HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1977-01-02CITY OF SPRINGT'IILD A?PLICATION AND AGREEI'fl1M TOR SEWIjR I1OOKUP Application is hcrcby madc by thc undersigned propcrLy o\^,ner for permission to connecL thc follol+ing described propcrty to a ciEy sanitary se\^/er l-ine, owrrcd and maintained by the City of Spring-ficld, and I agrce to pay such a hool<up charge of $4.50 per fronE foot of the propcrty for thc first 150 fcet in depth to be served by such city servcr line in licu of an assessrrent against the described property. An additional $0.03 per sqrrare foot will be chargcd for any additionaL propcrLy beyond the first 150 feet. Property Description:Address: 2L81 North Fi fth Street Beginning at a point LBB4.34 feet North 0o 07t East and.437.26 teet North B9o 54t West, from the Southeast corner of the Jacob HaLstead Donation Land CLaiur No. 47 in Tovrnship L7 South, Range 3 l^Iest of the Wi[lamette Meridian, and running thence North 0o 0Br East 70.0 feet; thence North 89 54t West L30.0 feet to the^Easterly right of way line of Fifth Street, if extended Northerly; thence South 0" OBt I^lest on said Line 70.0 feet; thence South 89o 54t East l-30.0 feet to the point of begirming, aL1 in Lane County, Oregon. LATERAI. Sewer hookup charge:70 front feet G $4.50 per front foot =$31-5.00 square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft. This agrcenenL has been computed as being one-half (>r) of the equi.valent cost of an eight (B) inch lateral sanitary se\r7er aE the rate of $4.50 per abutting front foot and does not lnclude the cost cf a house connection to said city sel{er, se\.rer user charges, plunrbing penuits or other such costs to be assumed by Ehe properl-y o\r,ner. CITY OF SPRT}:CFIELD OREGON By:-.(/,-)rr/LW- Date: STATE OF OP.-EGON County of Lane ) ) ) ss BE IT RH'IE)IBERED, thaE on this before rne, tltc trndcrsigned, a Notary personatly apPcared the rvithin named day of Public in a for t -1Le /.a s3 ounty a StaEe, linor',n to rne to bc the l,r/ql'l<1 1 I 'J /'- L/ idenEical inclivi and acknor'rIe<Iged duaL /tilA cicscribcd to ,"": tl,aE ',,/-k itr and \r'lto csccutcd thc rviLhin ittst:rtrtttclll- exccutccJ thc satrie f::ec1y artd voltrnEarily' IIITNISS rny hancl and seal rhis day and ycar tast abovc writtcn. tr NoLary l'tr lc .a C ottutr t:r s rr l)xpirt s PROPiJRTY OI.]IiERS: I ,