HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-08-24. . RE s lD E l'-Lr lA L " APPLICATIOh, . EttMIl' 225 North |th Street Spr,'ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 20-s7 53 Job Loc:tticn SPFlINGFTELD Assessora ltldp il Subdiuisi.on: A-mer: Acl&'ess L Ci .1dd I ticn Z Tas tot ll Plione: zip: Desct,ibe [t'orl< l= S l- 1 no,o,tot fr l-/rra.h on z - lo SertlLe *wvy<- C iVcutls ,L'e ',fae{1ud"^p u,elilolil.e llonc Datc of Applieaticn )t t()rs Va'!.ue fon inspcc tion, Contracto"ti ot' Amers rwne ancl phone nwrber. Requests receixed befcre 7:0C ct mcde after ?:00 on ttLL be nade tlte ncc t rnrking day. Your: City Desigrtttcd Job Nwnber fs INSI,ILA NR To maCe ull insu required uapor but before any txll couering i- o'ty insulation licner;rl- l'lutttbitr llcclritrt Lcit I ,t l! rit c (: L l- i:j i.t S u l) (' ra/cfl;;7.1 l,l c'tI'( lilt1 I L ia the resPoncibi Lity of the,t holder bo tltat aLL /n:)l'cctions are nade at tle proper tine, that acch addtees is rea1abie J'Pon the s t card ia Loca ted at the ftwnt ol the -PtoPertYtle Buildtnl :ljl-' ttf all times.| lui ! dtru.1 shall rem,tin on LL 726-3769 (veaorden) stata 11our Cit11 Cesigna ted job nwr,her', i ob aCdtess, tyPe of incPecltcn l! lO c'S D t t P E- t' o R. I N I P E L"l I 0 tt .8.1-QUE ST : C A rrtluL,st.(l atd u!:en you DiLL be Peady tilt be nade the sane <lcy, Pequests -'-1 uNDERSt,,lB ?LutErNL-EEeyllAL $| ----'-.=+I iti;it,luc',1t,: 'lo be rnade before ,sny J_DOrk 7 $ ,toucrea. -1 FaI)TINC s F)UNDATT)N: ?o be rruCe ) il;; tr;;;i;" ,r"" "*caoated anrl forns ave erected, but Priot' to pcruring acnatete. It l' l, !!! !!aa_ P r, u M 2 L N c=, :; !il.! !? 2 w.4r!1 - DJt,lltlAt;l':: 'l'o be nale P?LoI' to I LL- bart"iers are in place Lath, gypswn baarC or s applied, and before is concealed. DRYHAI,L INSPECMN: Tc be nade ;f;e"Zn-Aw;n- ts in ptace' but. prtor to cnY taPing. WS1NRY: Steel location, bond iiiGlgnouttng ot' uerticcls in accotdaice urittt u.B.C. Section 2415 . !992{;!.'9Vt:: Af ter installation ie ccnrlile ted. CURB ,9 APPRCA{'II At'!?Q!: After forns d''e er;;;;I bu4"noY to Pouring l l _l s|rE rN:;!EC':'ION. ercauittion, but fcnns 'Io be nade after pr.tot, tc set up of t)ilB ryo N I(:At,: ta on of Li ng tren,:hec ---l /'or:? AND BEA\I: To be made prior to -) -;;;"t"tru;;-ol ftoor insulation on de,:kin5. ---1 r!!!l-!!,!t-nJ!tc. uiernrQat 'c ut% I ANtt:,|!.: ,\o '.tork is to hc eot:e?ed - ,;;,-i t t' thes,: inspeclions hatte been ntt,le oul .tytot'oue!.-l F:!'I:PI.A(E: t\'ior to pl.ccir4 facing J ,[r-*,5 ,ou] l,efore franing inspec- tion. -1 r?Arllilti: ihtst be nequestetl after | ;pir,o;.tL o!' rough plrtnbing, electri- ail 3 n,t,:lutnical. AL! rooling I't'ttt:ituJ !, ahtnnri:r1s, etc. mtst be attrnplctcd. llo ucrk is to be con- cea'Letl until tlis inspection has 'bL:cn tttdie an,l. aPPtoUed. {,, flctor tnsulct ion or decking. I,'tIIAI, P.,UI|BTIIC f I itAr. MtilllAllICAt, T'! NAL [:T,!C'1':il CAL conc?ete. ;IIDE.IALK & I)RIl't'|lt.t,Y: For all con- .r"t;na,)6;l;ii street right- of-tx:u'. to be maCe after all etca- ,Lt'i."g cunplete ,3 fom tlrtk & sub- base rnaterial in Place. IO to I IENCE: hhet conPlete -- Proui'Ce jfi6o on nottable sections thnough P. U. E. AlLpro.:jeataonditions,suakasLl_teinstallaLionofstr.'eett_t'ees.,-cololcttonofthe requirerl Lantlsccptr:g,'Lt"'.,'*i"t be satisfi]i-L,"fll""-lt'" BUTLDIN7 flieL ean be requested' F,NAL BUrLI)INC: The L,intl Building rnapection mtat be requested alter the Final Plwnbing ELcctr,.tcal, anC uecnori.i,ri liipiitl.io itquo been nade an<l'approueC' -t ' il t, r, il,1' !,t t I {' l. E ! i tv'S S Date Ilece tll ()a BU I LDI,DEil)Lur0!! oR sanitaty "*i" r"o?:i1,",:,,,P;,r,{r?:r,i !*,:, Septic tank p:r,ped ant filled uith gratel Final - lfiten abcrse itens ate canpleted and uhen Cenoliti-on is conplete o" stni2- tut,e noueC and premises cleaneC up. IIL'nes Bloeking arul Set-:tP Plurnbing connections '- saner ant! uaier Electrical Ccqnection - Blocking, set-rtt - and olwnbine eonnections m;st be appPctad before requZating eleclrtcal inspeclio:t Aceescor"; BuilCitrg Pinal, - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc.'a?e conPleted. Ptltc 1 ot' ii .4NI) CLt')tlNOtt'l'!: lltt"'l Itl"'.1(\'li:;Slfit'11:, AD'tttST!!l:'"ll fO M ilAPl: !''f ilO f!1:iT TO Cl'!Y t__l tr tr JOB NO. Zonc: TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ'-L-CO G,i Bedrooms PLan Exrvnirtet'UALE I HAVE CAREFULLy ExAIttINED the conpleted application fo-r permit' and dc ininty certify that aLL info;nwtion hereoi^ i'e true ard correct' anC I iirli""n .n"tiiy that any ard aLL ,ork pe-rfonled ehall be dote i:t aeeor- 'iin.e' ,,rith the" Ordinanc"ee of tlte City of bpringfield, -and Lh-a La;e of tt:c Stabe of \regcn pcrtaining to the wik Cescribcd herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- plnCy oitt bL onld"e of any" structure uithout permiBri.on of the Buildin, DL- oieion, I funLher certif;i that only con-t,'aetoro an;d enplcyees ltt:o are L;t catpliance'rlth cns ?01.-055 uiLL be ueed on thta projecb Lat Face-s -ktt So. Ftq. 7 cf Lot Cooeraaa ! of Stortes 'l'otal tleight Topography !teat P. t,.Ilouse Aacesa. CoPner Panharulle CuL-de-sac t -- Fees -- t'il.:M !;Q, FTG X Val.uc Building Volue & Permit This permib is l1ranterl on the erpltess condition ttutt the sLtid.i:otl1st'r't1t:li'otl shaLl, in atl reepecti,- ooi,lo* l;o th-e. ,rdirance adopte-'1 b;y Lhe cit! "f stninafield. tnctudini' ti;'i;i"g crdinance, reguLcLtng Lltt- actrctpu.'t.i.,;, ;;"';\L"Z;L"1;;;A;;': ";a-^,v ai'""opended on rbuokcc at *:v Litr tt;"t: ut' - tation of any prcuisions of said 1rdinances' TOTAT, VAT,UE s. D. c,1,5 x Duildiryl Permit,Fee State Total Clnrges NO,DL'D CHARCE Plumbing Perrnit No oercott shall constntct, inotal'!', alter or change G'ty neD-ct eristitt't iirrt'i"g'.r''2;iii",gl tuitL" in ottoi.e or. in part, wt'Less sudt pet'sott ts Lh' 'tnji-t-plo"""noi of o ullii pi.*rro.nts lic.ens'e, elcepb Lhat a pc:'sotl nd:t (l() plfit$ri uo,k Lo propoity,lhi..h i" ouned, Leased ;r o1>et'ated by Lha 't1'1'Lt- cant. I'Lxturee Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plumbing Pernit State Na,t/ktend Circuits () Electricol Permit l,lltere Statp. [,att requires tl|at the electrical uork be done by ,an SlecLrtcal Contnactor, the electrL-eoi iirtio" of thh _permit slnll not be oaliC wttil the Label ins been t;igned by the ElecLrical Co'ltLractor' Sc-t ttice CE o Stcte.7 Total * ITEM NC rgE CNARCE Mechqnicol Permit ?s bhanet llooC Vent F@t l,lcorlsto;le Pennit fssuanae llechanicel Pe"mit ,t -- ENCROACIIMENT -- Secat ity Deposit Storage Maintenance Pormit Ctttbcu! Sida'talk Fence Eleetnical ta.bel Mobile llonre Datc Paid Re-ceipt ll ,I'OTAL AMOUTIT DUE:. t Sign.etl l\tl.t: LOT IYPE Interior - Job Locaticn: Aesessot,s Map #Tc,s Lot # svbdhtision: A,mer: Phone:Address:I Descrtbe h'ork: Neu w Date of A 3,"vu'1 D value I I 1 I4.0b Additian RenoCel .. RESIDEAITIAL..lt APPLICAru" ./etntrr 225 Nonth |th Sty,eet Springfield, 2regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD Lrrw Date rorr ll a a l,lec 11 Gerreral Plurnbi IiJ,ecE,r SrrDervc,tz;ir.rg E].ec t r ic ia n Sanitoty seser capped at property Lixe Septic tank par,tped and filled uith gna:lel Final - lfiten abcue iterns ane ccnpleted and uhen Cemolition is ccmplete ot' stru:- ture noued and premiaes cleaneC up. Ilcnes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- sate? ard, uat,er Electrical Ccttnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwtbing connectiona rrust be apprcu^ed befone requeating electrical inspecliot Accessory BuilCang Final - After pcnches, skirting, decks, etc. ate conpleted. Page 1 ol I tt ia the responaibility o! tle permit holder to eee that aLL incpections are nade at the p?oper time, that ecch address is readabie fron the atpeet, anC that the permtt cand. ia L,ccated at the front of the property.*Bui'!-ding Nuicion approxed plan shcll renain on the Building Site at all times. PRocsDUiE Fo!? INSPECA|ON.-E!9!ESTiCaUU?26-3769 (recotdet) atate you? City Cesignated. job eadyfol,inspection,Contl,actot,soio,mn*"-,*ne-andplnne *^iLL be rrude the sane dcy, pequelts mcde after ?:00 on uytll be made the ncat:,nrkirq day. rurnber, job aCiress, type nunbet. Requests receixed of inspec)icn befcre 7:00 a.tt ?oMo'l SITE INSPECIION: ?o be nnde aftet, ercala;lo;;Tut pr"ior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & MECH|IIICAL: To be nade befoz,e anyffiE li-ioered, F)1TINC & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be nnde afiet-i;;ncGs are ercauated and fonns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncreta. UNDERCROUIID PLUMBING. SSWER, W,4TER. DR4I!488: To be made pt'tor to ftl- @'frnchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT,E INC 8 MECHANICAL : of floon ineulction on decking. POS!1lYP P\AM: ?o be made priot to Zi*iTGffiio| floor insulation ot' deeking. R0ucrr PLUUBLT'\1. ELECTRTCAL & MECH: Ai,NIcAr,: No uonk is to be co-*ered until these inspections haue been nade arul appnoued.. FII2.EPLACE: Prior to plccirg facingnaterials and before franing inspec- tion. FRAI'IINC: l,lust be requested after @t of rough plwr,bi,ng, electni- caL & neclranieal. Alt roofilrg bracing 8 chinmeys, etc. tmtat be . cornpleted. No ucrk ie to be con- , cecled unti,l thia inspection hae 'been nade anC approtted. Iour City Desi.gr,ated Job Nwnbev fs: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIEPECIION : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn and required oapor barnie?s ore in place but before any Lath, gypstn boarC or rnLL couering is applied, and before ory inaulation is concealed. --1 DRY\IA|L INSPEC?I)N: Tc be made I A;ft";;naimrta in place, but, p?l,o? to cna tapLng. MASINRY: Steel Loeatton, bond 666iigrouting or oerticals in accordutce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE:@@4.After installation i.e R rtaar, PLt)MBrNc j rmru MECrANTzAL fA rnm ELEc?RrcAL cUR.B_e 4P?8949!__AP39N : Aftet fortns ai"e eCA;[Tu[Vffi to pouring concyete. SIDEWALK & DRIIIEWAY: For all con- ctete pauing uithin stt'eet right- of-rxg, to be nade after aLL exca- vating conplete & forn unrk & sub- base nnterial in place. PENCE: When conPlate -- Pt'ouiCe gate6 on nooable sectians through P. U.E. -._:AIL pnoject conditions, such as bhe inatallation of street tneea, conplctton-of the ,nqrinid. 'Landsccping, etc., rmtst be aati,sfi.ed befone the BUILDLNG FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILD1NC: lhe Final Building fnepection mtet be requested alter the Finat Plwnbing Electr.icaL, ctd Mechanical Inspections 71quc been made atd approoed' .AI,r. HANIICLES AND CT,IIANOUTS TIU::T BE ACCESSIBLN, ADJUSTIIT:III TO NE MADD /.T NO COST TO CTIY TI f1 ,,ororu u^o n l l @ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Bedrooms L-CO * TOT ?YPE 1'nterion Lot Faces - Iot Sq, Ftg. 7 cf Lcb CcueraQe ! of Stortes Total P,eighb TopograPhY P.L Access Corner Danhantlle CuL-de-sac Lace tot)e t -- Faes -- TTEI'I FTG Y Value Building Vqlue & Permit This permi.t is gtanted on the erpress condition that the said'constntction s,arll, in atl respects,"'"o7'i2il")- ti'e.-b'di'-"ce edop.LeJ bv Lhe c,iLv of springfield, incLud'tng'ti'Z'2lil'"g crd:'nanc.e' regulct'ing thb clytrual!-":.,^ ;;; ;:;" of Luildings," ond 'iy be" suspended or reuokec at cr'y ti'nc upon utc- Utii" o7 ory prcttisions of said ondinances' A TOTAT' VAI,UE 1.5 x * S. D, C. Duildingl Petmit Date Paid State Total Clntgea Signed ITEM FEE Plumbing Permit No oercon shall conatruct, instal!,,- alter on clattge Gny ne|.cr existing ;7,:,2';:;""i'1;;r;;;;-";;;;-;;-;ii" or in part' "unlesL such person is bhe Legal poseessor oI ";!"i;i"Pl:''^bJi'ilt'*"'Z-' e-cept that a pb:son na'g do plwnbins uork to pr.p;;;;""i'';;i";'";;;e: lnLsnd or operated bv the appli- canl;. Fiztw'es 5D D,CIO Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbi.ng Pernit D. OD Stdte 4 lf El'l Electricol Permit Were State Lant requi'res th'at the electri'.cal uork be done by -an Electt'ical Contraclor, the electrZlalio'tfon of thia pe-rm|t shall not- be ualiC wttil 7"n'.1ZlZ1- n"" Lnn, signed ly ttte ElecLrtcal contractor'Na,t/Eilend cit'cuits Senoice Total t ITgM EOn CIIARGE Mechonicql Permit Eshanst ilood Vent P@r lJcodstooe 06 , -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Secatitu Deposit Storage Maintenance Pormib Cu?bcu* Sida'talk L Mobile Hane Receipt ll fHAVECARnFULLygXAttINEDLhecompletedapplicationfotpermit'anddo herebg certify *ot ati";"iin*lLon hereoi ie true and correct' anC r further certtfy *at iia- i'n- ilt wort< perfor'ned slall be done in accor- dance ttth tt n oraariJZr ',ir ln" ai Li bprinsfield, lnd Lhe .L,axs of thc state of o"egon p"otu;;1;g-'ti ini iit' 1esL:ib-ed hereln' cnd that N0 1cc:t' pr'^Ncy ?nitl be nnde of anu- structure uithout- pirmission of the Buildinq D':'- uision. r further ""r;';?r-"ih2;"r"iu-"ritil'to,.s a,rd enplcyecs a!:o are itt ;;;1';;"";'ritt, ons 701.'0"5s utLL be- used on this project TotaL * TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:,4.5 ,{ D.7 NC. nfiffice PTIJTS l5,DOI ,75 Penrlt fssuaneeffi State Surchdrae : -leLW Fotee ! SPEtrTRA5Y5TEM5 GlIili, 9{ 73 o8 7r t31 i Itlr. & !lrs. Fowler UtilityPqqgb8x18 @.waIls&ceilirg. 560 SE' e .42 Clean atrpliances. 3 G 7.5O t{iscellaneousEEtiffiGt & dunp. A DIVISION OF SPECTIIA/BOSEBROOK. INC, (3) !4aterials Labor 235.20 22.fi Ar:gust, L7 t J,99O Unit Total 235.20 22.50 450.00 450.00 Sotals 957.38 57L8.20 2LO2.22 8777.80 877.7810t @erhead .l 9655.58 965.55IOt Profit, TOTAL 10,62r.13 ItOtE: Contents cleaning to be bi}led separately at an additional charge. /, , 8, qlg /*r",* €:-bi/'...--c ul P,lr* t;7 7t**^ I Sretzror* F rr?s Uo / a-rrw"/ /<j,t'uL''\4. /'a*ela' &-'*; /2"tq fr*; fup.oo^,.^,-#)-i 4 /,rr" /r"/nu.*'nt -' lgg / rr/ar.r0al*r^-= 4e * tCa to"-l-l + 3, st I -J'q ,t-tA '/oc ?.7a A"z r Opazt tLP 3tD+'lLtDA, ill'/ fiAt 7,'*ndSTtt'& LLE 7l)€a Dril- 6au€r€ ff*? b / abnd}/ /il^,L*y, Jc, 587 SHELLEY ST. SPRINGFIELD, OBEGON 97477 (503)726-9905 \1O=,ab&t Oto0Ol qDcq FIRI DA}4AGE REPORT OR ELECTRlCAL HAZARD DATE: ?-D-q O TO: FROI,I: SUBJECT: Bu i I d'i ng Deoa rtment Spri ngf i el d Fi re Deparinent Structural Damage to Builciing Address or location of building Name cf or./ner Vgtryo,: lCo,, 21311 /l/, S'Jt &fr --l- 1", Type of bu i 1d i ng 4dL--fu^ , lu A, ,.//,"^, c (Dwel 1'i ng, Store, lJ{rehouse, etc. ) Estinrated val ue of bui 1 di ng o eO s o9- ts timated I oss to bu i i d'i nq @o Date of fjre 7 - t7- 7O Location of damage in bui'lding ^ d ft"r, ,f .r'^-r--,.- ,(it+r{rt^r, U-l L.-s<,J.ry-6>. /eqr,' o, C., interior. etcJ Structural weakness as a result oi :he fire ,-L Aod'i ti cna i oerti neni i nf orma ti cn (Burned ratiers, Bearns, ,.igists, etc. ) oktn4{o- wtece r" ,^ rlfo i-, Uw[r." S;.. ]"rk ol"r-v Electrical Hazard lA)tc r^g ?a f/o,rn^- U I Siqned 4f e4, 'Z- c-t (l,Ji ri nq , Cut'l ets , etc. ) cc: QrD 7-!9-c{ O 6r,