HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2007-03-26Status Issued 225 Fitth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541 -726-37 69 Inspection Line CITY F Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-00439ISSUED: 0312612007 APPLIEDz 03/26/2007EXPIRES: 0912612007 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 295 S ISTH ST ASSESSOR'SPARCELNO.: 1703360000504 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Shop TYPE OF USE: Alteration PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Add Heat pump for office at Mechanic's Shop Owner: Address: Contractor Type Mechanical Contractor COMFORT FLOW Expiration Date 06t27t2007 Public Phone s41-726-0100 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 sTH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 License 460 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available- Special Instruction: Notes: # of Stories: Height of Structure: Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Pathr Sprinkled Building: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: oh of Lot Coverage: Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load:nla REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: Tlte lola enU :lhe 1il\ttY ,r4li t{0TlcE?idewark rYPe: THts PERflmsrAtstDrxft$tL I l- lry'y:lRK AUTHORIZED UNDERIHIS PERTAIT IS NOT ffiiiM;iii;D oR rs ABANDoNED FoR $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier PERIOD Square Footage or Bid AmountDescription Tvpe of Construction Page I of2 Value Date Calculated F I'U ILI,INU lN I Ul!1YrA r IUNJ ) roo€^r rh.e r .) D l,Y l-LW r Nllll\ I r1\ t{ (r-K1YlA I rlJ1\ Valuation Description Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541 -7 26-37 69 Inspection Line FTEL Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-00439ISSUED: 0312612007 APPLIED| 03/26/2007 EXPIRESz 09/2612007 VALUE: Fee Description -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + l0"h Administrative Fee + 57o Technology Fee + 87o State Surcharge Heat Pump Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical Total Amount Paid Amount Paid $10.00 $4.s0 $2.25 $3.60 $12.00 $33.00 $65.35 Total Value of Project Date Paid 3t26t07 3t26t07 3t26t07 3t26107 3t26t07 3t26t07 Receipt Number 2200700000000000407 2200700000000000407 2200700000000000407 2200700000000000407 2200700000000000407 2200700000000000407 Plan Reviews To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. J-2/" *ozr Owner or Contractors Pase2 of2 Date Fees rald I t(eourreo lnsDecttons I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 sh-tze-1159 Phone C:+v of Springfield Official Receipt - relopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200700000000000407 Date: 0312612007 l0:18:30AM Job/Journal Number coM2007-00439 coM2007-00439 coM2007-00439 coM2007-00439 coM2007-00439 coM2007-00439 Description Heat Pump -Mechanical Issuance Fee- M in imum/Adj ustment Mechanical + 5olo Technology Fee + 8% State Surcharge + l0%o Administrative Fee Amount Due 12.00 10.00 33.00 2.25 3.60 4.50 Item Total:$65.3s Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check Number Received By Batch Number Authorization Number How Received Amount Paid INT CHGS 1 00 -6228 t -64700 I MATNTHP ilh INT CHG In Person $65.35 PaymentTotal: ffi cReceint I Page I of I 3126/2007 rffi#ma &Fr3.L-El LLIIIE-IAISTREET r TOCATTON.OF PROPOSED WORK ASSESSORS IvIAP: , OR 97477 o PH:(541)7?6-3753 r EA)t(:726-36E9 PERIvIIT I,VOK(SHEET Q / { -{o-r4 /f City Job Numbcr r/1' TA)( I5T:@50 * Z.'r a€5 F.c-t/ ADDRESS: CTIY: DESCRI?TION OF.WORIC NEW: - REMODEL: NA]VIE ARCHITECT: rts*// ,/e. a"'. ?-n ADDRESS PI{ONE: IIATE: o E. ZtPz ?7 otl. t.'.-' OTHIR VALUE.!._ - PHONE 7 CONTRACTOR'S NA]VIE GENERAL: ADDRESS .4-fy'6.t //ar-*!'/ O.n 31.2u t" .dta*t <-f 5Q.FT X $/SQ. FT. -- VAhUE coNsT. CONTRASTOR # ITW tixtures Residential BathG) No. Sanitary Sewer .FT. , 'Water ET. StormSewer IT.. - Pl.umbing permit Administrative Fee State Surcharge Total Plumbing Fees Demolition State Issr.rance Administrative Fee State Surcharg Total Miscellaneorrs permits 4at D(NRES PHONE 7'o7 ?zC.dto rFT: - -_ - -_ ---__ ELECTRICAL: ffEtVt Main Garage Carport Total Value :Buildint Permit Eee Administrative lee State Surcharge Total Eee Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan No. Wood Stove/Insert/Fireplace Unit Mecttanical Permit State Issuance MminisEative fec State Sucharge Total Mechanical permit Fees Pmws i2zol 6t=5L.? ,tt?1" u(?-; il;*c ^lt, 6z -i' 'i i'-" '- t { I;t=. 1 J. ) | .,€J' ,.c j .. -i , -.; :, ".,i r: i ,l jr C i r1 ip*.,*g f'a*e i '-, -_ _l tt, 7,._*-_'l: 5 f9 6t)2 ?e: , __l irili:-Ll,.l i:i. ; i .. i:,1'i-'-i. Project Naore:e-t "/2a o,Page: SUMMARY 1. Phoject Name 2. Project Address ?S ./6lre 3.,Cffiown l2^, e No.of Floors trYES Project Ghapter Buildttrg Envelop Type Form lD Description 3a Building Envelope - General3b Prescriptive Path - All Climate Zones ' .CodeComp Report for Simplified Tradeoff AttachForms and Worksheets B tru' ln lieu of 3b discwith.occ fileCheckbox*to inMe attacM fornsand worlrsfieefs 3a 3b 3c 3d Wall Roof tLfactor Floor U-factor tr tr Schedule Systerns Form 4a 4b Systems - General Worksheet Unltary -Air4b Unitary Air Cond. - Water & Evap Cooled4c Unitary Heat Pump - Air Cooled4d Unitary Heat Pump - Water Cooted4e Packaged Terminal A.C. - Air Cooled4f Packaged Terminal Heat pump - Air Gooled4S Water Chilling Pkgs - Water & Air Cooted4h Heat Rejection Equipment4i Boiler - Gas-Fired and Oil-Fired 4 Fumace & Unit Heaters - Gas and Oil-Fired4k Simultaneous Heating and Cooling4l AirTransport Energy4n1 Natural Ventilation A/ tr tr tr tr tr tr tro tr Form 5a 5b 5c Lighting - General lnterior Ughting Power - Tenant Method tr lnt.Power -Method Worksheet 5a 5b Ughting lnterior Lighting Power tr S rtrrNameApplicant 10.€-. 1. Date 72C'o t.; -LC -a7 Attached Document- ation I €?-rnr,g,aru -- W Elewtbn ft? of 2*g Part 1 of 5 Page:SYSTEMS . GENTR/^ 4a Proiect Name AppHcability Disanssion of q ualifying et<cepions on page 4-14 Plans/Specs 1. Applicab[ty lsectioa lStZ| ls this form required? Shor_complianc€ by including a dnawing sfreet, detail number,specifcation sedim and subparagraph. f rorm Required. Complete form if a new. HVAC system is being instialled, or components of an/ existing HVAG system are being reptaced (1.e., eqlipment, con'ids, ductrork, and insulation.) tr Exception. The building or part of the building qualifies for an exception from HVAC coderequirements. Applicable code exception is seaion 1317.1. portions of the building thatqualify: Area:Exception Exception Exception tr-1 A-2 tr-3 tr-1 D-2 tr-3 tr-1 tr-2 tr-3 Area: Area: Q Form Not Required. This project does not contain work required to cornply with code. 2. Sirrlplc or Colrplex Systeas (sectioo lgl?.9 or l3l?.1 o)r Simple System. Building contains only Simple HVAC System(s).Complete this form (4a) andequipment efficiency worksheets d5 required. Form 4b is not required.El Gomplex System. project includes a Complex System. Complete this form (4a), form 4b andequipment efficiency rrvorksheets as required. 3. Equipmeat Performance (Section 13l7.Sl O No New HVAG Equipment The building plans do not cafl for new electrical HVAC equipment,combustion heating equipment, or heat-operated cooling equipment.tr Complies. Allnew HVAC equipment have efEciencies not less than thoseThe folloring equipment efficiency worksheets are attached: required by code. -4a tr -4b {c tr4d tr4e tr-4f tr-4g tr.4h tr4i tr 4i 4. Duct Insulation and Sealing (scctions rst7.7 & 1317.81 A No Ducts. The buildng plans and specifcations do not call for new HVAC ducts or plenums.Complies The plans and specifications cafl forall air-handling ducts dnd plenums to be insulatedand sealed as required by Sec{ions 1117.7 &i317 .8. 5. Distributlon Transformers lsteetlon lgf6.f l,€ No Distribution TransJormers. The plans/specs do not call for new/ El complies. Ail new distribution hansfurmers cornply with efficiency, requirements of Seciion 1316.1.1. distibution hansformers. testing, and tabeling e Exception.Theprojectqualifiasforan exceptionpersection 1316.1.1, Exceptiion:tr-1 EL.2 tr-3 tr4 tr-s tr-6 tr-7 tr€ Er€ tr-10 tr_11 Et_12 tr_13 tr_14Attach rclevant doq'rmentation for appropriate exception. itre ptangspecs show compliance in thefollowing locations: +1 Compliance with OSSC, efrctivo Ol/OtOs )a? Part 2 of 6 Page: 4a Project Narne: SYSTEMS . GENER .. 6. III/AC Controls lsection LgtZ,.41 6. 1 System Thermostat/Zone Controls (section 191?.4. 1 lrComplies. Alt new HVAC systems include at least one temperature control device responding totemperatures within the zones.tr Excreption.HVAC system qualifies for an exception from zone conkot nequirernents.The applicable code exception is Section 1 7 tr-1 tr-2 Porlions of the building that qualiff: in the 6.2 Off-hour Controls - Auto Setback or Shutdown (Section 1317.4.31E/a Complies. Systems must have at least one of the foltowing features:Control Setback Complies. Each system is equipped with automatic control capable ofreducing energy througfi conbol setback during periods of non-use or albmate use of spacestrEquipmentShutdownGomplies. Each system is equipped with controls capable of reducingenergy tr use through automatic shutdown during paiods of non-use or alternate use of spaces.HVAC syatems with equipment shutdown are equipped with at least one of the following: E Programmable controts (1 31 2.4.3. 1 (1) Occupant sensor (1 3 1 7.4.3. 1 {2))tr lnterlocked to a security system (1317.4.3.1 (3))tr Manualty activated timers with 2-hour operation max (1317.4.3.1 (4))D E:rception. The building qualifies for an exception to the reguirement for automatic setback orshutdownconkols. The applicable code o<ception is Section 1317.4.9 Exception tr -1 tr -2Theshow compliance in the locations: 6.3 Control L3L7.4.2.11 F Complies.Zone thermostats are capable of being set to the temperafures described in Sec.1317.4.2.1. \ffhere used to contolboth heating and cooling, zone controls shall be capable ofproviding a temperature range or deadband of at least 5 degrees F within vyhich the supply ofheating and cooling energy to tfrc zone is shut off or reduced to a minimumtrException. The building qualiftes for an exception to the deadband requirementsThe applicable code exception is Section 1317.4.2.1 tr-1 EJ-2 Portions of the building that quali$ The show tn /tr 6.4 Optinurn Start Controls [Sectioa t317.4.3.21 Complies. Separate HVAC systems have controls capable of varyrng start-up time of system tojust meet temperature set point at time of occupancy Exception . HVAC systems have a design supply air capacity not exceeding 10,000 cfrn.The show in the locations: 6.5 Ifeat hrmp Controls (Section 13 I 7 .4.41trNoHeatPump.The plans/specs do not call for a new heat Ail new heat pump pumps equipped with supptementary Secilion 1317.4.4. heaters are confolled to minimizetheuseofsupplementalheatasdefinedtn The show compliance tn the following focations: +2 Complhnce with OSSC, effiective 01/OI/O5 lForm 4a f \ct Name: SYSTEMS - ctNtRA& Page: Part 3 of 6 7. Ecoaonlzer Cooling lSection 1317.3) O No Cooling. The building plans do notcallfora new fan system with mechanical cmling. tr Gomplies. Eacfr new fan system has an air economizer capable of modulating outside-air and rctum-alr dampers to provide up to 100 percent of the design supply air as outside air.f Ercepton At least one new fan system qualifies for an exception. The applicable code exception is Section 1317.3, Exception tr -1 tr -2 lf Exception 3 is selected complete (a) Total cooling capacity of exernpt units (Btu/hr)?,D6o (b) Total installed building cooling capacity (Btu/hr) B Complies. Sum of exempt units rated at less than 54,000 Btu/hr is <240,000 or a/b < 0.10 (10% of totalbuilding Unit ldentifier of a<empt unib: The in the locations: 8. Economfuer Pressure Relief & IntegraHon (Sectflon 1317.3.1 and tgl?.3.zl ,21 Xo Economizerc Required. Project does not contain a new fan system requiring economizers./ El Overpressurization Gomplies. The drawings specifically idenltfy a pressure relief rnechanism for each fan system that will relieve the extra air introduced by the economizer. B lntegration Complies. Economizer is capable of providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is required to meet the remainder of the cooling load. O Exception. The applicable exception is Section 1317.3.2, Exception tr -1 A -2 The plans/specs shonr compliane in the locations: 9. Hot Gas B5qpass (Section 1317.51 ,E No Hot Gas Bypass/ tr Gomplies. See allowable amount of hot gas bypass as a percentage of total cooling capacity in table below. Unlt lD Rabd Cmliag Gapacity Hot Gas Bypass CapaciB Allowable Hot Gas Bypass RaEd Cooling Capacity ilar l{ot Gas Bypass S24O,OOO 8tu/hr 5Oo/o >24O,@O Btu/hr 25o/o tr Exception. Unitary packaged system with cooling capacity no greater than 90,000 Btu/h F-3 tr -4 #e tullowing: tr-s 0€ +3 Compliance wilh OSSC, efiectivB 01/01/05 Form 4a Pr -- t Name: SYSTEMS - GENERAT, Page: Part 4 of 6 1O. Shutoff Dampers (1317.4.3.31 fl Not Required. Shutoff dampers are not required on this project. /tr Complles. Each outdoor air suppty & et'raust system shall be equipped with motorized dampers E Exceptlon. The building qualifies for an exception to the motorized damper requirement. The applic-able code exception is Section 1317.4.3.3 Exception tr -1 O -2 tr -3 tr 4 EI -5 The show in the fol locations: F 1O.1. Shutolf Damper Controls {Section L917.4.3.3.U Complles. Outdoor air supply and exhaust systems shall be provided dampers that automatically shut when systems or spaces served are not in use or during building rr/arm-up, cooldown, or setback. tr Compties. Stair and shaft vents are capable of being automatically ctosed during normal building operation and interlocked to open as required by fire and srnoke detection systems. The show compliance in the following locations: 1O.2. Motorized Damper Leakage { 13 Complies. Motorized outdoor airsupply and exhaust air dampers have a maximum leakage rate/ of 4 cfinlft2at 1.0 in w.g. when tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-1998. tr Exception. Packaged HVAC equipment may have maximum leakage rate of 20 gtmftz at 1.0 in w.g- when tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-1998. The show in the locations: 11. Pipiag Insulatiou (Section 13141 .F}.|o New Plping. The building plans and speciftcations do not callbr new piping serving a/ heating or cooling system or part of a circulating service water heating system. Complies. All new piping serving a heating or cooling system or part of a circulating service water heating system complies with the requirements of the Code, Section 1314-1. Exception. New piping qualifies for exception: Section 1314.1, Exception tr -1 A -2 12. Occuparcy Ventilation F Complies. Mechanical ventilation systems provide the required amount of ventilation specified in Chapter4 of the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code. tr Gomplles. Nafural ventilation systems provide required amount of ventilation as certified by a reg-istered architect or engineer as specified by Section1203.4.1, Exception. Attach worksheet tr Exception. FIVAC systems have a The plans/specs show compliance the fullowing locations: The plans/specs show compliance on the following pages: air not 10 cfrn. n 44 Compliance with OSSC, etrec{ive 011011o5 Form 4a P -- ct Name: SYSIEMS - GENERAT, l Page: Part 5 of 6 13. Hrgh Oecupanc5r Veatilatlon lflection L317.2.21 O Complies. HVAC systems with ventilation aircapacities of 1,500 CFM orgreaterthat serve areas having an average occupant load of 20 squarie feet per person or less ftom Table 1004.1.2 have a means to aubmatically reduce outside air intake. ldentiff applicable systems: indicate where .e. carbon dioxide tr Exception. HVAC systems are equipped with an energy recovery device with at least 50% recovery effectiveness. No High Occupancy Systems. Proiect does not contain an HVAC system as described above. 14. Iarge Vohrme Fan S5rsteos (Section 1318.4.2.41 p ltfot Regufated. The building ptans or speclffcations do not catlforfan systerns over 15,000 CFM/ that serve a single zone and function forthe purpose of temperafure control. El Complies. Fan systems are equipped with variable frequenry drive or two speed motor to reduce airflow as required by Section 1318.4.2.3. The plans/specs show compliance in the following locations: 15. Variable Speed Drives lSection 13U.1O.3.Up Not Regulated. The building plans orspecifications do not call for fan and pump rnotors 10/ horsepower and greater that serve variable-flow air or liquid systems. tr Gomplies. All fan and pump motors 10 hp and greater wtrich serve variable.flow air or liquid systems are controlled by a variable-speed drive. fl Exception. The building qualifies for an exception to the variable'speed drive requirement. Portions of the building that qualify: Applicable code exception is Section 1317.'10.3.1, The plans/specs show compliance in the following locations: lG. Serice Water lleatirrg tscc. lgl5l ,F*o New Water Heating. The building plans and specifications do not catl for new water heaters,/ hot water storage tanks or service hot water distribution systems. El Gomplies. All new water heabrs, hot water storage tanks or service hot water distribution systerns comply with the requirements of the Section 1315. El E:rception. The applicable code exception is Section:Exception: Portions of the building that qualify: The show compliance in the locations: IS +5 Compliance wlth OSSC. efiective 01/01/05 7oi bl Name: Part 6 of 6 Page: SYSTEMS - GENERAL 4a F 17. Suimairg Pools, Spas aad IIot Tubs (Sccttoa f315.51 f, tto ttew Poots. The building plans and specifications do not call for new, swimming pools, spas or / hottubs. tr On/Off Controls Gomplies. Spa and hot tub heaters are equipped wtth a readily accessible ON/OFF switch as required by Section 1315.5.1. tr Ventilatlon GontroLs Gomplies. Pool ventilation system is con$olled based on humidity. fl Goner Cornplies. All heated pools, hot tubs and Spas arc equipped with a oover. tr Heat Recovery Complies. Pools, Spas, and hot tubs, over 200 fi2 utiltze recovered heat as required by Sectbn 1315.5.3. B E:<ception. Heat recovery is not necessary as pool is heaH by renanvable energy orwaste heat recovery sources capable of poviding at least 70 percent of the heating energy required over an operating season. 18. Fume Hoods {Section 1317.2.1.1 F No Fume Hoods. Ttre building ptans do not ell for fume hood systems that have a total exhaust / rategreater than 15,000 cfm. El Complies. Fume hood systems have at least one of the following features: tr Variable air volume hood exhaust and room supply systems capable of reducing exhaust and makeup air volume to 5O% or less of design values. tr Direct makeup (auxiliary) air supply equal to at least 75o/o of the exhaust rate, heated no warmer than 2" F below room set point, cooled no cooler than 3o F above room set point, no humidification added, and no simultaneous heating and cooling used for dehumkiifi cation control. B Heat recovery systems to precondition makeup airfrom fume hood exhaust in accordance with 1318.3 - Exhaust Air Energy Recovery, without using any exception. The show compliance in the locations: 19. Parldng Garage VeuHlation {Section 1317.2.31 ,E No Enclosed Garages. The buitding plans and specifications do not call for enclosed Group S-2/ parking gamges with a ventilation exhaust rate greater than 30,000 CFM. ft Gomplies. The plans and specifications callfor carbon monoxide sensing devices as required by Section 1317.2.3. tl Exception. Open parking garages. 2O. Kitchen Iloods (Section 1317.1UINot Regulated. The plans/specs do not call for any new kitchen hoods with exhaust capacity greater than 5,000 ctn each. El Complies. All newkitchen hoods with a total exhaust capacity greater than 5,000 cftn have at least 50 percent of the required makeup air; (a) unheated or heated to no more than 60'F; and (b) uncooled or evaporatively cooled. The show in the following locations: 21. Outstdc meeUry Systeos [Sectton 1317.12| ,ffn" Outside Heating Slptems. The plans/specs do not catlfor new permanen0y installed heating / systems oubide the building. tr Gomplies. All new permanently installed outside heating systems are radiant gas fired systems controlld by an occupancy sensor or timer swltctt as required by Seciion 1317.'12. 4-6 Compliance with OSSC, efrc'tive 01/01/05 $orb UNITARY HEAT PT'IA 4c AIR COOLED Projed Name: Equipment Discussion of equip ment ratrhgs and equipment definitions on page 4-19. Required Document- atioa lndicde source of inbrmation E ARI Unitary Directory, Section AC, page: O ABI Appli€d Prodlc,ts direc{ory, Sec-tion ULE, Page: fi-auadata (Attach data tumished by the equipment supplier, 1.e., "cut sheeb) Code Required Efficieaciec This schedule of equipment effcien- cies was reformat- ted ftom the code, Table 13-M. @ (a) Eouip. lD (b) Model Desiqnation (c) Cooling Capacity {Btu/h) (d) Proooeed Ratinq (e) Prooced Heatino Ratinq (D Compliance Schedule (A-E}SEER EER HSPF COP (47.F) coP (170F) //v-/tvluZ-Ao?ut o/, o rc,/6 g Compliance Schedule Equiprnent Type cooling capacrty {btu/hr) Minmum cooffig Ratins Minimum Heatinq Ratinq Over But not over EER S€asonal or Part Load HSPF COP t@4TFl coP (@ 170F) A Shgle Package W-tthout a Heatirg Section orMth Electric Reslstance Heat 0 85,000 't35,000 240,000 65,000 135,000 240,000 ro.r s.3 s.0 9.7 SEER nla rVa 9.2 IPLV 6.6 3.2 3.1 3.1 2.2 2.O 2.0 B Split System Without a Heatirg Sectloo orWith Elecfic R6btance l-leat 0 65,000 135,m0 240,000 65,000 135,000 240,000 ro.r 9.3 9.0 1O SEER nla rla S,2 IPLV 6.8 3.2 3.'r 3.1 2.2 2.0 2.0 c SirglePaclogeWth a l-leating Sec{on Other Than Elecbic Resistance 0 65,000 135,000 240,000 65,000 135,000 240,000 ; 9.1 8.8 9.7 SEER n/a nla 9.0 IPLV ... 3.2 3.1 3.1 i, 2.0 2.0 D Split System \Mlth a Heating Section Oher Than Electric Resisbnoe 0 65,000 135,m0 240,000 65,000 135,000 240,000 9.9 s.'l 8.8 1O SEER nla rda 9.0 IPLV u:t 3.2 3.1 3.1 i, 2.4 2.0 +13 Comptance with OSSC, effective 01/01/05 0,-\r.MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC HVAC Advanced Products Division lfifilr"Sltllfrfil" Split-ductlers A/C ahd H.tt Pumps 'SUBMITTAI DATft MSZ.AO9IA & MUZ.AO9I{A 9,000 Btu/h IA,ALI-M0UNTED IIEAI PUMP.'SYSTEM Purchaser:Engineer: Job Name:Location:Date: Submitted to:For nReference !approval EConstruction Unit Designation:Schedule No.: GENERAL FEATURES . Limited warranty: one year on parts and defects and six yezlrs on comPressor . Compact side-discharge outdoor unit . Zone control . Wireless remote controller . Automatic fan speed control . Quiet operation - both indoor and outdoor units . Auto restart following a power outage . SeH check function - onboard diagnostics . Advanced microprocessor control . Auto changeover for cooling and heat Cooling Rated capacity.9,000 Btu/h Minimum capacity . 5,500 Btu/hSEER. ..16.08tu/h/W Total input. .....690W Power supply 208 / 230V,'1 Phase, 60 HzBreakersize... ..'l5A Heating Rated capacity 47oF... ... 10,000 Btu/h Minimum capacity . 5,200 Btu/ir Total input. .....860W HSPF (lV /){Btu/h/W). . 8.2 / 6.7 Voltage lndoor - Outdoor S1-S2. . . . . . 208 / 230V,1 Phase, 60 Hzlndoor-OutdoorS2-S3. ....12-24VDClndoor-RemoteOontroller .... wireless lndoor unit MCA. . Fan motor Airflow (Low-Medium-High) Sound level (Lo-M1 -M2-Hi) DIMENSIONS 780 D 8-1/4 210 H 11-3/4 299 Weight (lbYKg) Refrigeranttype ....... : : : : : :. : : : : : : : : Refrigerant pipe size O.D. (incheVmm) liquid side gas side. Max. refrigerant pipe length (fVm) Max. refrigerant pipe height difference (fVm) Connection method IE Bemote{' Controller lndoor Unit: MSZ+0gNA Outdoor Unit Compressor . MCA. .... . . Fan motor. . . Sound level. . DIMENSIONS outdoor Unit: MUZ-A0gNA INCHES DC inverter/rotary .....12 .....0.52F.L.A. 47 dB(A) MM 31-1/2 1'l-1 800 286 H 21-5/8 550 82/37 R41OA 1/4 / 6.35 .3/8 / 9.5 ..65/20 ..40/12 . . . flared ....1.0A 0.76 F.L.A. . . . . . 159-222-307 Dry CFM 134-205-275 Wet CFM ....22-33-38dB(A) INCHES MM NOTES: '1. Rating conditjons (cooling)-indoor : D.B. 80'F, W.B. 67'F outdoor: D.8.95"F, W.B. 75"E z.Rating conditions (heating)-indoor : D.B. 70'F, W.B. 60"F outdoor: D.B. 17'F, W.B. 15.E Operating w 30-11/16 Weight(lbs/Kg)...... Field drain pipe size l.D. (inches/mm) ..23/10 1/2 / 12.7 @ lndoor inlakc eir temn Orddoor intakc eir tcmn Maximum D.B. 95'F. WB. 71"F D.B. 1 15'FCooling Minimum 0.8.67"F, W.B. 57"F D.B. 14'F. Maximum 0.8. 80'F. W.B 67"F D.8.70'F. WB. 59'FHeating Minimum D.B.70"F, W.8.60'F D.B.12'F, W.B. t0'F Notes: MSZ.AO9NA MUZ.AOgNA Air in c) L 30-1 1/16 hole 1-518 1 Onirout 4 8-114 3/1 6 Liquid pipe Gas pipe ffi@ 0^tr.MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC HVAC Advanced Products Division Mitsubishi gectric & Electronics USA. hc. 340O Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd Suwanee, GA 30024 Tele: 678-376-2900 o Fax: 800-889-9904 Toll Free: 800-433-4822 (#3) www.mehvac.com Specfficatlons are subrect to change wlthout notlce. O Air in I 6J eNa 31-112 1 C SD - MSZ.AOgNA / MUZ-AOgNA - C . 200612 @ MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC / HVAC 2006 t-