HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-08-05225 Nonth ,rr, ,rrnff""O' SprLngfi,eld, Oregon 97477 ButLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Iocaticn: Aesessors Map ll Subdittision: Otmet: Address: I l.\t, ci Additicn .. RESIDENTIAL.. \/PER\LIT SPFIINGFIELI) Icz lat # Phone: Describe l,lork: 5 llctvls ,q$v W -t--11,.P eLa_clyt C 6iabJ L-LiL-RernoCeL Date of Appli.atian .VaLue GeneraL Plmbing Date s ELectrical I l4echo;iecl I-t is thd respotaibi-lilV of _tne pentrtt holder to aee tlwt atl inapectiotrs oe nad.e at the ,fnan the street, ard tiat the petmtt eatd ie Located at the frcti of the orooettu.*Buiuing Diuicion a@rw^ed p|.an sltcll remain on the Building si,te 'at aLL' tthes.- PR02SDUP\F04 II\SPE}II1N .WIIEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorden) state yout City designated job te4uesxed ar<i uhen s'ou uiLL be ready fot, inspection, Cont?aetor" oi Aumers ncne ""rd pt-nn'*iZL be nade the eane dcy' ?equests nade aftet 7:00 an vtLL be made the nest:nriing'd.)y. pro?et tine, that each addreas 1" ,sanahie:i. 'ntmber, job aCitess, tgpe of irzspeelict.twmb*. Requests receixedtbefcre 7:00 an lour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Number Is:f SC L^,s+Rcmti.norl Tn e-cticns ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & ]IECHI-UICAL: To be ma<ie before angwtk is eotsered. PO)IINC & FOUNDA?rCN: Io be tmCeafi;-Aenctes are eccaoated and. forns are erected, but prior to pow.ing ccnc-Tete. UNDERGPOUIID ?LWING, SEWEP., W.ATER,ptuiiA@ .Lir4 trenehee. DRYWALL TNSPEtrTON: ?cdn-6i-dlT@itTts in but ptiot, to cny taping SITE INSPEC?I0N: Io be nade after erc@)ation, but pr.tot tc set up of forns. INSULATIONIVAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ed" required uapor boz,ie?s @e in place but before otg l.a.th, Wpslon boatC or tnLL cooering i.s appli.ed, otd beforeaty insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLI?rcT OR' !,iOWi BUILDI;ICS l'!obi e Hcmes Plunbing eonnections -- aifie? otd, uatet I ElectricaL Ccmneetion - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing connections rrust be cpptcoed before requesting electrtcal ins;tection Accessory Bui.LCing Pital - After pcz,ckes, skitting, decl<s,etc. @e eonpletad. Sanilan1 saser cdpped. ct properQi Lize-l Septic totk p,,o-,tped ad. fi-Lted uith gzael iFinal - h1ten abctse itats ee ccnoleted and uhen danolition is conpletetbr et"uc-tute moued od. prerdses cleanei up. ('-/ be made plaee, I I UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & IIECflANICAL: of floot, insulation or decking. IIAS0NRI: Steel Locatiotz, bond beons, grouting or oettieals in aceozdolce Lrith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. WOODST)I'.E: After installation is ccnpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: Aftet formsee ereeteC but prior to pour.ing cone?ete. SfDEHALK & DRIIEI]AI: For aLL con- crete paoirq uithin street nlght-qf-txA, to be made aftet aLL erea- oating canplete & fozn tptk & sub- base rmterial in place. a posr etio oeA,u: ?o be nad.e prlor toJ Tffiiffio| fr,oot, insui,a.tion ot d.eckittg, -I ROI.'GH PLU$IIIC. ELEC?RICAL & IIEEH- I' .Aifthese inspeetians luue been nade arui approveC. a frnepttcti wLor to olccira faeina'' I A;AaL; and, befone fronirfi in"pnl-tion. - rni:rac, ttust be requested aften ) appz,oD"L of rough pltrr,bing, eiectri-a.L & nechanical. ALL roofing .' btactng & chinmeys, ete. rrust be i completed. llo uork is to be eotz- --*.cealed until thia inspectlon hae ..rbeen tade anC approoed. Dl^lnD. gate6 Wen conplete -- ProtsiCe oy, mooable sections through P,4.8 ALL ptoiect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, con.oletion of tie rcquired Landsccpirtg, etc., rmtst be aatisfied before the BUILDII'IG FINAL can be reques) rtlnt qLUMBTNI f rrlet MEcnANTcAL ,l rnm ELEc?RrcAL :l'\q a\ ?rNAL B.UILDTN|: rh? fi.nal Building. fnspection mtBt be requested after the Einal Plwnbing\-rl Electr-ical, otd. Meclnnical fnspbct.i.ona tt4ue been made atd'approued. Page 7 of 2 *ALL I4ANITCLES AND CLEANOW, llUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSAUEITT tO BE !L4DE t? NO CCST rO Cny I I I i I I I I i I I I i I I I I e l1 ,-, T tr JOB NO. Sensice -- ENCROACHM:NT -. Maintetantze Penit CVrba* Sidasalk ElectyicaL L* L5i Mobtle Horne STJLAK AUgE)J KEV.-L-CO G- Plarz Eeor[net uate f ilAW CAREFULLY |XA],IINED the cotnpleted application for penrit, dld. do heteby certifg that aLL info:mation hereon is true and. eowect, amC f futtket, eettify that anA ard aLL dotk pe"forned slall be done in aceor- dance trith the Otdinances of the Ctty of SprLngfield, an7, the Lo;,s of the State of 2regon pertaining to the unnk CeserLbcd herein, ad. thdt N0 OCCU- Pr'.NCy t'till be rrud.e of mV st?uctu"e ttthout penrission of the Building DL-'rsision. I further certifE that only conttaetors ad. enplogees uho dre in canpl'lance uith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on thie project # t .5vl f,- f-fr' lleat House Aceess. Lace toxe T{YI TWE _ Intertor _ Corile? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - BedroontsG"ou Lot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cooerage t of Stortes Total Height TopogrcPhY ITEI'I x Value llain ?OTAL VA,',UE S.D.C. 7.5 t D^:5. Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erp"ess eondition tlnt the sciid consttwction shall', in all rZspects, conform to the Ordinatee ad.opted tiy the City of Springfield, inctudi-ng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn old use of buildings, ord nay be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- l,a,tion of dtA prcuisione of aaid ordinances. Building Penrt, ?otal Chorges State Sigted: NO,CHARGE Eiztures Resi.d.entia,l (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No petson shall consfuact, inslal!, altet' ot, ehange anA neu cz, e*isting p'l.utibing or drainage sAltqn in ulole or in part, utless such person is tle Legal poseessoz, of a oalid plunbetts Lieense, escept tlnt a pe?son mag do pluabing uork to prope?t! uhich is omed, Leased or operated by the qppli- eant. Plunbing Pernri',; State N0. Na,t/Eztend, Cincuits Electricol Permit tthe?e Sta,te La requires th.at the electz.ical uotk be done b{ izn Eleetrical Contraetor, the electytcal portion of this permit shall rot be oaliC wftil the Label las been signed by the Electrtcal Cont?acto!. * Stcte ?otaL NC.FC'CHARCE klla$t HooC Vent Fan llcodstote Mechonicol Permit Pernrtt fssuorce , TOTAL AT,IOTINT DIIE:',5,5 t Date Canaoe No?th lnsf tt South lt lest l 4 Mechanicel Perrnit .IIE