HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 FY22 Supplemental Budget 1AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 10/18/2021 Regular Meeting Neil Obringer/Finance 541.736.1032 10 Minutes Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: FY22 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 1 & APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolutions: ACTION REQUESTED: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, TRANSIENT ROOM TAX, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING CODE, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BOND SINKING, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, BOOTH -KELLY, REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT, SDC ADMINISTRATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND FROM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE OPERATING EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE, AND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE, AND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT OPERATING EXPENSE. At various times during the fiscal year, the Council is requested to adjust the annual budget ISSUE to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other STATEMENT: required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department. This is the first of three FY22 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. Attachment 1. Council Briefing Memorandum ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 2. Supplemental Budget Resolution and Exhibit A The overall financial impact of the Supplemental Budget Resolution is to adjust department DISCUSSION/ Operating Expenditures by $5,790,493, Capital Expenditures by $9,990,123, Interfund FINANCIAL Transfer Expense by $844,685, and Unappropriated Balance by $59,638. These are offset IMPACT• by new revenue of $1,255,270, a reduction in Contingency of $14,600, a reduction in Reserves of $2,125,896 and adjustments to Beginning Cash of $13,793,878. Included within these adjustments are several transfers between existing appropriation categories. Those transfers include, $1,000 from City Manager's Office Operating Expense to Interfund Transfer expense, $5,000 from General Fund Contingency to Interfund Transfer Expense, and $9,600 from General Fund Contingency to Finance Department Operating Expense. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: 10/18/2021 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Nathan Bell, Finance Director BRIEFING Neil Obringer, Budget Officer Subject: FY22 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 1 MEMORANDUM ISSUE: At various times during the fiscal year, the Council is requested to adjust the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department. This is the first of three FY22 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services BACKGROUND: Supplemental budgets may be used to meet unexpected needs or to spend revenues not anticipated at the time the original budget was adopted. In accordance with Oregon budget law, notification of this supplemental budget and a hearing is made no later than five calendar days before the public meeting. A public hearing is only required when a supplemental budget request changes total appropriations within a fund by 10% or greater. Notification of this public hearing was published in the Register Guard at least five days prior to the public hearing. The attached information identifies the individual items that are included in the October 18th, 2021 Supplemental Budget request. Changes to the budget included in this request fall into three general categories: reallocations, carryforward requests, and new appropriation requests. Reallocations move existing approved budget authority between already appropriated spending categories, such as an appropriations transfer from a contingency account to operating expense. Re -appropriations or carryovers represent money that was committed by contract in the previous year but the contracted work was not completed within the fiscal year. The prior year's remaining budget amount needs to be appropriated into this year's budget to allow final payments to be made in the current year. Re -appropriations also may include money for capital projects that were planned but not completed in the prior year. The projects are still scheduled and funds are being carried forward to the current year's budget. New appropriation requests include both expenditure items that are funded by new revenue, such as a new grant, and expenditure items that are being requested to be funded out of reserves. FY22 Supplemental Budget 1 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 5 Page 1 of 2 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Projects: In a work session on September 13th, 2021, the Council was presented with a list of potential projects to fund using ARPA funds, some of which could be included in the FY22 supplemental budget #1. Funding for the following projects are included in this supplemental budget: • Increase Development & Public Works (DPW) Operations (OPS) operating expense in the Special Revenue Fund by $100,000 to allow for Council security improvements. • Increase DPW OPS operating expense by $150,000 in the Special Revenue Fund to allow for City Hall elevator replacement. • Increase DPW Community Development (CMD) operating expense in the Special Revenue Fund by $223,576 to hire three limited duration positions. The supplemental budget covers the first seven months of three positions (housing specialist and two planners) who will focus on the delivery of State mandated planning activities, high priority housing/transportation initiatives and provide support for certain ARPA funded projects. • Increase Fire and Life Safety operating expense in the Special Revenue Fund by $630,000 to replace radio equipment. Summary of Proposed Changes by Fund: All Funds Beginning Cash Adjustment - All funds beginning cash adjustments total $13,793,878. Usually beginning cash adjustments occur because prior year expenses were not as great as predicted, resulting in more money being available in the new year. In February, the budget preparers attempt to estimate the status of the City's expenditures as of the end of the fiscal year (June 30), but a variety of factors can result in costs being ahead or behind schedule. Proceeding is a list of beginning cash adjustments by fund. MW F Change in Beginning Cash General -Fund 100 5 1.389.793 Street -Fund 201 709.491 Special Revenue -Fund 204 78,642 Transient Room Tax - Fund 208 468322 Community Development - Fund 210 (497,653) Budding Code - Fund 224 238,329 Fire Local Option Levy - Fund 235 48,951 Police Local Option Levy - Fund 236 583,665 Bond Sinking - Fund 306 59,638 Development Assessment Capital - Fund 41 (2,800) Development Projects - Fund 420 (240,079) Regional Wastewater Capital - Fund 433 6.284,824 Street Capital - Fund434 1,498,777 Sanitary Sewer Operations -Fund 611 111,989 Regional Wastewater - Fund 612 2,452,034 Ambulance - Fund 615 (811,185) Storm Drainage Operations - Fund 617 (1,262.762) Booth-Kellv -Fund 618 273327 Regional Fiber Consortium - Fund 629 8,047 Insurance - Fund 707 869.247 Vehicle 8 Equipment - Fund 713 1,466,691 SDC Administration - Fund 719 66.590 TOTAL S 13,793,373 FY22 Supplemental Budget 1 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 5 Page 2 of 5 General Fund 100 • Appropriations Transfer of $9,600 from General Fund Contingency to Finance Department Operating Expense to fund a contract with Lane Council of Governments to support negotiations with Comcast for renewal of the City's cable franchise agreement. • Increase City Manager's Office Operating Expense by $83,793. These are carryforward funds from the prior year associated with the Council's Mission, Vision & Values project which was delayed due to COVID-19 and City Council/Mayor turnover. • Increase Eugene/Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense in the General Fund by $80,324 and in the Fire Local Option Levy Fund by $20,294 in response to Conflagration deployment within Oregon from July 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021. This operating expense increase is offset by corresponding revenue. • Increase Interfund Transfer expense by $811,185 to allow for transfer to the Ambulance Fund. As a result of a migration to a new ambulance billing system causing a delay in billings and subsequent revenues, ambulance fees were impacted more than anticipated at the time of FY22 budget preparation. This request is for an additional transfer of funds to address the Ambulance Fund's resulting negative fund balance. Street Fund 201, Sanitary Sewer Fund 611, Stormwater Fund 617, SDC Admin Fund 719 Increase Information Technology Department operating expense by $45,000 ($16,200 - Street Fund, $15,300 - Sanitary Sewer Fund, $13,050 - Stormwater Fund, $450 - SDC Admin Fund) to support the procurement of technical support services that will allow Development & Public Works to enhance the utilization the Office 365 suite. This request responds to business needs which came up after the development of the FY22 adopted budget. Special Revenue Fund 204 • On July 1, 2021, the City of Springfield was awarded $10,000 in grant funds from Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) for resiliancy and recovery funding in our community. The project approval was for upgrades to the Springfield Chamber of Commerce so that they can make technological upgrades for community and business meeting capabilities. • City Manager's Office requests carryforward from FY21 of $37,011 in unspent US Ignite grant funds. City of Springfield was awarded additional grant funds under the US Ignite grant to study and expand existing fiber infrastructure in Downtown Springfield. • Increase DPW CMD operating expense by $15,000 from Technology Fee reserve to hire a temporary position to complete scanning and indexing work on projects files. This need results from several unanticipated vacancies. • Increase library operating expense by $71,662 associated with grant awards from FY22 and late FY21. Revenue received in FY22 includes: Friends of the Library ($3,100) to support online databases, the Springfield Library Foundation ($12,645) to support storytime area remodel and ADA furniture and ($3,595) to support the museum with the purchase of a freezer for artifact pest control; Lane Council of Libraries shared costs for our Library2Go downloadable books ($9,602), and a Mills Davis grant ($18,886) to support youth access to the library. Revenue received late in FY21 for supporting library programs in FY22 includes Oregon Community Foundation Grant ($16,000) for early childhood summer programming, an American Library Association grant ($4,834), and LatinX teen programming grant ($3,000). • Increase Police Department operating expense by $100,157 in miscellaneous grant awards. Approval of this request will allow for use of unexpended grant funding approved in FY2020-21 with grant timelines that crossed multiple fiscal years. Unexpended grant funds include $28,707 from the 2018 JAG grant, $10,565 from the FY22 Supplemental Budget 1 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 5 Page 3 of 5 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding program, $2,262 from the DOJ Body - Worn Camera Implementation grant, $4,364 from the 2020 BJA Bulletproof Vest Program grant, and $12,838 in traffic safety overtime enforcement grants. This request will also allow for the use of $20,000 in newly awarded traffic safety overtime enforcement grants and $21,416 for the non-competitive 2021 DOJ Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). Increase Police Department operating expense by $203,672 for vehicles whose purchase was not anticipated in the current fiscal year. Two vehicles were budgeted within the prior fiscal year but were not purchased/received due to supply chain issues, one vehicle was in a collision and totaled in July 2021, and one vehicle is requested for the Professional Standards Division that was previously an unanticipated need. Vehicle replacement funding is coming from 713 reserves ($127,487), insurance contributions and outside entity support (Lane County ($30,000), JAG grant ($18,685), and a contribution by Eugene Springfield Fire towards replacement of the CAHOOTS van ($27,500). Building Fund 224 • Increase DPW CMD operating expense by $97,500 to allow for the addition of one FTE building safety inspector. Position was approved after the FY22 budget was adopted so could not be included in the adopted budget. Current and projected building construction volume is exceeding the capacity of the current three field inspectors on a regular basis and a fourth inspector is needed. Street Capital Fund 434 • Project P21173 City of Springfield Signal Enhancements is a federal aid project requiring a local match. The total project funding is $2,033,100, of which the City is required to provide a match of $157,397. The project will fund installation of signal enhancements to increase traffic flow. Project P21156 Mill Street Reconstruction is a federal aid project to develop the design concept and reconstruct Mill Street from South A to Centennial. Construction is anticipated to begin in late FY23. This SB request will provide a portion of the required City match to support the project design phase which will include wastewater, stormwater, and bike/ped facilities along with the surface reconstruction design. This SB increases DPW capital expense by $215,000 in the Street Fund, $200,000 in the Sewer Fund, and $300,000 in the Stormwater Fund. Project P21176 is a federal aid project to develop the design concept and complete NEPA analysis for the McVay Highway (OR225) corridor from Franklin Blvd. (OR126) to the southern end of City jurisdiction (approx. 0.9 miles). The federal aid grant was transferred from the Glenwood Riverfront Path project to support growth along the corridor. This SB request requests $315,000 from the Street Capital Fund to provide the required City match to support the project. Vehicle and Equipment Fund 713 • Increase DPW CMD operating expense by $25,551 to allow for addition of a fleet vehicle to the building inspection program. The Building Safety section of Community Development is adding an inspector position to meet current and projected development volume. • Increase DPW CMD operating expense by $25,551 to allow for addition of a fleet vehicle to the code enforcement group. The code enforcement program is comprised of two code enforcement officers, but only one dedicated vehicle, the other is on loan from the building program. The building team, who has been sharing their vehicle, also has experienced an increased need for that vehicle and with Code Enforcement moving to almost solely field based work, the need is much more apparent for each enforcement officer to be assigned their own vehicle. FY22 Supplemental Budget 1 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 5 Page 4 of 5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolutions: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, TRANSIENT ROOM TAX, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING CODE, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BOND SINKING, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, BOOTH -KELLY, REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT, SDC ADMINISTRATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND FROM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE OPERATING EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE, AND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE, AND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT OPERATING EXPENSE. FY22 Supplemental Budget 1 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 5 Page 5 of 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #1 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, TRANSIENT ROOM TAX, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING CODE, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BOND SINKING, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, BOOTH -KELLY, REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT, SDC ADMINISTRATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND FROM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE OPERATING EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE, AND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENSE, AND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT OPERATING EXPENSE. WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the budget and made appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 through Resolution No. 2021-23 adopted June 21, 2021 and as amended by Resolution 2021-30 adopted September 7, 2021; WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b) and (c) permit a supplemental budget due to an occurrence or condition that was not known at the time the budget was prepared that requires a change in financial planning; due to a pressing necessity that creates a need for prompt action, that was not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; or to budget funds that are made available by another unit of federal, state, or local government, which funds were not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; WHEREAS, the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget and appropriations to meet unexpected needs and to allow appropriations of new revenues pursuant to ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b) and (c) as justified in Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference; WHEREAS, ORS 294.463 allows transfers of appropriations within a fund when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body, stating the need for the transfer, the purpose of the authorized expenditure, and the amount transferred; WHEREAS, this supplemental budget and adjustments to appropriations are being presented at a public hearing at which the public may comment on such requests; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting, Attachment 2, Page 1 of 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget and appropriations, as adopted by Resolution No. 2021-23 and as amended by Resolution 2021-30 hereby adjusted as provided in Exhibit A. Section 2: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this day of , by a vote of for and against. ATTEST: City Recorder Attachment 2, Page 2 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 1 of 10 EXHIBIT A FY2021-22 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER 1,172,619 811,185 6,000 1,989,804 (1,3,9) Contingency 1,000,000 Appropriations (14,600) 985,400 (2,3) Reserves* 7,431,484 FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 1,287,360 (8,600) 10,882,863 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet - $ 51,847,134 General Fund -100 Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 1,531,860 $ 83,793 $ (1,000) $ 1,614,653 (1,4) Development & Public Works 2,819,475 - - 2,819,475 Finance 2,396,951 5,400 9,600 2,411,951 (2,5) Fire and Life Safety 12,302,070 80,324 - 12,382,394 (6) Human Resources 688,070 - 688,070 Information Technology 1,941,296 1,941,296 Legal Services 777,086 - 777,086 Library 1,902,711 13,240 1,915,951 (7) Police 16,413,396 - - 16,413,396 Total Department Operating 40,772,914 182,757 8,600 40,964,271 Non -Departmental Transfers 1,172,619 811,185 6,000 1,989,804 (1,3,9) Contingency 1,000,000 - (14,600) 985,400 (2,3) Reserves* 7,431,484 476,175 7,907,659 (4,5,7,8) Total Non -Departmental 9,604,103 1,287,360 (8,600) 10,882,863 Total General Fund $ 50,377,017 $ 1,470,117 $ - $ 51,847,134 General Fund Commentary: 1.) Appropriations Transfer of $1,000 from City Manager's Office Operating Expense to Interfund Transfer Expense. It was intended for this transfer to be included as part of the adopted budget but was overlooked. This appropriation will allow for a transfer of $1,000 to the Special Revenue Fund to provide a program budget for the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion. 2.) Appropriations Transfer of $9,600 from General Fund Contingency to Finance Department Operating Expense for contract with LCOG to support negotiations with Comcast for renewal of the City's cable franchise agreement. 3.) Appropriations Transfer of $5,000 from General Fund Contingency to Non -Departmental Interfund Transfer expense for a transfer to the Special Revenue Fund to allow for a special events budget. Special events budget allows for City executive team members and approved employee attendance at events supporting local partners and organizations. 4.) Increase City Managers Office Operating Expense by $83,793. These are carryforward funds from the prior year associated with the Council's Mission, Vision & Values project which was delayed due to COVID-19 and City Council/Mayor turnover. 5.) Increase Finance Department Operating Expense by $5,400 to allow for purchase of office furniture for new presiding judge. On August 16, 2021 the City of Springfield hired a new Presiding Judge for the Springfield Municipal Court. Previous Judges have provided their own office furnishings in the Presiding Judge office. 6.) Increase Eugene/Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense in the General Fund by $80,324 and in the Fire Local Option Levy Fund by $20,294 in response to Conflagration deployment within Oregon from July 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021. This operating expense increase is offset by corresponding revenue. 7.) Increase Library Operating Expense by $13,240 to to allow for the purchase of books which spanned fiscal years. For example, books ordered in May and June which arrive and are invoiced in July. 8.) Beginning cash adjustment. 9.) Increase Transfer Expense by $811,185, to allow for interfund transfer to Ambulance Fund. As a result of a migration to a new ambulance billing system causing a delay in billings and subsequent revenues, ambulance fees were impacted more then anticipated at the time of FY22 budget preparation. This request is for an additional transfer of funds from 17100 to make F615 whole at the start of FY22. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 2 of 10 Street Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW OPS Operating Expense by $17,777 to provide for the recipet of an energy incentive rebate that the City will then repay to SUB for street light maintenance. The amount of the rebate was not known until after the FY22 budget was adopted. 2.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $13,107 to provide for Springfield's share of the consultant cost to prepare the Eugene -Springfield RAISE Grant application. The cost is being shared with the City of Eugene based upon the portion of the Grant funds each City would receive if the application is successful in obtaining a Grant award. Council approval to pursue this grant was not provided until June 21, 2021 so was not included in the adopted budget. 3.) Increase Information Technology Department Operating Expense by $45,000 ($16,200 - Street Fund, $15,300 - Sanitary Sewer Fund, $13,050 - Stormwater Fund, $450 - SDC Admin Fund) to support the procurement of technical support services that will allow Development & Public Works to enhance utilization of the Office 365 suite. This request responds to business needs which came up after the development of the FY22 adopted budget. 4.) Begnining cash adjustment. Special Revenue Fund - 204 Department Operating City Manager's Office Development & Public Works Information Technology Fire and Life Safety Library Police Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Street Fund - 201 Adopted Budget Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Revised Budget $ 38,230 City Manager's Office h 56,570 $ - $ $ 56,570 Development & Public Works 6,423,441 30,884 6,454,325 (1,2) Finance 55,075 - 55,075 Information Technology 391,892 16,200 408,092 (3) Total Department Operating 6,926,977 47,084 - 6,974,061 Non -Departmental 79,500 235,316 (10) Transfers 150,000 - 150,000 Reserves* 1,410,332 680,184 2,090,516 (2,3,4) Total Non -Departmental 1,560,332 680,184 - 2,240,516 Total Street Fund $ 8,487,309 $ 727,268 $ - $ 9,214,577 Street Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW OPS Operating Expense by $17,777 to provide for the recipet of an energy incentive rebate that the City will then repay to SUB for street light maintenance. The amount of the rebate was not known until after the FY22 budget was adopted. 2.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $13,107 to provide for Springfield's share of the consultant cost to prepare the Eugene -Springfield RAISE Grant application. The cost is being shared with the City of Eugene based upon the portion of the Grant funds each City would receive if the application is successful in obtaining a Grant award. Council approval to pursue this grant was not provided until June 21, 2021 so was not included in the adopted budget. 3.) Increase Information Technology Department Operating Expense by $45,000 ($16,200 - Street Fund, $15,300 - Sanitary Sewer Fund, $13,050 - Stormwater Fund, $450 - SDC Admin Fund) to support the procurement of technical support services that will allow Development & Public Works to enhance utilization of the Office 365 suite. This request responds to business needs which came up after the development of the FY22 adopted budget. 4.) Begnining cash adjustment. Special Revenue Fund - 204 Department Operating City Manager's Office Development & Public Works Information Technology Fire and Life Safety Library Police Total Department Operating Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental 1,657,994 (1,063,768) 594,226 (5,6,7,8,9,10,13) 1,657,994 (1,063,768) - 594,226 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 2,027,723 $ 355,823 $ 79,500 $ 2,463,046 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget $ 38,230 $ 53,011 $ $ 91,241 (1,2,3,4) 93,345 488,576 581,921 (5,6,7,8) 20,000 - 20,000 - 630,000 630,000 (9) 84,154 71,662 79,500 235,316 (10) 134,000 176,342 - 310,342 (11,12) 369,729 1,419,591 79,500 1,868,820 1,657,994 (1,063,768) 594,226 (5,6,7,8,9,10,13) 1,657,994 (1,063,768) - 594,226 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 2,027,723 $ 355,823 $ 79,500 $ 2,463,046 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 3 of 10 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1.) On July 1, 2021 the City of Springfield was awarded $10,000 in grant funds from Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) for resiliancy and recovery funding in our community. The project approval was for upgrades to the Springfield Chamber of Commerce so that they may make technological upgrades for community and business meeting capabilities. 2.) City Manager's Office requests carryforward from FY21 of $37,011 in unspent grant funds. Due to Federal extension to December 31, 2021- City of Springfield was awarded additional grant funds under the US Ignite grant to study and expand existing fiber infrastructure in Downtown Springfield. 3.) See General Fund Commentary #3. 4.) See General Fund Commentary #1. 5.) Increase DPW OPS Operating Expense by $100,000 to allow for Council security improvements using ARPA funding. ARPA funding requirements were not known until after the adoption of the FY22 budget so known projects are proposed for inclusion in SBI. 6.) Increase DPW OPS Operating Expense by $150,000 to allow for City Hall elevator replacement using ARPA funding. ARPA funding requirements were not known until after the adoption of the FY22 budget so known projects are proposed for inclusion in SB1.The elevator that services the Museum and City Hall is from the 1970's and has come to the end of its life. Currently the elevator is out of order and needs substantial repair to get it operable but it is unclear as to how long. The current unit is 40 plus years old and needs to be replaced with a new and more efficient model. 7.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $223,576 to hire three positions using ARPA funding. ARPA funding requirements were not known until after the adoption of the FY22 budget so known projects are proposed for inclusion in SB 1. This SB covers the first seven months of three positions (housing specialist and two planners) who would focus on delivery of State mandated planning activities, high priority housing/transportation initiatives and provide support for certain ARPA funded projects. 8.) Increase DPW CMD operating expense by $15,000 from Tech Fee reserves to to hire a temporary position to complete scanning and indexing work on projects files. This need results from several unanticipated vacancies. 9.) Increase Fire and Life Safety operting expense by $630,000 to replace radio equipment using ARPA funding. ARPA funding requirements were not known until after the adoption of the FY22 budget so known projects are proposed for inclusion in SB 1. 10.) Increase library operating expense by $71,662 associated with grant awards from FY22 and late FY21. Revenue received in FY22 from: Friends of the Library ($3,100) to support online databases, the Springfield Library Foundation ($12,645) to support storytime area remodel and ADA furniture and ($3,595) to support the museum to purchase a freezer for artifact pest control; Lane Council of Libraries shared costs for our Library2Go downloadable books ($9,602), and a Mills Davis grant ($18,886) to support youth access to the library. Revenue received late in FY21 for supporting library programs in FY22 includes: Oregon Community Foundation Grant ($16,000) for early childhood summer programming, an American Library Association grant ($4,834), and LatinX teen programming grant ($3,000). 11.) Increase Police Department operating expense by $100,157 in misc. grant awards. Approval of this request will allow for use of unexpended grant funding approved in FY2020-21 with grant timelines that crossed multiple fiscal years. Unexpended grant funds include $28,707 from the 2018 JAG grant, $10,565 from the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding program, $2,262 from the DOJ Body -Worn Camera Implementation grant, $4,364 from the 2020 BJA Bulletproof Vest Program grant, and $12,838 in traffic safety overtime enforcement grants. This request will also allow for the use of $20,000 in newly awarded traffic safety overtime enforcement grants and $21,416 for the non-competitive 2021 DOJ Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). 12.) Increase Police Department operating expense by $203,672 for vehicles whose purchase was not anticiapted in the current fiscal year: two vehicles were budgeted within the prior fiscal year but were not purchased/received due to supply chain issues, one vehicle was in a collision and totaled in July 2021, and one vehicle is requested for the Professional Standards Division that was previously an unanticipated need. Vehicle replacement funding is coming from 713 reserves ($127,487), insurance contributions and outside entity support (Lane County ($30,000), JAG grant($18,685), and a contribution by Eugene Springfield Fire towards replacement of the CAHOOTS van ($27,500)). 13.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 5 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 4 of 10 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $48,509 for carryfoward of unspent Coronavirus relief funds. In FY21, the City recieved $327,639 of CDBG Coronovirus Relief 1 (CV -1) funds, and at the time, City Staff was not sure how much of that would be spent before the end of the fiscal year. $48,508.47 remain from CV -1 that would be carried forward into FY22 and allocated alongside $366,652.00 from CDBG CV -3. 2.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations Appropriations FY22 FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Transient Room Tax Fund - 208 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 21,742 $ - $ $ 21,742 City Manager's Office $ 233,162 $ $ $ 233,162 Development & Public Works 24,909 80,701 Total Department Operating 24,909 Library 264,048 Non -Departmental 264,048 Total Department Operating 522,119 - - 522,119 Non -Departmental 3,017,754 140,829 - 3,158,583 Total Building Fund Transfers 750,000 $ 4,624,641 750,000 Reserves* 866,491 468,322 1,334,813 (1) Total Non -Departmental 1,616,491 468,322 - 2,084,813 Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ 2,138,610 $ 468,322 $ - $ 2,606,932 Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Community Development Fund - 210 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 2,071,567 $ 48,509 $ $ 2,120,076 (1) Finance 24,590 - 24,590 Total Department Operating 2,096,157 48,509 - 2,144,666 Non -Departmental Reserves* 823,665 (497,653) 326,012 (2) Total Non -Departmental 823,665 (497,653) - 326,012 Total Community Development Fund $ 2,919,822 $ (449,144) $ - $ 2,470,678 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $48,509 for carryfoward of unspent Coronavirus relief funds. In FY21, the City recieved $327,639 of CDBG Coronovirus Relief 1 (CV -1) funds, and at the time, City Staff was not sure how much of that would be spent before the end of the fiscal year. $48,508.47 remain from CV -1 that would be carried forward into FY22 and allocated alongside $366,652.00 from CDBG CV -3. 2.) Beginning cash adjustment. Building Code Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $97,500 to allow for the addition of one FTE building safety inspector. Position was approved after the FY22 budget was adopted so could not be included in the adopted budget. Current and projected building construction volume is exceeding the capacity of the current three field inspectors on a regular basis and a fourth inspector is needed. 2.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Building Code Fund - 224 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 21,742 $ - $ $ 21,742 Development & Public Works 1,266,115 97,500 1,363,615 (1) Fire & Life Safety 80,701 - 80,701 Total Department Operating 1,368,558 97,500 - 1,466,058 Non -Departmental Reserves* 3,017,754 140,829 3,158,583 (2) Total Non -Departmental 3,017,754 140,829 - 3,158,583 Total Building Fund $ 4,386,312 $ 238,329 $ - $ 4,624,641 Building Code Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $97,500 to allow for the addition of one FTE building safety inspector. Position was approved after the FY22 budget was adopted so could not be included in the adopted budget. Current and projected building construction volume is exceeding the capacity of the current three field inspectors on a regular basis and a fourth inspector is needed. 2.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 5 of 10 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.) See General Fund Commentary #6. 2.) Beginning cash adjustment. 1,333,028 48,951 1,381,979 (2) 1,333,028 48,951 - 1,381,979 $ 2,922,327 $ 69,245 $ - $ 2,991,572 Appropriations Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Fire Local Option Levy Fund - 235 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Fire and Life Safety $ 1,589,299 $ 20,294 $ $ 1,609,593 (1) Total Department Operating 1,589,299 20,294 - 1,609,593 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.) See General Fund Commentary #6. 2.) Beginning cash adjustment. 1,333,028 48,951 1,381,979 (2) 1,333,028 48,951 - 1,381,979 $ 2,922,327 $ 69,245 $ - $ 2,991,572 Development Assessment Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 7 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Police Local Option Levy Fund - 236 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Finance $ 687,452 $ $ $ 687,452 Legal Services 89,700 89,700 Police 6,839,951 6,839,951 Total Department Operating 7,617,103 - - 7,617,103 Non -Departmental Reserves* 1,953,525 583,665 2,537,190 (1) Total Non -Departmental 1,953,525 583,665 - 2,537,190 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund $ 9,570,628 $ 583,665 $ - $ 10,154,293 Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Bond Sinldne Fund - 306 Adopted Budget Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Non -Departmental Debt Service $ 4,012,785 $ $ $ 4,012,785 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance* 518,185 59,638 577,823 (1) Total Non -Departmental 4,530,970 59,638 - 4,590,608 Total Bond Sinldng Fund $ 4,530,970 $ 59,638 $ - $ 4,590,608 Bond Sinldng Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Development Assessment Fund - 419 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Non -Departmental Reserves* $ 722,812 $ (2,800) $ $ 720,012 (1) Total Non -Departmental 722,812 (2,800) - 720,012 Total Development Assessment Fund $ 722,812 $ (2,800) $ - $ 720,012 Development Assessment Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 7 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 6 of 10 Development Projects Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Development Proiects Fund - 420 Department Operating Total Development & Public Works Capital $ 305,892 $ - $ - $ 305,892 Non -Departmental Total Department Operating 1,132,000 2,010,000 - Interfund Loan $ 1,500,000 $ $ 1,500,000 Reserves* 3,884,656 (240,079) 3,644,577 (1) Total Non -Departmental 5,384,656 (240,079) - 5,144,577 Total Development Projects Fund $ 5,690,548 $ (240,079) $ - $ 5,450,469 Development Projects Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) Supplemental Budget to increase beginning cash by $6,284,824, carryover a total of $2,766,723 in various capital projects,and carryover a total of $1,385,700 in Equipment Replacement, $254,300 in Major Rehab and $370,000 in Capital Outlay at the wastewater treatment plant. Also included is one additional capital project spending request in the amount of $250,000. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Street Capital Fund - 434 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 148,026 $ $ $ 148,026 Total Department Operating 148,026 - - 148,026 Total Development & Public Works Capital 2,922,354 4,973,400 - 7,895,754 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental 7,368,537 (3,474,623) 7,368,537 (3,474,623) 3,893,914 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 3,893,914 Total Street Capital Fund $ 10,438,917 $ 1,498,777 $ - $ 11,937,694 Attachment 2, Page 8 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 1,132,000 $ 2,010,000 $ $ 3,142,000 (1) Total Department Operating 1,132,000 2,010,000 - 3,142,000 Total Development & Public Works Capital 21,700,000 3,016,723 - 24,716,723 (1) Non -Departmental Transfers 23,172 - 23,172 Reserves* 63,194,374 1,258,101 64,452,475 (1) Total Non -Departmental 63,217,546 1,258,101 - 64,475,647 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ 86,049,546 $ 6,284,824 $ - $ 92,334,370 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) Supplemental Budget to increase beginning cash by $6,284,824, carryover a total of $2,766,723 in various capital projects,and carryover a total of $1,385,700 in Equipment Replacement, $254,300 in Major Rehab and $370,000 in Capital Outlay at the wastewater treatment plant. Also included is one additional capital project spending request in the amount of $250,000. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Street Capital Fund - 434 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 148,026 $ $ $ 148,026 Total Department Operating 148,026 - - 148,026 Total Development & Public Works Capital 2,922,354 4,973,400 - 7,895,754 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental 7,368,537 (3,474,623) 7,368,537 (3,474,623) 3,893,914 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 3,893,914 Total Street Capital Fund $ 10,438,917 $ 1,498,777 $ - $ 11,937,694 Attachment 2, Page 8 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 7 of 10 Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) Project P21173 City of Springfield Signal Enhancements is a federal aid project requiring a local match. The total project funding is $2,033,100, of which the City is required to provide a match of $157,397. The project will fund installation of signal enhancements to increase traffic flow. 2.) Project P21157 Olympic -Mohawk Overlay is funded with voter approved 2018 GO Bond revenues. This SB requests $500,000 which was unspent from FY21 be programmed in FY22. The project remains under contract and active construction with completion anticipated in FY22. 3.) Project P21151 Centennial Boulevard Overlay is funded with voter approved 2018 GO Bond revenues. This SB requests $730,000 which was unspent in FY21 be programmed in FY22. The project is in final design and construction is anticipated to begin in the 4th quarter of FY22. 4.) Project P21162 42nd Street Overlay is funded with voter approved 2018 GO Bond revenues. This SB requests $469,900 which was unspent in FY21 be programmed in FY22. The project is in active construction and expected to be completed in FY22. 5.) Project P21152 Highbanks Rd/58th St./Thurston Rd. Overlay is funded with voter approved 2018 GO Bond revenues. This SB requests $1,741,100 which was unspent in FY21 be programmed in FY22. The project is under construction and expected to be completed in FY22. 6.) Project P21156 Mill Street Reconstruction is a federal aid project to develop the design concept and reconstruct Mill Street from South A to Centennial. Construction is anticipated to begin in late FY23. This SB request will provide a portion of the required City match to support the project design phase which will include wastewater, stormwater, and bike/ped facilities along with the surface reconstruction design. This SB increases DPW capital expense by $215,000 in the Street Fund, $200,000 in the Sewer Fund, and $300,000 in the Stormwater Fund. 7.) Project P21175 2021 Slurry Seal is a project to preserve local streets. The construction of this project was completed in coordination with Lane County through an IGA. The contract was signed in FY21, however the work was completed in early FY22. This SB requests $400,00 which was unspent in FY21 be programmed in FY22. 8.) Project P41057 Street Design Service is a project to fund the the consultant services required to complete the 2018 GO Bond street preservation projects. This contract continues through FY22 as several projects are still in active construction and the last project is anticipated to start later this year. This SB requests $445,000 in unspent funds from FY21 be programmed in FY22. 9.) Project P21176 is a federal aid project to develop the design concept and complete NEPA analysis for the McVay Highway (OR225) corridor from Franklin Blvd. (OR126) to the southern end of City jusrisdiction (approx. 0.9 miles). The federal aid grant was transferred from the Glenwood Riverfront Path project to support growth along the corridor. This SB request requests $315,000 from the Street Capital Fund to provide the required City match to support the project. 10.) Beginning cash adjustment. Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: 1.) See Street Fund Commentary #3. 2.) See Street Capital Fund Commentary #6. 3.) Project P21170 42nd to 48th Sewer Rehab will rehab the wastewater trunk line across IP's property. The project was originally going to be completed in conjuction with the 42nd Street Overlay, howeve,r was decoupled as the rehab method was identified. This SB requests $1,500,000 which was unspent in from FY21 be programmed in FY22. 4.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 9 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund - 611 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 81,550 $ $ $ 81,550 Development & Public Works 4,852,271 4,852,271 Finance 53,109 53,109 hiformation Technology 375,942 15,300 391,242 (1) Total Department Operating 5,362,871 15,300 - 5,378,171 Total Development & Public Works Capital 9,296,600 1,700,000 - 10,996,600 (2,3) Non -Departmental Debt Service 1,707,800 - - 1,707,800 (4) Reserves* 23,308,457 (1,603,311) - 21,705,146 (1,2,3,4) Total Non -Departmental 25,016,257 (1,603,311) - 23,412,946 Total Sewer Operations Fund $ 39,675,728 $ 111,989 $ - $ 39,787,717 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: 1.) See Street Fund Commentary #3. 2.) See Street Capital Fund Commentary #6. 3.) Project P21170 42nd to 48th Sewer Rehab will rehab the wastewater trunk line across IP's property. The project was originally going to be completed in conjuction with the 42nd Street Overlay, howeve,r was decoupled as the rehab method was identified. This SB requests $1,500,000 which was unspent in from FY21 be programmed in FY22. 4.) Beginning cash adjustment. Attachment 2, Page 9 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 8 of 10 Non -Departmental Transfers 10,550,000 10,550,000 Debt Service 4,110,375 - 4,110,375 Reserves* 10,802,255 2,331,026 13,133,281 (1) Total Non -Departmental 25,462,630 2,331,026 - 27,793,656 Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ 46,131,641 $ 2,452,034 $ - $ 48,583,675 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase beginning cash by $2,452,034. Carryforward $51,008 related to an FY19 $100,000 appropriation for MWMC to pay for Regional Sewer SDC's when the applicant meets the City's criteria for the SDC subsidy. Carryforward $70,000 for a safety project at the pretreatment facility. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Ambulance Fund - 615 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Fire and Life Safety $ 6,681,492 $ $ $ 6,681,492 Total Department Operating 6,681,492 6,681,492 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Ambulance Fund Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. 2.) See General Fund Commentary #9. Storm Drainage Operating Fund - 617 Department Operating City Manager's Office Development & Public Works Finance Information Technology Total Department Operating $ 6,681,492 $ - $ - $ 6,681,492 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments $ 81,991 $ - $ 6,652,919 250,000 53,110 - 284,421 13,050 7,072,441 263,050 Total Development & Public Works Capital 6,517,370 300,000 Non -Departmental Debt Service Reserves* Total Non -Departmental 551,643 17,391,341 (1,825,812) 17,942,984 (1,825,812) (1,2) FY22 Revised Budeet $ 81,991 6,902,919 (1) 53,110 297,471 (2) 7,335,491 6,817,370 (3) 551,643 15,565,529 (1,2,3,4) 16,117,172 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 31,532,795 $ (1,262,762) $ - $ 30,270,033 Attachment 2, Page 10 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Reeional Wastewater Fund - 612 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 15,777 $ - $ $ 15,777 Development & Public Works 20,471,365 121,008 20,592,373 (1) Finance 181,869 - 181,869 Total Department Operating 20,669,011 121,008 - 20,790,019 Non -Departmental Transfers 10,550,000 10,550,000 Debt Service 4,110,375 - 4,110,375 Reserves* 10,802,255 2,331,026 13,133,281 (1) Total Non -Departmental 25,462,630 2,331,026 - 27,793,656 Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ 46,131,641 $ 2,452,034 $ - $ 48,583,675 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase beginning cash by $2,452,034. Carryforward $51,008 related to an FY19 $100,000 appropriation for MWMC to pay for Regional Sewer SDC's when the applicant meets the City's criteria for the SDC subsidy. Carryforward $70,000 for a safety project at the pretreatment facility. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Ambulance Fund - 615 Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Fire and Life Safety $ 6,681,492 $ $ $ 6,681,492 Total Department Operating 6,681,492 6,681,492 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Ambulance Fund Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. 2.) See General Fund Commentary #9. Storm Drainage Operating Fund - 617 Department Operating City Manager's Office Development & Public Works Finance Information Technology Total Department Operating $ 6,681,492 $ - $ - $ 6,681,492 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & Adopted Budeet Budeet 1 Adiustments $ 81,991 $ - $ 6,652,919 250,000 53,110 - 284,421 13,050 7,072,441 263,050 Total Development & Public Works Capital 6,517,370 300,000 Non -Departmental Debt Service Reserves* Total Non -Departmental 551,643 17,391,341 (1,825,812) 17,942,984 (1,825,812) (1,2) FY22 Revised Budeet $ 81,991 6,902,919 (1) 53,110 297,471 (2) 7,335,491 6,817,370 (3) 551,643 15,565,529 (1,2,3,4) 16,117,172 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 31,532,795 $ (1,262,762) $ - $ 30,270,033 Attachment 2, Page 10 of 12 Exhibit A, Page 9 of 10 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase DPW OPS Operating Expense by $250,000. The request is a carryforward from FY21 to provide for the purchase of flood flight items to increase response capabilities in the event of significant flooding. Staff were not able to complete the purchase in FY21 due to staffing and workload issues compounded by COVID-19 response, EOC activation, and Holiday Farm reimbursment efforts. 2.) See Street Fund (Fund 201) Commentary #3. 3.) See Street Capital Fund (Fund 434) commentary #6. 4.) Beginning cash adjustment. Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Insurance Fund Insurance Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. 10,646,682 869,247 11,515,929 (1) 10,646,682 869,247 - 11,515,929 $ 22,726,011 $ 869,247 $ - $ 23,595,258 Attachment 2, Page 11 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Booth -Kelly Fund - 618 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 503,822 $ $ $ 503,822 Total Department Operating 503,822 - - 503,822 Total Development & Public Works Capital 190,000 - - 190,000 Non -Departmental Transfers 80,651 80,651 Reserves* 1,184,293 273,327 1,457,620 (1) Total Non -Departmental 1,264,944 273,327 - 1,538,271 Total Booth -Kelly Fund $ 1,958,766 $ 273,327 $ - $ 2,232,093 Booth -Kelly Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 211,150 $ $ $ 211,150 Total Department Operating 211,150 - - 211,150 Non -Departmental Reserves* 454,345 8,047 462,392 (1) Total Non -Departmental 454,345 8,047 - 462,392 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund $ 665,495 $ 8,047 $ - $ 673,542 Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 Insurance Fund - 707 Adopted Budeet Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budeet Department Operating Human Resources $ 735,379 $ $ $ 735,379 Health Insurance 9,334,875 9,334,875 Property & Liability 1,058,895 1,058,895 Worker's Compensation 950,180 950,180 Total Department Operating 12,079,329 - - 12,079,329 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total Insurance Fund Insurance Fund Commentary: 1.) Beginning cash adjustment. 10,646,682 869,247 11,515,929 (1) 10,646,682 869,247 - 11,515,929 $ 22,726,011 $ 869,247 $ - $ 23,595,258 Attachment 2, Page 11 of 12 Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 Department Operating Development & Public Works Fire & Life Safety Human Resources Information Technology Library Police Total Department Operating Non -Departmental FY22 Supplemental Adopted Budget Budget 1 $ 2,144,200 $ 329,163 139,900 1,095,700 - 4,000 775,704 - 8,000 - 307,000 127,487 3,374,804 1,556,350 Exhibit A, Page 10 of 10 Appropriations Transfers & FY22 Adiustments Revised Budget $ $ 2,473,363 (1,2,3) 1,235,600 (4) 4,000 (5) 775,704 8,000 434,487 (6) 4,931,154 Transfers - 27,500 27,500 (6) Reserves* 8,376,051 (117,159) 8,258,892 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Total Non -Departmental 8,376,051 (89,659) - 8,286,392 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ 11,750,855 $ 1,466,691 $ - $ 13,217,546 Vehicle and Equipment Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase $278,061 DPW Operations Operating Expense. These are carryforward funds for vehicle purchases from the prior year. Purchase of these vehicles was delayed because of supply chain issues. 2.) Increase DPW CMD operating expense by $25,551 to allow for addition of a fleet vehicle to the building inspection program. The Building Safety section of Community Development is adding an inspector position to meet current and projected development volume. This position was not added and no vehicle need existed until after the FY22 budget was adopted. 3.) Increase DPW CMD Operating Expense by $25,551 to allow for addition of a fleet vehicle to the code enforecement group. The code enforcement program is comprised of two code enforcement officers, but only one dedicated vehicle, the other is on loan from the building program. The building team, who has been sharing their vehicle, also has experienced an increased need for that vehicle and with Code Enforcement moving to almost solely field based work, the need is much more apparent for each enforcement officer needs their own vehicle. 4.) Increase Fire & Life Safety Operating Expense by $1,095,700. These are carryforward funds from the prior year which are for the repalcement of an apparatus. Fire apparatus are build -to -order, so the delay between ordering in FY21 and acquisition in FY22 is due to the production time required to configure the apparatus 5.) Increase Human Resources Operating Expense by $4,000 to allow for the replacement of two computers which are failing. The need to replace these computers was not recognized until after the FY22 budget was adopted. 6.) See Special Revenue Fund - 204 Commentary #12. 7.) Beginning cash adjustment. Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total SDC Administration Fund SDC Administration Fund Commentary: 1.) See Street Fund Commentary #3. 2.) Beginning Cash 101111:1 A:7 DMI) 111111 CIMI 224,205 66,140 290,345 (1,2) 224,205 $ 66,140 $ - 290,345 $ 745,185 $ 66,590 $ - $ 811,775 $ 352,130,510 $ 15,049,148 $ 79,500 $ 367,259,158 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Attachment 2, Page 12 of 12 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Transfers & FY22 SDC Administration Fund - 719 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 412,155 $ $ $ 412,155 Finance 39,222 39,222 Information Technology 69,604 450 70,054 (1) Total Department Operating 520,980 450 - 521,430 Non -Departmental Reserves* Total Non -Departmental Total SDC Administration Fund SDC Administration Fund Commentary: 1.) See Street Fund Commentary #3. 2.) Beginning Cash 101111:1 A:7 DMI) 111111 CIMI 224,205 66,140 290,345 (1,2) 224,205 $ 66,140 $ - 290,345 $ 745,185 $ 66,590 $ - $ 811,775 $ 352,130,510 $ 15,049,148 $ 79,500 $ 367,259,158 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Attachment 2, Page 12 of 12