HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Correspondence 1992-01-01/ INFORMATTON REGARDING THE APPLICATION APPLfCANT; Larcy and Sharon Schulenberg LocATroN oF REQUEST: 2191 North sth st., springfield, oregon JOURNAL NT,MBER: 92 04 - 80 HOME occuPATroN: storage of items for resale at otherlocations A copy of the application is available at the Development servicesDepartment. If you have questions about this holne occupationpermit, call Me1 Oberst, Assbciate planner, 726-37g3 l^1 Hoy"e Ccu''?AT(oN Al>Lot lc DECISION OF rIIE DTRECTOR The application has been APPROVED based on conformance with Section16.L00(6) of the springfield Deveropment code as folrows: A. The primary use of the building is a dwe1ling. The occupation is a secondary use that does not significantryaffect the character of the dwelring or neighborh5od. th9 dwelling wilr be used for indoor storage of goods andsales of the itens wirl take place at othei roca{ions. Awalk-in attic and the garage wilr be used for storage of theitems to be sold at other iocations. B c COMPLTANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SHALL OCCUR AT ALL TIMES: 1. one sign shall be permitted: a non-j-lruminated, wal1 signnot larger than one & a half square feet 2. There sharr be no display which would indicate from theexterior that the building is being used for any purposeother than a residential dwerling, excluding the ohe iignpermitted in 1., above. 3. There sharr be no outside storage of materiars visiblefrom public property or adjacent private property. All items pertaining to the business shall be storedinside. 5 4 5. 10. Mechanical equipment, except that which is compatiblewith resj-dential purposes, shall be prohibited. No equipment will be used. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperty line resulting from the home occupation. The business is storage of items only. The home occupation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions or utilize on-street parking of nearbyproperties. There will be no hazardous conditions created. If the proposed home occupation requires any modificationto the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature thatis not typically found in a residential district, theproposed home occupation shall be considered inappropriate and prohibited. No modifications are proposed. No merchandise, other than what is produced on-site shal1 be sold to the public from the premises. No merchandise shall be sold from the premises. The use or storage of heavy equJ-pment or heavy vehiclesshall not be permitted. Heavy equipment and heavyvehicles shall include, but not be lirnited to the use of:semi-trucks, trucks and tractors, back hoes, bob cats,refrigerator trucks, livestock trucks, comrnercial buses, farm tractors, garbage trucks and log trucks. Not Applicable Any home occupation which requires more than one vehiclefor its operation shall be prohibited. The one vehiclepernitted shaIl be limited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-up trucks. No business vehi-c1es are proposed to be used. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatchcenter where ernployees or subcontractors report to the residence to be dispatched elsewhere. Not applicable. 7 8 9 1L. L2.The applicant sha11 sign this agreement with the City acknowledging these conditions as well as additionalconditions d.eemed necessary to achieve compriance. t-3 .customer access to home occupations shalr be limited tothe hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.n. (customer access associatedwith. this business is linited to one at i time bvappointment onlv. ) There shall be no customer access to this business. D. THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE PROHIBITED AS A HOME OCCUPATION: L. Automobile repair, incruding but not limited to tune-ups,alignments, body-fender work, painting, detailing inAupholstering2- Health sarons, 9yms, dance studios, aerobic exercisestudios, karate and judo instruction3. Medical and dental offices4. Mortician, hearse services5. Tow truck services6. veteri-nary uses (incruding care, grooming and boarding)7. whoresare distrubution taking up more than the equivatentof 4O percent of the primary residence Any-home occupation which has been approved by staff sharl besubject to revocation by staff if the home occupation is foundto be in violation of the conditions under wtricfr the homeoccupation was approved. The revocation decision may beappeared to the Pranning commission in accord.ance witn tneprovisions of Article 15 of this code. Any home occupation which has been approved by the pranning commission shal1 be subject to revotltion by the plannin! commission if the home occupatlon is found to be in violatioiof the conditions under which the home occupation permit wasapproved. The revocation decision may be appeared to the citycouncil in accordance with the provlsionJ -of Article 15 ofthis code. The revocation sharr be sent to the appricant inwriting. The home occupation sharl cease within-:o days ofthe receipt of the revocation notice. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATTON DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODESOR ORDINANCES. E ) Y REEI PTJBL|F ROAD . Rr79l43635 U U \ 2217 5 gR"7t'91 oo iv ,ra. d .a I t j -oIo o t I \\ 't E l,aI q 6 STREET { I ) i a o 8t9 J-F ro o J ,17 5500 t { d.sd o \ I /r Ftd UJ G,Fo RE c \ ) TR 2@l - ,,,E @", cz a 6200 o JO. NO. g2-O4-80 )I t €2.r2 3608 il 1424 t4?3 7 r407 1406 i : 6 3700 , t422 9 3800 2 I i rqoe{ 3900 3 4loo 4000 I 4 t4?t 3 I r80l 2 o hv t4r0 to1902 t420 7 t4t9 6 t4il lt t4t7 r4r8 ,(o 5 t4t? t? t4 t4t4 t3 r4r3 3. r79'a!"a 1425 o.20ac.o.azac. l4t5 2201 2202 L t I 3 2?O4 2 It'f2203 3 t 22O5 i 2400 R \ 4 "206 2208 6 2207 5 22500 I ^$o \2220 22t8 \ 209 7 't 22lO c2 8 22n 9 4 500 tto 4600 Oq 4900 2 I b 7c 480 o i 47OO o 5roo 4 2 5504 ,.214 "f ar/. t, 5506 5503 (r, e 5800 o 7 5516 D' iI\a /t., 3 3.o' 55t4 2 '42 5515 u.. 900 'o s .l -, I 600r :.1.2602 6 ) ) hrcd F'