HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1997-06-13a INSPECT'ON t,NE SEE 'NSPECTIONS ON BACK SIDE APPTICATION DATE: DATE ISSUED: F'ELD 225 s 7 4 77 OFFICE 7 26-375 3 PERMIT NUMBER: fiufifl?fl:HMENT PERMr LO CA TI ON o F KWOR PHONE ZIP,2{oa PHONE: STATE EXPIRATION . DATE: PHONE: 3V E. tIIDA CITY: .9 -6 ADDRESS: CITY: CONTRACTOR: SITE ADDRESS; ADDRESS: PHONE: TAX MAP: TAX LOT: CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION NO: PROJECT SUpERVtSORT APPLICANT D SUBDIVISION: OWNER: STATE: 6 ACCOUNT NOr R EOUES TED PER rTsM INSPECTIONS REOUIRED:APPLICATION FEE / oEPOSTT \ f, ervcnoAcHM VALIO FOR SIXTY Q cur srneer ENT PERMIT NO: 160I DAYS FROM OATE OF ISSUANCE E BoBE O orHEB I ousr coNrRoL (TypE oF coNTRoL] Q corusrnucfloN, sroRAGE, srAGtNG Q orxen Q rserllr DEposlr.,........ TYIE OF SECURTTY pEPOS|T Q er-aNrer suBETy BoND e suntrv aoruo E 920.00 / E$ E $10.00+$.1s/FT. E $1o.0o+$.1s/FT.o E $5.00 i E $s.oo / TOTAL DUE: $b TOTAL DUE WITH PERMTT $ TIME: TIME: DEPTH HEIGHTT tr a tr tr $ $ $ E CASH / cHEcK wAY, TO 8E PLACE. BASTN / BUBBLER ESTUB e uatrulrrue $500,000 MtNIMUMtrATTAcHED E REoUIRED AMouNT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PERIOD OF USE OR TIME OF CONSTRUCTTON: n PLANs (TWo sETS)ATTAcHED AREA: LENGTH:TWIDTH: TYPE OFWORK: CUT: OTHER: FROM DATE: TO DATE: BORE: EXISTING SURFACE MATERIAL:BACKFILL MATERIAL: BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE UTILIZED SURFACE REPLACEN4TNT MATERIALS TO BE UTILIZED: TYPE OF DUST CONTROL TO BE UTILIZED:. NAME OF OTHER UTILITIES IF THIS IS A JOINT PROJECT: WARNING DEVICES TO BE UTILIZED: Advrnco signing and work zons protoctlon to bo in compliance wlth tho Manual on Uniform Tra(ic Control Devices (MUTCO) DESCRIPTION: WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTER X ARTICLE 5 OF THE CITY CODE. CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH MUTCD . REVTSIONS 8/24/95 FORM ' 116 ffi 4 t ZIP: a LAN REV lEw c INSTRU [b.,(.HB'Etdt# CTIONS: EXISTING I bMPLIANCE WITH CUBRENT - OO1 Backfill with 1(" minus rock' 002 Compsct ev8ry 1 8" loose dePth' 003 Requlras comPaction with I stsol rolller' 004 A.C. to match th8 grester ol exlsting dePth or 4" 005 All cuts soalod for tinal lnsPoction' end o, ths daY' 006 TemPorarY pstch mEy b6 used at thg with MUTCD OO7 Slgnlng and Zond protBction to complY OO8 Cut concrets only on scoro lines or cold ioints. 009 Sidewalks and drivewaYs min' 3 .0OOPsi. 010 Curblng min 3,500Psi / No Patchwork less than 3' 011 Meot min, requirements on curb cuts,Sptd. code' 012 Rostore plantsd 8rsas, SPld'code 206.3.05 013 SPoc, to Bore / Jack / No A'C' cuts' 014 Mechanlcal oompacting required' 015 No Patchwork allowed 016 Loteral cuts to have control dsnsitY till' 0 17 Cuts to be PolYmerized crack sealed lor final insPection' 01 I Minlnum 2" crushEd rock l(" minus clrY CODES AND -' 019 020 021 o22 o23 024 o25 026 o27 028 Minumum 4' clearance 8t any point' swing'away' 'ai^.,.it ",'"*um 4" depth' 3'000psi' n Trsnch to bo "T" cut' n ".0, Stttt / CountY Permit' iff;;;;;;';d enclosinss in sidewalk or handicap ramps' ffi;;;il^.c'/concrete value boxss to srade' Fresh Oil signs I Graded' ;;il ;ifi Americans with oisabilities Act' I"tt"r.,. slabe, 72hrs' curing time' 45o0psi' il,;;; iiutt t.quitt ioint sealmatsrial' il;;tY requkos dowels evarY 18"' t"ornni"titl control plan prior to excavation' r.roiirv frottic Oivision belore excavati'n' iort ottf, main line, insert toe' 2olo min' s'u9:'- - - Must compty with the p'o'iJont of oRS 757'54'l to 757'571 6" Ckcular hole/H2O'Vac' 029 030 031 032 0s3 343 Commentsl T HE LANE U "ONE CA YOU ARE REOUIRED TO CALL TILITIES CO ORD INATIN G COUNCIL'S LL NUMBER ,,1-800-3 32-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING INSPECTIONS: 7?,6-3769 SEWER, STORM SEWER, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OTHER INSPECTIONS CALL CITY MAINTENANCE AT LL BE E n SANITARYu 726-9761. SIGNATURE: Bv sionaturs. I state and aoree, that I have caref ully examined the completed application. and do hereby certifY that all inf ormation. HJr;iX'i;Ti.rio ii,riijjt, Ei.,Aliijrtiie;'6lftitv'Irrat'ariv-iriii'iitworti peitorinEa'shalt be dgne irlaccordalrce with the ordinances of the biii'ijt'soiinliieio, ippiii'auiiiciiv'Stahoaio'ipijclfiCitions-and Drawinss. and the laws of the state^oj-ofeg-oepgrtaining to the work described heiein. lftjrther certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance wlth OltS /Ul.Ubb wlll 0e used on tnls project. The Citv mav inspect the work site described in this permit at any time durins a one vear period followins the receipt bv the Citv of notice cif corholotion of tho described work and specify. at the Citv's sole deScression, anV additional restoration wbrk iequired to' return the siteto a standard acceotablo to the Citv. The permittee'will bo notified in writin'q of anv work reouired and will have thirtv d^eis (3Q) .from the delq of. the notico to complete'tho work. Work not completed at tho en? of thi, thirty days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to the permittee. Signature (/ /Date b -/g-77 I furthor aoree to and the ap-proved reouested at the proper time ,ll times during cohst'ruction. that all required insoections plans will r'emain ori tho site are that address res aad,fromble theproject street, at a DATE PAID:AMOUNT BECEIVED: RECEIVED BY:RECEIPT NO: VALIDATION: I rraerrurENANCE: f, eenrrltrr tssUED By: FOR SIDEWALK AND CURB CUT PERMITS PLACE A COPY (COMPLETED) IN PERMIT DRAWER. AT TIME OF COMPLETION: nnTtr. DATE: .DATE: " WORK IN PROGRESS ELEVENTH DATE: DEPOSIT RETURNED:DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: INSPECTION: , truSeeCttOru: DATE: I rnnrrrc REVTEWED BY: f, rxcrrueERrNc REVTEWED BY: DESIGINATEDSTATE CITY JOBYOURSIDEWALKANDCUTCURB FORBEADYWILLBEYOUWHENJOBA.M.7 :0OBEFORERECEIVEDPHONEOR TOAREINSPECTIONSDAYNEXTTHEBEMADEWILLA.M.7:00AFTEBTHEMADE CONCRETE.POURINGTOINBUTPLACEISANDMADEFORMAREWORKINAFTERCALLED F-:,if:ill:f:t! itlt:*l.luHHl,li:, E l::H 5Ef -l4E EE5l 5d I FLll FIRECHANGETRANSf,cTIoNsUIII{ARYo6/|3/g?l1r19t22Trc2ooA-!! HAVE YOU A;i;; ABOUT LIPE INSURANCE?L, 3054-24-?8 DI./AOt. 16/39s ITEII Cfl6 EFE. NO CODIi DI.TE 1. 23 06/13 IN$URED: PAUL DAVID HAXBY s00 , ooo ir7't,% xk/#f DESCRI PT I ON ion, TNcREAsED BAsrc cPL Lrl{rrg J/'{z {5o? /-/4-E- f- O Cct 7///-s4r FABMERS TNSURANCE GROUP OF COMPANIES ftu ..7-14-'fl -''*1 ry