HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-02-04.. RESIDFAITIAL..SPFIIIvGFIEI.-D 2zs North srt, ironffPLrcA,)-" ./PER,E, Springfield, aregon 97477 Bui-Lding Nuision 7 26-37 53 i ub rocatirn, 2 e 72 Z i Aaaelco"c ltldp ll .2 stbdioision: Aaer Adtiyess: ci Tcz Lot # 06/@ Phone:7 IA Describe Nork:I PNs-t i-_l /,/s2.. l/o:o {'>ueAdditicn RenoleL ile flone LSiatted: Date of AppL icaticn Z'1:4 VaLue 5od" GeneraL zip: Pltmcir,.c ELectrLccL Mecivt:iecl Qo_EtnctiorrLerld""_. . . : --. : , , I-t i, tha respono'ibility of tlc per'rlrit totda to see ttzat all inopeetioaa oe nad,e at th.e p?oper tine , tl,zt ecch -i,l-eas is vsasn;i.ftvn tle axreet, anC tiut the pa*tt car<i ie l,aated at the ftottt of tile D"oDetty.aBuiuing Diuicion awrw-ed pi,bt sltczl remain on tiu Buzl<iing sirc Zt cLL' tines.' P:?ocsDUP|. PoP fNS?iTI)lt.ES?LEST:CALL726-3769 (tecorder) state lour Citv desianated job ntmber, job aiiress, tyoe of inspeclic.r,te.quesrea att ulzen 1;ou uiLL be reatiy for ir,socction, CoTrttdcxo?s or Aile"s nsne cni pione nunbcr. P.equests receileci befcte- ?:00 s,'-iLL be natie the eane dcy, requeats nctie after ?:00 ott viLL be nnde the naet.xrking d.a.g. Iow City Desigr,a.ted Job Nunbet fs .83ooz7 Roan'ao.l Tnon -l Si:3 -T.':S?!C:IA::: ?o be nncie after I i e=""rn"ra", 'r"t pyLar EC se= up of lo?ng. AilDERSLAts PLU\gIT]G, ELIC?PICAL A 1,5C8!.):|C;L: To be maae befone cnytlotk ie eooeted, FC)TI\|G 2 F)UNDATICII: To be rnCe afcer cyencnes a?e ezcauatei and. forms are enected, but pt,ior xopw-ing ccnereta. u!'lD9Rcpc!:lD pLU!.r9Jr:, si'"Ep, L:!.,.?!.?, DRAII;ACz: To be maee prior to iil-Lir4 crenches. II:SULA.IION /VAPOR BARRIE] IIISPIC?IO\| :DCI:JLT?IOJ] OR :,:OI,E) BL'Io be maie after aLL insuleti-cn ed rcquzted tsqor berie?a dre in pia,ce bttt befcne oty lath, gypsun bcari ot, tnll couerina is cpolied, otd before oty ittsu1.o.tion is concealed.I _l l DRYIIALL IilSPEfl!)N: Ic be made aiter aLL cryuall is in pl.a.ce, but priot, to cny tapir,g. ILISON2!: Steel Loeation, bond beans, orouting or oerticcls in accorci.otee trith U,E.C. Section Soi:eg sezser capped zt propettg Lir,e Septic totk ptped cd fnlled rrtth gra:se, lincl - l{hen abcte ite-s ate cawleted and. uizen Cezclition is cor:alete o" st?uc- tu"e noDed, ari prerises eieanei up. llcoii-e iicnes Blocking od. Set-ttp Plumbing eonnections -- acile! olC ualet Eleetriccl Ccmnectiotz - Blocking, eet-up an:i plunbina eonnections tn;st be apprct€c beforc z,equesxing elec:rt.eal inspectio:: iu"""ory Buil*ng Final - Aftcr pctches, akirting, decl<s, etc. are comole1ed. 1 ulo*rLCO? pLa:BrltG n tllCrAitrcAl:tiob@of floor insulction or ciecking, 1 Posy at:o atn:: To be neac pnior to ) Tisx".*--r"" o7 iloor insui.a=ion on &cking. --l R),-,c|! P!u:31::C. 'LICT!?:CiL fr t!TCt--- I - .ur.cil xizese insoecliors inave been nade ar"i c,pprouei.-1 nP*ttczi wtor to olccir:t fccinc ) ;;;;;laL; aru) before'iranin'o inspee- tior:. a fnnl:f :;c: t'tuct be recuestcd after ) dppr"rrl ci rough plwrbtnS, e-Lecxr-,- ca.L & nechanical. ALl. r'ociin4 brastr*t 6 chitmcgs, etc. tr,tst. be ; conrpletcd. Ilo ucrk ie to be con- .,-aecled until thi| inspection laa'been naie anC approved. ffi poetsro,.,E: lj arnpleted. After installation is ]) CURS A APPRCACP APPON Aftc: formsI pou?irqee erecteC but prior to cone?ete. SIDEIIA|X E DRf\EllA!: For all eon- crete pauing Dithin st?eet right- oi-ey, to be maie after aLL e*ca- vatine canplete E for:a uork & sub- base natertal in plaee. -l FrilAL pLUt.lBrr:G fi ruru uECHA:trcAL ] rr,rxr ELic:RrcAL l .EEl'tiE.' h1ter: conplate -- ProuiCe gate6 o? motsable Bectians through P. U. E. ALt project conditions, such aa the i.nstalZation of street trees, cotolction of tie required TanCsccpir:g, ctc., nast be eati.sficd beiore the BUILDIilC FMAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection ntat be teouesteC cft,en the Finel PlutbingElectrical, anC Neclaniccl Inspectzons haue been nade arui approued,. .ALL I.'AT:PCLES AND CLEAITOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?!12::T ?O 9I I.',4Di I.! I:C C]ST TO EI"Y Page 1 of 2 I a"."':rtr /OE7b 4>" Lot Facee - Setbaeks P. L,Houae Caraoe Aceess North Eost South Z cf tot Ccueragc_ I of Stortee ITT TWE Vaiucx Lot Sq. F*. Interiot Corrten Panlund.le CUL-de-sac Total Eeight Iopogrcphy l,lest ltain bdae CdDc"t Aeeessofu TOTAL VALUE I UCLUCS.D.C. I.5 a So;itata Sa,ser tlctey JOB NO. Builiing PerirLt Sta.te ?otal Chanoes F&tu:res Resilienti-a.L (1 bcth) Plubing Pen:it soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ BeJoF.s: Sotrees ieea LACe tote Building Volue & Permit a This penn"Jt ia granted on the eoress eondition tlut the said eonstntction elu.Ll', in aLL respccts, conforrn to the Ordinance edopteC by the City of Springfield, inchtd,tng the Soning CYdinznce, regulcting the ccnstru3ticn otd use of buildings, otd mzy be suspended. on revokeC at c.ny t'.ne upon vic- la.tion of oty p?cuisions of eaid Or<iir.anees. Date PaiC Receiot ll: Sioteti: Plumbing Permit No penson slwll cottsttttct, ins!al!, alter o" citonge any neD cr e:tstitrg plwnbing or <iyainaae systa, in uitole or in part, unless auch person is tE Legal posseasor of a ualid plwber's License, esceDt thdt a De?so^ ia! do OH:r"n uork to p?oDettu uhich is otmeC, Leased or operaxed by the dppli- Ci;FET Res. Sc. ftz,Electricol Permit l{here Stote las reouires tha,t the electr.tcal uork be done b,g an Slectmical Conx?actc?, the electrical cor.-ion of ;his pernit sitall roc be oalii wttilthe Tabel has been signed by the Eleccrtcal Conx?c.tot. N€Lr/btend Circuits Seruice Stite ait.=^- ,€-o 7' /"f, -" 75 I b|la/st Hood Vent P@t i,lcoCstorc Seeti Deccsi: Stotaoe Pertrit Totcl Cnaraes htbcu: Si.d.a.nlk ileetnical Labcl robile Hav Mechonicql t%rc: ly'za74,%ve Permit ,/z'-*z*z<-€b €EZOr<_. Penit'Issuorcc Ne:iunicaL Pert:tt -- E,'ICRCACHI':!:,'T -- 2b Wrnrua- ?s,r.zrn rUO Od-?Bcz frern7 ru I HAW CAR9FULLy 9XL\IINED the eoroleted aeolication for oernit, and do hereby certiflt that aLL i:zfo-r.-,ation hereon is true and eorrec:, crrC f further certifu thdt any arl aLL uork periornei sil,zll be dote in accor- <iance vith the ordinances of the City of Soriqficld, anl th: La.:s of the ' State of Oregcn pertainino to the utork Ceseribcd hcrein, cnd ttsa NO OCCI- Pl,llcy tlill be nad.e of anlt sx?uctur,a, Dithort permission of the Suitciing Di-vision. f further certif-g that otly contractors and, enplcyees uho arb in canpl':.ance utth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project 7,1*,14 :AIAL A],ICU!:T DU!:'6/s ?5 Signeci DIte ' APPLIUATI1N/PERILIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESL')ENTIAI..SPFINGFTELD I Q rt t r.JorlL 5tLJob Locaticn: Aeeessore Map# l1 bg dG Q.l DL tooloz tot # Subdioision: -t{'.ctua..t 0r-vte-,.rA,mer: 8Ltt o ILo-^-Ph,one:Addtess: o 14b a4u1 cifu: Zrt-aro u -zip: Ql4 O5 Descy"Lbe l,lork: ana,6-t)- Value () t-t NeD +o Iq8ooDate of Additicn RenoCel F.eeeipt # 1|.1 t3 LlY F,'I, h0r tA\r Sigzred d,R- Date l-tt - 8<-- GeneraL Phmtbi.ng L MeclwnicaL Congttuction_Ler1de".- -_ lout, City Desigr,ated Job Nunbez, fs:88oo "z 1 Reauined Tnsoeeti-ans SISE INSPEC?ION: ?o be rnade aftet eccansation, but prior tc set up of folrns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELqCTRICAL & rNsuLArroN/vAlpR B48BIE8 !!E!EQ!,!!:DEI.IOLI?IOI] OR !,':OWD BUTLDTiICSIo be made aftet' aLL insulaticn a.-d requi,red oapor burie?s @e in place but before oty 1,ath, Wpstrn boatC or tmLL cooering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be made @er,ffi@iT-rs in place, but priot, to an7 taping. MASONRL Steel Locati-on, bond beons, grouti.ng or oerticals in accotdotce tLth A,B.C. Section 2415. Sanitotg seuer capped at pz'operfi; Lire Septic tank p,tr,tped ad filled tith gza;sel Pinal - l(hen abcoe items are canpleted and uhen Cenclition is conrplete or atruc- ture motsed od. prewises cLeaneC up. I :l fI I tsCiAMna .wrk ie cottet,ed. F)OTING & FOaNDATICN: ?o be neCe @e"-ttffis a"e escaoated and fottns ote eteeted, but prion to Wu?ing ccncrete. ANDERGROUTID PLUMEING, SEHER, TI.4TER, DRAINAGE: ?o be nade prLor to fil-Lirq trenchee. APDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECilANTCAL:of floor inaulation or decking. Pgg! 4lPIEAU: To be nade priot, to ffiiof ftoov insulation o? &eking. ROUGH PLANBII'IG, TLEC?RICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be co,*ered until these inspections lnue been nade and approoed.. FIPEP-LAIE: PrLor to placi,rg faeingffi and before frani.tfi inspnZ- ti,on. FRAI.'!fNG: lhust be requested after approoal of rough plutrbing, electri- cal & nechanieal. ALL roofing bracLng & chirmeys, etc. rmtst be . eottpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon- " cecled until this inspection lws 'been mad,e anC apptooed. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOiIE: @ted. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee erecteC but priot, to concyete. SIDEWALt & DRfltsWAf: ?or aLL eon- ."ete pAWAffi stt,eet right- ef-txA, to be made aftel aLL etca- oating cotplete & forn wrk & sub- fuse naterial in place. Mobile Ecnes BLocking old Set-up Plunbi.ttg eonnections -- aatie? atd r,tatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing conneetions mtst be apprc"*ed before requesting eleetrteal inspeetion Accessory Buildittg After .fornst poumn! Ei,nal - After etc. ate comp pcrekes, skirting, decks, Leted. IENCE: hhen conplete -- tuotsiCe gates o? mottable sections through P,U.E. X lnslra.o-t en L1 -to,t-r2^t-.--- t tarX-.tl.rr_llr,;8, ALL projeet conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co':toleiion-of the o.quinnd. Landscaping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BtfiLDfNC EINAL can be requested. ilNAL BUILDING: The linal Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbittg L/ Electrical, atd Meclnnical Inspections hloe been made atd approoed. Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!'IEIII TO BE TL4DE AT IIO COST TO CHY l-1 oouorn ,o n ,l ) ,l> It iE tlw rcapontibili.ty of tlc penrit lold* to aee that all inspeetions oe nade at the prope" tine, that eceh address i,s reaCni,le fz.an tla at?eet, and, tltat the petmit eatd ia Located at the frotrt of the property.*Building bioicion approt;ed plan shall remain on tle Building Site at aLL times. PRocEDUpE FoR INSPECTI)N RE1UEST;CALL726-3769(recotdet) stateAoun City designated job nmber,, job aCitess, type,of inspee=i,cn tequesiedffi-fian lou iiLL be readg for inspection, Contraetars or a,ners nc,ne and p?one rutnber. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 otrrtlL be nade the sone dcy, ?equests made aftet ?:00 @n urLll be nnde the nest:,nrking dag'. JOB NO OGZ_J soLAR AccEss REe.-t-coc* Lot Eaees - lleat DT House t r-at Sq. Ftg. t of Lct Cooerage I of StorLes Total Height Topogtqhy LOT TWE \v _ fntericr _ Conter _ Panhanl.Le CUL-de-sac BeCtoons Sources -- Fees -- ITEI,I FTG x TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: u. Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt t is granted on the enpress eondition tlwt the said eonsttwctionslwll, i.n all respects, eonfonn to the 1r&Lnance adopted 6y the City ofSpritrgfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnstrubticn and. use of buildirqs, and may be suspend.ed oy, reuokeC at cny time upon oic-Lation of anA prct:isions of said 0r,dir,ances. ,( Building Pemrtt ?otal Clntges State Signed: NO FEE CEARGE Fiztutes Resil.entia.L (1 bath) Sa,tet Plymbing Perrnit N9 pez'.son shall consbruct, instaLl., alter ot chmqe anA ne?, cr existing glutnb_ing ot dtainage sgstan in uhole or in part, unles-s such person is- the Legal -possessot of a oalid plunbet's Licens-e, ?scept that a pZr.son mag doplunbing uork to property uhieh is ourned, Leased oi operated ty the "ppli-@nt. Plunbing Penrtt State 1 Nau/Exterd. Cireuits Semsice Electricol Permit whez'e state La requites tllat the eleetrical uork be tlone bg an Eleetriealcontraetor, the electrical portion of thi,s permit slnll rot be talic untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electr.tcal- Conttactor. L Stcte Total NC.FEE CHARCE , khanst HooC Vent F@t Ucodstotse I I ,14 15.a (, Mechqnicol Permit Meclnnical Petnrtt PetwLt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secari Pennit Cutbeut SideutaLk Mobile Home r5TO?AL AMOIIN? DUE: * r HAw 1AREFULLY |XAMTNED the conrpleted application fot pennit, and dohereby certify tlnt aLL infotrnation hereon- is hae and. cio*eet', od. Ifurtket, cettify that any ard. aLL aork pet,forned slnll be done i, o".oo-dance tLth the 1rdinanees of the cita bf bpringfield, atd the La,;s of thestate of )regon pertaining to the uork cescribbd herein, etd. ttnt No occa- P4-NCY uill_ b3 nyce of any st"uctut,e uithout permission of the Buitding Di-tLsio_n. I fut,ther eertify that only contraciot,s ad. enplcyees uho arb ineo;npliance uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be-ueed on thie project uate ?otaL Signed Date Caraae "lorth II FirepLaee South lt I,laod.ctoDe ll