of the following items must be submitted. This
narrative section explains the reason for omitting certain materials from the project
submittal, as well as why this submittal does not constitute a new preliminary master
plan. To the extent applicable, the submittal requirements are met.
C. A Grading Plan which includes. existing and proposed elevations and where
2 or more feet of fill or grading is anticipated for portions of, or the entire
proposed Master Plan site. On hillsides, the plan shag show pad sites and
their relationship to the public right -of --way with existing contours at one -foot
intervals and percent ofslope. In areas where the percentofslope is 10 percent
or more,ontours may be shown at 5 -foot -intervals.
D. A Stonmwater Management Plan diagram which includes the stonmwater
management system for the entire proposed Master Plan site and anyimpacts
on adjacent properties. The plan shall contain the following components:
1. Roofdrainage patterns and discharge locations;
2. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns;
3. The size and location of smrmwater management systems
components, including, but not limited to: drain fines, earth basins,
dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormvvater quality measures; and
natural drainageways to be retained and/or .modified;
4. Existing and proposed elevations, site grades and contours; and
5. A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations
and documentation as specified in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted
supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and
documentation shall be consistent with the Engineering Design
Standards and Procedures Manual.
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E. A Wastewater Management Plan with maps and a narrative depicting the
location and size of existing and proposed wastewater facilities with
supporting calculations and documentation consistent with the Engineering
Deign Smudarda and Procedures Manual.
F. A U6hties Plan with maps and a narrative depicting the location and size of
existing and proposed water, electrical, gas and telephone service; and the
location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, street
lights, power poles, transformers, neighborhood .mailbox units and similar
public facilities.
G. A conceptual Landscape Plan with maps and a narrative illustrating proposed
landscaping for the entire proposed Master Plan site, including, but not
limited to: where existing vegetation is proposed for preservation, especially
riparian and wetland areas and trees; installation of vegetative buffering;
street trees; general landscaping; and a percentage range for the total amount
of required open space, broken down by the type of open space, public and
private, as applicable. A conceptual Landscape Plan is more appropriate at
the Master Plan level. A detailed Landscape Plan will be required during the
Site Plan Review application process required to implement the Final Master
Response: This application does not include or require changes to the preliminary plans described
above or stormwater management plan approved in the Marcola Meadows Final Master
Plan (Instrument No. 2021-018704). Please see the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), including
the Conceptual Master Plan and Preliminary Grading Plan, and the Stormwater Report
(Exhibit G) for further information. Specific landscaping, utilities, wastewater facilities,
etc. will be designed through the PIP process for each individual phase in accordance with
the Phasing Plan (Exhibit B) and described in Table 4, below. The submittal requirements
are provided, as applicable.
H. An Architectural Plan with maps.
I. A Parking Plan and Parking Study.
Response: As described in this written narrative, efforts are underway to modify the Marcola
Meadows Master Plan to provide additional commercial area. Architectural and parking
design components are subject to several factors, including independent approval of site
plan review applications in the future. As such, the plans described above are more
appropriately included within the future site plan review submittal. However, the
Conceptual Modified Master Plan (Sheet PO -03) within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B)
shows a high-level vision of the site as a whole. Therefore, to the extent relevant, the
submittal requirement has been met.
N. Neighborhood Meeting Summary. The applicant shall submit a summary of
issues raised at the neighborhood .meeting as specified in Section 5.13-117.
Response: This application involves a Final Master Plan Modification subject to the provisions of SDC
5.13-135 and the applicant is therefore not required to conduct a neighborhood meeting.
O. A copy of all proposed and any existing covenants, conditions, and
restrictions that may control development, ifappl c. able.
Response: The recently -approved land use amendments and updated Phasing Plan, among other
modifications, necessitate this application but do not otherwise affect findings made
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previously by City staff and/or existing covenants, conditions, and restrictions that may
control development. Please see Table 3 for detailed findings regarding compliance with
conditions of approval that relate to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan. Therefore, the
materials are not applicable.
P. Annexation. A general schedule of proposed annexation consistent with the
phasing plan, if applicable.
Response: This application involves property currently within the City of Springfield; therefore,
annexation materials are not included or applicable.
5.13-125 Preliminary Master Plan —Criteria
A Preliminary Master Plan shall be approved, or approved with conditions, if the
Approval Authority finds that the proposal conforms with all of the applicable approval
A. Plan/Zone Consistency. The existing or proposed zoning shall be consistent
with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable text. In addition, the
Preliminary Master Plan shall be in compliance with applicable City
Refinement Plan, Conceptual Development Plan or Plan District standards,
policies and/or diagram and maps.
Response: The subject site is currently designated MDR and Commercial on the Metro Plan Diagram
and designated CC, PLO, and MDR Districts on the Springfield Zoning Map. This project is
associated with recent Metro Plan Diagram and Zone Map Amendments adopted as
Ordinance No. 6429, necessitating this Modification application. Therefore, this
application is consistent with the diagram and applicable text. The subject site is not
subject to a Refinement Plan or Conceptual Development Plan. This written document
demonstrates compliance with the applicable updated Plan District standards and
policies. Therefore, the approval criterion is satisfied.
B. Zoning District Standards. The Preliminary Master Plan shall be i
compliance with applicable standards of the specific zoning district and/or
overlay district.
Response: The adopted changes in land use (Ordinance No. 6429) necessitate this application. The
Preliminary Plans and this written narrative document demonstrate the site complies
with the applicable development standards (e.g. minimum lot area, street frontage,
public utilities, etc.) relevant to the recently adopted zoning district designations on site
(e.g. CC). It is understood that compliance with the future underlying zoning and overlay
districts standards (e.g. lot coverage, setbacks, landscaping, floor area ratios (FARs),
building height, etc.) will need to be illustrated and reviewed at future site plan review.
Furthermore, the site is not designated with an overlay district. Therefore, the approval
criterion is satisfied.
C. Transportation System Capacity. With the addition of traffic from the
proposed development, there is either sufficient capacity in the City's existing
transportation system to accommodate the development proposed in all
future phases or there will be adequate capacity by the time each phase of
development is completed. Adopted Stare and/or local mobility standards, as
applicable, shall be used to determine transportation system capacity. The
Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with any conditions of approval
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from aMetro Plan diagram and/or text amendment regarding transportation
and all applicable transporta ion standards specified in SDC Chapter 4.
Response: As illustrated on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the Marco la Meadows Final Master Plan
will continue to accommodate the planned capacity generated by the project. The TIS
demonstrates compliance with the applicable transportation standards specified in the
SDC and concludes this Modification involves a minor addition in project traffic from the
current Master Plan (Instrument No. 2021-018704). Please see the TIS (Exhibit F) for
further details. Furthermore, this Modification is consistent with the conditions of
approval from the Final Master Plan (see Table 3) and the recently adopted Metro Plan
Diagram and Zoning Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 6429). The approval criterion is
D. Parking. Parking areas have been designed m: Facilitate traffic safety and
avoid congestion; provide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity within the
property and to nearby transit stops and public areas. The Preliminary Master
Plan shall also comply with all applicable vehicular and bicycle parking
standards specified in SDC Chapter 4.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), on- and off-street parking areas within the
Master Plan are designed to facilitate safe pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to and from
the property. This application includes updated CC District zoning on a ±1.14 -acre portion
of the site. The configuration of parking areas within the updated/adopted uses of land
are subject to site plan review in the future. As such, vehicle and bicycle parking for the
updated land use (i.e. professional offices) will be reviewed and approved incrementally
as a detailed site plan is advanced for that portion of the site (Tax Lot 1802). Therefore,
Criterion D is satisfied.
E. Ingress -egress. Ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate traffic
safety and avoid congestion; provide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity
within the property and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops,
neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas;
and minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this
Code or other applicable City and State regulations. The Preliminary Master
Plan shall also comply with all applicable ingress/egress standards specified
in SDC Chapter 4.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the Commercial Phases, the School Phase, and Multi-
family Phase share a future access point to minimize driveways on Marcola Road
(functionally classified as a minor arterial roadway), and are consistent with what is shown
on the approved Final Master Plan (Exhibit H). Ingress -egress points have been designed
to facilitate safe and efficient traffic, provide connectivity within and from the site, and
minimize driveways. As demonstrated in the application materials, the Modifications do
not include transportation improvements, comply with the applicable provisions of the
SDC, and are generally consistent with the approved Master Plan. Therefore, approval
Criterion E is satisfied.
F. Availability of Public Utilities. Existing public utilities, including, but not
limited to, vvacter, electricity, wastewater Facilities, and stormea ter
management Facilities either have sufficient capacity to support the proposed
development in all future phases adequately, or there will be adequate
capacity available by the time each phase of development is completed. The
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Public Works Director or appropriate utility provider shall determine capacity
issues. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with applicable utility
standards specified in SDC Chapters 4 and 5.
Response: This application facilitates a change in land use for a portion of the Master Plan (Tax Lot
1802) that may impact staff findings from the original approval. However, the other
portions of the site remain consistent with the approved Master Plan (Exhibit H) and do
not otherwise affect findings made previously by City staff and/or conditions of approval
relevant to sanitary sewer, water, utility impacts, and/or capacity constraints for the
remainder of the site.
The updated Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) demonstrate the planned modifications take
into account the applicable provisions of the SDC related to utility standards. For detailed
information regarding location, design, capacity, and function of public facilities, please
see Exhibit B. Adequate public utilities, water, electricity, wastewater facilities, and
stormwater management facilities will be provided with sufficient capacity to serve the
new Commercial Phase of Marcola Meadows in accordance with the updated Phasing
Plan (Exhibit B).
G. Protection of Physical Features. Physical features, including, but not limited
to slopes 15 percent or greater with unstable soil or geologic conditions, areas
with susceptibility to flooding, significant clusters of trees and shrubs,
watercourses shoves on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW)
Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and
open spaces and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance as may
be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-
240 shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The
Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with applicable physical feature
protection standards specified in SDC Chapter 4.
Response: This application involves various modifications to incorporate the amended zoning
designation and timing of phased improvements, as shown on the Preliminary Plans in
Exhibit B. The site is generally flat and currently exists as a grassy field with residential
construction under way in the northern portions of the site. Finding 45 of the Master Plan
states "the property is currently vacant and the only notable physical feature on the site
is the existing linear drainage channel (Pierce Ditch)." This application does not involve
updates to the Pierce Ditch. Improvements to the ditch are not included in either
Commercial Phase, and generally involve the removal of invasive vegetation and debris,
as shown on the Phasing Plan and Schedule (Exhibit B). Therefore, approval of this
application will not change the status of natural features on the site, is in accordance with
the finding made previously by City staff, and there are no associated conditions of
approval. Criterion G is met.
H. Phasing Plan. The Phasing Plan shall: demonstrate that the construction of
required public fistaides shall occur in a logical sequence, either in
conjunction with, or prior to each phase, or d atthere are appropriate financial
guarantees as specified in Subsection 5.13-120M. to ensure the phased public
facilities construction will occur.
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Response: As described in this written document, this application involves modifications intended
to facilitate conformance with the adopted changes to the use of land and phase
order/timing approved in the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan.
The phasing plan for Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan is intended to allow for the
construction of public facilities in a logical manner and appropriate market absorption
into the City of Springfield. The configurations of Phases 1 through 5 are responsive to
various points of infrastructure connection. Currently Phases 1A, 1B, and 2A are
completed and final plats have been recorded. An application for the final Phase 2B
Subdivision Plat was submitted in early September.
The remaining residential phases (i.e. Phases 3 through 5), were approved to be built
interchangeably. However, Lane County requires plat names to be of sequential order,
meaning Phase 3 needs to be platted adjacent to Phase 2B (i.e. where Phase 5 was located
previously). Due to this complex process, the timing of Phases 3 and 5 have been
swapped, though the boundaries and improvements within the respective phases remain
the same. The anticipated improvements and construction timelines are updated in Table
4, below, and highlighted. As such, the order of Phases 3 and 5 are no longer
interchangeable, and improvements are fixed as shown.
The Multi -Family, Commercial, School, and Church Phases are planned to be designed and
reviewed for compliance with specific site improvements. As such, the phases in the
southern portion of the site continue to be sectioned appropriately and provided with
independent accesses that will be implemented as financial guarantees are finalized. The
phasing plan is designed to be carried out in a manner that provides necessary public
improvements for each phase as it moves forward. The phasing configuration is
anticipated to be completed according to the following schedule in Table 4, Phasing
Timeline Table:
Table 4: Updated Phasing Timeline Table
Phasing Timeline Table
Description/Scope of Improvement(s)
Anticipated Construction
Phase 1A
Initial start of improvements on the subject site for the construction of lots
Complete and platted
intended for single-family detached homes (e.g. streets, underground utilities,
(CSF No. 45211)
franchise utilities, etc.), including:
• W Street access
• Required 31" Street frontage improvements adjacent to phase
• Tracts A and B stormwater facilities and associated improvements
• Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Phase 18•
Continued construction of lots intended for single-family
Complete and platted
(CSF No. 45406)
• Secondary emergency vehicle access
• VStreet access
• W Street improvements
• Pierce Parkway improvements
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Phasing Timeline Table
Description/Rope of Improvement(s)
Anticipated Construction
Phase 1B
Fenya Street improvements
Complete and platted
• 28'" Place improvements
(CSF No. 45406)
• Tract D stormwater facility and associated improvements (e.g.
maintenance/pedestrian accessway, etc.)
• Tract C pedestrian connection to existing EWEB pathway
• Extend public wastewater from existing trunk main in southern
portion of site.
• Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Phase 2A
Continued construction of lots intended for single-family
Complete and platted
(CSF No. 45514)
• Fenya Street improvements
• Pierce Parkway improvements
• Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Phase 2B
Continued construction of lots intended for single-family
Complete (final plat
review was submitted in
• V Street improvements
September 2021)
• Pierce Parkway improvements
• 28" Place improvements
• V Street and 31" Street intersection improvements
• Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Phase 3
Continued construction of lots intended for single-family
Fall/Winter 2021
(Previously Phase
26" Loop improvements
• Fenya Street improvements
• Tract private driveway/street improvements
• Tract K pedestrian connection to existing EWEB pathway
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Phase 4
Continued construction of lots intended for single-family
Spring/Summer 2022
• U Street improvements
• V Street improvements
• 26'" Loop improvements
• Fenya Street improvements
• Tract H stormwater facility and associated improvements
• Tract I pedestrian connection to adjacent existing development
• Improvements to Pierce Ditch adjacent to phase as required (e.g.
remove invasive vegetation and debris)
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Phase 5
Continued construction of lots intended for single-family
Spring 2023
(Previously Phase
Required 31" Street frontage improvements adjacent to phase
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Phasing Timeline Table
Description/Scope of Improvement(s)
Anticipated Construction
Phase 5
Pierce Parkway improvements
Spring 2023
(Previously Phase
U Street improvements
S Street improvements
• 28'" Place improvements
• Tract E stormwater facility and associated improvements
• Tract F private driveway/street improvements
• Tract G stormwater facility and associated improvements
• Improvements to Pierce Ditch adjacent to phase as required (e.g.
remove invasive vegetation and debris)
• Remove existing unpermitted agricultural crossing from Pierce Ditch
• Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public
improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit
Multi -Family
Improvements for the construction of lots intended for multl-family units (e.g.
Spring 2022
multi -family dwelling units, public streets, underground utilities, franchise
'Mufti -Family Phase is
utilities, etc.), including:
independent and may
• Internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking
precede any phase
• Pierce Parkway improvements (to 28'^ Street)
• 28'" Street frontage improvements adjacent to phase
• Pedestrian connection to 28'^ Place cul-de-sac (within Phase 3)
• Private internal stormwater management
• Tract M and Tract N open space and pedestrian path/maintenance
access along Pierce Ditch
• Tract 0 Stormwater facility
Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for commercial use
Spring 2022
(e.g. commercial use facilities, underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.),
'Commercial Phase is
independent and may
• Connection to multi -family vehicular and pedestrian circulation and
precede any phase
• Internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking
• Marcola Road frontage improvements adjacent to phase
• Private internal stormwater management
School Phase
Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for
Summer 2021 or later
institutional/educational use (e.g. institutional/educational facilities,
'School Phase is
underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.), including:
independent and may
• V Street improvements adjacent to phase
precede any phase
• Marcola Road improvements adjacent to phase
• Tract P stormwater facility
• Private internal stormwater management
• Tract M open space and pedestrian path/maintenance access along
Pierce Ditch
Church Phase
Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for church use (e.g.
Spring 2021 or later
church facilities, underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.), including:
'Church Phase is
• Initial commercial development
independent and may
• Tract L open space
precede any phase
• V Street improvements adjacent to phase
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Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 20
Phasing Timeline Table
Description/Scope of Improvement(s)
Anticipated Construction
Church Phase
Marcola Road frontage improvements adjacent to phase
Spring 2021 or later
• Improvements to Pierce Ditch within phase as required (e.g. remove
'Church Phase is
invasive vegetation and debris)
independent and may
precede any phase
Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for commercial use
Spring 2022 or later
(e.g. commercial use facilities, underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.),
'Commercial Phase is
(Additional phase
independent and may
in 2021, Removes
Connection to commercial vehicular and pedestrian circulation and
precede any phase
11.14 acres from
the Multi -Family
. Internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking
Marcola Road frontage improvements adjacent to phase
Private internal stormwater management
Therefore, this application satisfies Criterion H.
I. Adjacent Use Protection The proposed Preliminary Master Plan contains
design, elements including, but not limited to landscaping/screening,
parking/traffic management, and .multi -modal transportation that Emit
and/or mitigate identified conflicts between the site and adjacent uses.
Response: The Marcola Meadows Master Plan site contains land for single-family and multi -family
residences, a school, a church, and a commercial retail site. As demonstrated in this
written document, the project complies with the standards of the respective underlying
zones (CC) relevant to this Modification application. This application only involves
modification to a ±1.14 -acre portion of the Master Plan in the southeastern -most corner
of the site and therefore only involves modifications which affect use protection between
the adjacent Commercial and Multi -Family Phases. A recent site plan review application
for a multi -family residential project (i.e. Marcola Place Apartments) was submitted in
September and includes provisions related to landscaping, screening, parking/traffic
management. As illustrated on the Conceptual Modified Master Plan within the
Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the planned landscaping and fencing will separate the multi-
family residential development from the north side of the modified Commercial Phase
area (Tax Lot 1802). Adjacent to the west ofthe modified Commercial Phase is the shared
parking and circulation area with the existing Commercial Phase (zoned CC). As such, the
north and west boundaries of the site are separated by parking area, sidewalks, and
landscaping that provide required screening and segregate adjacent land uses to mitigate
Furthermore, it is understood that the Commercial Phases will require site plan review
applications to ensure compliance with required standards such that landscaping and
other design elements adequately facilitate protection of adjacent uses. Nonetheless, the
Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) contain elements which demonstrate these standards are
met. Therefore, the modifications necessitating this application remain consistent with
Criterion I.
5.13-135 Final Master Plan —Modifications
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A proposed Final Master Plan modification, or a proposed modification to a Master
Plan approved prior to the effective date of this regulation, shall be processed under
the applicable procedures described below.
B. The following modifications to the FinalMaster Plan shall be processed under
Type II procedure, unless the Director determines that the proposed
modification should be reviewed as a Type III procedure, based on the
proposed size of the Master Plan site; and/or the availabifity/capacity of
public frrifides; and/or impacts to adjacent properties including, but not
limited to noise and traffic. These modifications include a request
1. By the applicant if a proposed permitted no - esidendal use, for
ample, a church or a school, affects the approved FinalMaster Plan
residential density;
Response: This application involves modifications to the approved Master Plan to allow non-
residential uses in the southern portion of the site (i.e. future professional offices).
Therefore, this modification is applicable.
2. By the applicant for 10 percent or greater increases or decreases in
the overall gross floor area
of commercial, industrial or public
buildings; the number ofdwefiing units; building height, and the
location or building mass of the primary structure (as defined in this
Response: This application involves modifications to the approved Master Plan to facilitate an
approved change in land use which will ultimately affect the overall gross floor area of
buildings, the number of dwelling units permitted within, or building height/placement.
Upon approval of this Master Plan Modification, the design elements above will be
reviewed and approved incrementally as detailed site plans are advanced for those
portions of the site. Therefore, the modification listed above is not relevant to this
3. By the applicant for increases or decreasesin the amount of approved
or required parking by a Factor of 10 percent or greater. The applicant
shall provide a new parking analysis related to the proposal;
Response: This application involves modifications to the approved Master Plan to facilitate an
approved change in land use which will ultimately affect the amount of approved parking.
Vehicle and bicycle parking for the subject Commercial Phase will be reviewed and
approved as a detailed site plan is advanced forthe site. Therefore, the modification listed
above is not particularly relevant to this application.
4. By the applicant for a Zoning Map amendment or DiscretionaryUse
Response: This land use application incorporates a recently adopted Zoning Map Amendment
(Ordinance No. 6429) but does not include a Discretionary Use application. The above
modification is applicable.
5. By the applicant for proposals d atvwuld increase the number of PM
peak -hour vehicular trips by 10 percent or greater, except in cases
where a trip cap has been imposed on development of the property.
Where such a trip cap is in effect, a modification of the land use
decision that imposed the trip cap shall be required. In all cases, the
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applicant shall provide a Traffic Impact Analysis supporting the
Response: This application does not involve a 10 percent or greater increase in the number of PM
peak -hour vehicle trips. Please see the TIS (Exhibit F) which demonstrates compliance
with the applicable transportation standards and concludes this Modification involves a
negligible increase in project traffic from the previously approved Master Plan (Exhibit H).
The above modification is not applicable.
6. By the applicant to alter the placement of interior streets by 10
percent or greater from their approved location, as long as the
modification maintains the connectivity established by the approved
Final Master Pan;
Response: This application does not alter the placement of interior streets by 10 percent or greater
from the approved locations or affect connectivity established by the approved final
master plan. The above modification is not relevant.
By the City or the applicant when essential public infrastructure
cannot be provided;
Response: This Master Plan Modification provides essential public infrastructure concurrent with the
planned phasing schedule; the modification listed above is not applicable.
By the applicant to modify the Master Plan phasing schedule for a
specific phase of development when the proposed change affects the
construction of scheduled public improvements;
Response: The approved Marcola Meadows Master Plan shows Phases 3 and 5 as interchangeable
in terms of scheduled construction. Lane County requires plats to be recorded in
sequential order. As such, this application confirms which phase will be constructed first,
as shown on the Updated Phasing Plan. Therefore, this application involves a negligible
modification to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan phasing schedule.
By the applicant for extension of the Final Master Plan time limit
beyond the maximum approved time limit of7 years or the extension
permitted in Subsection B.3., above. In no case shall the extension
exceed 15 years from the date of Final Master Plan approval as
specified in Subsection 5.13-133C. An extension request shall be filed
in amitirw with the Director at least60 days prior to the expiration of
the initial 7 year period or any subsequently approved extensions.
The time fine extension will be granted provided the applicant has
made reasonable progress in the implementation of the Final Master
Plan and public services and facilities remain available;
Response: This application involves modification to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan phasing
schedule/timing (but not configuration/boundaries). Pursuant to Subsection 5.13-133C,
the existing Marcola Meadows Master Plan approval included a time extension granted
until July 25, 2023, at which time the Final Master Plan is set to expire. The Applicant
understands the 15 -year maximum timeline extension has previously been granted and,
once expired, no further amendments can be made to the approved (and expired) Master
Plan. Therefore, the modification listed above is not possible or applicable.
10. By the applicant for a change to the approved Final Master Plan
AVC Marcola Meadows Professional Offices October 2021
Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 23
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan
Boundary remains consistent with the original boundary on the approved plans (Exhibit
H). The modification listed above is not relevant.
C. Proposed Final Master Plan modifications other than those described in
Subsections A. and B., above, shall require the submittal ofa newPrefiminary
Master Plan application.
Response: This application involves modifications described in Subsection B above. Therefore, the
submittal of a new Preliminary Master Plan application is not warranted.
D. The following modifications to the Final Master Plan do not require
subsequent land use review and are allowed upon issuance of a building
permit, ifreguired:
1. Building interior improvements;
2. Exterior improvements associated with existing buildings that do not
evolve a change in Boor area, subject to all applicable base zone
development and design standards and relevant conditions of
approval as approved in the Final Master Plan;
3. Installation of new mechanical or electrical equipment, or
.modification of existing equipment, subject to all applicable base
zone development and design standards and relevant condi dons of
approval as approved in the Final Master Plan; and/or
4. Routine maintenance of existing buildings, facilities and
Response: This application does not include modifications listed above (which do not require
subsequent land use review). The subsection is not relevant.
E. A Pre -Submittal Meeting application, as specified in Section 5.1-120C., is
required prior to the formal submitral of the Final Master Plan modification
Response: A pre -submittal meeting will be scheduled upon the initial submittal. The criterion will be
F. For all Final MasterPlan modification applications described in Subsections
A and B, above, the applicant shag demonstrate compliance with the
1. Any applicable PreliminaryMaster Plan criteria ofapproval specified
in Section 5.13-125; and
2. Any other applicable standard of this Code that may be required to
justify the proposed modification.
Response: This written document demonstrates compliance with the applicable portions of the SDC
and specifically addresses the individual approval criteria within Section 5.13-125. The
criteria are met.
G. The Master Plan procedures in Appendix 3 of this Code regarding Master
Plan Modifications and/or newMaswrPlans shall apply to properties within
the Glenwood Riverboat Plan District, Section 3.4-200, until these regulations
are updated.
AVC Marcola Meadows Professional Offices October 2021
Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 24
Response: The subject site is not within the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District. The criterion is not
IV. Conclusion
The required findings have been made and this written narrative and accompanying documentation
demonstrate that the application is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City of Springfield
Development Code and Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. The evidence in the record
supports approval of the application and the City can rely upon it for its approval of the application.
AVC Marcola Meadows Professional Offices October 2021
Final Master Plan Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 25
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Final Master Plan Modification
Final Master Plan Modification 10.14.13 kl 1 of 8
Pre -Submittal Final Master Plan Modification: Type II
Final Master Plan Modification Type I: ❑
Final Master Plan Modification Type II: ❑
Final Master Plan Modification Type III: ❑
Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section)
Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Nei hborhood LLC Phone: Please contact consultant
Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Please contact consultant
Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville OR 97070
Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell
Phone: (503) 563-6151
Company: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC
Fax: (503) 563-6152
Address12965 SW Herman Avenue, Suite 100, Tualatin, OR 97062 Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com
Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
I Phone: N/A
Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
Fax: N/A
Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville OR 97070
1 TAX LOT NOS : Adjusted Tax Lots 1801, 1802, 180
Property Address: No situs, northwest of Marcola Road and 28th Street
Size of Property: +/- 100 acres Acres ® Square Feet ❑
Approved Use of Property: Various residential and commercial uses
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Modification: Update the land use and schedule of phased improvements.
Si natures: Please sign and Drint your name and date in the aricirociriate box on the next PacLe.
Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section)
Associated Applications: Signs:
Pre -Sub Case No.:
Reviewed by:
Case No.:
Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $
1 Postage Fee: $
Final Master Plan Modification 10.14.13 kl 1 of 8
Exhibit E: Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS) Soil Map
yenta Ave
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Hayden Bridge
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Soil Map—lane County Area, Oregon
1,5W Natural Resources Mb Soil Survey 4 /2020
3i Conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of
Area.fureens (Ad)
Spal Area
The sal surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at
army Spot
Very Sony Sp&Warning:
Sal Map may not be valid at this scale.
Sol Map Unit Polygons
VJIX S p a
Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause
Sol Mep Unit Ones
misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil
line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of
Soil Map Unit Points
contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed
Special line Features
Point Features
Water F.W.
Streams and Canals
Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map
Borrow Put
Clay Spot
Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Closed Depression
Web Soil Survisi
Interstate Highways
Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG385T)
Graces Pit
US Routes
Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator
Gravely Sp&
Major Roads
projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts
distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the
Loral Roads
Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if mare
Lava Flow
accurate calculations of distance or area are required,
Marsh or swamp
Aerial Photography
This productfrom the USDA-NRCS certified tlaW as
is gens)
of the version tlate(s) listed below.
version list
Mune or Quant'
Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area,1D,Oregon
Miscellaneous Water
Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 19, 2019
Perennial Water
Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales
Rock Outcrop
Saline Spot
Dates) aerial images were photogrephetl: Jun 12, 2019 Jun
19, 2019
Sandy So&
The orihophoto or other base map on which the sal lines were
Several Eroded Sp&
compiled and digitized probably differs from the background
imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some mina
shilfng of map unit boundaries may be evident.
Slide or Slip
Sodic Sp&
1,5W Natural Resources Mb Soil Survey 4 /2020
3i Conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of
Sal Map�ane County Area, Oregon
Map Unit Legend
LSUA Natural Resources Wab Sal Survey 4 12020
iMi Conservation Serme National Cooperative Scil Survey Page 3 a 3
Map Unit Synibd
Map Urii Name
Acres in AOI
Percent of AOI
Malabon silly day loam
Malaboni rban land complex
Oxley gravelly sit loam
Oxley4 rban land cernplex
Pengra sit loam, i to 4 percent
Philornalh cobbly silly day, 310
12 percent slopes
Salan gravelly silt loam
Salan-Urban land complex
Totals for Arm of Interest
LSUA Natural Resources Wab Sal Survey 4 12020
iMi Conservation Serme National Cooperative Scil Survey Page 3 a 3