HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1991-06-27i'Ht>.ur ,l_,-- c-t 225 FTYTr STREET sPRrNGPrEt D, oR.ECoN 97477 INSPECIION REQIEST: 726_3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1.. LOCATION OP INSTALI-ATION 29 NORTH 5TH Address 68 West "Q" Street city SPringfield Phone 747-6638 Supervisor License Number .l4735 Expiratlon Daie 10ll /e2 Constr Contr. Number 8699 Explration Date COHPIJTE PEE SCIIEDUIJ BELOV Nev Resldential-Slngle orHultl-FamtIy per avelttng unlt.Service Included: ELtrCTRICAL PERHTT APPLICATION Clty Job Nuober 4 t oL1 v I tems Cos t s 85.00 3 A Sum Permits are non-transferable and explreif vork is not starred vithin igO a"v"of issuance or if vork l, .rrp"nJed for180 days. 2. CO}ITRACTOR INSTAII.ATION ONI,Y Electrical Contractor L.R. Brabham, Inc. Servlces or peeders (10 Branch Circuitslncluded). rnstallation, aii"i"iio",or.Relocation: Re .JOB, DESCRIPTION,ir damage cauaed by auto hjtting power 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf,d Home or -Hodular DveIling Servlce or Feeder One Clrcul t Tvo to ten Circuits Each AddtrI ten orportlon thereof limited energy panel SI,BTOTAL OP ABOVB5f Stite Surcharge TOTAL s 1s.00 s 3s.00 s 3s.00 s 60.00 $ 90.00 s130.00 s300.00 s 35.00 35 .00 B c D E 100 amps or less I101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 arps -601 amps ro 1000 amos-Over 1000 amps/volt; - Reconnect OnIy of Supervislng Electrlclan James Ap pel 2029 l{orth sth Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 201 anps to 400 amps - S 4o.ooOver 401 to.600 amps _ $ 8O.OO0ver 600 amps or rbooT6'Iis i""-;i; aFvI- Branch Circults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel I 2/18/9l 0vners Address cit field Phone 7 47 -6713 $ 3s.00 s.50.00 s 15.00 OUNER INSTALI.ATTON The installation ls belng made onproperty I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Signature: Hiscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not tncluded)-Each lnstallatlon lyrp.9" _irrlgatton S 36.00 5 s 36.00 35 .00DATE: l RECEIVED B r iltt]tl t.75-