HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-08.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s i,orth stlz stre eAPPLT cA?r,!l /PERI/L,, Spr.ngfield, ?regon 97177 Building ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFTEI.D gJ Date: I Genere.L rob !.ocactcn, 224<] N, 5.TJf Aaoesoo?s:4 fr 11 AZ ZL Zl re bt # oi c1- oe- 4loo Subdi'isicn: t)f. f._-V t le a;rer; lne {fnlq ^ Pl LtlAED ]S . SCtLACf,\ Ad&esa:ZZ4O N, sTh Ftone:1 ]1--R'j% t ll".iaTA'r-l- APPaosE.O I^TOOOBtOVe- Deacribe tlork: velue/r67-1':* t-t Data of [Xl,- 12-e,a,- tCliCcn RenoCeL PLwbiu l, .-t-'^-, Jcan'--otJ faq-orfi mq coaai@- .Lrirlrr- tt ia ihe reagoncibilit7 or' tle penri;. holder b oee tl@t al! inspectio#, cne nad.e at ihe prol;et line , thzt "4411 c)'b236 is teaZztie ;'roar tlv stteet, cnC trat the p*rt; cad, ia Located at the frctt of the property.t2uiUlq ?)uicio- ct=roted pl,ot s|c.ii, retta'ln on tle tsu'Jlding Slte at aLL tiaes. ?1OCSDAP| ?AR i;lsPglClt R9€11ZST:CALL726-3769(tecorCet) state your City Cesigr.ated job ntsber, job n);ness, tgpe of inspee'.i<;n recttesxcC a-tiiteiyou tiLL ce reatiy for i*pcctiort, Cont"ddtc"e cr A;e:s nane atd plone nt*trber. P.equesxs teceixed. befcre 7:0C ct'-iLL be norie tb sante dc7, "eqtests naie cfta ?:00 on viLL be nnde the nat.,nrkiti dag. lor, City Desigr,ated Job ltutnbe.t ,", ?39Ut)?=I e7'F rraaarrarrt acdrrfiA;fr;7o be raCe afler prtcr tc se! ry of 1'onts. wDi,?sLA3 ?:L'i131:tG, ZLie9IC;!.' ;AC!:).:li':AL: 7o be nnrje ceiore aty rNnk is cove:ed. U:IDEP!'-CCR !'L|]:s T::C 1 ]1!C2A}I TCA L :lobe"@iof floor ir,suktictt or deckir.g. Fr;:Aa P!.A:.8!::A IT:IAL |IE:A:IICAL :?tt-ar ??:pat..?. -.t^u ar-e-.11e^u !!suLA?!0!t/vAPCR BARRTZR rllS?|C7IOil : ?o be r:ade after aLL itrsuLcticn cti tequ4red tqor bo-n)els @e in pla,ce brt before ory La-"h, Wpsl^t1r boarC or rnLL eouering is qglied, a'nd before ay ira.,tlation is eoncealed. DP,YIALL MSP9*!0!I: Tc be aade a7tiZtr@Ls in place, but prior to crry tapirg. W.S7!l7l: Steel Locatiott, bonC fiffgputin4 or oeriiccls in aceorbce !/i;h U.B.C. Section 2415. DZ!:OLI!IO!! OP, :.:CVi) SUILD!;|CS S@ti'-@J seaet eq-oed :t ?topartl l*:e Septic totk y.weC ar,n filled uith gzybei Final - illen cbcue dtens ore ec:toleteC c.d utten CawliCon is eatplete br st;t;e- ture aooed oi pratrisee eleancl up. , l I I i--l rgor:.r'c I ?ou:!D,1Tic:t: To be tcceI I di-ffi;$AEcatatad crd f*ns cte erected, but pt"Lon '.opurirq ecncrett. ' 't::gACPCf:O P:Ltt3::tC. Si,=P. t,tlZP. t- I DPA:JAG:: fo be r.a;e przor =o ;'iL-Lirq =tetchze.I e l-I looDs?o't!: After itetalZation islvl6tEA. -' i1 nst .tito zt;:.t: ru b) ,aie pr)on toi I inacaLkr'-cn oi iloor insula;ior. cr deekin4. 30,.tcE ?at:!3!::c. ?llrglrAa ) itzcl-A;lir)L: llo 'so:i,- ,Ja to be cotelec ffiT ihe s e ir-scec;ior.s h:,v e'a e er avie d. e??)iea. tr..a.-!-Aur: *-Ol 'A ?Lc.s-74 :CC'-n€,,,ctefrE ard before TrortrS inapel- tiot:. FPAllIilC: ilutt be rec.tected afler cpprclta! of rcugh phtrcing, electri- a,L 2 aeciutticz!.. ALt rcoiizg brzr|rg I ch*rmcgs, ete. rust be aaple.-cd. ::o .;ot< is to be car - ceclal, until :his insoectica is,a'beet ,no,!.a attC cVpmved., CUFS 4 APP9CACI! APICN: oe evecveC but prtot After fontsto patr)ng cofi,c?ete. SIDE IAL\( E DRETiA!: For all cctt- c.rete panirq utithtn st?eet righ!- oi-tx!, to be naCe aftet all" erca- ,dtitg eanplete I for-a wrk & eub- inse ncterial in pbce.T ,] ALL pro;ect cor-dilicns, suc,h as che i.ns;allcxicn of sireei zrees, ccnlexioa o1'tie reqaircri Zcttascccir4, ctc., ilLtst be satisiiei bciore ,-he 3tliLDIilC ilifAL can be regested. ?IilAL SUILJMC: Ta,e Pinal SuildiTq fnsoeclion ntst be ?equesteli zi1er lhe F,i,ttal Plurbing ileccriccl, oti l,leciuniccl ir.scecricns iratte been ncie atd cccroue{. tsLockittg od, Sat-:tp PlunbinX conneczlcns -- sare! od, ttater E\ectriccL Ccnnecxion - Blockirq, set-u. afld plmbing earnections ntst be cpprcxaC before requesz'Jrg elec2rical i*aec=io- Aceessory* BuiElng Final - Aftcr :crei.es, slirtit"g, deci's, etc- @e c=r,oZe=eti. I l 'AiL:-!AJPCa:S Ati'D CLlAilcUlS:!US! 3E.4CC1S3:312, .1DiL,S?:F::::0 3S:.tD!:'.! ll0 !!ST lC Cfy ?:ie 7 of 2 I f-l yttcs: tthen cqozate -- *ouiie | ,r":;,tr."r nouable' sections tttrangh t] rI )--., Lot Facas - Access. ilo!a4 ?ant Q^.-i f-ot Sq. F*. Z cf l-. Caserc.gc-_ lntericr Cornef ?otirwile Cul,-de-sac TaLue7 ! of Sto?:es iotaL !a":gh. Togoging llest i.Ein a=cce ^ar.? vllrta s. D. C,J.5: I ri'O.L IA.AL.L fi*::res Regd,artial {1 bcth) Se.ten :iO. | .rii fra,t/E:Csrd. Cir*lzts Semttce ,7i. Vent Fat TcoCsto:te I loo Sectyl,tu ge=osit Stor:ce llc.i.ntersr:z SiAe..alk JOB NO 3A soLAR-CCESS REQ.- /Ccr.s=3ei:ccea Jeat ;oDe DdEa PaaA: Receipt #: Sioz,ed: Mecho nicql Permit L-CO G+ ?c:t=cr.ct J -- Fees -- 1 Building Volue & Permit This pennzt ia grcnted on the eqress condition tt@t the saii constntctiottsiu.iL, in all rescects, confcrn to the Crdinotce cCootei;iy the City oilg1-ngfielC, )ncludnng lhe Soning Mintznce, regaLc::Jn_o ;hL cctstrictiZnc.d..use o! cuiLdi.ngs, otC n=.g be sucoetd.ed or rleuckei -ot cry i.-::te u2on uic-LctLon oi ,zty prcuisions of saiC 1rCirances. Euidirq Pernit State lotc.L Chcgea Pl'ttnbing Perdit Stcta Stcta L Pe*.*t fssuance Uo^L--.'^-t z--: t -- i;tcP.CAci:.!a:t7 -- uC)4 L , Plumbing permit No_ pereon slall coui:ntct, lnetal!, altet ot ciwnge cng rer!, et etistir.g 1l**.i"s cr drainage scs-l? in'ahole or in part, -*.t""i such persin is- treLegal.poasessor of a oalid ?lrybe1,s License, ercept tLct a pietsoa nay dopltorbthg wrk to p"ope?t! ulnch ie ouned, Leased, or ogeruted'by the qpli_@.t. Electrico I Perm it lllere Stz,le Lan requires tl,at the electrtcal uork be Cane bv an gleetriealcottructot', the electrtcal porliott of :his pe*rit siull rot- be oalil, urztilthe Lobel hae been aign?A fu the tlectrical'Contracto?. a P Lc,n f EAW CAREIULLy SXA.!,!iltED the conpleta-d aoolicaticn for pe*i:, cnd, d,clereby certify tlet aLL ir.fo:,attbn heneoi' is trrte ."e "Ziii"i "rre rfirther .eertif'g that ory crl. aLL wrk perfo*ned. artall be done in accc?-dance '"nth '-ite 1tdinctces of the citg oi soringfield., otc che Lc;s oJ' tzeState of )regcn petzaintna to the wrk nesd-bba herein, ad. :is.t :tO CCCi.t- F.4.lc.'r '.tlt! be ,aie of ary st::ucf,re tsithout oenn|ssiovt cJ' the 3uiidino DL-ttis1on. ! i'ul"*.her certifi th-zt o:tly.ontrcclo"s a-d, e::ployees uho q-e inca.;ol'-ance alch CRS ?0l.0SS uiLL be- used on this goject I i yobti,ia tate )'t-e -o\ ?2!AL *:,!CUiI? }IJE:'lo@ a Signe<i I La C:':Ci *,haet IIaC '3 (n 9zrce